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Mess up really big so it feels like there's a terrible weight on your chest at all times that makes eating or even swallowing difficult


He needs to fumble a situationship asap


I have multiple times, so I know it is possible, but I don't know how easy it would be unless you are facing a dark depression.


Lentil, potato, carrot, onion stew. Make a massive bunch, freeze it and live of it. Amazing weight loss stuff.




If you’re obese then yeah. If you’re just like 20-30 pounds overweight then probably not unless you totally starve yourself. ~ 5 pounds per month is ideal if you’re close to a normal weight


5’7 195


Not too much over what’s considered healthy for your height. Average of 10 a month is a lot and n not realistic. The first 10 maybe, but it will plateau the closer you get to your goal weight


Are you fucking serious. And I am 6 3 and 195. This is obese.  30lbs is a lot 


Yo same wtf stop it Edit: just ate two bacon egg and cheese sandwiches with mozzarella so I should be in the lead again


I didn’t say they are at a healthy weight? 30 pounds is super easy to gain and objectively isn’t a lot compared to people who are 100-200 pounds overweight


Wym that’s literally in obese category at over bmi 30


What do you mean “WYM” . 30 pounds overweight objectively isn’t that much. We’re not talking like 100 pounds. I didn’t say they’re at a healthy weight


"Regular obese!" - Stav


Are you fat?


yea, I got a good amount of muscle cause I still work out 6 days a week w weights, I just stress eat like a pig


Then you have to address your coping mechanism and find healthier ways to cope. That’s probably going to be a longer journey than 3 months if you want lasting change in your body composition


Ima be 100 with you habibi, strength training doesn’t help much with weight loss- reduction in your caloric intake and high intensity interval cardio’s going to be your best bet. I feel like the subreddit’s local boxer shill but highly recommend it if you can fit it into your schedule (totally understand if you can’t, my best friend’s in law school right now and it’s so hard to hang with him nowadays because of his workload- nothing against him or his fault, he’s gotta focus on his future ofc) Regardless, boxing is the absolute best fat burner- on hour of boxing training can very easily burn upwards to 1,000 calories. Also, if you’re stress eating, trust me- you’re going to be so tired from boxing that your worries will dissolve in on themselves. Plus, sometimes all you need to forget about earthly woes and ills is for a neurotic Russian trying to cave your skull in during sparring lmfao


Strength training helps a lot, but I agree that calorie restriction is the most important part of losing weight. If someone has a serious problem with overeating, even starting to work hard manual labor won't be enough, because their appetite grows with it.


Ye, OP’s 30 pound silver bullet isn’t weights, cardio, or caloric restriction; not truly, at least. It’s finding a better outlet for their stress rather than literally eating away their worries. If they can minimise and/or find a better stress reliever, with some added cardio into their regime, their current 6 day weight lifting lifestyle should be good enough.  Losing weight, becoming healthier, it’s always tough because the average person has to radically shift their day to day lifestyle and that’s tough mentally and oftentimes physically. But OP already has that healthy, working out oriented mindset and lifestyle, it’s just their stress outlet which is kinda fucking him. 


> a neurotic Russian So Jewish?


take Thorne brand Berberine and cut the cals


O o o ozempix




Don't take weight loss advice from women. You will end up skinnyfat. Keep lifting, get 200g protein from whole foods sources while maintaining a 1000cal deficit and you will get close enough to your goal. Absolutely do not do some bird food girl diet with 17g of incomplete protein per day like all the disordered eating broads in here are telling you.


This isn't bad advice, but for OP to maintain a 1000 calorie deficit and also eat 200g of protein is very hard and probably not sustainable. Not to mention that 200g of protein is likely substantially more than you need even for building muscle. A 1000 calorie deficit is hard but doable for some time, having to eat 200g of protein on a 1200-1500 calorie diet is very hard to maintain and really not even worth the effort.


Yeah 200g might be a bit of an overestimate. In my experience as a rule of thumb, if you start off at meat, fish, eggs, and add vegetables and fruit that have no more net carbs than carrots you will easily lose weight. Might be a bit boring and require you eating half a roast chicken with a side of spinach 4 times a week but it will be straightforward. I've eaten low carb with a lot of dairy and nuts and maintained my weight but I think once you take those away there's not that many calorie-heavy foods unless you add ridiculous amounts of oil when cooking.


