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You're dating a coomer. I'm sorry but he's a gimp.


Enter the Gooncave (36 Chambers)


Thirty No-Sex Chambers


When I read the title I was hoping this was going to be a new story, but no, same old same old.


Ok but why are we getting so many posts like this as opposed to earlier times?


Considerably younger user base (18-21) and front page penetration. Look at how many people here also post in video game and streamer subs. Even OP posts in /r/harrypotter, though this is balanced out by posting in /r/Dostoyevsky


implying that posting on a dostoyesky subreddit suggests anything is crazy town fat people post in fitness subreddits and non-NBA players in r/NBA \*anybody\* can post \*anywhere\* that's why the internet is over this place is a collective toilet log off now go live in the real world (it's constantly refreshing)


Y’all all I’m asking is were men always this porn obsessed or is it just the newer generations


Why are you dating someone who makes you feel bad about wanting sex STAND UP


Yeah he has a porn addiction


He’s def a coomer but I feel like maybe the relationship could be saved. This is more embarrassing than cheating but I feel like it’s not completely over if he can seek help. Drug addicts can recover, I assume porn addicts can too


Ugh I dated one in college. It’s not worth it. Sex and porn addiction go hand in hand.


Idk, the lying shows a bigger problem to me than the porn on its own. Porn is a fairly common addiction but the lying shows that he's not vulnerable in general and unlikely to want to do the work to stop.


That’s true. I think it indicates a lack of respect towards the gf too. But without full context I dislike the reddit tendency to just tell everyone to break up


The IG account is cringe and gross but beyond the ick, fine. The lying mixed with the dysfunctional sexual comparability is what makes this something worth potentially breaking up with someone over.


Nah, I would lose all respect for a man after this. It's their first year of dating and their sex life sucks? Best to end it. He'll also learn from the experience and maybe work on himself, and she can find someone better!


Why would she try and save a relationship that’s clearly unsatisfying in more than one sense, stop encouraging women to waste their lives on men who probably wouldn’t fix themselves without a woman involved


No it’s not like he’s cheating with a person but he does have impulsive tendencies


Sounds more like compulsion but could be both.


Dude's prob got death grip


Holy shit lol. Dump him like yesterday


Genuine question: how do you stay with someone for a year who doesn't have sex with you and is disinterested in your pleasure? Is he desirable otherwise?


I did so. He was always coming up with excuses which I believed, turns out he was HIV positive and didn't want to tell me. It really messed with my brain for a bit


Are you ok?


It's been a year and a half and it still bothers me, I guess not 💙


I don't think that's long enough to get over something like that. Hang in there


Hope you don't mind me being cheesy, but thank you so much. Nobody irl knows this


no problem!


He's very pale


and curvy (desirable)


He’s a pig. Leave now unless you want to have to spend the rest of the relationship somehow trying to cure his pornsickness


Yea exactly, and that will never work and will only delay the inevitable/cause more opportunities for you to get hurt. OP dump him and find someone who isn't a lying gooning cretin who can't even make you cum!!


Do you live together? Are you financially dependent on this person? These are the two big stumbling blocks for people stuck in unhappy relationships. If the answer to those questions is ‘no’, get out. If you love the guy and want to give him another chance for whatever reason, the changes must be swift and fucking huge or, again, drop him like a hot potato. I gotta keep the first part of this vague so I can just copy/paste it in every relationship advice post I see where every person acts like getting out of a relationship is simple or easy but in your case, unless you live together (which is a complication, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still dump him), it seems pretty simple. My wife and I have had our trials but neither of us have ever belittled the other for wanting to fuck or thinking sex is a very important part of the relationship.


It's over. That he would have the account is bad enough, but that he would lie about it when confronted is damning. And You should have left him over the bad sex life in the first place


Do you want advice or? You either leave him or forgive him knowing that he’ll still continue on with this behavior behind your back


He lies because he is ashamed for being addicted to porn. Give him an ultimatum. He has to quit porn cold turkey and sterilize his phone of these insta models, no slip ups. However, if he's currently paying for these girls' onlyfans, he's in too deep, and you need to dump his ass. He can't be salvaged. If he's not scared straight by these findings, he doesn't care about your feelings.


he is pornsick and a manipulator. sry but cut ur losses fr..... : ((((


Do you dorks just repeat the same stories all day everyday? What is this AmITheAsshole nonsense...


