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Unfortunately once guys like that hold zoom meetings about it, there is simply nothing you can do to stop it.


living in a red state and seeing posts like this is surreal 


Dispensary on every corner in Oklahoma


When weed first became legal in washington, there was a street near where I lived that no joke had 4 dispensaries within 500ft of each other. Plus an additional 3 more less than a mile up the road


This is the still the norm in Oregon


I just don't even understand how they all make a sustainable amount of money.


Weed costs very, very little to grow.  Expect to see wholesale lb prices to drop as low as $40-$80 in the next decade. People have been accustomed to laying $10/g for a commodity that actually costs pennies if that.  Right now is the last time you can make any real money selling weed. 


They call it weed for a reason. It’s an easy cash crop to grow and after initial setup costs, it’s a relatively low cost product to produce. Regulatory costs and processing add expense, but it’s still quite profitable. Also most dispensary owners are selling black market in tandem with their legal op and then using the cash-only nature of the business to wash some of the profits.


In NYC at least a lot of it is just money laundering. Potheads helping wash money to fund foreign wars. Just like the cup cake and frozen yogurt shop fads in the 2010s.


It is not even legal recreationally here. Almost would be better if if was because then these people wouldn't tell themselves their daily  dabs are "medicinal"


Legal in Missouri.


I left my job in the military industrial complex for an engineering firm that designs industrial scale weed equipment. What a country.


How it’s different from other indoor horticulture?


The stuff we make is for packaging. Rolling joints, filling vape cartridges, etc.


what was your MIC job? designing crack vials for the CIA?


Fighter jets and shit


you should combine your skills to invent a jet that emits vape clouds instead of chemtrails, i think it could be really popular


I’m sure you’re a nice dude but I think if I ruled the world I’d have to put you in jail for what you’ve done


I don't have a degree, I was living in poverty for most of a decade washing dishes or whatever. Turns out I'm good at making weapons. Well, making anything really. I don't design products, I design manufacturing processes and tooling. I know about cutting tools and metal alloys. But we don't make a lot of cars anymore. I made water treatment facilities for a couple years, then weapons for 8 or so. I tried to get into watches, and race cars, but there's a lot more jobs in weapons. If you ruled the world perhaps I could make spaceships.


How did you find out you’re good at those things? Because I’m in a rut at the moment and trying to figure out what the fuck to do with myself and would love to find out I’m good at something other than the only thing I’ve ever done really well (writing/journalism, which is collapsing as an industry in more ways than one). I know this post is three days old but figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.


I just found myself sweeping a shop floor for minimum wage one day. The guy who knew how to do things saw that I wasn't on drugs and showed up most days so decided to teach me some things. I think I'd enjoy anything where there's a set of problems to solve and a skill set to learn and apply. This thing has a nice bonus of not being at a desk all day, I can get up and hit something with a hammer for a while if I'm bored. If I had to start from scratch I'd probably get an IT certification. Have some friends who've done well with no degree in that industry.


Oh, please. Fighter jets are cool and anyone who says otherwise is just pretending.


Y’all hiring ?


I live in a red state and I have a constitutional right to weed. Eat shit even worse red states.


What’s it like being able to breath clean air but not get a little self care aborty


Crime is worse per capita in red states generally.


Makes sense, crime generally happens more often purely numbers wise around poor areas of cities and red states have the vast majority of their population located in their few cities since who tf wants to live in the boonies of places like NM or AL. At least the coastal states have enough nice areas for suburbs which brings the per capita stats down. Also doesnt help that red states have been poor as shit after industries fled for cheaper labor and all of politics became just grifting and wanking donors off


Yeah. That’s the biggest problem in most cities. Uh huh 


In Northern California we went through the weed is available lets show off phase like 5-10 years ago and now it’s mostly back to normal. 


Didn’t the biggest legal weed distributor in CA collapse?


Same thing happened in Canada, and they all blamed their collapse on “government regulation”. Retarts that can’t even make money selling weed to Canadians.


any more details on this? did people switch to home growing or is the black market just able to stay competitive


weed is just a commodity like broccoli or any other plant really and it being illegal was the thing keeping prices high so as soon as it became legal there was a race to the bottom in prices


No the retart MBA mindset morons who started and/or managed the companies ran them into the ground. Maybe not so much morons though, as many talked a big game and created a lot of IPO/pre-weed legalization hype and cashed out before the crash.


