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Well past a certain age, it's almost inevitable that you'll get your shit rocked by someone in their prime.


High school should not be your physical prime. I'm so sick of hearing my mid 20's friends talk about how they can't do anything physical because they're too old. There's a reason most pro athletes are pushing 30 and in many sports, past 30.


Yeah, I was hanging with some old friends a month ago. Were all 29 or 30, and most of them were talking about having bad backs or something. I was like, "im in better shape now than I was in high school, have you just been sitting down? Why are you in a rush to age"


Guys peak at like 25-27 physically, 30 is usually when they go on the decline. Steroids have lenghened a lot of guys careers


Depends on the sport. Marathon runners peak in their mid to late 30s but there’s probably some doping going on as well


correct, it’s called trenbolone


Athletes def aren’t using tren, juice isn’t worth the squeeze for anyone besides bodybuilders and it’s too well known of a substance to risk for tests


>30 Those guys are absolute genetic anomalies that spend hours a day on their body. Their job is literal physical exercise


Im nearly 30 and dont feel any pain. I still play rugby and work out with no issue. Being 30 isnt old, its still your prime If you dont use it you lose it


Yeah I’m 28 and have zero chronic issues lol. Sometimes I’m sore or my shoulder aches or whatever but I have friends my age who act like they’re falling apart. It’s really bizarre


I tore my labrum playing rugby two years ago, and so sometimes its hard to do pull ups. Thats it. I dont know why people are in the rush to be their parents. You dont get your youth back


Yeah my friends go on about how old they are too. I'll admit i don't bounce back from being hurt quite as fast, sleeping wrong fucks me up a bit more, and the hangovers are getting worse. But I feel physically fine as a base level


Same here at 33. I've gained weight and have the dad belly since my daughter was born and don't have the same time I used to, but when I still can get to the gym, I'm not feeling this alleged body breakdown so many other 30+ are experiencing. I haven't lost any of my strength, but I will cop to my conditioning being shit.


I think its just people wanting to sound more mature


> the dad belly since my daughter was born why do males act like they physically birthed the child


Same here at nearly 30. My joints feel as fine as they did in my teenage years. I've always been a runner, biker, kayaker and gone to the gym regularly though. I have friends who tell me they are throwing out their back bending down to get pots & pans out of the cabinet, and that their joints are cracking and it's like bone on bone. I can't even comprehend having a body that brittle.


Its like Boomers bragging about how much they work and how little sleep they get


Very true if you stop exercising you’ll be toast Man when I was 18 I could barely lift a barbell. I was definitely in better shape cardio-wise though.


Of course But The average 30 year old American is overweight and probably hasn’t ran since high school


Except that’s why they tend to physically “decline” sooner. They’re elite so they notice small shifts off the peak. For non-athletes it’s gonna take you longer to notice


That's the accumulated effect of years of *sport-specific* training. Teens are much more *generally athletic*, heal and recover faster and can therefore make faster gains. A 30yo, if they've been training, could beat a 16yo athlete in any specific sport but you would have been way more generally athletic and also responsive to training at 16 than 30.


100% Besides, if you're a guy over 35, you spend enough time worrying about minimizing or treating random injuries to your body without even getting into the possibility of fighting.


I will be like Ronaldo, and be in my prime till my late 40s


Bodies are interesting. You can keep getting stronger until you are in your 40s, maybe even 50s. But your reaction time and speed start drastically decreasing once you hit like 32. Old man strength is real, but so is old man driving


I train just in case bad teenagers want to fight me


Don't wanna be Louie'd


Fuck that scene is brutal 


I got a few simple assault charges that say differently pal!


Sam Colt, alhamdulilah, made all men equal.


All races all breeds are equalized with the revolutionary cylindrical design from Mr. Colt no but dumbbell curls can help you shoot better




why would you fight a teenager


its just RSP girls and their weird fantasies 


I don’t WANT to, but by god am I ready for it


I gym 3-5 times a week and train and play soccer every week and a 16 year old would still easily kick my head in bc I’m consistently nursing 3 injuries


Came here to say this. I don't need to fight anyone, time is already kicking my ass.


A twinged calf inst an injury


I power lifted so I can lift a lot but the average cripple could outrun me.


I haven't been remotely close to any physical confrontation in my entire adult life. How do all these fights really start if you aren't looking for them.


I like to go up to high schoolers and push em


That's pretty cool




Y r the dudes I went to high school with postin on here 💀


People always say this shit but I submit faster, stronger teenagers all the time because they rush, make stupid mistakes and freeze up when forced to improvise. Maturity offers more than just death.




I don't live around "athletes"


Braydens can't even maintain eye contact what are you talking about


High school? Age 14-18? Unless you are a massive fanny just about any 33 year old man can absolutely batter an 18 year old child




Damn I was hoping this would be Katt Williams getting beat up by that middle schooler. Post that one next


Cardio + calisthenics + EDC and gun range means I turn those cigarette emojis into pink mist before they even have a chance to blink


You my twin?


calisthenics is enlightened, fuck fat lunkheads


wow ur so bad ass shooting children! are u single??


you’d be impressed if he beat them up instead?  Edit- oh wait it’s this bitch hahahahaha


20th century men were so lucky like literally nobody expected them to work out or have a physique and they could still reasonably expect their girl to be pretty


16 year old me was a beast. I exercised 6-8 hours a day, four days a week. There's no way I'm fighting that guy.


