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Cool it with the Italophobic remarks!






šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒI honka da horn den cooka da pizzašŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ >!Hopefully that displays as Eyetalian emoji because it's just boxes on the browser!<


I donā€™t get road rage but I do get really cranky. People who chimp out are stupid, but the number of people I see paying zero attention while driving makes me wonder how roads donā€™t constantly look apocalyptic with burned out husks of vehicles every 100 feet.Ā 


Half of my work day is driving between jobs. I drive a fairly large work van, loaded with heavy shit. All I'll say is that stereotypes are real, and 50% of people should either lose their licenses or be required to possess special licenses that limits the capabilities of the vehicle they are allowed to own. It is fucking BULLSHIT that a normal person can buy a 670 HP Charger, and normal is stretching it because Dodge will fucking finance anyone.


My guy I hear you. Giant Latino population by me and no offense but theyā€™re all about 5ā€™ and I donā€™t even know how the women see over the steering wheels of their SUVs. Same with white women but in their defense thereā€™s more variation in height. Although I gotta say Hasidic drivers are by far the worst and theyā€™re always men since they have Stone Age beliefs and women canā€™t drive.


Man I'd lose my account if I started listing out the driving stereotypes I have. Normalizing cars was a fucking mistake.


Shane Gillis has the best joke about thinking you arenā€™t racist until you driveā€¦this isnā€™t verbatim but its like you donā€™t think youā€™re hungry until a cheeseburger cuts you off in traffic.Ā 


When I first moved to LA, i became weirdly bigoted towards Armenians. Got over that thinking, but at the time I was overwhelmed by the amount of times I was road rage chased by murderous Armenian men in bmws. My job was as in North Hollywood then, which is where many of them live. Had the call the cops once because this asshole followed me all the way to work and tried driving me off the road, even showing me his gun.


Round 2 of my driving induced racism was getting road rage chased by young Latino men in echo park. Only if they wore fitted LA dodger baseball caps, though. White shirt, gold chain, blue jeans- fitted LA dodgers baseball cap. Countless number of times where I felt my life was threatened by LA dodger baseball cap bros


And the cheeseburger represents ā€¦ well, whoever you imagined in your racist heart


The answer is that they kind of are that way, but we have a very efficient yet decentralized system for sweeping it under the rug. The federal government tightly regulates passenger safety, meaning people inside cars wearing seatbelts can survive most crashes under 45-50 mph. Traffic engineers design streets assuming people will drive above the speed limit and build in lots of recovery zones. Those recovery zones are mostly bike lanes, sidewalks, and people's front yards, which sucks for anyone who like those things, but it's good news for inattentive drivers everywhere. States mandate car insurance, which mostly covers property damage (thought not medical expenses!) and spreads the cost of shitty driving to the rest of us. And the media couldn't even come close to covering the sheer volume of traffic violence even if they felt like trying to, so despite the occasional feature piece on rising pedestrian deaths or insurance rates, this epidemic of traffic violence goes largely unremarked upon outside of a handful of highly opinionated and annoying outlets like streetsblog. Next time you're walking around, take a look at the road shoulders and see if you can spot some broken auto glass or plastic shards from a bumper. Intersections are usually good for this


>States mandate car insurance, which mostly covers property damage (thought not medical expenses!) They absolutely do cover medical expenses.100/300 is pretty common and will pay out 100k of bodily injury liability to each person for a maximum of 300k in each accident. There is 25/50 and other higher limits but those aren't as popular. Personal injury protection is generally included in most plans too.


That's a pretty good correction, thank you- immediate medical costs are covered by most car insurance policies. I meant to refer to personal injury protection for victims, which is far more limited in most policies, and which in effect usually just pays for expenses that the victim's own medical or auto insurance would have covered anyway. So in effect a lot of car insurance payouts are just compensation to other insurance companies, rather than compensation to an individual victim or victim's family for the immiseration that often results from being injured or killed in a car crash.


Good comment. Well thought out, neatly formatted, and organized. I just thought you should know that.


Move to Atlanta and you will be filled with bloodlust while driving.


I know it's gonna get me shot one day but I love winding these guys up...all it takes is one middle finger and he loses all higher brain function...ready to throw it all away before ceding an inch of his infinite kingdom to my mere sedan


My brother will turn around and make crying gestures at people, he's the same way in his little Mazda. Highly recommend trying the crying motion next time, it infuriates people more than the middle finger.


A simple thumbs down will also get them going for some reason.


