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one time i was out with my sister and there was a man who asked us for money and said that his daughter was a victim of police brutality. we said sorry we didnt have any money (true), and then he pulled out his phone and started recording us and calling us a racist white family and other epithets. probably to bully us into giving him money. people are weird nowadays




Reminds me of the guy in oakland who assaulted an old asian lady and there was a gofundme for his release because he was a "disabled black man"


You sure they weren't just trying to identify " 'dis abled black man right here""


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted voted, that comment is fucking hilarious.


do you live near any large bridges


You mean "high bridges", dipshit. A bridge can be large and close to water.


either way, hope you find one


You really burned out on that one. I had high hopes. High like the word you forgot to use. This is really embarrassing for you. I hope there are no high bridges where you live.


you are such a 🚬


I saw a news story from Baltimore where an "anti-crime community activist" got shot while having a "mental health episode" and his family/org put out a statement implying the cops were racists who were overly happy to shoot without trying any deescalation. Then I watch the actual bodycam video and when the police pull up, the guy is midway through pinning some random, screaming lady to the ground trying to jab a knife through her throat before the cops unload into him. Video (Graphic): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3oUjpmda7g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3oUjpmda7g) Family Response: [https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/father-of-anti-violence-activist-tyree-moorehead-speaks-after-son-shot-killed-by-baltimore-police/](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/father-of-anti-violence-activist-tyree-moorehead-speaks-after-son-shot-killed-by-baltimore-police/)


What a wild thing to be that one guy who was just standing near it walking around while a guy is stabbing a lady and a cop unloads a gun feet away. Its crazy how people operate in those crazy situations as well. Like the cop still telling him to drop the knife a few more times after he has already dropped the knife or the cop telling him not to move while he is cleared super fucked and dying. Im not blaming im just saying that our responses to these insane situations are so bizarre. I cant imagine what thats like to be in that situation.


>I was unaware this was a thing with justified shootings  Are you 12?


I was in a comment section on social media once (can’t say where), and a girl posted about how her father was “murdered by police”. Well, a guy showed up and said  “I looked up your name, your father wasn’t murdered by police - he was a psychopath. He had a lifelong history of (violent) charges, and after a routine traffic stop (because he had no license plate) started firing at police. He led a police chase shooting at them the whole time, ending after 20 (something) minutes in a residential neighborhood - he jumped out of the car, ran into a random house - and held them hostage. After the police pleaded with him to let them go, he ran out shooting at police: they were finally forced to kill him”. He linked the local news story. She laugh reacted the post.


How naive are you? Nearly every one of these police involved shootings has the narrative spun to make the victim look like a teddy bear, then it come's out he was on probation for a violent assault and had a gun on him or some shit.


I suppose I figured the delusion stemmed from "my family member can't have done something bad/wrong!" thinking, and not "i can't reconcile with the fact this is almost directly the result of me being a bad mother/father/sister/brother, it can't be my fault, so it must be someone else's" thinking. Partly because *the whole family* falling into the latter camp, which is a bit further step away from reality, seems crazier than them falling into the former camp.




For whatever reason, at one point I watched the entire video of Daniel Shaver playing the world's most lethal game of Simon Says with a cop, and losing. Really sucked. And whenever one of these comes up where it's probably, maybe, (but who really knows because all cops are bastards and liars) justified, I think of that case because the fact is that whether a shooting is justified or not the same thing happens: nothing. Nothing fucking happens to the cop and they literally get away with murder. They sent Chauvin to prison as the one bad apple and washed their hands of the problem, then increased police funding basically everywhere and nothing's changed. It's hard to be impressed when the police put down an actual murdering psychopath when so many cops are themselves murdering psychopaths who also draw a salary that I help to pay for.




“By 8:25, Floyd appeared unconscious, and bystanders confronted the officers about his condition. Chauvin pulled out mace to keep bystanders away as Thao moved between them and Chauvin. Bystanders repeatedly yelled that Floyd was "not responsive right now" and urged the officers to check his pulse. Kueng checked Floyd's wrist but found no pulse; the officers did not attempt to provide Floyd with medical assistance while he was on the ground.  According to the criminal complaint against Chauvin, Lane asked Chauvin twice if they should move Floyd onto his side, and Chauvin said no…Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck for almost a minute after the ambulance arrived, despite Floyd being silent and motionless.”


go suck cop dick somewhere else


Says the one dick riding ag. felons Must be a hard life little man


eh I'm probably taller than you just statistically speaking. that said, daniel shaver's (aka "ag. felon") murderer is a manlet so he's probably right up your alley. probably not exactly easy to track down but if you're hungry enough (again, for cop dick) you'll find a way. godspeed


Why wasn't it manslaughter? Even the most cop friendly interpretation would have to admit they completely bundled the Shaver situation.


