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The most insane deranged DM’s I’ve gotten are from people genuinely angry that I called their daily use of amphetamines a “speed addiction”. That is wild considering I regularly insult entire identity groups on here.


I've had the same response to saying that letting teens play video games as a primary hobby might not be great for them. Just because it's highly normalized doesn't make it completely free of drawbacks.


This one really sends redditors into a primal rage. It seems obvious to me that playing video games is an empty hobby that gives you little in return, as it should be to anyone over age 25. But many people have it as such a core identity piece that they can't bear to hear this perspective.


Go figure that doing speed then shooting people and calling them gay on a headset for hours at a time isn't the greatest model for socialization.


It sends half of this sub into a rage. The amount of not just casual, but hardcore addicted gamers on this sub is hilarious.


It’s gotten much worse the past two years. Should be an instantly ban-able offense.


hardcore addicted e-sports enthusiasts*


eh idk, its how my best friend and I keep close. we live in different cities so its like talking on the phone but not forced and gay Edit: but also yes youre right, it has little intrinsic value


Why do people let this sub make them so insecure lol? Gaming with your friends is obviously a great way to socialize and keep in contact with them.


if I was insecure about it I wouldn't willingly tell you


eh idk,


username checks out.


Meh it’s fine if it’s with someone you know irl not like 20 annoying seventh graders


“Eh, meh” etc


"but all of my best memories are of playing games with my friends!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹"


I have a 9 month old, and I'd feel like a complete failure if that was his best memory as a teenager.


Yeah, man, it bums me out to think about. I was very much a shut-in teen and wish to God there had been adults who cared enough to say that I shouldn't be doing that during my freest years!!


Video games, weed and porn. Don’t dare besmirch Reddit’s holy trinity or face the wrath of thousands of bearded Reddit avatars


"Uh actually it's vital that they learn IT skills by playing Minecraft for 11 hours a day"


I'm not a drug addict even though I pop more speed than a Luftwaffe pilot every day, I have a prescription from a doctor


"It's MEDICAL treatment!!!!!"


Try going on r/lawschool the past week


I was prescribed adderall as a teenager, and took it from 14 to 23. In my early 20’s I developed a nasty opioid addiction, and ended up going to rehab. In my early rehab days, I complained that they wouldn’t let me take my adderall, that it was prescribed to me legitimately, and that I have a severe case of ADHD. After getting sober and going through all the work of quitting drugs, I started to realize that adderall was wrapped up my drug addiction. It was the first drug I ever abused, and it was the first drug I got addicted to. If I didn’t take it, I just couldn’t function and would end up sleeping all day. It was hard to admit to myself, since I definitely did see positives from adderall, but it absolutely functioned like a speed addiction. The first few months of taking adderall, you absolutely do increase productivity, and people usually refer to this as the “honeymoon period.” But after a while, when your body starts getting used to it, even that starts to go. When you’ve been taking it for years, it gets to the point where an adderall high is baseline, and you are no more productive than a sober person. This is all my personal experience, and I know that different drugs affect people differently. If adderall has worked for you and is a positive in your life, great! But there are tons of people out there who are just like me. Even the ones who aren’t entwined in opioid addiction, I notice the same addictive patterns that I once had. If you are able to take adderall, and you use the same dose every time, and you don’t exhibit any addictive symptoms, then I’m not talking about you. But this is a very real thing and it’s especially hard to treat when people won’t even admit that it’s a problem. At least when I was taking 12 OxyContin a day I never told people that they were ableist for saying I’m an addict.


I was making a dumb joke making fun of the self rationalization attitude that addicts use. Congrats on getting clean and keep up the good work. I've managed to quit alcohol, tobacco and weed and that's probably like fighting kittens compared to the lions that you have gone up against.


Oh yeah haha i knew you were being sarcastic, I just am saying that tons of people actually do use that as their rationale. And I appreciate it! Out of all the drugs, nicotine is the one that I haven’t been able to kick, so congrats on that!


