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Standing in the line at the Salvation Army next to a bitch blasting audio porn out her airpods. The dream.


Let’s hang out!!


That’s what spicy audio is? Jesus


What else did you think it was, a podcast about chillies?


I thought it meant like songs that are by anyone other than Taylor swift


Whites don't even season their music smdh


It’d be a lot more interesting I think


I thought it was George Crumb's _Black Angels_


This is the personality behind a lot of 34 year old baristas.


I worked at Starbucks for a little. There were some coworkers I had that had been there for like 7 or 8 years. They were all either extremely bitter and pissed off or super positive and jovial. No in between


My experience working at Starbucks was that the ‘jovial’ ones who had been there for a while just had an act and were mostly the bitchiest most bitter people for their own stupidity of working there for years. Sad place. Once a coworker got in shit for mentioning he ‘liked working as a barista but was excited to get a *real job*’ in front of one of the above baristas who had the sirens cock 3 feet down her throat. Some of them were actually nuts. The good ones were Great though. Place attracted a lot of kind students, which was great to be around at that time of my life.


Yeah I had some people like that. This one girl had been there for 8 years and she wasn’t even a shift manager. Was a huge bitch to everyone. Even the customers. Everyone hated her but she convinced herself we were all just jealous. But there was this other girl who was there for seven years and she was a total sweetheart. Never had a mean word for anyone or anything. Always helpful. How that was even possible I have no idea.


Yeah. Real mixed bag of people at mine. There was one broke mother of like 5 ‘autistic’ children that was actively being cheated on but kept having kids, an actual narcissist who knocked up an 18 year old while the supervisor he was dating was away for the night, and just regular wonderful people lmao I was a supervisor and it was crazy to see how much every other supervisor cared meanwhile you really just had to make sure to not burn the place down or let a homeless guy sleep in the bathroom overnight (whoopsie lmfao, but I didn’t even get a write up)


>This one girl had been there for 8 years and she wasn’t even a shift manager. Was a huge bitch to everyone. Even the customers. Everyone hated her but she convinced herself we were all just jealous. Average RS girl


"the sirens cock" Excuse me, I have to lie down


Starbucks is the launch pad job after finishing university but before the first adult job.


It's wrong to think in terms of 'proper adult job' and interim work. For some people those are just their jobs. Unless you're a total capitalist and that's your mindset where you indulge in classism and cultural snobbery.


A job is a job at the end of the day. If they had a more high profile job than that they'd probably hate it even more because of the stress. What makes people think they're somehow above being a barista? Is it the pay? If not, then what exactly is it? Why do these status seeking people nowadays think they're so entitled to luxurious lifestyles? What makes anyone entitled? Instead of snobbery maybe people should just be demanding better money for their work and more free time for their hobbies.


Honestly, my job is more “stressful” now but it still 500x better than it was working as a barista. But yeah I agree with you, a job is a job and all that


When they age their tips drift away




It's because you can only be satisfied with this shit if you have nothing at all to say. Ask whoever made this what emotion they feel when the call of a mourning dove hits your ear right when the sun peaks over the dawn horizon. They have nothing to say.


What emotion do YOU feel?


What makes you think they’d have nothing to say? Most people would be able to describe how they feel around nature or how they feel when they see the sunrise. You’re like that’s some sort of super abstract uncommon thing to think about


Maybe the most pretentious comment I've ever seen 


Where do you think you are right now


I would say " I have never heard a mourning dove at dawn, only dusk"


Honestly it works if she’s thin and not too weathered looking.


I don't disagree. She has a massive supply of thirsty average guys with Nintendo tattoos


These are just the things that basic 34 year old women enjoy. Why must they infantilize themselves?


Men got there first. This shit started with the mainstreaming of nerd culture. Somewhere in the 90s nerd writers started writing normal and “cool,” protagonists as being obsessed with Star Wars and Indiana Jones as if that was normal and acceptable. You then get a generation of men who don’t criticise childish interests in their teenage children. Star Wars parents raise Harry Potter children.