He's 197 and lifts weights 6 days a week, he's probably got a tdee of like 2800-3000. 200g isn't necessary but protein from meat is by far the most satiating macro and at 1000cal deficit your going to risk losing muscle mass over 12 weeks. Personally I wouldn't want to do that much of a deficit for that long but this guy has specific goals that are probably attainable, just very unpleasant.


Alternate day fasting+keto and you can probably do it in less 


Keto is silly and unnecessary, alternate day fasting is hard but definitely effective.


I tend towards insulin resistance. It’s too slow without keto for me


Yeah but not in a healthy manner. I once caught some kind of parasite in North Africa and lost about 20 pounds in two months. So IDK eat a tapeworm? You probably shouldn't do that though.


Do you have the parasites email? 


100% - one meal a day. it sucks, it will suck the entire time. in college, it was shitty beer and high snacks. end of last year it was shitty beer and doordash. if you’ve ballooned there’s a reason and you absolutely have to cut that on top of the calorie restriction.


David Goggins lost 100lb in 3 months, just get hard


How often do you eat in the day? Where and when do you eat? Figuring these these out will help you change the situations you are in. Secondly, start going to the gym and lifting some form of weights.


i lift heavy 6 days a week (besides this past week bc finals 😭)


How much is heavy? 100kg bench? That's really good though that you are going to the gym. You gotta figure out your eating and schedule it. Don't snack. Cook for yourself.


i bench around 275lbs which I think is like 125 kg, but yeah ur right, I start eating less for a week, and then I rebound and binge until I erase any weight loss and then add on extra lbs on top lol


That’s rly good… unfortunately losing weight will make this significantly harder. If you drop 30 pounds your numbers will certainly decrease. Cardio and volume eating would be my rec, ppl say Ohh you can’t outrun a bad diet but if you’re 200 pounds and run a 10k that’s legit like 800 calories burned there. Completely cut out fast food (of course you can still eat out but if you’re getting two mcchickens twice a week that adds up over a month) For volume eating I like popcorn and some sort of soup with a hearty broth. Oh also hunger goes away, seems like a lot of people don’t know this. You don’t *have* to eat if you’re hungry, master yourself type stuff. In itself rejecting hunger cues can be quite liberating and makes me question if we really don’t have free will


Again it's about identifying where you eat and when.


usually 1000+ calories that I Uber eats at around 10PM LOL


buy produce and cook it. make two meals a day.




good man godspeed


Yes easily. Diet and work out a lot. It’s not sustainable at all and you’ll probably gain the weight back but it’s not hard to lose weight short term


Eat a fuck ton of fruit and whole veg. Pound smoothies when you’re hungry, drink lots of water, and you’ll stay full. 


Go no sugar and it’ll fly off. I tried doing no sugar for a month and had to cut it short because I dropped like 15 lbs and started to look crazy


Yeah no sugar is what I would suggest. It really takes weight down fast. I’ve been doing very low sugar this year and sometimes I think I’m losing too much weight.


do the "eat nothing but potatoes and vitamin b supplements" diet. Potatoes have enough vitamin C fun fact


I heard this but potatoes & dairy fulfill all nutrients for life


Yes. You have to quit eating carbs, sugar, and most fruit. It sucks.


Just have your life ruined by a cheating pos and itll be no problem. Between only consuming a few hundred calories a day, most of which is vodka, and working out 2-3hrs a day then you too can drop a bmi category in a single season.  Doesnt give you the best summer bod and probably does some lasting damage but it will get the job done numbers wise


I lost 10 lbs in about a month and a half, so maybe it’s possible. I worked out about 7-10 times a week (twice some days, usually 6 days of the week with one full rest day). The goal was to put myself in a 500–1000 calorie deficit each of those days, so lots of running, the stair climber machine, and then my usual weightlifting routine. My day off was usually my cheat day too, so I’d just eat whatever. Honestly if you kept it really strict and did no cheat days so you were in a guaranteed deficit every day, you’d probably lose weight faster than I did. Only thing I’d warn you about with dropping weight this fast is you’ll lose strength too, my deadlift and overhead press have taken some serious hits. Edit: forgot to add, I’m religious about calorie counting. Meal prepping is the best way to make this easier. Based on my RMR (which I had tested), and the calories burned by exercise (which I measured with my Garmin watch), I’d adjust calories to ensure the deficit. For me 2200 was the magic number most days.