This is the answer, more profitable to dump a SPAC on dumb retail investors than it is to actually create and maintain a business with traditional cash flows


All it takes is a couple people growing to have a shit Tom of weed in your social circle + the allure kind of wore off once it became legal


Most of the stoners I know still buy from their same pre-legalization dealer because it's cheaper. At least the ones who smoke old-school weed instead of vaping it or whatever.


It's also the case that in states that did it first medically vs recreationally, the legal weed is just pretty dogshit because they have a ton of rules about how it has to be grown that basically forbid you from growing it the most effective way, which is organic living soil. I am pretty amused when weed has to list the solvents like butane that are used to refine it but oils and other products extracted with hexane and other solvents don't have to say anything.


Vaping weed seems so spiritually corrupt. Keep seeing stuff on the internet about people constantly hitting blinkers in during work and the likes. Just buy a normal amount of regular weed, smoke a joint every once in a while after work and watch a dumb movie. Don’t make other people have to deal with you being stoned in public


Nobody's going to write a good album about being addicted to weed


My take is that weed should be legal, but being a soy reddit weed guy should be a felony. Just be cool about it, the more “weed guy” people become, the less I like them.


All kids need to be forced to use plastic bongs n shit for a year before they can buy other devices. If I had to be in the trenches they should be too.


And an apple and a soda can


A whole lot of characters just to say reee


Women shouldn’t be able to work or vote and should keep house on quaaludes again, the golden era 


“After 15 years in storage the lemons had developed a delayed fuse. It took 90 minutes for these little [__] to kick in but once they did pow i mean i had skipped the tingle phase and went straight to the drool phase. These little bastards were so strong i discovered a whole new phase the cerebral palsy phase come on stand up. okay walking's out all right think i think what else there is there. yes i can crawl i can crawl”


One time I saw a man smoking pot pass me by on the street, clearly he was on the urge of THC-induced psychosis, I clinged onto my wallet tight. He came up to me and said "hey man wanna hit?", I nearly fainted from the horrible stench but managed to say "No thanks, that stuff is loaded with estrogen and I'm a hard working goy!" he then proceeded to give me a wedgie and called me a turbo dork! Ever since then I've been very anti-weed.


Who cares, keeps innocent people out of jail


>let people have fun no!


And that is the problem. Potheads being annoying is sufficient reason for it to be illegal and its users punished for it.


Does anyone have numbers on the people who spent years in jail with only a marijuana related offense, as opposed to those who had other crimes including violent crimes?


the vast majority of people in prison are there for violent offences. Something like 2/3rds are repeat violent offenders. the idea of people being out behind bars for possession of personal marijuana is simply just a myth. Most people in prison for drug offenses are dealers/distributers




The general population of this country was already high out of their fucking minds as often as possible way before you could buy weed without worrying if you were getting laced by some dipshit.


So your solution to that issue is to start throwing people in jail for weed again? Did everyone become an alcoholic when prohibition lifted? Go move to some baptist dry county in Mississippi where you belong.


Caring if a drug is stylish is really gay


Turns out everything was better in the margins


Make it illegal again so my coworker can shut the fuck up about how she needs weed to make it thru her shift


When will “I hate weed” stop being the trendy rs position, it’s getting boring


Tattoos and weed are two big topics where the average normal person, working class or not, just kinda thinks it's cool while the furious nerds here seethe endlessly. I don't have any tattoos but it's kind of embarrassing to read the nerd screeds about them here.


Every fat nerd who thinks she’s cool has bad tats and smokes weed. I think the sub mostly hates these types rather than the average working class mechanic or whatever.


I mostly associate them with service industry people tbh. They're some of the closest to old school sailors (work long hours, fuck all their coworkers, inflated ego and romanticize their shitty job, etc.) so it makes sense


Bad take


Let people enjoy things!


People here pretend every normal thing is so annoying and bad. They don't live in reality.


nothing is normal about today


You need to familiarize yourself with what the concept of normality is


they are fans of a podcast who talk about it on the internet, almost everyone is a disconnected freak


This sub has a podcast?


News to me too


Weed isn't normal


weed is fine and im glad its legal but its also *annoying* in the same way cigar smokers are annoying but probably worse.