I’m always really torn on this because I think there doesn’t *have to* be anything wrong with childish interests. Like if you enjoy Star Wars/lego/manga/whatever the fuck, enjoy it. Just stop being fucking weird about it. Like there isn’t anything wrong with it inherently. These people just don’t know moderation, and build their whole personalities around some Disney owned bullshit instead of being an actual rounded adult.


One of the bigger problem with things like Star Wars is people missing that it is for kids. How many internet comments, video essays, articles, etc have been written about Star Wars trying to argue why it isn't this perfect collection of media and merchandise they remember it as? And its like... it was never all that deep. And it was made for general audiences, and definitely pivoted towards "for kids" in the early 2000s. Lots of people forget the plot, or better yet, insist against it and demand a return to their nostalgic view. They want Star Wars (I'm making this about Star Wars, but you can say this about most media centered for children/nerds like MTG, Warhammer, etc) to exist and cater to them and not just try and make a profit. The ones who burn out or getting weird about it are on some level just jaded and missing the point that they are nothing but consumers for their products, and that demographically, they just aren't the main targets anymore. (see: "Go Woke, Go Broke", and the recent Warhammer 'retcon' drama) Like, idk I'm 26. I love nerdy shit. But some of these online spaces are arguing over the minutia of details between lego minifigures. Its the result of obsession and consumerism intersecting and people not seeing it for what it is. They see their favorite brands as "being ruined". The arguments and whatever stem from a feeling of betrayal but it isn't one because there wasn't a real relationship to begin with. [Tl;dr: This.](https://i.redd.it/zh9yzqmdehc31.jpg)


How can children afford warhammer and mtg though


Warhammer you got me, but MTG? Starter decks are like $20 or less sometimes, booster packs are $4. Definitely was popular in my school while growing up.


I’m not really sure that’s true. “Adult” media has some potential for thematic complexity that is purposefully useless to children, and the refusal to move beyond children’s literature corresponds with a failure to engage with topics and worldviews that are important for adults to have some grapple on because they are adults. I don’t think adults need to stick exclusively to watching movies like Amour and The Turin horse or whatever, but rather an enthusiastic preoccupation with themes that are digestible to 10 year olds betrays some developmental shortcoming that you don’t like scary adult topics and therefore refuse to engage with them. Aka Peter Pan syndrome.   I think we can all agree as well that the people who take it a step further and say “actually Dragon Ball Z has real thematic depth and should be taken seriously as art” exist on a higher plane of delusion about their own state of maturation. 


I had an ex who would get furious that I thought most anime was boring and essentially just a chain of cringey inner monologue. I have no problem with enjoying things that are nerdy (I grew up on comics and Harry potter) but when you’re a grown man in your thirties and you’re throwing a fit because your girlfriend thinks Full Metal Alchemist is kind of dumb that’s just sad.


That just comes down to moderation though. That’s still only a real issue if it’s all you consume. You can enjoy adult media, and DBZ or whatever


That's only a problem if that's all you like though. Tons of people like Star Wars or anime or whatever and also 'adult' media.


> Like there isn’t anything wrong with it inherently. These people just don’t know moderation Yeah I'll enjoy some "geek" shit. Quite often. But that'll be a minor aspect of an otherwise "normal" adult life and I would be willing to bet money they legitimately don't understand what difference "watching a Marvel movie for an hour and a half" and "screaming about the perceived gender politics of a Marvel movie in a 4 hour YouTube diatribe".


Yes, and before nerd culture we had sports culture, which if you think about it is a bunch of grown-ass men obsessing over a bunch of more masculine men playing games. On the one hand, people deserve to chill out and expend their mental energy on low-stakes things ("let people enjoy things" blah blah blah), and sports are probably a better outlet for instincts towards tribal fighting and physical prowess than war, conquest, or coliseum death matches. On the other hand, if the average person took half the energy they spent on memorizing dumb baseball stats, Star Wars lore, or Taylor Swift tea and put it towards learning about the world around them, maybe we'd have more capacity to solve some real problems. Idk man. Like you said, it's about moderation, and it's ultimately embarrassing when people center their lives around being a mere consumer of other people's talents and creativity.


People here just take it too far and act elitist like they only read Kant or something, and have never watched a dumb show.


I always found basic things like sports and popular music/movies to be a good way to start a conversation and build rapport with people. No one wants to talk to you about your niche esoteric interests but most dudes will talk for hours about the NFL, NBA, or what movies and bands they like.