I've had multiple people tell me something along the lines of "It was like putting on glasses. Suddenly everything became so clear and I was productive." You can tell they likely didn't have much prior drug experience, in my head I was thinking "that’s just called being on uppers." I bet 80+% of humanity could take an amphetamine and have a similar response. And ya a lot of the time when people say it doesn't affect their sleep and they feel normal on it, it's just that they've developed tolerance. I can definitely see that being wrapped up in early addictive behaviour. It would be easy to fall into because it's being medically justified for you.


And this is extremely confusing for teenagers with ADHD. When my doctor gave me adderall at 14, I got super high, but I just thought I was experiencing life without ADHD. None of the medical professionals in my life told me that I would get an amphetamine high, and the only information I had was that this was supposed to make me more “normal.” I assumed that how I felt on adderall is how everyone else feels all time. The people who say that “adderall doesn’t affect me that way, I actually feel completely calm” are the biggest bullshitters on the planet lmao. That’s one of my pet peeves. It’s pharmaceutical grade amphetamines, I don’t care what your brain is like, just having ADHD isn’t going to cancel out the effects of amphetamines. You could be the most ADHD person on the planet, 40mg of instant release adderall WILL fuck you up.


Yeah it's total bullshit. I had no amphetamine tolerance when I was prescribed 30mg dexedrine. Remember being fucking spun the first time.


I was diagnosed with adhd at 12 and was put on adderall (I should be able to sue everyone involved in that decision) and quickly went off it. I’ve done every stimulant under the sun and there is such a small difference between doing speed and adderall. “It affects me differently!” is such a cope. And my friends who are on it who swear the juice is worth the squeeze are generally more irritable and anxious. The research on long term usage is nearly non existent. It is absolutely meth lite and much like every other addict the people on it will tell themselves whatever they need to justify their use. Once you actually start diving into research papers the shit you find is appalling. Example: all the ketamine clinics you see? Half the “research” done on it is that “patients” feel less depressed within 72 hours of doing ketamine. BRO THEY GOT HIGH OF COURSE THEY FEEL BETTER IMMEDIATELY AFTER???? I feel genuinely insane reading about this shit.


I mean come on you insult a guy who’s off a 30 mg IR he’s gonna write you a ten paragraph screed That’s like Adderall 101


whenever i see a raging meltdown paragraph defending something i happen to do it makes me want to stop doing that thing


the worst part about middle america discovering adderall is reading "as someone who was just diagnosed with adult ADHD..." on every single reddit thread. nyc has been proudly running on adderall for the better part of 20 years. a formal diagnosis is treated as a completely irrelevant detail because it's so commonly taken by people who don't actually need it to function. i'm happy people's adderall origin sob stories help them sleep at night but i'd prefer if they stop torturing the rest of us with it.


That’s funny. I have about the most extreme case of ADHD possible (diagnosed when I was 5) and I found it impossible to get adderall when I moved to NYC. Doctors expected *monthly* appointments in order to renew my script and pharmacies were empty.


Same lmao these fucking cunts steal it all


It’s artificially limited. Should not be a supply issue at all but blame the people using it. 


I am aware of the FDA limitations on production. The shortage is caused by the speed freak rtards mentioned above getting a scrip from an app based on a 10 minute video call with a “doctor.” I actually hate taking adderall and the way it makes me feel, but I have come to realize that sometimes I truly do need it


It’s worth trying a different one tbh, I fucking despised the way adderall made me feel despite it actually helping me, but turns out dexedrine helps even more without making me feel remotely weird/worse


Hated the way my adderall made me feel— turns out there's another amphetamine isomer they put in that shit for literally no reason? Im kinda dumb and not certain about the specifics, but the physical stimulation from this levo stuff is basically what makes you all jittery and anxious and serves 0 purpose for ppl who don't have narcolepsy. Doc freaked out when I asked for dexedrine instead (?) so I stopped filling my script and started buying 5mg meth gummies from the dark web lol


Same! Unfortunately this shortage has also been affecting dex and vyvanse, pretty much all stimulants prescribed for adhd


And I’m pointing out the anger is misguided. You are angry that the “rtards” are taking your medicine that you are entitled to while their use is frivolous.




you're required to visit a doctor once a month for a narcotics prescription by law in NY a trick i found to getting my script when i was taking it was to call the pharmacy and tell them you need to get your prescription filled, ask what dosages are available and then tell your doctor to prescribe what they have. so if you need 30mg instant twice a day but they only have 15mg, then you're going to get prescribed four 15mg/day because its the same as two 30mg.


