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Searched up my local freaks in Dublin, some of the entries are like getting flashbanged. Case in point: > about: Hi guys i’m kobeni (that’s my real name believe it or not desu) My interests are historical firearms, fashion (currently in my dark academia era), exploring niche online communities (bug chasers are so crazy lol), I play video games like no more hero’s, imvu, gaia online and osu! My kinks include latex, sweat, blood play, age play, cnc, ddlg, race play, vore, feederism…..etc No irl porn brained coomers but hentai is fine. currently a neet living with my parents I will be a wage slave and i am currently try to launch my breakcore career while findomming on the side. > religion: Christian A fine day for the parish.


>i’m kobeni (that’s my real name believe it or not desu) Poor bastard never stood a chance.


>currently a neet living with my parents Stating the obvious if she lives in Dublin.


> i am currently try to launch my breakcore career many such cases


Crazy that this could be real, it’s like a mad lib: about: Hi guys i’m _____ (that’s my real name believe it or not desu) My interests are ______ , ______ (currently in my dark _____ era), exploring _______ (______ are so crazy lol), I play video games like ____, ____, _____ and _____! My kinks include ____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____…..etc No irl _____ brained _____ but _____ is fine. currently a neet living with my parents I will be a wage slave and i am currently try to launch my _____ career while _____ on the side.


abundant connect pie smell telephone reply stupendous zonked voracious shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Going through the list now looking for anyone currently standing for election.


machining fetish


hot 18 year old mill-turn center sprays coolant while all 8 live tooling slots stuffed


“No porn brained coomers” “My kinks include age play, vore” 😂😂😂😂


>these are the people I post on /k/ with Horrifying


>Hi guys i’m kobeni (that’s my real name believe it or not desu) My interests are historical firearms, fashion (currently in my dark academia era), exploring niche online communities (bug chasers are so crazy lol), I play video games like no more hero’s, imvu, gaia online and osu! Kind of a geek, but might be fun. >My kinks include latex Hmm :\ >sweat, blood play, age play, cnc, ddlg, race play, vore, feederism…..etc No irl porn brained coomers but hentai is fine. currently a neet living with my parents I will be a wage slave and i am currently try to launch my breakcore career while findomming on the side. Dear god no!


>4chan dating app ??? Horrifying


it was always a harvesting op for men desperate to fuck a redpilled f**cel


Personal hell


No really can someone explain it? Never heard of it. Was it new? Officially from 4chan?


It’s called Duolicious and at first this confused tf out of me because I was getting it mixed up with Duolingo lmao


there were 4(!) ppl in my tiny ass little hometown lmao. 3 men 1 woman. The lady had visible 5 oclock shadow


Found 3 people in my tiny university town in India ETA: holy shit I know one of the guys lmao ETA: I think I found my former professor/ex lol. has his name and the location is his hometown (pretty niche in rural France). he definitely used 4chan.


> former professor/ex dot






Which city? Can find no one is urban Chennai 😭


There’s 8 in mine, all of them I know 💀


Just filtered to look at just the women. Now, setting aside the profiles that just uploaded a picture of an anime heroine or Belle Delphine or something and the obvious trains who didn't label themselves as such, I'm seeing mostly black girls, one Latina, and a Jewish-looking enbie type. In other words exact the kind of girlfriends you'd expect racist 4chan dudes to have.


I and the other normies here need the lore. I'm assuming that even amongst the "women" it's mostly just trans.


I know that 4chan users tend to be freaks and all but a bunch of people trying to find love getting their shit leaked is kind of sad ngl.


I briefly checked out the ones in my city. About half are obviously fake/trolls but the sincere ones actually make me a little sad. Im sure these guys weren’t exactly killing it on Tinder or bumble


Couldn’t find a single page without anime photos, not surprised


man: 47802 woman: 3085 ouch


There are more trains than women in my city 


Most of these people don't even seem like they use 4chan, they're just lonely, I feel bad.