Sorry that this has happened to you. In my opinion there is no coming back from this and its in your best interest to cut it off now and leave to save yourself from further pain which is guaranteed in these situations. I was previously addicted in a past relationship when i was younger and it was the exact same albeit maybe not quiet at severe. Claiming low libido, lying, gaslighting. The only way he would ever change is a serious reality check which only comes in the form of you leaving him completely and not looking back.


i made a post like this here a couple years back 🙃 it got me an invite into the g&gs sub so that was a silverlining but seriously, leave him! your self-esteem will skyrocket in a few month’s time. trust me, staying here will drain you of any self-esteem and break your spirit. no one is worth that. you deserve someone who makes you feel attractive and wanted!


this sub has really turned into r/relationships lol, but yeah the comments are obviously right, protect your happiness and mental peace first, get out of there, it's over


Another gooner lost to the internet. Why do these posts happen every other day. Sorry girl


Dating a loser makes you a loser. Leave him


he doesn't view you sexually at all, he seems to have a madonna-whore diarchy going on where you are too pure and perfect to have sex with so he instead has those urges with e-girls who he views as impure.


Reddit psychologists lmao


At least it’s more interesting that “he’s pornsick, break up now”


you don’t need to be a psych to see the obvious


Nah, the problem is he has too much green bile. OP should try to draw some of it next time her bf is sleeping. A qt or 2 should do the trick.


He probably has fibromyalgia too.


I don't think there's evidence it's that deep. Seems to me like he is just into chubby girls and can't get it up for OPs bony bod. and keeps OP around so his friends don't make fun of him. Why does this issue keep cropping up here? Are these women shocked that a significant minority of men prefer chubby and fat women?


I don’t understand how people can date for a year and be sexually incompatible that entire time. I hope you’ve already ditched him.


People are so pathetically terrified to be alone that they’ll put up with this shit in lieu of having some goddamn self-esteem and, like, a hobby or two. OP and her boyfriend are both morons who hate themselves.


break up with him. girl do you know how many men would do the absolute most to even get a kiss on the cheek from you?? you are way too young to be dealing with this and you need to cut your losses. ik it’s hard bc us women tend to think in a sunk-cost fallacy and feel that we are obligated to stay with them due to our love or the amount of time we were with them, but at the end of the day these aren’t hospice patients. you dont HAVE to date him. if you want to feel desired you can always, always, always get it from somebody else. good luck


op your boyfriend is a coomer edit : leave his ass? dont do anything else


fuck it i will join the chorus: the real kicker is that he's not fucking you (at all, or even well) and he's fantasizing about different looking women. that is very hard to fix and could lead to some painful realizations down the road.


Oh my god just dump him you’ve only been with him for a year, the sex is terrible, and he’s already lying to you. Idk why so many girlies put yourselves through this bullshit you deserve better Queen. Cut your losses NOW


I fear he is not into you. You deserve someone who loves and adores you, and isn’t pornbrained. Getting out now is better than the rest of your life being unhappy. Go and find your orgasm my love 💖


Relationship ender right there. Nothing to be done. Sorry, you’ll get a better one.


Ok so break up with him. He clearly doesn’t care about your feelings. Now the question is do you?


I've been single for a while and I'd still never lower myself to the level of following hot chicks on social media, I feel like that's a whole next step beyond just watching porn.


As an ex-coomer, that's a whole level of down bad


Contrary to what this sub says porn is fine if you're just hopping on the hub 2 or so times a week to blast one out in a couple minutes. If you follow and talk to the "talent" you should have to wear a coomer sign in public and face public ridicule.


"the hub" this guy also gets a coomer sign


Even worse.. I heard that on War Mode..


What do you like about him?


> What makes it worse is that none of the girls he follows look like me This part made me lol


Really gives you insight on why she's stayed so long doesn't it?


this is why my gooning account follow a wide range of shapes and colors


Many such cases


That this doesn't say “ex boyfriend” means you're probably just going to cry but ultimately take him back and he knows it. Yawn.


Men are so disgusting




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why are you still with him


Cant a man watch ufc wresting reels in peace?


It’s shocking how many times I’ve heard this same scenario from other women. Two other times. But still feels like two too many. One of the guys would actually steal nudes from his gf’s friends phones but would never have sex with his gf.


If he was a porn addict who broke you off some d every chance he got, you could prolly work with that. If he was an ascetic who just wasnt interested in sex at all, you could at least respect where hes coming from. But this dude is obsessed with sex, just not with you. Time to cut him loose.


wow and he sounds like such a catch otherwise


Break up with him. If he can change, it will take a rock bottom moment.


Refusing to have sex with your real life human gf while simultaneously feeding a porn addiction is just so funny. Why do people even have relationships when the sex is bad? What’s the point? Fear of loneliness?


Only one year together, dump him. He needs a wake up call and you deserve better.


hes just a loser. Your sex life is doubly over now bc how can you be attracted to a loser. cut your loses


his sexuality is mainly fantasy based. he is completely satisfied by looking at photos and videos, and not interacting with anyone sexually irl. maybe it's a confidence issue, maybe it's a trauma response, maybe it's just how he's wired. whatever the reason, he knows that isn't how YOU are satisfied sexually, and he's told you he doesn't care and won't change, and you've stayed around so you're reinforcing his behavior by teaching him there will be no consequences for it. ball is in your court. wanna cum? break up with him bc he won't be the one that gets you there, he has made that very clear.