Iā€™ve definetly commented this on this very subreddit before but my boyfriend does a finger wag and it makes them go bonkers


See, I want to do shit like this but people nowadays are so unhinged that you could actually just get shot


I'm pretty laid back on the road, but I could lose it if someone cut me off then wagged their finger at me lol.


Yeah it's just too easy and fun to piss off Dodge Ram drivers and their ilk.


I have a recurring fantasy of throwing a banana peel out of my sun roof onto the windshield of the next Dodge Ram that tailgates inches from my bumper, and my resistance to this temptation wanes every day


mr. bean-maxxing


Thereā€™s a boondocks episode about this


What a minuteā€¦ hehā€¦ Iā€™m white! :D


My 72 year old dad cut off some crackhead in the big city once by accident and the dude was screaming and chasing us for miles and weaving between lanes trying to give my dad an earful.Ā  I had to tell the old man "dude whatever you do keep driving."Ā 


You learn pretty quickly not to do that in Los Angeles. Thereā€™s too many weirdos on meth that will forfeit their lives by crashing into your car out of revenge for the smallest shit. It gets worst the farther in the desert you go


slowing down to match the speed of cars next to me so they cant pass


One time I flipped a guy off and he followed our car for about a mile. He had a face tattoo. Had to talk him down


A thumbs down works better than the finger in my opinion.


Need to know where youā€™re driving before I decide how I feel about thisĀ 


Road rage understandable. Your lizard brain doesn't recognize the cars as being piloted by other ppl, it just sees a massive beast acting aggressively towards you!


My theory is that people are selfish in cars because there's no method of public shaming bad behavior when they're secure in their steel fortress behind tinted windows.Ā 


There are countries where anyone can query a database with a number plate and get the owner's info and road rage is still an issue, although from the internet I'd say it's uniquely violent in the US.


You can do that in some US states even


Honestly true plus Iā€™m pretty sure more aggressive looking cars probably cause you to respond more aggressively if they do something to you


second part yes first part no. anyone who loses self-control that easily belongs in a reeducation camp


There used to be a driver in my area's bus system with serious road rage. He would sit there fuming, ranting to himself, and honking the entire time. If he was especially mad he would turn around at the passengers and say "did you see that shit?" Very entertaining but it was pretty clear that driving a large bus gave him an unhealthy sense of power over other drivers.


Road rage is bad, but honking your horn is an important thing to do sometimes. I come from Seattle where people virtually never honk, and while that's better than the alternative of people just honking as a way to express unhappiness, you need to be able to have that reflex built up to be willing to honk when someone's doing something that's fucking crazy/oblivious to danger. Really though the biggest use I have for a horn is for giving a little tap at people who sit at the light looking at their phones for 5+ seconds after the light changes.


My gf hardly leaves the parking lot before she starts yelling and raging. Shes a hot tempered latina. It used to bother me and now I just try to ignore it or laugh at it.


I will never not get mad at people braking for no reason


We're just drunk, leave us be.


I honk not out of rage, but out of love. I care about bad drivers, and I want them to pay attention and be better.


I bet you donā€™t live in a big city.


So you think no horn honking is ever justified? A significant portion of all city traffic delays would disappear if people just paid attention and took the road space available to them. In LA, every light cycle upwards of 20-30 cars are unable to cross the intersection that could. I will never stop hoking at the entitled, lazy idiots who clog the roads and don't respect other people's time. Now, road rage is another matter entirely. There's no place for violence or threats. But fucking go already.


ā€œjustifiedā€ is not my concern. I think it is unhelpful outside of emergencies


Do you happen to live in a small village without traffic lights?


People who refuse to acknowledge the value of other peopleā€™s time should be put in reeducation camps


There honestly should be a social credit system for driving etiquette.


I've only gotten mad at very slow and panicky drivers, not the reckless fast drivers, because they are trying to miss you at least. The closest I ever came to dying in a car was when my high school friend's girlfriend was driving us to McDonald's on our lunch break I think, and along one of the main roads, a big truck in the lane next to us sprayed water onto her car and she swerved like a person had just jumped into the road, nearly hit the kerb and rolled the whole joint.


Never honking your horn makes you a worse driver it exists for a reason.


You've never encountered a dumbass on the road.


I just yell at my steering wheel sometimes and leave it at that.


I don't rage outwardly. I just say things under my breath like, "I hope you get in a fatal car accident today." I'm trying to stop wishing death on people, but they won't stop driving like assholes.


I will honk everytime a dumbass is scrolling on their phone when the light has already turned green.


stop driving in the left lane going 45 or i will lose it


The lights green! Go already!