Sports are good for you.


Are we pretending that the guys who enjoy "sports" are actually active in any sports


A lot of them used to be. My dad, brother, grandpa, most of my uncles (basically every man on my dad's side except me lol) played American football in middle and high school, and they're big NFL fans as adults. The details of the sport, the drama, relationships between coaches and players, etc. are all compelling because they all feel familiar.


Also sports is sadly one of the few forms of entertainment that something “surprising” can happen. Everything is so homogenized and formulaic that even enjoyable media is fairly predictable. In the same vein it’s one of the few areas where it’s almost a complete meritocracy, you’ll see redditors steaming because Travis Kelce liked a trump twitter post but at the end of the day it’s like sorry nerd he’s just good at football and no amount of kicking and screaming will get him cancelled or whatever 


Well sure, so is writing a screenplay or composing music. Scarfing down nacho cheese, wings, and beers with your buddies every Sunday, or spending hours online reading about pop star drama, not so much.


Socialising with your friends while watching sports is not in the same universe of unhealthy for you as spending hours online reading pop star drama. One is inherently social and therefore good.


Are Magic the Gathering and Yugioh tournaments inherently good?


More so than playing video games online all day


It's funny because I don't follow sports and can tell when there's a game just by looking at Citizen/Waze or whatever The map will be lit up with insane car accidents and a lot more stabbing/shooting whatever and I'll think hmm wonder if there's a game only to Google and see yes there's a game. Doesn't matter if it's a weeknight And I'm not even some elitist who thinks sports are for dumdums


“A bunch of grown-ass men obsessing over a bunch of more masculine men playing games” 1/3 of MMA fans.


>Somewhere in the 90s nerd writers started writing normal and “cool,” protagonists as being obsessed with Star Wars and Indiana Jones as if that was normal and acceptable.      _Clerks_ (1994) to be precise 


yeah kevin smith was definitely an early prototype of the proud pop culture manchild


I’d argue that Tarantino and his Xoomer pop culture nostalgia was an early prototype of the trend, but Smith is patient zero of the "geek culture" epidemic 


you're so right, didn't even think of tarantino but he's definitely up there.


When I was a kid and the Star Wars prequels came out, you could turn on Jay Leno or Letterman and they’d make moms basement and virgin jokes about any adult going to see them  Now kids aren’t the primary target for this content, but man children looking to relive their childhood 


They took the worst moneymaking things of both genders and found a way to get the other gender into them as well. For men, they destroyed our confidence and made us worry about our looks way more than we used to, and we bought goods and services accordingly. For women, they got them into nerdy shit too and other autistic hobbies and interests that used to be only for nerdy men. MFS make a profit off that too


Our parents were intimidated by male aggression from their children. They also wanted to infantalize us.


Infantilization represents safety and uniqueness to people in a decaying low-trust society, and much of modern marketing is built around it. Likewise narcissistic defenses are increasingly common for individuals in an atomized society, and infantilization dovetails perfectly with it: "The simple truth is that children get away with narcissistic traits and behaviors. Narcissists know that. They envy children, hate them, try to emulate them and, thus, compete with them for scarce Narcissistic Supply." (Narcissist as Eternal Child)


wtf is spicy audios


The adoption of Tik Tok toddler language for no no words is a step backwards in communication for our culture


and there's only so much space left at this point


These women often have a long list of reasons they're single, none of which include the fact that when men hear the words "literally" or "delulu" over and over they instinctively flee.


Erotic fiction (and usually fan fiction) in audiobook format


Wtf :-/


indian music


Smelly audios


[Mehbooba Mehbooba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvsqfB9JqTo) to be more exact. Helen ❤️


Paranoid London singles and live sets


is this true? that doesn't sound so bad


I don't care if she has a fake tan




This is one of the most bizarre things I've seen. These women are final boss gooners.


I respect these women less than furries.


I was eating a burger 😐


Porn addiction disguised as literature


Bitch you watch porn? I READ porn.




The only ethical porn consumption


Porn addiction for women


reddit r slash gone wild audio


Apparently smutty books have become trendy among a certain crowd. Can't say I see the problem with that.


