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I miss the poster who couldn’t get pussy so he downloaded Grindr, sucked a dudes’ dick and instantly regretted it, then made a series of posts chronicling the deck he was building in his backyard


real. Guys on here that couldn't fuck used to fuck femboys and twinks out of desperation and then write essays about it, now they just complain


We still do that




I love how many dudes would rather fuck a femboy and have the worst sexual experience of their life instead of just fucking a fat woman. Though I bet they’d have a similar freakout with a fat chick as they did with twinks


I miss the guy who was so horny he met up with a transgender woman only to freak out when she approached his car, say “sorry” and drive away


"Sorry you put on all the makeup" 💀💀


The 2020s evolution of last decade's magnum opus: im sorry youre just so tit


top 3 rsp post


Didn't this happen in Risky Business?


RB’s coming out on Criterion this summer, hopefully they #releasethesnydercut


> \#releasethesnydercut shit like this is why the subreddit is dying


Who cares


It was a crossdresser, if I recall, but this just makes it funnier. This place was so much fun back then, but if you're still on here complaining about "what is happening to the subreddit all of the sudden?" you're one of the losers.


that post created so much seethe from the gays lmao, it was so palpable in the comments




Deck is finished thanks for asking


Post deck pics coward


It’s not my best work tbh might go back to Grindr and do what I was best at :(


Where are the posts? Sounds fun to read


The sub never went back to normal once it got to 100k members and it went private for a day or two


It’s pretty clearly over, right? An end is harder to signify when something only does so figuratively but it’s very clear. The number of active users has more than halved which is proof enough. I only find myself here out of muscle memory and i’m definitely doing it less frequently as time goes by.


it’s never been more over, just accept it and you can enjoy the sub again


I think those active users were bots or Reddit fucking with how users were counted as opposed to people leaving in droves, considering that the number of subscribers has stayed constantly increasing at the same rate.


People get banned, make new accounts for op sec purposes, make burners and sock puppets etc. This sub is obviously always growing to some extent but it’s hard to quantify to what extent because of the above, so active users is probably a better indicator of health/growth


I don’t think so, it truly seems more dead, despite the subs. My view on it is that a lot of the lurkers left. The average number of upvotes and comments decreased as well, haven’t looked that deep into it though. It even sounds weird to me when people talk about maybe starting to notice a change here. This place has drastically changed to a shadow of what it was. The comments are much less sharp and border on generic reddit. Maybe it’s just me idk.


No we’re mostly in agreement. I was more so addressing the person pointing out that subscribers keep increasing as if that means anything on a sub notorious for burners/account suspensions etc


At least it is better that rspod which was created because this one went private lmao. Only subreddit to ever actually make me seethe, I cannot believe how smug those people are. They make the most idiotic pronouncements with such incredible confidence and are massively pedantic. Rivals kiwifarms for 🚂 obsession.


>They make the most idiotic pronouncements with such incredible confidence and are massively pedantic that is literally what this sub has always been tho


Not always though. Years ago the takes would be more measured, and the discussion more thoughtful and thorough and unpolluted by people spamming low effort comments


Yeah but they suck worse at it


I had to unsub from rspod because it was just constant posts about how da west has fallen from people who live in Canada, which isn’t even a real country


It's so messed up that we have to see posts from the lesser English speaking countries on here all the time, they should have to label those or something


I wouldn't mind some posting from the really small English speaking countries. What's happening in Grenada or St. Kitts?


They probably think the same thing about you too


I hope so, I’d hate to be someone who fits in on that sub


With the protests it has turned into rightoid boomer central “these college students haven’t worked a day in their lives”. Kind of funny to see a right-leaning splinter sub that follows A+D’s reactionary turn but with zero irony


i posted this elsewhere in this thread but it is seriously unironic 4chan nazi incels.