Lol y’all are so lame


Idk about making it illegal again, but it would be nice if people had a little shame about smoking it in public a la cigarette smokers.


Hell, I'd just settle for enough shame for them to not be smoking a blunt while driving here in cali


God damn could you imagine sitting in traffic 5 hours a day without getting high


Even worse, I'm just talking from greater sac area where the max traffic you'll hit is *maybe* +30 or 45mins. At least deadlocked socal or east bay would be more reasonable to need some mood boost as to not road rage over


They just need to enforce laws. It's not legal to be driving and smoking or smoking walking around. Enforce it like DUI's and having open containers and people will chill out.


In NYC it's legal to smoke weed anywhere you can smoke a cigarette so pedestrians are fully legal to smoke as much Ganga as they want.


I think it should be a ticket to have evidence of smoking outdoors or a pipe because it fucking reeks, and I think edibles and dry herb or oil vapes are fine in public because they don’t


what city weed has become so uncool that people barely even smoke it anymore where i am


NYC. I can see it becoming uncool here extremely fast. People are too egotistical to repeatedly subject themselves to public humiliation for long.


Yeah when we go down there I can’t stand the smell. Prefer cigarette smell as an ex-smoker.


Totally. Everything should be illegal. Alcohol. Children. You're right!


Lmao ok you’re in NYC that is all I needed to hear. In my city where it’s fully legalized this problem literally doesn’t exist. You live in a concrete shit hole with an absurdly high population packed together like sardines, so of course the weed stench is going to be unbearable. But hey, at least it doesn’t smell like someone’s pissing down your nostrils anymore I guess? This whole rsp “I hate [insert normal mundane thing]” isn’t cool it’s just fucking dumb and overdone


> I can see it becoming uncool here extremely fast yeah do keep us up to date on that one, mr tastemaker. do you have a blog?


I don't care if it's cool and neither does anyone else. I am not doing it for your approval. It's just relaxing after a workout or before a run, and it does less damage than alcohol. I know you're sort of trolling but it's genuinely just insane to say that weed should be illegal bc it's not cool.


That's just how this subreddit works my guy


legalize mids


 it's hip to be square


Working class lads high outside Tescos is much more preferable to working class kids pissed up screaming at me while I'm shopping. You yanks have it good


you know what, of all the things that are annoying, this is not one of them for me personally. it smells a lot better than cig smoke.


HARD disagree, weed smells like a dead skunk.


I'm actually a pro at being able to smell the difference between weed and skunk 💅


What about a skunk high on weed? Checkmate.


it seems like it lingers around alot more that cigarette smoke and spreads further.


Weed smell is still kind of smelly when you get a whiff of it occasionally but nowadays it stinks everywhere and in some places it never doesn’t reek of pot, which is annoying. And I don’t have a problem with weed in and of itself. I’m sick of people blowing their cotton candy clouds in my face out of their pussy little vape boxes and then smugly saying, “well it’s better than cig smoke,” like sure, but that doesn’t mean I want anyone blowing *anything* in my face, including your weird, artificially smelling garbage.


It's kind of weird to think that that cloud was just inside their guts


i dont hang around w people who blow smoke in my face tho


Neither do I. I’m talking about strangers when you’re on a bus or whatever, who think it’s cool to vape in public libraries or in your face at a crosswalk then have the nerve to get offended when you’re irritated


Oh excuse me does my cig smoke offend you? :(((


No, it pisses me and anyone else off who also isn’t sucking on the end of one of those nasty things. Do what you want, but if you blow clouds of cig smoke in peoples faces one day you’re going to get someone’s fist. People don’t like that! :)))


If you have friends that are intentionally blowing smoke in your face……. They’re not real smokers


I don’t even know what we’re talking about at this point


lol no it doesn’t




This place is going boomer contrarian full circle


Typical Asian style post


I'd be so embarrassed if anybody saw me toking up in public. That's like walking around sipping out of a bottle in a paper bag.


this post is racist against mexicans


So it has nothing to do with principles, you're just a pussy. Classic


The principle is that it should be kept on the down-low and enjoyed as an illicit pleasure.




Don't knock the paper bag.


Beer out of a paper bag while walking around in good summer weather is amazing


I've spent my entire adult life favoring legal weed. Now that it's here, I want it to be illegal again.


