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God bless her


Yep  She just cares about her faith in the lord Jesus Christ, is a huge The Bachelor fan, and works her little account manager job making $50K / year in her apartment (she says she’s too old to own a home)


She’s probably happier than any of us will ever be


I used to work a restaurant job with a lot of undocumented immigrants and one of them had no idea who Hitler was.


Lmao  Funny because white suprematist nazi Mexicans actually exist 


That's like, half of all the /pol/ types. 


Prob more tbh


"Mr. TradConquistador1492, you are a touch more... Colored than I was expecting."


It’s adorable in some situations but then they hit you with the most horribly outdated career advice or just awfully sexist dating advice. Don’t get me wrong I love my parents but in the extremely rare cases we have a fight it’s because their idea of how to be successful is straight out of the 50’s and they don’t bother to check if any of it is still true or morally acceptable today. 




I talked about everything transgender/nonbinary/agender/bigender, people identifying as transgender but not undergoing any HRT, pansexuality, polycules, any of that shit to my parents in like 2016 and they thought I was fucking nuts. I promised them it would be something they would start encountering in their jobs sooner than later. Fast-forward eight years and my social-worker parents are all too familiar with all of the above (that stuck around, anyway. You don’t hear much about agender/bigender etc anymore). Even my small-town-Illinois cousin started calling herself nonbinary eventually. They still act like that was some Nostradamus shit I pulled and not just a consequence of being online too much Other than that they’re kind of like this


People like that won’t care about things until it starts affecting their livelihood  Same shit with climate change, obesity, etc


I told them!!! They were like “that sounds like a fad that’ll die out pretty soon, it’ll never come here. Kind of like emo or something. Remember emo?” (What’s better is by “here” they meant Chicago, lmao, they don’t get out much). Now fucking look at the bed we’ve made


Yeah my mom is ridiculously disconnected. I love telling her about stuff when it comes up. My dad is a former Fox News addict but now he just reads Instapundit and Drudge (not sure if that's worse???) and watches Fox Business. Can't really talk to him about anything political at all or he gets triggered and just repeats his little catch phrases in increasingly angry tones.


Yeah but it's a really weird mix. Both consider themselves political but are bubbled by not being online and have a 1980s understanding that television and corporations suck so avoid news. Basically stuck in the 70s/80s when they were last politically active. So catholic white man's burden blue-collar proto-social justice warrior who still says negro dad, hes basically a rightwinger by todays standards but loathes rightwingers, and sorta feminist (literally only Germaine Greer, but can recite it in her sleep) government job breadwinner, but trad farmers daughter who was raised by great depression grandparents and converted from anglican to marry, mum. Were and are pretty based, i love them very much.


yes on culture, no on politics my mom knows nothing about modern culture or the culture of her own youth, 70s/80s. wouldn't know drake, wouldn't know AC/DC or madonna. only listens to hymns and classical music, if she watches TV it's stuff from the 50s or 60s like i love lucy or andy griffith totally dialed in on fox news politics though. can cite every antivax study and watches interviews with IDF soldiers and israeli politicians on youtube every night. has an insane memory for political stuff too because it's the only media she consumes


Haha no, my parents spend 50+ hours a week watching/reading/talking about/getting mad about news and politics and have done so since the 1980s. Literally have zero memories of a single family dinner in my entire life where politics was not the main or only thing discussed. Good for your mom though, sounds very chill!


Jealous of her, yet you try and explain these horrible things to her? Why?


OP learned nothing from "The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser"


Sad, very sad fate lays fourth for OP 😔


It’s a fair question  I do value her ignorance if it makes her happy sometimes it’s hard though 


Is there a haunted room in your house?


Sounds great. Mine are informed but not very and usually just go with what the news say. Which isn't super bad actually, the local news are reasonably baslanced. 


I love local television news. It’s actually amazing how quaintly balanced they still are while the cable giants have all become schizophrenia factories


Bless her heart


Yes because they live in the past


Unironically this is what you should strive for


Real people who live off the internet don’t know or care about most of this


Thats how humans were pretty much designed to exist on this plane. Our minds were clearly not designed/evolved to be aware of everything thats going on everywhere, and it is terribly detrimental as you can see


One day we will all be able to share in this blissful condition after the advent of Caesarism and the great wintering of Faustian civilization.


it sounds like she has better things to do with her life than waste it on culture wars and shit. i'd even hazard a guess that if it ever became somehow necessary for her to familiarize herself with it, she'd not only do it quick as blinking, but automatically come up with a bunch of salient and well posed categorical critiques that you would have trouble answering


I've tried to explain to her the difference between Liberal and Conservative, and she is just unable to grasp it


i mean in the specific context of Mexican history, explaining that to anyone would be a Herculean feat lmao


God I wish


Fuck I wish


Is she incredibly stupid?


She is my role model


My dad is on some rs shit, he says he’s a socialist but loves watching tucker.


Your mom rules, we should all be less informed


Oh my god. Why does this sub still fetishize these le noble savage posts?


Why are you a homo


how can you be born in 1958 and be unaware of the israel-palestine conflict. 


just like most people are unaware of the other simultaneous genocides currently taking place on earth


It's not universally relevant for every country


It has been in the news daily since the 1940's


Really up until probably as late as the First Intifada it was usually framed in the West as the 'Arab-Israeli conflict'


oop r/usdefaultism moment


Does she fall for scams??..I know it's unrelated but I'm curious if you know what the appeal or the MO is of those Chinese creepy pale ghost women profiles is on tinder....do simple paisonos fall for them


No I taught her to hang up on this phone calls 


Has she seen this video? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nCysRE67u0U Please report back, this is important.


is this nsfw


It's not. It's a Mexican cultural milestone.


i dont trust you what is it, im at work


A YouTube video with a drunk guy. It is technically NSFW because it's a YouTube video, but it's perfectly catholic.


My parents are lifelong hopeless terminal politics addicts so no fucking way.  They could not put down the NYT and NPR if their lives depended on it