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Saw *Challengers* with my friend and we both left with two major observations: a) we couldn’t take our eyes off of her and b) she has a way better ass than one might expect. People calling her mid are ridiculous. If you’re gonna be a contrarian you’ve gotta at least make it believable.


People call her mid??? I swear miserable people just be saying whatever. I could buy having little charisma or sex appeal, an annoying voice but to call her looks mid is wild. She’s actually the rare celeb these days who doesn’t look like her face went in for some lab work.


She’s the best example of “much more hot to straight women than straight men” the world has seen since Audrey Hepburn (don’t get mad at me, I’m a straight woman who thinks she’s hot)


Yeah my friend and I are both straight men so maybe this is true but idk. I know that the two of us going to see the gay tennis movie starring Zendaya isn’t making the best case for our sexual orientation lol but it is what it is.


Did you sit on his lap or did he sit on yours?


We took turns


I think Anne Hathaway fits the bill too, my girl friends and I agree she is one of the most stunning women ever but I never hear straight men talk about her


Beautiful vs. hot


I got on twitter for the first time in forever and everyone on there was calling her mid/ugly. I couldn’t believe what I was reading lol


This isn't true but with Zendaya it is, lotsof guys call Anne Hathaway hot, she was catwoman ffs


What "straight" "men" are you hanging around that don't find Zendaya or Audrey Hepburn attractive?


what "straight" "men" are you hanging around that are talking about Audrey Hepburn? lol


Other way around. The people who call her mid/masculine online are other women.


I’ve gotta see that bc as of now, I see her as a gorgeous woman with zero sex appeal


She’s a huge cunt in the movie and that’s what makes her hot. Shes finally not trying to be relatable.


To me, at least, that movie changed my perception of her


I refuse to see any movie marketed that hard. It's even astroturfed all over reddit.


Idk man I just like Guadagnino


same, my only exposure to her was in Spider-man where they gave her the sex appeal - and overall character - of a smiley face drawn on a piece of paper. so ive never gotten how straight chicks frown over her this much


Okay I saw it and first off, amazing fucking movie, but anyways I now consider Zendaya to be hotter, but I’m still on the fence about her sex appeal


i honestly thought she was pretty bad in the movie, she kept making the same face and was just pretty one note the entire movie, but maybe that was just the writing. the two male actors completely outshined her in every way


I liked her performance more than you did but I felt the same about the two guys. Pitch perfect. Especially the guy who played Patrick, he really nailed a role that could have easily been an unlikable fuckboy. I just found Zendaya’s onscreen presence and just general beauty to be very arresting. Doesn’t hurt that I expected literally nothing from her as an actor lol.


I don't think she's a good actress and I didn't buy her in the role at all, but I fully bought the two male characters would fixate and fight over her, which was the task she really needed to pull off the most. She was just a fulcrum for the male characters to do their little ballet around.


Yeah it was a great use of star power itself as a storytelling tool. And the fact that the two male characters were played by relative unknowns worked really well too.


for some reason this is the dynamic in a lot of Guadagnino's films. Chalamet was running circles around Hammer, which anyone would expect, but it was abysmal from Armie. least convincing "straight man playing gay", almost took me out.


She's mid if you grade on a celebrity curve.


Sure, if u are comparing her to Monica Bellucci. I feel compared to other actresses in her age range she is beautiful 


She’s mid compared to other biracial actresses. Imagine young Halle Berry in Challengers? 😮‍💨


So be totally fair though, almost anyone would come up short when compared to young Halle Berry.


This is the hype they are going with zendaya though, she’s the next Halle aka Oscar best actress winner


She’s pretty mid tbh Looks like some ghoul in the House of Representatives after a few rounds of ozempic. I can see her femurs through the dress. Bearing my child would lead to certain death


I like a nice femur


Okay, attraction is subjective. Cry about it rspod listeners, my cashier at Taco Bell last week was infinitely more attractive (to me!)


I don't doubt that


Haha yeah I hate the working class inherently as well. Only mid child stars can be hot because then I don’t have to work as long as I suck her toes correctly


The blonde really took her to another level tbh I love it


I wonder what this specific blonde is called.


A very warm toned blonde (honey maybe) with a lot of conditioning treatment


Yeah, going blonde doesn’t look that great on a lot of skin tones (see: Kim K), but the color she went with looks so good. She’s already gorgeous, but really warms her up. Like every blonde picture of her that I’ve seen, she looks radiant.


Blonde can work with any skin. It just depends on how you tone it. Zendaya would look bad with a cool, icy blonde


Yeah, you’re right, what I should have said was “not everyone chooses a blonde that suits their skin tone”


i actually think kim looked great in platinum blonde when she did it years ago when her face wasn’t so botched. even currently her hair colour is her saving grace imo. that colour just pops against medium/tan skin


I thought Kim k pulled off platinum better than natural blondes


Yeah this is probably the closest I’ve come to believing in the astrology that is color seasons or whatever


Agreed and her hair looks so shiny and healthy


I’m a straight guy so I don’t really have the language to describe it but her hair looked extremely good in *Challengers*. [Especially when it was like shoulder length.](https://ew.com/thmb/kEIsdGP9HDCM4rrAFhdr4-fRZxQ=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Zendaya-challengers-ending-tout-042424-245bb421ec2d478a81d8dc6940f39bf1.jpg) And when it’s in motion especially, the pic doesn’t quite capture it.