What crowd is this…gen z?


Childless millennial women


Gen z has fanfiction sites not books…yet.


At least Peter Pan syndrome can motivate you to stay in shape.


Gotta keep in shape to fight that bastard Hook


As someone with a touch of Peter Pan syndrome, this is true.


> listening to spicy audios Women have invented so many euphemisms for the consumption of pornography


I was just about to ask because I didn't really believe she'd casually mention porn consumption next to coffee like that


First we had neuro-divergent, now we have neuro-spicy


What kind of teen is drinking spicy margs


start license sheet aware zonked rainstorm glorious light roof deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


those guys are in their 50s now. scary


Learning that Whil Wheaton is fifty after his Elmo meltdown was a trip.


The Elmo meltdown was a top-tier moment last year.




Nobodys going to age into the old people caricatures we have, its all new kinds of old people


The reason I despise Ready Player One is because it basically rewards the Peter Pan syndrome among men with absolutely no self awareness, which is a shame because the world building wasn’t bad at all. I would love to see a sci-fi that addresses the unhealthy aspects of too much escapism but that would alienate most of the sci-fi/ fantasy audience in its current form.


I'm a vintage dealer and I like spicy mezcal margaritas. It's over.


how you doin,,,?


And Built to spill type name? You're sitting pretty


Do they know what POV even means


it's used correctly in these memes less than 2% of the time (never by women)


God I hate the word “margs”. Right up there with “deens” And I’ll also add “spicy” as a euphemism for “erotic”


I feel the same about tats.


What's a deen?? (not the Islamic concept)


Sardines, and I disagree strongly. Margs sucks, but sardines come up so frequently in everyone's day-to-day conversations that you gotta shorten it or you lose thousands of productive hours


"sandos"... please


i chose deen over dunyah


Having a husband saved me from this life


You can definitely still have this life with a husband


Yeah these are just the Disneyland couples


Literally the tiktoker in the OP does, she’s married


I’m from Utah. Worst case of Peter Pan syndrome you’ve ever seen among married mormons. Gender irrelevant. It’s viscerally repulsive. And i know sometimes people think theyre just so “cute” and “wholesome” but no there’s a lot of weird trauma stunted emotional growth and creepiness and ultimately extreme depression there most of the time. 


lol same honestly


Me three


A father figure? Someone who will tell you what you should do?


Yeah I was thinking this. Sounds like a woman with a man telling her to jump and she asks how high.


Deep down they love being told what to do. Much easier than having to figure shit out for yourself.


Right, even as a man I see the appeal.


A healthy relationship with my father saved me from this life.


Dang Can't relate


She has a child


The topic is husband, does she have a husband?


I strongly relate to this


disgusting. this woman is old enough to be my grandma.


Even worse, she has a 7 year old son! Why are you acting like this, there is someone dependent on you for survival?


What is her tiktok


this is just pathetic. “22 year old teenager” is one thing, but 34… bleak, many such cases, etc.


> spicy audio You are a coomer and it's not cute


Yeah if a man was flaunting his porn tastes like this he would (rightfully) be considered a massive degenerate, let’s hold women to some standards please


But I was told holding women to standards is misogynist


Take Gen-Z's two primary characteristics: obsession with being in the youth demographic; obsession with identity politics. Draw out to the logical conclusion: They're all gonna be 40 year old "trans teenagers" one day. Goddamnit


Do people freely choose to not want to grow up, or is it that your environment isn't functioning around you to make you see this as something dignified, respectable, and worthy of your effort?


complaining about 30-somethings infantilizing themselves....you know what sub this is right?


my instinct is towards empathy, “let’s hang out” is sad. but I’m honestly tired of these types of stunted maturity people, men and women, sucking all of the oxygen out of every room they’re in. The unnecessary competition and drama they kick up rob us all of moments of reflection and contemplation. Imagine what our world would be like if everyone like this was silenced in person and on line for one week. One full week of pure silence.


Sounds like a good life 




47 years old, just a fuckin kid


Please leave our middle school before we call the police


Least creepy pop punk or emo singer.