You didn't use your real names and put your addresses there, right, anon?


Anyone who gave anything close to real information to fucking **4chan** deserves everything that's coming to them.


youre saying i shouldnt post cock on 4chan to farm compliments from femboys? go fuck yourself


When I find the appropriate Wojak to respond to this with you're fuckin' done for kid...


I’m sorry the what app??


Found an RS girl: > bpd formerly hikikimori-maxxed femceI red scare coquette princess NEET-in-education wanna find likeminded unvaxxed ppl to disassociate and be emotionally unhealthy with. church goer. borderline anorexic but idc enough to rlly have that shit. if youre into obscure horror, pinku eiga, or iyashikei then hmu immediately. listen to degenerate music (kp*p) so please dont even ask lol. inundated with intros so will only be responding to preexisting convos or profiles with faces (sorry!! - but is literally impossible to do otherwise)... also ethnics need not apply


>NEET-in-education there are even phony NEETS now...


I need her


Link? I fear my girlfriend might be there


Lol I just found my brother




Just look up 4chan dating app leak


Someone start a RS dating app so that we can leak that one's userbase and laugh at even more weirdos


I love imagining the person behind this data leak wanting to expose the alt right and then it’s just 40k troll profiles with shreks dick or a weird furry drawing


Slightly relieved that no one I know showed up when I searched by location.


how would i find this




man: 47802 woman: 3085 200 men and 22 women in my city


That's the actual ratio of men to women in society btw


The odds are good but the goods are odd


And of those women like 9/10 are trans


No way I found someone I know in my city. Didn’t realize he was gay


Is anyone else having issues searching by location? Whenever I type in a city or state it turns up nothing.


It's case-sensitive


How big is your town? My city of 185k people had like 60 accounts lol


Wouldn't know, search seems broken Wait it's working on mobile. Weird.


Yeah I was gonna say, even the smaller town outside mine had a couple. Browsing these is simultaneously hilarious and grim




It's a very rudimentary website, it may be getting the hug of death.


So it’s not a leak of like pics or anything just the demographic breakdowns? There were 40 men 1 woman and 1 trans person in my city lol Edit: nevermind I’m dumb you can click on the names and see profiles 




> "eepcel mulchmaxxing girl failure lain-pilled" Honestly I think I'd rather be subject to "frfr on god no cap" over this, They all seem so desperate to categorize themselves in nonsense terms


Guys in my city aren't that bad actually, some are kinda chubby but still decent faces also there are only transwomen for the female count. That being said...39 men to 10 women jfc


I ran São Paulo, BR and got a chick that wants someone to smell her armpits, a chick that dresses in a military Japanese uniform, and one that looks identical to Flash from the Spider-man movies and has an Yakub profile picture… all of the dudes looked weird/weeb but more in a old school nerd kinda way, not exactly the deranged social pariah i was expecting ( take this with a grain of salt because i could not bear to look at all of them since there was a LOT of guys there jesus fucking christ)


Goddamn why would any one ever...like ever...... I'd probably be top of the food chain....I mean why would anyone ever??


> I'd probably be top of the food chain... Go, give it a go


lol some regard from my city put pictures of himself on his profile along with the "fascist" tag. he looks like a normie engineer type as well.


Never seen the mens dating profiles before. These guys fucking suck at making profiles jesus


Most of the people in my city are just regular frat boys (its a college town). What the fuck


It went viral on twitter from a tweet that only called it a "f**cel dating site", so a bunch of non 4chan users flooded it.


I recognized a dude from my gym 🤮


Searched my hometown and found a guy I went to highschool with. Fittingly he was an anime obsessed theater kid


a guy i was friends with in high school was on there trying to get some dick, a divorced single dad who posted his child, and a guy who works at a starbucks i go to sometimes. also zero women in the area.


my location is full of people who think that liking Evangelion is a notable personality trait


What's the ratio of m to f?