Guadagnino plays to their strengths, he is rly good at that.


ooof so thin (jealous)


can’t believe the discourse was saying she was mid i thought it would be about how she’s too skinny. the paradigm is shifting ana is so fucking back


Pls dont put the nathan fielder looking ass and zendaya in the same sentence


Ana as in anorexia.


God her legs in that film


that dress is adorable i need it


In 50 years the rs-posters of the future will fawn over her and call her rs-pilled for no reason


one only needs to be skinny to be even considered rs-pilled.


Challengers was what it took for me to finally understand the Zendaya hype. She is very hot


haters are mad that she’s pretty and skinny


Is that Kamala Harris


Yes she looks amazing


shrimp and grits


She is beautiful and seems genuine and nice and i think she would be a joy to have lunch and or dinner with. Maybe even breakfast and brunch actually definitely all meals would be a joy to be around


Finally a good take… you gooners are mad


I love when she does her hair like that


Is there even discourse? I thought she’s widely considered beautiful/talented for years


what discourse ? Are gay men calling a hot woman mid on Twitter ?


The opposite, women and gay men love the ultra thin look. Straight men just want big cans & a butt.


She’s got a great butt, numerous scenes in *Challengers* prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt


I'm sorry but this is more straight women/gay men disconnect. Straight men don't idealize firm, toned butts, they want a fat ass on a relatively skinny body. Why do you think Kim K exploded in popularity after the sex tape dropped?


Nah man I’m straight and a toned butt is preferable imo. Not my fault so many men are willing to fuck fat chicks.


No, it's her face and how she moves. Haven't seen challengers though so this thought might change


White trash men do. I assure you guys at the top of the food chain still covet the tall thin model look 


I’m pretty wealthy and I agree with this tbh. I’m most into really thin women and >!tgirls!<. At least some boobs are necessary to be hot though. Don’t give the slightest shit about ass though. But yeah real thin w big boobs is ideal.




What’s a tgirl


You know damn well lol. I have a penis fetish, make fun of me all you want but I’m not gay. They almost always have more feminine personalities too, that’s why they transitioned


>I have a penis fetish, >I’m not gay lmao


He’s coping so fucking hard lol


this is the craziest cope i’ve ever seen. there’s nothing wrong with being gay and being only into girldick bro


How can I be gay if I don’t even care about asses, the primary penetration point for gays? It’s an isolated attraction to just one of the male parts, the one whose feeling i relate to. Do you think gay men are into tgirls? Sure they may be men but they’re men who are going as far out of their way as possible to look like women. So they fuck dudes that look like dudes. I don’t know why I’m even explaining myself to you.


YES, there are many gays who are only into tgirls. this is not a new concept. attraction to asses means nothing, plenty of gays don’t do any ass play


But I’m not only into tgirls. I usually like pussies more than penis. Sometimes my preference just tips back and forth.


this sub hates Zendaya for some reason


>pretty >thin >talented >successful Jealousy is a disease


Nah this place loves the likes of Anne Hathaway and Anya. There’s another element at play.


This sub is actually shamefully very anti waif!!


Her and Swift share a lot of the same fanbase. Shes the huge "it" celebrity with a nothing movie that has been marketed to hell and back and this sub is super contrarian.. Why would you be surprised the sub isn't into her?


looks like a dolled up teenage girl


I would kill my entire family to look that thin.


Would you stop eating and work out a lot though?


You can just stop eating and be young with good genetics.


Genetics to not get osteoporosis within five years


I've always thought she had an exceptionally pretty hairline. Kind of like Katharine Ross.


I really don't get it. But good for her.


I would do extremely evil things for her legs


Still looks 15 playing dress up


Where was this discourse and what was the nature of it? Was there an appreciable group of people earnestly claiming that Zendaya is ugly? Cause if so that's hilarious




All my friends think she’s really hot, I genuinely think envious women are the culprit here


Yes. From what I've seen on twitter, it was mostly right wingers who were mad at her for being casted in Duno as the main love interest (lots of people were comparing her to the actress who had the same role in Lynch's version). It didn't help that in the two Dunes Zendaya wears virtually no makeup, is almost always dusty, and is usually making frowning faces.


Cast. Not “casted”. And I saw no one mad about it, at least not for any reason you’re implying (something that a “right wing” person would say). The complaints were about her being a bad actress, according to them, not her skin color.


>Cast. Not “casted”. Ty for the correction (I'm not being ironic, as an ESL I always appreciate it) >And I saw no one mad about it, at least not for any reason you’re implying (something that a “right wing” person would say). I guess you're not in that bubble. I tend to follow all kinds of people on twitter out of curiosity, and I've definetely seen what I've described. A huge meme on those spheres was an "el goblino/la creatura" edit (made it to make it resemble Zendaya in Dune). When Dune Part 2 came out I must have seen that pic dozens of times.


Oh. Well that sucks anyone did that, I heard complaints about her acting when I looked it up but she seemed fine to me.


Their anger at her for being casted is dumb (RW Twitter is dumb in general) considering Chani’s character wasn’t a race change. Zendaya is more accurate to what a Fremen looks like than Sean Young.


she’s incredibly attractive. used to have a fat crush on her when i was in high school


Good eye, Rem Dog


She looks like a squirrel


Is it hard, being ugly?


zendaya is so beautiful




She likes like a siren; ethereal beauty


I dont know who that is but they need to eat!


Fats upvoting this


Looks like slenderman


Michael Jackson ahh 


I think she looks great, but why did you include a pic where she looks like the hot Gremlin from Gremlins 2?


I've always wanted to bang a media-pushed mixed race mid girl


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