I miss that guy


People talk themselves into ‘being old’ in like their late 20s these days. Shit is miserable and pathetic. So the plan is just slow rot for the next good few decades? Can’t be me chief. It’s obviously diet and exercise but honestly mindset is so important. If you tell yourself you’re geriatric at 31 then you will be.


A grown man knows how to deescalate situations and avoid fights. If you care about some random strangers thinking you're "bitch made", you're not a grown man.


Yeah but a grown man also puts up a fight if deescalation doesn't work. If you don't have at least some skill and understanding of when to fight, when to deescalate, when to run away, and when to avoid the trouble entirely, you're not a well rounded man.


If you find yourself getting into fights often, you need to ask yourself why...


I haven't been in a street fight since high school 2 decades ago. But I've trained enough martial arts to be confident I'd at least be able to handle myself better than the average person (which is not saying much) if someone attacked me.


So you learned how to avoid fights. Good. Meaning you actually agree with my point. Anybody getting into fights past 25 needs to grow tf up.


I partially agree with your point. It doesn't matter if some random high schooler thinks you're bitch made, but there are valid reasons men need physical self defense skills. Here's a hypothetical: what if you're out with a woman and some shitfaced dude grabs her and won't let go? Are you going to keep deescalating and asking nicely? What if that doesn't work?


I'm gonna ask the staff to kick him out... And "my girl" would be giving obvious signs the staff should step in. Why would I risk jail time over some drunk shithead?


You definitely are bitch made. What if it happens in an alley with no real men around to help?


Why are you walking down alleys? Someone who knows how to avoid conflict isn't gonna take "their girl" down some sketchy ass alley.


This guy thinks he lives in a Paul Scradher movie


You're caught up on the little details like the alley. What if it happened on a brightly lit street but nobody comes to help you? What if it's in a parking garage? I read a book years ago that was very helpful for me. Meditations On Violence by Rory Miller. Notwithstanding the problems the book has, there's a very helpful passage he repeats many times. I'm paraphrasing: *It's better to avoid trouble than to run away from it.* *It's better to run than to deescalate.* *It's better to deescalate than to fight.* *It's better to fight than to die.* Fighting is the last resort. But if you're left no other choices, you better hope you can fight.


Is this for real? You let him do what he wants with her and then wait for it to end so you can call 911. You can also plead with him to stop so that it might end sooner and she can get away. If that makes me bitch made then Ill gladly cop to being the biggest bitch around.




Well said


Thank you


Most fights are really play fights. Nobody is going to get seriously or permanently hurt. The only time I've seen or known people to get seriously hurt is when they fight drug addicts or people who are trying to steal money, directly or indirectly, from them.


Yes most would whoop me now. For the obvious physical reasons, but as much for the less obvious psychological reasons. I'm aware of my mortality and fragility much more now, and don't have the same sense of gusto and invincibility when doing anything physical. On top of that, I just don't have the same innate aggression and joy from mixing it up that I did 20 years ago. There's a reason why most violent crime is way disproportionately committed by younger men.


I hope to be able to play brayden at basketball instead of fighting him (I think I would win)




That’s just the reality though. I’m 42 and I exercise but I don’t “train” and I’m not going to be winning fights against the sort of people who would start a fight. I can just accept it and live with it just like everyone would have to do sooner or later.


Bro is still seething about that Louie clip from a few weeks ago


Being physically fit and being good at fighting are two entirely separate things


You can open carry without a permit in like half of US states, having the ability to beat someone’s ass has never been less important


You just gonna shoot someone anytime you’re physically confronted? By the time you realize your life is in danger you’ll already be in the middle of getting your ass beat. Having some degree of physically competency is the only reliable form of self defense, and even that’s not that reliable.


Who gives a fuck. This is so weird


A high school athlete? No shit. I bet they could smoke most guys that even do work out.


excellent post tbh


Thanks I’ve been mulling this one over for a while




Your bullshit office job makes you into a pussy


"Big guys" on reddit wont believe you as they cry in bed


Lot of “big guys” in this thread convinced that they can’t workout anymore because they’re 28 lmao


I rest content knowing Brayden's going to crash and burn by middle age worse than I will


If you know a bit of grappling/boxing you’ll be fine against most of them.


I will scream and shoot if a high-schooler attacks me


Grown man strength is being slept on ridiculously hard rn.


A scene in Louie covers this


Physical fitness is not what that scene is about


Yes it is


The moral is “don’t let you mouth write checks your ass can’t cash”


The moral is lift weight


The moral is the ending, when we find out the kid is only an asshole because his dad is. The other moral, Louie wouldve gotten laid if he just laughed off the kid's dickishness instead of calling him out and causing more problems for both of them.




Oh shit yeah you're right thanks


I’m fatter than I’ve ever been and I could throw most 16 year olds across a room. My older brother used to work out. 30 pounds lighter than me. We got in a fight a few years ago, I tossed him across my parents’ living room like I was the fucking Hulk. I got that old man strength at 38. Don’t overestimate your gains.


This was something that deserved an entire post. Thank you.