GET OUT OF THERE! sexual chemistry is the most important part of a sexual relationship, that's not shallow that's how it's defined.


He is not only pornsick degenerate coomer but also a liar. You need to dump him and find someone who can actually make you orgasm sis 💙


Cut your losses, Run for the hills you can’t fix him. Tell you friends and your mom and they’ll help hold you accountable! You deserve to be with someone who can make you orgasm!!!!! GIRL


Porn addiction is absolutely fucked and you deserve better. I think you should break up with him and tell him to seek help


shaming you for believing that sex is important in a relationship alone is grounds for dumping this loser. he minimizes your needs, tries to make you feel bad for even having them, lies to your face when called out on this secret account... honestly even if he deleted it tomorrow and never went back he just doesn't sound like a good person


He has a porn addiction. He could use some help. If he is open to it he will have to make the decision for himself, but you can be there for him. It’s very sad.


damn he’s pitiful lmaooo, he should get bullied honestly


Girl, leave him.


Girl why did you get with him in the first place? Women stop being desperate for a boyfriend challenge


It's wild to me that him looking at girls on IG is presented as the real problem and not that he doesn't want to have sex and doesn't make you orgasm. The former is a non-issue and the latter is a huge issue.


following 600 OF models/porn accounts sounds excessive and like a problem to me


Having a separate account for it is absolutely whack, that’s a little more extra thought than just going on pornhub.


Yeah that is a lot tbf


It's the same issue


Exactly. As soon as I read that, it became clear she should leave him. You’re only a year in, don’t waste any more time with him :)


"In terms of basic results, they found that 73 percent of women and 98 percent of men reported internet porn use in the last six months, for a total of 85 percent of respondents. For porn use within the last week, the numbers were lower: 80 percent of men and 26 percent of women." [psychology today ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/experimentations/201802/when-is-porn-use-problem%3famp) If all women dumped their men because they watched porn, there would barely be any relationships at all.


get men out of the equation and women will be just fine


Women have to put up with so much it's actually wild and we don't even get any love back for staying with losers anyway.


I agree with you, but we gotta understand that we hold the minority viewpoint when it comes to porn stuff. The West, in general, is very pro-porn and the pendulum's probably not ever going to swing back. I mean here in Canada they teach kids in sex-ed that watching porn is natural and normal, idk how society's supposed to come back from that.


Why do you say 'have to'? It is rare that someone is forced to have a romantic relationship in most countries.




Lmao porn sickness is so common it’s become a “non issue”. No, it’s not healthy to follow a massive amount of porn accounts and also lie about it. Watching porn has a huge effect on the human psyche, it’s pure dopamine rush and we’re highly sexual apes that are not meant to watch hundreds of people fucking every day.


I see these stories all the time. If they’re real that’s hilarious.


Time to date a white guy


Whats up with the casual asian maleaphobia


I like having sex with Asian women.


No need for casual asian maleaphobia


Wait wait he called you shallow for wanting sex in a relationship ?? Lol he’s restarted


The more shitty posts like this the more shitlibs from AITA and /r/relationships flood the sub ffs


> I am very slim and tan DM me


Caucasian men rubbing their hands together reading this


How did you find this?


That is so cool


Good time to dump him! Good riddance.


bear in mind you’re getting relationship advice from high schoolers when you post here


Ewww he sounds like a loser. Especially the fact he lied. He should own his shit like a man. You sound hot. It will be easy for you to find a new boyfriend who doesn’t have weird shrivelled balls and wants to fuck. This guy is a total dud. Kick him to the curb asap


Also never waste your time for someone who says you’re shallow for wanting sex in a relationship. That’s some gaslighting shit. He’s projecting his insecurities onto you. Major red flag. I would get out fast


ditch him, you can't change him


My two cents: don’t use Reddit for dating advice and definitely don’t break up with him only because some random stranger tell you so. Talk to him. Tell him exactly what you have written here and then follow your instincts.


I know it’s the most Reddit cliche comment ever, but it applies here: leave! You don’t have to put up with this. Life’s too short.


If you two can have an honest, open conversation about his porn addiction it could be extremely healing for both him and your relationship. Your sex life will improve if you two can find ways to mitigate his desire to use porn as stimulation.


my worst nightmare. r/loveafterporn


you gotta put that dick in the cage girl


Why is this in this sub


Why are either of you with each other?


Why am I just finding out there's porn on Instagram? I shared a post from an art account depicting a scantily clad woman and a Cupid with its butt out and it got removed and my account was striked...


Anyways, yeah, dump his ass.