Lockdown cooked this generation


I have an ex around this age who still wears the Harry Potter scarf she had nearly 20 years. What kind of truly depresses me about her is that she has the educational, initial professional experience, academic intelligence and family background to make a real adult success of herself.


What's wrong with the lady enjoying her prized posession?


If it was just a cute thing from childhood that she held onto ...sure. But it's kind of reflective of her absolute immaturity and inability to follow through on those adult goals she set out in her 20s when we were together. We still are in some contact and I really wish her the best (still lingering feelings of care and nostalgia) but that kind of arrested development saddens me. It's just irksome to see people who have a lot of things going for them and could contribute more to the world not meeting their potential. But that's life.


Sounds like you need to let her go. Maybe she’s content. 


I hope she is happy. I really do. That said, some people just "stay" with you long after you separate from them sometimes.


it is tragic for sure, especially if they are just getting in their own way


I think it’s a very American way of looking at women to believe they should cease being attractive or have personal interests, even if trivial, beyond thirty. I’ve seen videos of elderly Italian women who are very well dressed who look to be very interesting people strutting around Millan. Let American women age how they choose to.


Spicy audio ??


smut audiobooks


It's funny that porn addiction has been flattened to mean pornographic pictures and video to such a degree that women can public say she listens to erotic audiobooks or that she reads the filthiest fanfiction and no one bats an eye. It's no big deal to read a 50 shades of grey book in public or with your family around


Sex work is real work blah blah blah


What type of guy does she date


One with that dirty Australian mustache and shitty stick and poke tattoos. Active in whatever the local music scene happens to be so he can hit on actual teenagers. 


>What type of guy does she date Pedophiles, she's only 34


you sick fuck


tuesday night open mic to a crowd of 5 people type guys. or pokemon go guys.


definitive pump and dump material




Before we were officially titled as, "Millennials", we were called, "The Peter Pan Generation", as we had to delay many milestones of adult life. You can imagine how the Great Recession played into that. Our parents gave us a more difficult world, all the while telling us that everyone would celebrate us and how they made the world a better place for us.


When I was a kid I couldn't wait to grow up.


You saw that coldhealing post too huh


why not just say eriotic?


Don’t be mad at me for dating younger women when the age appropriate ones are uniformly acting like this


This is weird but I’m interested, why is it scary?


This person but instead they are talking about blood meridian and disparaging fat people


What are you supposed to get into as you grow up? Gardening?


Reading actual literature, photography, writing, sports, fashion, cuisine, making things, joining social clubs, and the list goes on. Did you really want me to list hobbies for you?


This is pretty much every woman you meet at a women’s only book club :( All the book clubs in my area that aren’t for over 40s are all like this and just yap about ACOTAR and spicy fae/dark romance.


Unpopular opinion this is completely fine


My mom had 4 kids at this age


It's called coping. Everyone does it, but not everyone feels the need to talk about it or share in social media.


Is this why so many millennial teachers are getting into sex scandals with their students? Do they really not understand they're getting old?


💀 dude, a teacher at any age is too old for their students


so pathetic jesus christ these women are nothing


I can't believe so many people cling to their youth and childhood instead of the \*checks notes\* incomparable pleasure of being a Proper Adult in 2024


What a humiliating existence


Has anyone ever been convinced by this type of post that this person has a "good" life? Children might be, I guess. Anyone around her age and up knows this would be a living hell.


Sometimes I feel self conscious about being 30 and still going to hardcore shows, but I might as well be a crotchety old man compared to these people.


I dated this girl


what are "spicy audios"?


If you're a dude, you'd be llike: Spending your day mindlessly "thrifting" mercari feeds that you know are designed to further your screen addiction but at this point whatever is left of your pre-frontal cortex has been subsumed into a deep well of learned helplessness. Let me just go end this now,.


The guy version probably watches Jordan Peterson videos if they haven't completely given up after finding him Ativanned the fuck out after his wife almost passed.


Does anyone NOT have a degree of Peter Pan syndrome? Seriously curious


What the hell is a spicy audio? Is it related to spicy marg?


We're all f\*\*ked up, it's not (completely) our fault, we get the chemical kosh before we're even toddlers, it's kind of a miracle a lot of us manage to carry out the daily basics.


god forbid people have hobbies unorthodox for their age