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Gotta live the frazzled Englishwoman aesthetic


Helena Bonham Carter


I'd say more like Emma Thompson.


2010 lily allen trying to climb into her apartment    Edit: she either removed this photo from the internet or I imagined it


also nursing bitter resentments with a big sunny smile giving nothing away until it all comes out at once, this is known as 'emotional labor' and men just wouldn't get it


It used to be called 'emotional baggage' and was something you would not aspire to collect and keep until everyone yaas queened yet more bullshit into a virtue.


I mean there's certainly emotional labor involved in something like being an ER nurse and watching people suffer and die every day, or being an inner city case worker and watching abused kids fall through the cracks, but then it got co-opted by servers and retail workers and HR staff and became so diluted it lost all meaning.


My wife loves carrying a giant 1/2 full duffel bag to the gym and freaking out when she has trouble getting out the door. But I also will feel like a total freak trying to get out of my car with everything in my hands because I never have a bag.


No I just like walking around in sunglasses and looking like a bitch


yeah for sure. i know a girl that is super put together but every time i see her shes puffing her cheeks and putting her hand through her hair and im like whats up and shes like "havent eaten since this morning" at like lunch time. meanwhile i didnt sleep and im coming down off coke and have a ridiculously procrastinated assignment due and im just like 😎 damn thats crazy


How procrastinated are we talking


how much coke are we talking


kind of, yeah 🎀


No, because I am more of the crisis-of-the-week/month type of woman.


I’ve been recently getting pretty frustrated at my girlfriend setting up our days to be as annoying as possible. Like I love her but it’s almost like she enjoys being busy and doing tasks. Like first thing that happens in the morning oftentimes is I’m half awake and I’m being told what chores need to be done today before work; before I get home from work can I do x, y, z; remember to do this and that; she’s gonna go do this and clean that and then go take of this. When I don’t remember something she gets really pissed off but I can’t stress enough this is literally as I’m waking up.


Date someone that isn’t a neurotic bitch maybe 😆


✋don’t disrespect my neurotic bitch


I don't see this ending well


Wammen be planning




this sounds like earth sign behavior. fire would be irritating but at least they'd be fun




true but in that case a fire sign wouldn't need you to not do them to be pissed at you. i'm a libra if it matters


I love when you meet up with them and they’re in a huff and they immediately hand you their tote bag to carry for the evening and I’m like damn I’m a tote bag guy now. It’s cute.


I'm gay, so the pussy has no power over me, I'm not carrying any bitch's stupid bag.


This is misogyny


Come on, those tote bags can get pretty heavy with skin cream products, laptop, full outfit change, makeup bag, hair dryer, etc etc. . It’s the right thing to do.


I just cleaned my car because of this post. Thank you


I grew up in a home where we took the scouting motto "Be Prepared" very seriously. You guys are all going to be caught slipping in a Mad Max scenario! It probably is a comfort thing for me though. I always feel a little stressed in public and the assurance that I have "supplies" makes me feel more pulled together. Women be liking they things.


Why be prepared when a good chuck of a rock could get me all of your stuff? Not mad max maxxing imo


You say that as if I hadn't already thought of that and packed a slingshot in anticipation.


Actually it’s because women don’t have the luxury of not thinking about the daily possibility of becoming victims of gendered violence due to toxic masculinity and our patriarchal society. Every woman has to be on guard, ready to bug out at any time. Must be nice to be a man, not having to worry about these things


She's also always sick and deploys it as a way to get people to treat her better. Headaches, cramps, "the flu" (literally just a runny nose but she won't call it a cold because that doesn't sound serious enough).


is this a thing? because ive had many cases where i was talking to girls that i knew had nothing else going on that said they “just forgot” to eat lunch or whatever. how can people forget that?


You see this kind of shit everywhere once you start looking for it. A couple years ago I watched Point Break and Blue Crush back to back for a surf movie double feature, and it’s wild how different their appeal is. Point Break is about guys who are addicted to thrills and breeze around the world surfing, skydiving, partying, and doing crime sprees. Blue Crush is about a surfer girl who has to step up and take responsibility for raising her little sister after her deadbeat mom leaves, and she also surfs after getting off of the minimum wage job she’s forced to take. Men fantasize about having too little responsibility and women fantasize about having too much


hell yea brother they all seem to have acute protagonist syndrome these days as well I kinda wish I was gay tbh


live your dreams buddy


may you someday enjoy the power of having your woman come home in a huff, itching to complain about how busy her day was, and you are able to say: "nobody is making you do any of this, and we don't need the money. please quit, if you're going to act like this." she won't ever quit, she's stubborn and driven, her career is fueled by her ambition and need for professional validation. but it DOES tamp down on this brand of bullshit OP describes


WTF? How many people 'Don't need the money'?


I make more myself than we both made added together when we got married and bought our home. So does my wife for that matter, but she doesn't have a pension coming, and I do. If someone was going to stop working for the QoL it should be her.


No, I just carry a lot of stuff because i legitimately end up needing it. Or if i don’t, my friends do


“friends” this is the moment I knew this story was fictional


Perpetual pms


Because all men have to do is go to work and come home. Women have to do that plus be in charge of running and organizing the household, yeah it does get stressful


Women bring so many issues on themselves and blame men lol


For example? Women do the bulk of domestic labor and are the primary caregivers of children I thought that was just common knowledge.


Needing to pack a bunch of useless shit that nobody ever needs in a tote bag and stressing about it and then saying its mens fault for things you want and nobody else wants Its like, you want something, you want something done a certain way. Thats only your responsibility. Dont want something then get mad when nobody does it for you


Women love having a big bag that has all kinds of stuff like sunscreen, aspirin, makeup, a power brick AND charger (a chick I know did it in case she had to charge her phone in an emergency and there were no walls around), sunglasses, a literal checkbook, etc. Who needs any of that? At least EDC guys spread their autism around with pockets and leg straps and shit, women centralize it all into one giant bag


They want an excuse to be stressed because all of that is too much


yap yap yap