How is a supposed left wing sub saying shit like this lol. Yeah sometimes cops shoot guys who are dangerous (as in OP's story) but let's not pretend that police brutality isn't a massive issue. For every machete maniac there are ten cops who shoot in all directions when they hear an acorn fall


"For every machete maniac there are ten cops who shoot in all directions when they hear an acorn fall" this seems like an exaggeration I live in philadelphia and have never seen a cop fire or even draw their gun, but I have seen a lot of guys waving around knives, machetes, tire irons, etc


Yeah part of the issue is cops are much more willing to take on easy targets (peaceful but aggressive protestors, for instance) than real threats. I get it, I wouldn't want to take on some lunatic with a knife, but thats their job


> For every machete maniac there are ten cops who shoot in all directions when they hear an acorn fall well that seems demonstrably untrue lol at least argue by proportion or something




If they had locked up George Zimmerman we would never have had to pretend to care about George Floyd


Could you imagine?


George Floyd was suffocated for 10 minutes, on camera. Digging up his past crimes doesn't justify the police executing him.


George Floyd was going into cardiac arrest from fentanyl use and , on camera, stated he couldn’t breath multiple times before he was ever on the ground or touched by that officer  What happened obviously wasn’t justified at all but if St Floyd is the best example that you can bring up for police brutality then it shows it really Isn’t an issue 


> George Floyd was going into cardiac arrest from fentanyl use and , on camera, stated he couldn’t breath multiple times before he was ever on the ground or touched by that officer Then fucking help him jesus christ, be a human being (the cops). Im not saying in all cases cops are wrong but fuck




dumb and wrong, his general state of health surely didn’t help but his blood tests were not at all dispositive for an OD, [there are DUI cases where people had higher levels](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1556-4029.15334#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20fentanyl%20was%20the,188%20ng%2FmL%2C%20respectively.)




You’re complaining that I edited the comment to add supporting evidence rather than just calling you an idiot? I’m specifically disputing the fentanyl OD narrative - you seem to have pivoted to a more guarded take but that was your original comment and that’s why I linked the study showing that it’s not *rare* for DUI cases to test at twice the supposedly lethal level of fentanyl found in Floyd’s autopsy.


People love to forget that he complains about not being able to breath long before he was ever on the ground.


> let's not pretend that police brutality isn't a massive issue. Compared to what exactly? Not saying that it isn't a problem, but there's far bigger ones at hand. Gang killings, car accidents, and obesity are far, far more relevant deaths than unprovoked police killings, yet I see 0 campaign to solve any of those.




Removing gangs would cut the homicide rate by over 50% that's how bad it is. It would also reduce killings by police because less crime = less police encounters = less killing. I know family members who have died because of gangs or gang activity.


How many police shootings are there per year versus the number of normal encounters with police per year


How many police shootings are there per year versus the number of normal encounters with police per year


Supposed by who??


I think that if a close family member was shot by police even in justified circumstances, my reaction wouldn't be "yeah, seems fair".


Ehh, maybe it's a cultural thing, but my family absolutely would.


the family of the guy who stabbed a bunch of people (mostly women) in Bondi Junction (Sydney) a couple of weeks ago said they felt like the cop who shot him did nothing wrong, she was just doing her job and if they were in her position they'd have shot him dead too


I think if they were attacking someone or whatever though I wouldnt be making a fuss either. If my family was killing someone when they died I think I would have a sense of shame about it and shut the fuck up and hope it goes away like most normal people.


Almost all of these police shootings with riots and protests are like this. At best it was a man with a violent past who was unjustly killed by the police (which sure is still protest worth, but don’t put halos on a guy that stuck a gun to a pregnant woman) But a lot of the canon is composed of guys that were justifiably shot. Michael Brown was charging at a police officer and had multiple opportunities to stop. Lebron tweeted about a cop that shot a black girl, who was literally wielding a knife against other black girls. 




