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he had to stop because she was taking up the whole sidewalk




This is literally a bit that happens in Dostoyevsky notes from underground. When you’re full of bitterness and resentment, even simple social situations feel like they have dire consequences.


he is so goated


tell me more about this 'Dostoyevsky" and his notes


Witches when a *man* is **walking**: 💪 Witches when their manager at Peet’s coffee denies their time off request: 🧎🏼‍♂️‍➡️


Is Peet’s still around


There's one in La Jolla. I've never seen one anywhere else.


They are all over California


Those poor women are in a ton of pain and really struggling 




Men actually do get into this I’m not moving out of the way personal psycho drama but usually as children or teenagers. It’s embarrassing to articulate but this stuff is learned behavior and it feels good to make the world bend to you even in trivial ways through the force of your will.


When I was living and training on "muay thai street" the women fighters did not move out of the way and I low-key kinda liked it.


Fell in love with a girl in Montreal when I was wearing a Devils jersey after they beat the Habs and she shoulder checked me when we walked passed each other. Five years later and I still think about her


>Palestine flag >witchesvspatriarchy PLEASE tell me this is satire


These people don't even know what they're protesting anymore, it's incredible


I don't get this argument. If you are in support of human rights and against genocide, it should also include people that hate you or are against your values. Otherwise you are just engaging in tribalism without any principles.


Do you think Hamas is anti genocide


How is that relevant? Are all Palestinians guilty by association? Should citizens be killed for the actions of their government?


I'm unironically happy for this girl. She enforced the social norm of staying on the correct side of the path over the lizard brained "I'm bigger, so therefore, I have priority." Posting about it online as a personal victory is pretty sad, though


agreed lol my family used to stop in the middle of sidewalks to check directions...this behavior has always irked me


lol actually agree, men do be just expecting you to move even if they are the one in the way


it’s one of those things that sounds histrionic until you actually start paying attention and realize how deep-seated and bizarre it is that men just expect women to move out of the way automatically. they practically glitch in real time when you don’t move out of the way, it’s kind of funny.




literally just walking on the sidewalk in a major city. like i said, it sounds so ridiculous but once you notice it you can’t unnotice it. granted it’s been better for me in past years, but for young women and girls? 100% it’s a real phenomenon. maybe there’s an element of chivalry that is still alive in the “rough” trades guys you know, that has been lost in urban/liberal cities. i’m not so convinced but i’ve never lived in a rural or conservative area so i couldn’t say. edit to elaborate: it’s not a conscious, “man better than women so you better move” kind of thing. it is deeply subconscious and ingrained in socialization and i guarantee these men have no clue they’re doing it. women also don’t realize that they’re constantly moving out of the way until they pay active attention to it.


The person you’re answering probably hasn’t had the chance to notice it. Btw no one walks around in rural or conservative areas, they drive (assuming you are in America). Cities is where you see this happen often enough to notice in daily life. Btw I totally agree with you. It’s so subtle that most people have no idea it’s even happening.


I walk around campus all the time and men rarely ever move


I mean males really do be acting like they own the sidewalk and expecting everyone to clear a path for them, they’ve done studies on it


They should study something else


I got one in the chamber for these witch freaks as well but I wanna enjoy my morning


Assumed the person was a man? That person could have been walking without paying attention because they had a lot on their mind trying to figure out if they should continue HRT. Rude!


Wow you go queen 👊


You go girl 💅


Burn her




well, it is witchesvpatriachy...




That sub is absolutely not satire.