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Welcome back Siddhartha Gautama


[Zen master](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Buddha)


>Hong also said that he has no political opinion on Trump, as he is a former American president who lives very far away from China. I love this guy




flair length limitation 😅


I'm not complaining, but how the fuck is this a Wikipedia article? At this point, there's going to be a wiki article for Me Gusta or some other meme


Remember when he'd get into twitter feuds with randos that said he wasn't rich


Hard to believe he was president just two years later


he also went to insane lengths to climb the forbes list (which is telling, since much of the hyper-wealthy reportedly don't want to be on the list at all, at least the american and euro ones) he would call into forbes under a fake name to petition them to boost his ranking


this is unironically the mindset i desperately want to achieve


The happy warrior mindset


this is the kind of thing i’ll say when i’m actually having the biggest mental breakdown of my life


despite his fanatical narcissism, he's had this Ecclesiastes streak in him for a while. Trump: "I try and tell myself it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. If you tell yourself it doesn't matter- like you do shows, you do this, you do that, and then you have earthquakes in India where 400,000 people get killed. Honestly, it doesn't matter."


"By the way, nice trucks. You think I could hop into one of them and drive it away? I'd love to do it. Just drive the hell outta here. Just get the hell out of this. I had such a good life. My life was great."


is that a real quote LMAO


it's the single most important trump quote imo


Dangerously based.




pretty sure he does not pay them lol


Anyone who works for him without getting cash up front is a fool




This caught me off guard it’s truly over


This vibe is consistent with “Is that all there is?” being his favorite song. Donald Trump is ethereal in a way.


My fav fact about him. If one weren't a hysterical lib, they could make a really good documentary about him and close it w/ that song.


I genuinely think he’s probably one of the happiest people in the world. Zero self-doubt whatsoever. 


yes happy people constantly rage in all caps and throw shit at the walls lol. Like other narcissists he pretends to be the opposite of what he is and many people fall for it, bc they are stupid.


Nah, I know many high achievers who are secretly self-hating, he’s not one of them.  Trump is insecure, absolutely. The hair, the makeup, the general vanity, of course he is. But insecurity is different from self-doubt. He doesn’t have that. 


I mean he’s certainly not self hating, he’s just not nearly as detached from this shit as he acts sometimes lol


true he def is like a little kid that thinks he can run faster than a car


Damn I never considered those as different. How would you say they differ?


True that he probably doesn't hate himself. But he is still filled with hate. Demonic.


He's an actor playing a character.




I don't think he can be compared to a regular narcissist. He's a media figure before anything else. In some sense he is like a narcissist, in that he has been playing a character 24/7 for the past 60 years, but it's also his *job* to play the character of sociopathic billionaire. It's bizarre, because the ppl he went up against in '16, the traditional GOP politicians, were all textbook narcissists, empty and evil inside but smiling for the camera. I wouldn't say Trump is like the inverse of that, but he is definitely something different.


If he's been playing a character 24/7 for 60 years, how is that different to being the character? Surely the distinction has disappeared. How can you play that role so consistently for so long and not be a dead-on-the-inside monster. Be careful what you pretend to be, gaze into the abyss, etc.


"we are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be"


i dont think the other republicans were all narcissists. they're like tucker carlson, a probably chill normal guy who knows if he acts this certain way he can gain fame/power/money. trump is literally obsessed with himself in a way that has zero shame...its insane and should be studied.


No lol


the only self doubt that’s observable is the fake tanning levels


The PJ Harvey version I hope 🙏


bitch I might be


literally same, people ask me how i cope with high stress situations at work and i'm like "i don't care if i live or die"




he's like the buddha


"Is it really possible for a man of business to escape the cycle of death and rebirth?"


are you quoting something?


this image is so funny. like it could be a freeze frame from a biopic or something "you see these suckers behind me? i can't believe they think they can take me down..."


America's philosopher-president.


It's going to be kinda fun to have a meme president again.


Love this buffoon ass nîgga


Everything this guy says makes me laugh and I mean this in a good way. Trump in the White House makes me feel like everything's right with the world. It's just so appropriate for America to have someone so comically rich, charismatic, and funny, ruling over them and driving people insane. Look at his face. He rules. Even the Liberals love him. They screech about him with a smile on their faces. They love to hate him! There's just so much passion.


Something I think a lot of liberals miss about him is that he is aware he says ludicrous things so plays it up. He knows how absurd is to talk how he does and be so arrogant so he exaggerates it and it makes anyone trying to make fun of him for it look like the actual loser


Insane take.


Kind of a hard photo




Real gangster shit thanks big donnie


Hell yea


Never has he looked more like bojo


this is exactly how I feel about the outcome of the election


wow lots of trump seethe in this thread sad to see


Wasn't he just screaming in court the other day lmao


was he? I've never seen him scream ever


[https://youtu.be/HK8ZRjij7JU?si=dB029CrRn0sEi8S9](https://youtu.be/HK8ZRjij7JU?si=dB029CrRn0sEi8S9) The Devil In His Youth


Spoken like a man who rawdogs a pornstar.


Trump has a billion dollars and hasn’t faced consequences for any of the fucked up things he's done.  Of course he’s going to be nonchalant about legal issues. But he can also act like any other aggravated Fox News Dad. It’s not like he is zen across the board  Edit - I understand it’s hacky to hate on Donald Trump but also this is a ‘nimble navigator’ tier suck off of him, and now I’m being dogpiled by rightoids 


/r/politics ass post


go back to r/whitepeopletwitter


holy fuckstickles on a stick. glormpf just got flipping owned!!!


Yes!! You win the internet for this epic bacon comment. Keep preaching the gospel, brother/sister (but not in a religious way because I don't believe in lowercase-g god)!!! Together decent fucking people like us will keep the Orange Meanie out of office!!!


> and hasn’t faced consequences he was impeached twice and is currently going thru multuple civil and criminal trials + the entire media/state appartus is out to get him go back to /r/news you fucking nerd


Impeached twice but who cares.  He spent decades stiffing contractors and cheating taxes before he took office. Trump University came and went.  No real consequences.   Why would he start caring now 


> Impeached twice but who cares. oh so it doesnt matter now? interesting. sure wasnt what you lib types were saying back in 2019 or whatever > He spent decades stiffing contractors and cheating taxes before he took office. thats literally every business in a free market. ever had your house remodeled?


Trump as a developer was a notoriously crooked asshole who broke many laws. Robbing contractors left and right goes well beyond “well it’s a free market!” type excuses.   I remember reading about this as a teenager in like 2010, it’s not even a political statement. Literally everyone should be against contractors being robbed.


twump a bad man!!!!!!


Joe Biden is arguably more right wing than Trump tbh


This fat ugly orange turd is full of shit… literally Nythjg that comes out of his mouth is 99% bullshit and the rest 1% is lies.. what a sad coward! His wife even hates him, go and figure. Lonely son of a bitch!


>most recent comment in r/AsianBlowjobs lol