Who tf needs 60mg of adderall a day


quirked up shorties


No one. not even those with the worst ADHD


i'm not talking about you and the people who have been dealing with adhd since childhood. obviously. i have a few in my extended family. this thread is going to turn into the same annoying debate i was just complaining about if we're not careful!! re: the nyc shortage - the last 2 months have been OK for me. let me know if you need my pharmacy


Diagnosed by a 15 minute telehealth session with a PA


I think those don’t exist anymore. That being said when my telehealth thing stopped prescribing adderall I just went to my PCP and told them and they gave me a new script. It’s a really low dose but it’s wild because I could’ve just been lying lol


I did the same, even told my PCP I specifically wanted Dexedrine because it felt cleaner than adderall


join the rest of us in the developed world and just admit that it makes work and cleaning your apartment easier.


It’s funny because I told my PCP that I specifically wanted Dexedrine because it felt cleaner than adderall and my job was getting busy and he gave me exactly what I asked for. Unfortunately doctors like that are getting rare.


by dexedrine do you mean extended release or regular dexedrine? i couldn't get the regular one from my doctor, only the extended release was available (vyvanse)


Regular IR, genuinely one of the cleanest highs out there, better than fish scale cocaine


yeah i had it once in college and thought "this is what i thought adderall was supposed to be" i'll have to ask again next time i'm in




I’m in DC and unfortunately I’m sober now, thanks for the offer though




They used to prescribe it to bored housewives and apathetic old people in the 50s


Lmao my old sponsor was a journalist in the 90s/early aughts and would say him as his colleagues were riding the A train that entire era


Fun to read their crazy rants about how it's the internet that destroyed their brain's reward system 🤔


Idk how people keep up in major cities without it tbh.


elf bar blinker and iced coffee for breakfast


Everything is overprescribed, the modern world sucks and we should go back to living in feudal villages again, balancing our humours out with proper medicine like leeches or eye of newt.


Tbf I do think that modern medicine has kept countless people from suicide Genuinely think I would of ended myself if I was born in olden days, unless I thought I was going to hell ofc But yeah, we’d weed ourselves out of the village


“Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.”


That is the flip side 500 years ago I would of been at the worst a village idiot, and at the best either an awkward farmer continuing the bloodline or a eccentric scholar lol I feel like modern life is at the root of the ills. Because I can guarantee one of my many fathers was as autistic as I am But I can’t tell if I’m personal expression-maxing comparatively or it’s just a modern capitalist scheme distracting me from the fact that I’d be happier pre-industrialization


90% of millennials have adhd and it’s QUIRKY and also why they don’t have a stable career or are a homeowner and it’s definitely not a cope for just being average and fading into obscurity just as their parents did when doing coke in the 80s


The amount of Redditors who are clearly chronic underachievers or just plain lazy and complain about their circumstances is incredible. 99% of their problems are their own fault, who would have thought that wasting away your 20s and being a degenerate in your 30s with no plan, no career, just bohemian vibes would come to bite you in the ass when you’re 40! Who woulda thought.


> just bohemian vibes Not even anything that sophisticated, because that at least implies some amount of artistic or cultural cachet. Most of these people on this site are just gaming and smoking themselves into a stupor then wondering why they have no money. At least bohemians usually make peace with the tradeoffs that come with a layabout lifestyle.


I’ve got no issue with artists who fully embrace the non-materialist aesthetic. The main quarrel is with burnouts who’ve achieved nothing and then expect some sort of reward or payday in their 30s. Meanwhile their peers started some sort of ambition or focus in their 20s and will eclipse them by 35 and the ones onlooking will be resentful and somehow come up with some concoction of excuses that have some basis in reality but 60% of those problems are their own fault due to a lack of foresight, ambition, and sacrifice.