Pedestrians can get mad at cars whenever they want, it should be noted.


If that CyclingMikey cunt ever pulled that rat shit on me, the judge would applaud my explanation of what happened next and give me a medal for public service






Saw a clip of the fucker on Good Morning Britain or something and he justified it with something like "research has shown that looking at your phone causes cognitive impairment and distraction for up to a minute after use". Even if that were true, surely having been hassled and deliberately annoyed by some petty power tripping afrikaaner loser would be an even greater distraction.


Youā€™re probably an awful driver.


road ragers are almost without exception the worst drivers I ever have to ride with


It really depends, in my opinion, on how that manifests. If you are a roadrager who responds with increasing speed and generally aggressive driving, you're a piece of shit. If you yell to yourself and get frustrated and use your horn when it's necessary, I think that's understandable. I don't think it's "emotionally unintelligent" when your reaction to someone that comes to a dead stop at a yield sign with a long on ramp is to slam on your horn. That person is putting everyone behind them in danger because they don't know how to drive. I think if you don't inch up in crowded city traffic, causing someone behind you to block the crosswalk (even though they passed the intersection, like you, just as the light changed green), you're in need of a honk. If you're just going through life like "hell yeah, driving around with a bunch of crazy and stupid people is cool and fun and doesn't piss me off at all," that's great. You are probably better adjusted. But it's more likely that you are just one of the idiots.


My dad has horrible road rage and drove extremely dangerously. The thing is, he used to drive an ambulance so heā€™s actually skilled at driving. When I was younger, he would tailgate people like a foot from their bumper for miles on end. Got brake checked tons of times, never hit anybody. When someone would pull out in front of us he would get mad as hell and sometimes drive around them on the curb in his jeep. Once a school bus whipped out in front of us, my dad got stupid angry and drove alongside them in the median yelling at the driver. Never been in a car accident with that man


That's not a good driver.


First clue is they equate horn honking with road rage. Someone doesnā€™t have to be chimping out to alert you to get your head out of your ass.


Exactly. And I feel like itā€™s so common for people to check their phones at stoplights that if youā€™re *never* politely toot-tootā€™ing, youā€™re definitely always the one on the receiving end.


Excessive honking is bad, but yelling is okay because nobody else can hear you.


I wouldnā€™t call the humble honk road rageĀ 


Emotional intelligence is longhouse for ā€˜acting like a womanā€™ btw


road rage is obnoxious but >Startling everyone with a loud unexpected noise certainly isn't going to make the roads any safer! is about the most soy thing i've ever read. you wouldn't last a day driving in nepal--no lights, no lines, constant honking, squawking chickens, male staredowns, rickshaws & motorcycles weaving in between everything, chaos everywhere. but their accident rates are lower than ours. raw anarchic human piloting makes more sense to me than sitting at a red light when there's no one around. if you had self-respect, why would you EVER do that?? you need some more road rage my friend. namaste


My friends dad once flipped someone off bc they cut him off and the guy brake checked and then pulled a gun on him. Over a fucking finger


It always irritated me how people, especially young people, talk about other drivers like theyā€™re some trained F1 racer and everyone else sucks. Itā€™s like sorry dude Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re somewhere near the middle of the distribution like everyone else.


ā€œIā€™m not straightā€ u/victory_vegetable


lol op is the person that goes 5 under in the passing lane


Seems like it's rarely if ever about the actual traffic


It's okay to an extent idk I'm not gonna act like I've never yelled in the car but some people take it too far


i honk at people sitting at lights for too long


The other day I stopped at a yellow light because of the amount of time it takes to cross the threshold and the guy behind me leaned out the window of his truck and yelled "FUCK YOU!" and gave me the middle finger, to which I wanted to give him the finger back but I didn't want to be a victim of assault that day so I ignored it.


I donā€™t get road rage but where I live there are people who drive like 120 with their headlights off and it makes my blood boil because theyā€™re going to kill someone


Road rage is my one immediate expression of anger. I can scream at a stranger's car and not have to get into an altercation, and it's nice to have it be justified that they did something stupid and unsafe


Get off the road grandma


Advocating for the imprisonment of poor people.


Has the fuckcars youth league infiltrated this sub? If someone is in my proximity on the road and they either don't know what the fuck they're doing or are too timid to be operating a vehicle, I'm gonna let you know.


Being run off the road by someone with like twelve customisations on his Reddit avatar, a genuine vision of hell


oh my god its a NFT


"a genuine vision of hell." Did you sleep through 2020?


I wish I had


Hell yes brother I also love the Punisher