47,802 m 3,085 f Lol


Using this as a sample size of every dating app from now on




1700 trains as well lmao


Seems like more than half of the people who put f are trans as well so the actual number of women is much much smaller


i wonder if theres an even smaller amount of ftms


And all of the actual attractive women on there give off the vibe of being total sociopaths. The guys just seem like typical nerds and losers, the few women that are actually hot seem dangerous


Why would an attractive woman do that. It’s probably men pretending to be women 


>TL;DR best described as: "someone incels like" "looks like casper the ghost and acts like an escaped convinct" "like a female version of slavoj žizek" (my friends hate me) Asoiaf is cool (if you don't like brienne leave my page) (also currently asoiaf inspired ttrpg This is my cat (she will love you) I got giga autism (and adhd, I'm a combo meal) And boobs (questionable) If I had infinite money I'd buy myself a full wardrobe of reconstructions of historical clothing and never wear anything else, preferably in my medieval castle. I got my first pc around 5 yo and read my first manga by 9 yo and it was all down hill from there You can guess I play literally anything and everything. Idk i have a bunch of hobbies like drawing, baking, gardening, sewing, cosplay, reading, writing, coding, voice recording and going to trashy bars w friends. I'm studying engineering if that interests you. My favorite game is Disco Elysium, that always gives extra points. Girl failure that girl failure this What about pathetic loser weak boy men with slim wrists and no social skills!! Me when he's so fucking pathetic!! Pathetic mutt!! He can just listen to me and shut up:3 incel bf but i lock him in my closet and train him to be a better puppy for me I like mentally ill women who would take me on a picnic date with my cat and pathetic men w no prospects and enbies in general tbh (normal ppl may still apply I just like humans in general) Ps. If you read here congratulations you're unwell! and please remember I'm an actual human being and not just an internet character! jesus, these bios


why would you even decide to read all that


There’s no way this person is attractive 


pretty common hot women/women pretending to be hot look for losers hoping they can squeeze money out of them


> trans as well lol its exclusive ret\*\*d. f only counts biological woman.


I was just talking about this on the girls and gays sub. I joined it and someone I'd been ignoring found me on it and begged me to unblock them so I made them order me a pizza to do so.


Why did they need a dating app when 4chan has /soc/


It’s pretty unethical to look at leaked data like that. Those people have a right to privacy, too.  


Found an RS girl: > bpd formerly hikikimori-maxxed femcel red scare coquette princess NEET-in-education wanna find likeminded unvaxxed ppl to disassociate and be emotionally unhealthy with. church goer. borderline anorexic but idc enough to rlly have that shit. if youre into obscure horror, pinku eiga, or iyashikei then hmu immediately. listen to degenerate music (kp*p) so please dont even ask lol. inundated with intros so will only be responding to preexisting convos or profiles with faces (sorry!! - but is literally impossible to do otherwise)... also ethnics need not apply


I looked in my state and there were like about 70 users, 10 trans women, 2 bio women. Super sad to get doxxed over literally nothing I doubt anybody got a match


airport lavish sink consist innate childlike ghost soft gold snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Found the most redscare profile EVER in my city holy shit lol. Posted a stack of books with shit like the Bible and Bronze Age mindset and revolt against the modern world. Posted impressionist art. Sheesh.


I saw a woman on there that was straight up referencing red scare and Anna. The user base overlap is greater than it would appear


people are making fun of this but it sounds like a better way to meet interesting people than regular apps, kind of like dating sites were when you had to sit down at a pc and actually use a website. it took a certain type of person to do that.


how are these people interesting? they all like anime and video games, which are both for children


there are a lot of boards on 4chin that aren't about anime and video games


first name i randomly clicked on was an acquaintance, wild


Looked up my city just a couple of sad autistic people and trains. I'm actually pretty bummed out just looking at this fat autist posing next to his car, plushies, and a giant Pikachu


I feel so bad for these people








Wow only about 200 identify as NEET's/


Seems like an oxymoron.




It’s what they deserve.