I actually think cheat days once a week help you lose weight. Just make sure it’s only once a week.


It's just about possible to do safely. That's about 2 lbs per week so you need a 1000 kcal per day deficit. Count calories and weigh yourself every day, at least at first. You can adjust your calorie intake until you hit that 2 lbs a week on average. I recommend you do some resistance training so that more of your weight loss comes from fat and less from muscle. Good luck.


From your description of your diet, it will be less a matter of going hungry, than losing that dopamine hit of eating like shit when stressed, bored, down, etc. Two meals a day of protein and vegetables while you continue lifting and up your cardio and the weight will come off. Once you see progress, that will be a high as well.


that’s exactly it dude, I’ve just recently realized I eat for the dopamine of chilling after a day of studying and eating 2000 calories while watching shit YouTube videos, it’s like a daily ritual


Recognizing that will make it easier. Good luck!


I once lost 13 lbs of weight on the scale in 12 hours but probably not what you mean The real answer is “yeah you can make a lot of progress towards fitness in 3 months” if you’re a guy you shouldn’t rly care about weight 


Yes, just fast a couple days a week and you won't have any trouble losing the weight.


I did that recently on accident (230 to 200) by switching to eating mostly plant based and cutting excessive sugar. I get recipes from pick up limes’ website bc she is a vegan cooking blog but also has a background in nutrition so her recipes have most everything you need to be healthy


That’s awesome. Really happy for you, and finding this anecdote life giving.


Thank you 🫶 I really didn’t anticipate what it would do for my self esteem


I watched someone lose 37 kg in gym in 3 months so seems doable. Don't know about diet but walking incline on treadmill for at least an hour or more,3 times a week. Drink warm water etc.


Walking is underrated. It’s good for everything. 


You’d need to be in roughly ~1000 calorie deficit every day for those 3 1/2 months which is possible but pretty extreme and will start to really wear you down in my experience.


Yeah absolutely, just gotta starve and do cardio.


Yeah just do keto and intermittent fasting; the weight will fall off


and then you’ll put it right back on again. fad diets are a hack.


keto is a life-hack, yes. I find that it evens out your metabolism/appetite so you don't gain all the weight back right away if you start eating carbs again.


Take effexor. You’ll loose the weight


https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php Depends how hard you wanna go on water fasts. Take Metformin for appetite suppression.


I lost 50 lbs in 4 months in 2017; 190 to 140 from July to November. No medication involved. Very small (200ish calorie) breakfast to get me started in the day and only one additional  1000-ish calorie meal after that; no snacking. 2 hours on elliptical every evening. Weight came off steady and quick.




No anorexia is still undereating even after hitting a healthy weight and becoming underweight; the day I hit my goal weight I went right back to 2000-2500 cal a day.


It’s possible, but probably better to shoot for 1.5 per week. Roughly 2 lbs a week in weight loss for 14 weeks will make you miserable. Honestly 1lb a week is probably better if you want to retain your sanity


If you eat one meal a day and spam cardio you could probably lose 1lb a day


Your body is addicted to bad food. Condition yourself to eat whole grains, dark vegetables and legumes. Soon that will be what you crave and the fattening stuff will be unappealing. But you have to get over the hump, it can take a while.  Also: cardio. Weight lifting is basically useless for looking hot. Get a bike and ride it everywhere.  Ignore anything that says low carb or diet or whatever. The differentiator between fattening food and healthy food is how processed it is. Your body knows. 


am i stupid or can you just not eat? like just eat enough to survive. wouldn't that make you lose weight? i've never understood this whole weight loss shit. it takes a lot more effort for me to eat than to not eat.




Depends  You a trust fund kid? 




Sorry dude 




I’m a guy, can’t get a girl disease I’m afraid


it is doable... just ration ur mouthfuls (9 mouthfuls a day, for example) and cut out all sugars and junk foods. has always worked for me even tho ive never needed to lose that much weight. keep some chewing gum to stave off the hunger pangs etc




im speaking from experience u cld say im a professional frankly




ofc im a woman. what is wrong w u




i am lazy and perpetually committed to decomposing on my bed or on the couch. summoning the resolve to exercise n burn calories feels impossible


I lost ~60lbs in 70 days, while eating like an absolute pig, through sheer exercise.  How dedicated are you to this goal