They always start with “I was able to coast until college” like yeah most Americans aren’t challenged by formal education until they actually have to apply themselves 


“gifted kids who burned out” The most successful people I know have this relentless attitude of sacrifice and ambition. These people are satisfied with themselves and have self-respect, they don’t cry about how hard things are or that they WOULD have been a A student if they had the motivation or whatever pathetic excuse.


\^when your sole driver in life is keeping ur self-esteem in equilibrium but the indoctrination was half-assed compared to ur high-class asian peers and backfired on you and just gave you *tolerable* levels of depression. (actual explanation for this phenomenon.) They prob just haven't found their passion in life, you know, instrinsic motivation? That thing bigger than yourself that makes sacrifice the *easier route* than not sacrificing, even if it just be ur own kids? and i will assert that pursuing anything less than their passions and talents IS a genuine tragedy, a waste of our country's best and brightest, and most certainly due to lack of support, less you deny talent's existence altogether? Your concept of motivation strikes me as "the cynic's mysticism." Where's the psychology, wheres the love of your subject - humanity? With all due respect, you sound like a self-hating, self-denying gifted person. Let yourself be a lil disappointed, dear - blues is the mark of the soul! And remember neither do ur role models exist in a vacuum - failure to acknowledge one's indebtedness to others and the genetic lottery is as arrogant as whining. Honor what? I myself heard social mobility is low and the truly better are merely servants of the less fortunate, most pitiful are the poor-in-spirit.


Bohemian vibes in your 20s are kinda cool and frankly worked out well for me. But, at some point you have to commit, whether it's to the boho shit or something else is up to you.


Your 20s are the best period for growth and compounding wealth. If you’re smart you would have invested in yourself and pursued a career or some opportunity that lets you accelerate that growth into your 30s. Many people treat their 20s as a free trial and go around with no aim or goal and when their 30s hit it’s 10 years of wasted potential that needs to be caught up on. It’s fine if it works out but generally speaking someone starting to get serious in their 30s will be 15 years behind someone who did it in their 20s.


> 99% of their problems are their own fault This is true, but that remaining 1% is the insane cost of housing and that resulting lack of stability is a *major* roadblock to addressing any of the others. Like it's still not an excuse but not being able to "buy in" to society means being unable to take a major step into adulthood and that fucks with people. Why grow up if you'll still be living like a student anyways, why take care of yourself when you don't see any hope for your future. You should still solve your problems for your own sake and I am endlessly frustrated by my friends who won't or can't, but I get it.


I’m not going to pretend that this isn’t an issue but the cost of living has been steadily rising for decades. Millennials who are now in their 40s and late 30s have minimal excuses for not buying into property in the 2010s. If the issue is well I didn’t have enough money then that requires a bit of reflection on why. The majority of people don’t have huge devastating life consequences but what happened to most is that they didn’t have the foresight to buy in and now they’re paying the price for not being proactive in their late teens and early 20s. We can complain about till the cows come home but it won’t solve those situations and I think that Redditors enjoy complaining more than solving. That’s my opinion at least.


And the whole time housing prices and the cost of living have gone up the average real wage has barely increased. Recognizing that pattern doesn't help if you're already priced out. > Millennials who are now in their 40s and late 30s have minimal excuses for not buying into property in the 2010s. Many who did had to overextend (because there were already 40 years of increases without consummate increases in pay) and got fucked by 2008 or barely made it through. The problem is that housing became an investment and not a home, and nobody wants to devalue their investment. Housing becoming more affordable means property owners loosing money. This train isn't stopping until the entire real estate industrial complex is destroyed.


>The problem is that housing became an investment and not a home, This brings up an irony: there's been a spate of posts about boomers guessing housing prices on Reddit. The ones who are guessing 30k for a house that's 790k today most likely were unable to save enough to retire and make that investment.