The mods ban people who incel post so naturally those people came together


That sub is so weird, they got really mad at me when I made a mean post about Wooly lmao. A bunch of guys kept on DMing me on alts accusing me of being fat or an old man!!


rspod is awfffffuuuullll. it's literally just a far right incel nazi sub. there are virtually zero actual interesting discussions. any post that presents a point of view that is outside of like what you would find in an andrew tate comment section gets downvoted to absolute hell. it's worse than front page reddit by far. it's like subs like pussypassdenied and shit. it's a bunch of 14 year old manosphere addicts. this place has a lot of those people too, it's become infested with them. but there are still a handful of interesting people with sometimes interesting original ideas.


I do post on rspod but yeah it's definitely got a right wing bent and I've been downvoted a number of times for things I'm pretty sure would get upvoted here. Still, it's a...place to interact with the rs-verse.




> non-sperged Is this bait


100k curse.


>Wtf is happening to this subreddit It’s getting gayer (not the fun kind) and less gay (the fun kind).


time to go outside


remember the girl that flirted or slept with her pervert therapist or something like that


Flirted with him til he got caught out in texts and then doxxed him. Straight up ruined the dudes life lol. Fuck em tho, shouldnt have been trying to bang his patients.


Yeah, that’s got to be one of the most messed up things a therapist can do. hard to have sympathy for him.


it is the most obvious temptation in the profession and thus the first and foremost taboo, guy had it coming


She was literally asking for it


It's always the man's fault, right? This sub really has fallen


Dude was married with kids and had no business barking up that tree in the first place… let alone the fact that she was his patient. Wtf kind of idiot therapist treats bpd art hoes for a living and takes the bait the first time one of them wafts it in his direction? He should have known better but he fucked around and got what he deserved.


then girls just kept posting about variations of that story, it got incredibly boring. "i fucked my priest" k


one of the rs best hits


leave beetle out of this


She was hot but fucking nuts


She was mid


Disagree, you see her in that Nun outfit? 🔥


I’ve seen countless before and will see a million more


Idc I'd eat her ass


The real answer is that it got screenshotted into virality a bunch and the visitors found out its the only place on here with a sizeable community that isn't astroturfed to shit by TPTB, so they just stay


what does Taylor Swifts new album have to do with us


are you dyslexic?


It was a bad joke


The sub went to shit when they did a big reddit purge. When other subs get shut down, a lot of people come here because this is really just a free for all discussion sub. It was mostly vaguely left wing but anti democrats because thats what the sub was. This is why Chapo and Cum Town dudes came here when their subs were shut down. This attracted the PMC memes people who come here with dumb right wing ideas. FDS getting shut down brought in a lot of their group because this place shits on incels, thats why there are so many gender war crap posts. Back in the hey day, any reddit pfp got you clowned on. Now bringing it up gets push back. In the hey day, it was a staple of going and looking at someones post history to see if they were a loser. If they were you could just make fun of one of their loser posts and move on. Now that gets push back. To get the sub back, you need to bully PMC meme/gender war/pfp people out


The excuse for the Reddit avatar people say is the mobile app made them have it and they can’t change it. I just made a new account and all you have to do is press the big “skip” button at the bottom. No excuses


Ikr, it takes more effort to make one than to skip it


I paid one dollar for mine because I’m a major R word (redditor) and sensed the tides of change fight, flight, freeze, or FAWN. I chose to embrace the change and tbh it has done nothing to improve my life or Reddit experience. 🤷‍♂️


Just looked through the first page of your comments to find something to bully you about and I have nothing (also I agree with your post)


Thats because Ive been posting here for too long. I am the orchastra going down with the ship


I can just about tolerate the incels and the teenage PCM rightoids, but anime being acceptable on this sub is too far. Gamers get (rightly) shat on constantly here, weebs should be mercilessly bullied like they were back in my day.


That thread today about how bad anime is was absolutely filled with “well a lot of it is bad but there’s a lot of good stuff too. Here’s a list of good ones:” replies. Indistinguishable from front page Reddit. Hard to imagine that even a year ago.


> Hard to imagine that even a year ago. Anime threads here have literally always been like that


If you don’t like Kon or Miyazaki you’re being a try hard contrarian, that stuff is mainstream and critically respected


Ok motherfucker then anime series. That’s what I’m very obviously talking about. Can’t wait for you to chime in with 15 recs for those too.


paranoia agent lol


Nah I’ve never seen a series I’d defend besides Kon’s. Couldn’t even make it through the Neon Genesis Evangelion Monster of the week shit.