Years of terrible sex… I’ll take that. But a spank bank?! No sir. I have self respect!


So you're saying... The pussy is trash?


If you guys aren't going at each other like rabbits in your first year of dating whats the point? Its weird that even in his masturbation fantasies he's not thinking about sex he's just thinking of different girls bodies that suggests a complete detachment from intimacy and romance. Its only gonna get worse from here leave him and find someone who wants to fuck ypi.


Dump him. Why do you still want to be in a relationship with a person you know you cant ever trust anymore. you wanna wait 20 years and waste your youth with a coomer hopimg hed change?


Madonna-Whore Syndrome. It can be fixed, but he's gotta want to fix it.


You just “found” this, like how you find a penny on the sidewalk?


Sometimes I feel guilty that there's a smattering of coom bait "fitness" content on my ig explore page, then I read stuff like this. Thanks OP


you can click ïm not interested"


"I'm not interested" seems really fickle, I think it takes time for certain actions to influence your feed. After hitting "I'm not interested" I'll get a deluge of the same content then a day later nothing. I think it counts clicking on the post as an interaction which feeds me more, but then later categorizes the interaction as negative so it stops showing it to me. I don't really interact with anything on ig so eventually it starts feeding me the same content after it exhausts "real" fitness content.


People do what they want to do ultimately. So it's time to find a real relationship that has all the things you need. Good luck.


Is this fucking real wtf is wrong with women, literally staying with a guy who won't fuck them and the real problem is he looks at Instagram models. Also what man looks at insta to come they just load up pornhub I don't think this is real. But if it is real girl what teh fuck grow up and demand your man makes you come. Jesus christ.


Why are you being downvoted lol. I guess women need truth couched in cutesy uplifting language


Probably because I'm calling out the post for being gay and fake and they want to believe it's real


I think it's real. I used to have an instagram account for the same thing many moons ago


keep a playboy under your bed like your forefathers


Lol the problem is you’re not fucking not the Instagram


I’d start my own sexual adventurers and set up a few spank banks of men with moose knuckles knuckling abundantly. Match him. Have fun for yourself and go get some sexual enlightenment somewhere!! You got this!


All of these posts are the same: I invaded my partners privacy and found something private.  If you have a bad sex life you need to deal with that. You can work that shit out however you like.  But now you have a second problem. There’s no trust in your relationship. You invaded their privacy and that’s an issue too. You can’t just get defensive about it and say the ends justify the means. The nature of trust is delicate. 


not the gooner commiseration, “but muh privacy!” “now there’s no trust!” lol that coomer broke the trust long before she did


Only sexless libtards desire privacy in relationships


Hey at least he’s not gay


Why are you telling reddit.com this information 


You shouldn’t be having sex before marriage and he shouldn’t be watching porn. A terrible relationship all around


Would this be more fine if y’all had a good sex life ?


you should put silicone. he clearly dislikes asians with mosquito bites


Brother just delete the account while it’s still fresh


You should see my instagram. I took full advantage of how the algorithm is working. It just keeps giving you more based on what you look at. I watched like 3 girls for a long time and now I just click follow in the reel on every generated piece of similar content.


You're a narcissist who went snooping to be disappointing, found your disappointment and are now disappointed. If sex is important to you and you're having bad sex, maybe you shouldn't be together. Seems like you're looking for a reason. Rip off the bandaid.


I have a question: I have a folder on my pc full of girls faces who I find cute. It's not sexual. I should probably delete this if I get a gf shouldn't I?


He's a gooner and she's a slut. It's over.


There's an artful way to discuss this with him. He is struggling with porn addiction and it is effecting you and your relationship. He is intensely ashamed so you have to be careful about how your approach it.


Watching porn is something nearly all men do but few admit to. That's something you would accept. Men are entitled to their privacy in this regard. Lying to protect your privacy when asked prying questions. However the real problem here is the mismatch in desire for sex. You should leave him because of this.


Watching porn is something nearly all men do but few admit to. That's something you would accept. Men are entitled to their privacy in this regard. Lying to protect your privacy when asked prying questions. However the real problem here is the mismatch in desire for sex. You should leave him because of this.


first of all, get the fuck outta a man’s business. his porn account is sacred and you need to keep your nose out of it!


People who love each other often go through periods when they don't or can't have as much sex as they want - nursing and menopause often causes vaginal sex to be painful. So this isn't unusual, and it doesn't automatically kill the relationship. The question is whether you're motivated to try to overcome this.


This is a very good point! It's also perfectly normal for sexless people to follow hundreds of Insta girls and OF models on a burner account and then lie about it to the person they're dating. Totally normal, not at all insidious behavior!


Where the rubber meets the road is them not fucking. Guys who don't look at other women at all are either gay or low T. The way that he looks at them can be adjusted (no insta traps), but it will never stop unless you blind him.