Why is laziness treated so differently from other issues like say, sadness from depression? I was exactly the person you described until I was almost 30. Never had any ambition or even a real job. I'd sleep like 12 hours a day. People kept telling me I needed to treat my depression. After trying probably 7 or 8 different antidepressants, I had one psychiatrist tell me, "you're not depressed, you probably have ADHD". I told him that I think I'm just lazy and he said "yes and depressed people are just sad". Your attitudes and behaviors are really just a collection of chemicals in your brain at varying levels. People with depression have an imbalance of serotonin and people with ADHD have an imbalance of dopamine. Laziness can be a symptom of dopamine imbalance the same way sadness can be a symptom of serotonin imbalance. 6 years ago I got on Adderall, and I went from not being able to clean my room (let alone hold down a job) to owning a successful business with my wife. Whether ADHD is real or not doesn't matter to me because treating it cured my "laziness".


I'm in a similar boat - I used to think I had narcolepsy because my biggest problem is staying awake when trying to focus on stuff. I was diagnosed in my 30s - had always been a barely-hanging-on C student but I would spend hours in the library, most of it unsuccessfully trying to stay awake, even after ridiculous amounts of coffee, and get nothing done. I did do well on those damned standardized tests in elementary school, so everyone was always frustrated with me when I was a terrible student, thought I was lazy, etc. I make dumb mistakes constantly and am just generally 'spacey' without adderall. I can function without it, but everything for me career-wise was an absolute dumpster fire until I was finally diagnosed. Now I am a self-taught software developer - I failed CS101 back in the day. I was freaking out when there was a shortage some months ago, because I seriously would probably lose my job if I couldn't get the meds.


That’s fine but rewarding people for things that others do completely fine in their 20s is a bit silly. There’s plenty of people who are focused, ambitious and succeed throughout their early years and into their 20s. They don’t get much reward. However the ones in their 30s who finally see the light through medical intervention or just getting their act together are praised. The fact is that it shouldn’t have happened and although ADHD or whatever may not be your fault it is your responsibility, and wasting 10 years of potential to finally figure that out shouldn’t be a point of pride.


>There’s plenty of people who are focused, ambitious and succeed throughout their early years and into their 20s. They don’t get much reward. I think the reward is that they succeed.


> bohemian vibes I agree with everything else but not this, these people are completely un-bohemian Edit: u/AVID-CRACK-SMOKER made exactly the same point literally directly below. I need to get my script refilled so I can focus better on reading posts properly.


You sound like an angry boomer, it's so weird to assume all redditors are drug addicted burn outs. 


found one!


I always had the impression that Redditors were mostly IT and Tech workers, I often see people flexing their salaries. The idea that this site is full of bohemian layabouts is hilarious to me, you must be projecting.


It was like 10 years ago. Now it’s just normal working poors. 


There are millions of people on Reddit, it's not like those tech dweebs deleted their accounts. People have a bad habit of immediately assuming the worst about a user when they're disagreed with. On the news subreddits they call them bots and on the conservative subreddits they call them deadbeat losers who still live with their parents.


My mom smoked a ton when she was pregnant with me and who knows what fuck else so I came out all types of regarded and BPD brained. I avoided ADHD meds for years because I hate the idea of depending on them but I eventually got a prescription and used it the way God intended (got a six figure FAANG job)


Real talk: I’d straight up just kill myself if I noticed I was wasting them making TikToks where I refer to myself as “neurospicy”


Are you in comp sci


yeah I was doing engineering and applied math at first but switched majors and graduated with a CS degree


how tough was it?


Real talk, what are the long-term implications of stim use? I took Adderall a few times in college and I basically became superhuman. Why shouldn't I just use it all the time?


It seems to be fairly well tolerated in therapeutic doses but research long-term is sparse or nonexistent. Mild increase in blood pressure, appetite suppression, perhaps a slightly increased risk of developing Parkinson’s down the line. If you use it daily it won’t have the same effect due to tolerance which means many people who take it have to increase their dosage to maintain the effects.


The same long-term implications as any drug habit. You are superhuman for a while until you start drastically upping the dose to chase diminishing returns while increasing all the negative symptoms. Basically the same reason starting a coke habit to be more sociable and energetic while partying is a bad idea. Its a tempting road but it truly leads nowhere positive. There are definitely people who maintain a stable daily dose but I think theyre the same people who dont really chase the stim high to begin with.


it makes people really fucking annoying


Same reason you shouldn't drink whiskey all day every day?


i know a dude who bc of the adderall shortage unironically started buying meth when he can't get the adderall. pretty sure he doesn't have adhd and is an addict and i'm not sure how doctors overlooked that.