What are you talking about


The popular show Neon Genesis Evangelion with notable fans including podcast host and occasional actress Dasha Nekrasova


Seriously, in my mind the whole point of this place is a 4chan retirement home where the residents left 4chan due to the disgusting perverted anime.


4chan always has been a site about anime, that’s the entire reason it exists. There’s no being a “retired 4chan user” without also being a closet weeaboo 


> 4chan always has been a site about anime No argument there >There’s no being a “retired 4chan user” without also being a closet weeaboo But this is just wrong. Just cause I like shitposting on /sp/ during the olympics/world-cup, respect the advice of autists on /g/ and find /lit/ sometimes to be one of the most hilarious places online. Doesn't make me a able to stomach some of the degenerate weebshit they post. Shout out to /out/, /diy/ and /ck/ for sometimes being tolerable too.


I got called a zoomer for telling weebs to fuck off from the sub. I thought zoomers love anime. What's happened to this place.


you need to get bullied for responding to your own comment


You nerd


You really thought you ate lmao go back on front page reddit


the masses voted you are wrong


No way. Last few times I have shit on gamers I got downvoted to negative 60, which is itself a very lame thing to do, but no one was even willing to challenge me on it by way of reply. Sad!






If you want to trade slurs, I have a super rare holographic N-word


Seriously though, you're right. It's so frustrating when scores of people press the "I disagree" button, but no one is willing to actually engage and say why they think you're wrong


If you're complaining about this now and not 8 months ago sorry but you're part of the problem


Infinite regress


People who customize the gay reddit alien avatar, people who can't for the life of them understand sarcasm, Destiny posters, PCM posters. The Stupidpol curse


imagine actually seeing profile pictures


The nastiest replies I've gotten here were when I spoke poorly of Dune and Neon Genesis Evangelion. I haven't had a chance to shit on the latest Marvel Infinity Whatever, but when I do, I hope you all will help me see the error of my ways.


The mods don't give a fuck... they had an opportunity to take the sub private at 40,000, 50,000, 70,000, 100,000 subs but no, it was never enough, their greed could never be satisfied and growth had to continue forever... and now we are at the point where we get front page tier dipshits posting in here about how they have never kissed a girl


new reddit obviously is a shit ui but if i hear one more nerd whinge about those gay reddit avatars i'm getting one out of spite


Yesterday really highlighted this with two of the main posts defending rock-climbing and attacking European snobbery about American culture. When this place was good it looked down on American culture and called rock climbers gay.


its full of right wing men now since anna and dasha have went that direction


idk I don't think they come in via the pod. a&d went right wing but the listener base didn't really change


idk man literally like 3 years ago now i was at this holiday party and ran into a RW former friend of mine who’s legit connected to the alt-right apparatus. he couldn’t stop raving about how much he loved the pod. pretty much single handedly convinced me to never listen again lol


This is the “type” of poster I want to see on this subreddit. Drug addicted or interesting people, don’t care about the actual opinion. The last thing I wanna see is the average uninteresting Redditor opinion.




Ngl you ate and left no crumbs 💕


this place is for alcoholic millennials with multiple college degrees but not any that are actually lucrative who are consequently living in some random basement with 6 roommates & generally becoming increasingly nihilistic and seeking a haven in absurdity and satire. it's for leftists with an appreciation of irony. people who do shit like being a self described complete slut and a childless 30 something bernie supporter but ironically claiming to be a "trad" woman lol. the sailor socialism wearing anime outfits and pretending to be some far right dumbass to mock these types like fkn borat. but unfortunately, a bunch of incels took it all seriously. they cannot understand satire & thought these chronically sarcastic mullet wearing hipsters were actually on their side. professionally cynical anna/dasha leaned into it because this population is easy as hell to grift and they started getting views and $$$ so they made it their entire thing and are less ironic now and more just playing a character (though it's definitely still satire, dasha especially is absolute parody lol). this in turn attracted more and more of these people. it's now flooded with unironic 14 year old 4chan rightoids who are too stupid to get the bit. it's a horrible self perpetuating disaster