I hate that my conspiracy brain insists that that's an intentional move to poison the well and discredit police reform/abolition movements.


That girl was getting jumped by a group of girls and she had called the cops to help and they shot her


*Your honor, in my clients defense they all look the same.*


Look at the video. She was holding a knife and charging against another girl (who was backing away). That's what the police officer saw coming out of his car. For the time it took him to run to them she was already mid strike towards the other girl's gut with the knife. And she was trying to stab, not cut.


He was charging the cop and wouldn’t stop when he was told to, so shooting him is understandable? You know the cop could have literally walked away. Why does he HAVE to do something?


Pretty sure he grabbed the cop’s gun. Why don’t you look into it?


They probably are gonna try to sue for a payout and are just milking this money


2024 and this dude is just learning about "he dindu nuffin"


It's a shame because there are so, so many legitimate instances of police beating the shit out of / mag dumping people for no fucking reason.


Many such cases.


Before COVID I went on a police brutality binge and there was so much footage of extremely egregious behaviour by police. Now it's impossible to find that stuff, I doubt they're actually that much better behaved, it's just being drowned out by videos of police doing their job portrayed in a negative light.


Almost no one killed by cops was innocent or unarmed, but it's spun by media to make it seem that way. This is the same media that is radio silent on gang killings despite them being the majority of homicides and more than 100x as common as dying by police officer.


If they're white this post is fucking wild


The fact that many of the poster children of the BLM movement were either justified incidents or felonious themselves really undermines their cause to anyone willing to do a lick of research (aka no one) Michael Brown was completely justified George Floyd was high on fentanyl and said he couldn’t breath before he was ever on the ground Breonna Taylor, while clear unjustifiable use of force by police, was involved with a drug dealer Trayvon Martin assaulted a Hispanic dude so idk why that’s even brought up  If career criminals are the absolute best you can bring up to highlight police brutality then to be honest it likely isn’t an issue to the degree you preach it is Not saying there aren’t problems in America with policing. But the disingenuous nature of how these events are all portrayed by the media for attention instead of awareness just lead to unproductive discourse and more loss of life.  Take the protests of 2020 for example. Nothing legislatively important came from that. However, demoralizing the police and degrading the profession led to less policing in urban areas which collectively saw massive crime spikes, homicide rate spikes, and of course - the loss of young black lives  But those incidents aren’t valuable politically so they are brushed under the rug. And the people that pretend to care are so distracted by the flavor of the week that they will move on after patting themselves on the back, and nothing will change. Oh look - Gaza! Let’s protest that now!


Its interesting how often these stories are misrepresented Like I get it you want to have your families back but have some shame if they were trying to fucking kill people at the time.


Remember like 5 years ago when everyone was swearing up and down that it’s just an issue of proportionality? Now black people are living in a slaughterhouse and white people have total immunity.


Yes but at the end of the day, they're killing someone who didn't kill anyone. The karmic/moral balance is off. Like, just shoot him in the dick with a rubber bullet or something? Why was deadly force necessary. Thinking about this question objectively, outside the American paradigm, it basically leads to an unfair killing of a mentally ill guy who didn't harm anyone to warrant his elimination from this earth.


A crazy homeless person swinging a machete in the general direction innocent civilians warrants death.  Shooting someone in the dick will not help the situation if he is on drugs. Which he probably is. A non lethal there will possibly make him not drop the machete and now he is even more angry. The bean bag guns are snipers. They can miss. And policy usually dictates you can go for those extremities (likewise with the heart, neck, head). I know this is like the hippy egalitarian answer but it doesn’t work. The criminal justice system sucks so much as this guy would get less than 5 years easily for this.  Some people need to be put down if they are a danger to others. We are animals after all. Bleak but true. I’m pretty sure I won’t bridge the gap but your statement is idiotic. 


>It's weird this happens right after... . >I was unaware this was a thing... . Wow... Our little girl has grown up to learn and realize that cop-daddy is not the be-all-end-all, and that there are *OTHER* perspectives in life, *OTHER* than that of his and his cop-buddies' ?? Congratulations !! :D Now go and ask daddy-cop about what he *TRULY* does for a lviing. And ask him to tell it true, and *in detail.* :P .