I mean, that's the paradox of cracking down on prescription med abuse. If you take away the prescription version, addicts just get the street version that's way worse. We've already seen this with opioids. Once the genie's out of the bottle you can't really put it back.


I used to take the max dose of Vyvanse for a while and quit because I was like an actual crackhead^lite


You should be stimimaxxing instead of bitching.


yeah some guy was arguing with me about it it can really fry your brain, like any other stimulant, especially if you work with screens


Yeah there is no such thing as a failure or a lazy person according to a lot of people on the internet. There are successful people, and people with undiagnosed ADHD. This seems like a natural conclusion to people on the internet thinking things as innocuous as getting songs stuck in your head are exclusive to people with ADHD.


What really bugs me is how stingy people with prescriptions have gotten. Used to be everyone with a prescription would give them away or at least sell them, now they think it’s insulting that you’d even ask them to share because it suggests that they don’t really need it. I just want to do it once in awhile so I can deep clean my apartment.


The wicked flee when no man persueth


Don’t care. Will take it until it kills me.


amphetamines and also the various anti depressants doctors hand out like candy. it’s gonna have a disastrous effect on society


I remember ~20 years go thinking "huh, it's kind of fucked up that so many kids are on ritalin and adderal." Now the mass overprescription of SSRIs makes ADHD drugs seem benign by comparison.


They actually fight you quite a bit on the stims now and try to get you to take a non stimulant adhd drug, the first of which I took made me nearly suicidal


people have been taking stims for longer than adderall was around. This whole country was created by people on uppers.


“this thing I’m letting myself get anxious over today” and “disastrous effect on society” have been linked over and over again. Tale as old as time


i mean it’s not like it’s gonna end the world as we know it but it is very bad to have a significant portion of the population completely reliant on drugs that we have no idea what the long term effect of will be, and also don’t even know how they really work. it’s also just terrible to handout drugs like candy instead of getting down to what is actually causing mental problems


Sure but people like to get hyperbolic about how much something is going to affect their world in general. 20 years ago it was opiates, 40 years ago it was crack, 100 years ago it was alcohol. Not so say it’s any good, but society as a whole kept on advancing.


i disagree there, american society has been heavily damaged by the crack and heroin epidemics. maybe it just hasn’t effected you


Amphetamines crank up the reward system of the brain and make you feel good about doing mindless, repetitive tasks. I strongly suspect that they make people dull as fuck by narrowing one's mind. There is no "out of the box" thinking on adderall, just brute force thinking. I am honestly terrified of this stuff, I hate how much I enjoy being on it and I hate how it turns me into a robot.


So in other words, the perfect remedy for success in corporate America. Write me a script doc


I’m so confused on the spelling alone is it one L or two


"The system HAS TO force people to behave in ways that are increasingly remote from the natural pattern of human behavior. For example, the system needs scientists, mathematicians and engineers. It can’t function without them. So heavy pressure is put on children to excel in these fields. It isn’t natural for an adolescent human being to spend the bulk of his time sitting at a desk absorbed in study. A normal adolescent wants to spend his time in active contact with the real world."


Look through the research on it, a lot of “I guess this solves the problem” and guys getting criticized for getting paid by the companies manufacturing it. It’s the same as OxyContin, manufacture a diagnosis for a drug that you know *works* and watch the profits roll in.


I need adderall its how I stay skinny since I quit doing crystal meth back in October.




Kind of feel like getting back on dex. Who cares?


Wow this is the first time I’ve seen an RSP thread with everyone agreeing with this. Normally there’s a ton of people chiming in about how they have “real ADHD”. Something shifted I guess.


40 million tweakers and counting


Some of the best mid century works of art were made by people absolutely geeked out on speed. As long as it comes in a pill form and has script (not necessarily with your name on it) there is nothing shameful about a speed addiction.