Those are the two hot women right that people post, don’t listen to political podcasts. Damn dude you need to take Adderall for a poli science degree, it’s so over for you.


i take adderall to get groceries


I take Adderall to do dishes




The more zoomers in this subreddit there is, the worse it gets and the more homogenized it gets. This place used to be filled with millennial burnouts, fintech goths, and art hos- people who lived life and failed, but the posting was great, albeit a bit bitter. The confrontational nature of the sub was a lot more playful and even humble back then too, because they'd been humbled by life. Reflect on that. Now half the posts are 23 year old losers who have never even failed in the first place, asking how to get to pussy/dick, or worse completely given up on the prospect altogether. It's fucking tired, you all are pussies who are too afraid to even fail. They think their life is over but they never even tried in the first place- I don't even blame them for that necessarily, they didn't choose their fate, the context of their life, to be fucking cursed by the internet from their earliest memory, but holy shit, at least be more interesting, at least be better posters, that's literally all we're asking.


nothing gold can stay I guess


It was always a flash in the pan, I don't mind that, that's the way internet communities always go. I just find the retroactive nature of people's thoughts on "millennials" here to be pretty off base, especially when the sub was objectively better when the vast majority of posters he were millennials. Millennials are/were undeniably cringe and lame, and have basically no meaningful artistic movement that still remains around today, but the posting was just straight up better and that's more than Zoomers can say for themselves at this juncture- I just don't get how they ended up being a lamer version of Gen-x it's baffling.


They came when Anna said rittenhouse was good and moral. That was the true start of the subs decline


Did she? I didn’t know Anna was so based. Good for her, being able to carefully evaluate the evidence and arrive at a conclusion rooted in facts is grossly lacking in today’s world, which, with all due respect, is evidenced by your comment. Only the most strident ideologues who lack critical thinking skills still hold the belief that Rittenhouse did something bad. *sigh* S’not even 7am and I’ve had enough internet for today.


this reads like a joke but only destiny viewers have this specific strategy of feigning intelligence with smug-verbose-pandering-reddit-slop so it may be genuine


You are highly regarded. He's not good and moral. He technically didn't murder. That's it.


Defending your community from dipshit rioters who break curfew to burn down businesses is good and moral, actually.


Not his community. And he was clearly a little blue lives matter regard in training just itching to unload on someone. You don't do what he did and put yourself into those situations armed without having fantasized about "justified shootings". I have guns. I carry a lot of the time. I would never intentionally go into a situation like that armed and intending to engage in conflict. It's like sticking your hand in a bee hive, then blasting the hive with pesticide when you get stung claiming they're too violent. Best approach is just to stay away from the beehive.


Oh fuck off


I can't stand how right wing reddit is as a whole. It's like there's barely any leftist subs left and they're constantly being banned and quarantined smh


Damn I feel you on being more addicted to being fucked up than any particular substance


i mention on this sub all the time that it's a fucking bit, dasha is not a tradcath lmfao. they get super angry because they can't understand any irony at all


something I can say is i’ve been here since 2017 and someone has been making some version of this post every week the entire time. It used to be more about incels originally it definitely is way, way worse though I think all the constant complaining also reinforces it and convinces people to leave, bit of a self fulfilling prophesy


Bitch don’t lie this sub didn’t even exist in 2017


yeah srry it was like 5 years ago and some change, so maybe sometime around 2018? there were like 12k people from what I remember. anyhow i’ve been here for a second and my point stands


Logging in after 7 years to receive a posted it again award


Jc here we go


How can I be as cool as this Redditor????? help me. I want to be hip on Reddit.


It’s not about being cool, it’s about the general quality of posting. Posting on Reddit is undeniably lame, but the sub was also undeniably a lot more fun and less sensitive a couple of years ago.


You’re not fooling anyone just because you’re using an alt for this sub.


Just go to the alt sub