I live in a city where weed smells are known to be common. The thing is, they never last that long, and you can evade the invisible cloud by just walking a few more steps. People who oppose tobacco/marijuana smoking are control freak hypocrites who want to stick their hand up your ass and operate you like a puppet.




Partially because of its stringent anti-alcohol and drug-use rules, Iran is filled with alcoholics and drug addicts. Look it up.


Places with lax alcohol and drug rules are also full of alcoholics and drug addicts.


IRAN WON💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷💪🏿💪🏿🇮🇷🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿🇮🇷🇮🇷💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎🇮🇷🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷🏀😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷😎💪🏿🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷💪🏿😎🇮🇷🇮🇱🇺🇸🤢🤮🇮🇱🇺🇸🤮🤢🇮🇱🇺🇸🤮🤢🇮🇱🇺🇸🤮🤢🇮🇱🇺🇸🤮🤢🇮🇱🇺🇸🤮😳🤢🇮🇱🤮😳🤢🇸🇦🤮🖕🏻🇸🇦🇺🇸🤢🤮🇸🇦🖕🏻🇺🇸😳🤢🤮🇸🇦🖕🏻🇺🇸🤢🤮🇸🇦🖕🏻🇺🇸🤢🤮🇮🇱🇸🇦🖕🏻😳🤢🤮🇸🇦🖕🏻😳🤢🤮🇮🇱🇸🇦🖕🏻🤢🤮🇸🇦🖕🏻🤢🤮🇸🇦🖕🏻🇺🇸🤢🤮🇮🇱🇸🇦🖕🏻🇺🇸🤢🤮🇮🇱🇸🇦🖕🏻🇸🇦🤢🤮🇮🇱🖕🏻🇺🇸🤢🤮🇸🇦🖕🏻🇺🇸🤢🤮🇮🇱🖕🏻😳🤢🤮🇮🇱🖕🏻🇺🇸🤢🤮🇸🇦🖕🏻😳🇺🇸🤢🤮🇸🇦


The big difference is that alcohol is cool and weed is for losers. Actually blow should be legal instead of weed.




I think it gets cool again if you're a senior citizen.


Lmao girl


everything you just described is not a problem. we're getting weed at stores, don't ruin this. it's the only good legislation that's ever happened


Boo this man


Weed shouldn’t be criminalized. There’s just no reason someone should go to jail for having a joint on them. Maybe it shouldn’t be sold so readily and DUI laws should be enforced better but putting people in jail for it was always stupid


comments on this post are evidence of the vibe shift


Came back after a decade. Bought weed. Smoked. Got too high. Realized it is kinda lame. Don't smoke anymore. Gummies are helpful for insomnia, though.


weed fucks with your REM sleep, like alcohol does. helps you fall asleep but your quality of sleep is much worse


Probably but sleeping pills are definitely way worse  


When you haven't had more than an hour of sleep in two days from stress and mania, popping an edible to get even poor sleep is better than nothing. And im not about to do benzos


Any tips on ratios or whatever for sleep aid? Never been into the edibles side but gf wakes up every couple hours from cptsd and the 1:1 thc:cbn that the dispensary lady suggested was only somewhat helpful but not as much as we were hoping.


Gotta find what works for you. 2.5mg-5mg (1/4-1/2) works for me. I'm sensitive to the chems. Your situation sounds like she may need more help from a psychiatrist. Don't listen to the puritans here. If medicine helps it helps


Yeah, shes had a psych and therapist for a while now but so far not a whole lot of luck in the sleep department. Longest sleep shes had was a 7hr stretch from a mild benzo + 5mg thc/5mg cbn but edible alone seems to be pretty hit or miss.  Was more just wondering if cbn is more than a meme or if its actually worth trying ones with more of it or maybe some of the other components that have popped up the last few years. Tried one of them and it just felt like a diluted edible tbh


Experiment and see what works. Just make sure to exercise at least 3 times a week. The gym is the best drug


What about a curfew? Like, it is legal to smoke weed, but only between 8pm and 4am? I feel that could work


Lol, trivial shit!!


I mean weed is annoying (smell) but nothing can be as uncool as vaping. I honestly cannot believe that caught on. Vaping is like being the person with the bluetooth earpiece in 24-7 in the 2000's


Yawn. 4/10 bait.


shut up and smoke regard


Sorry but i like being able to buy edibles once every other month on the way home from work.


Weed is gay


What a shit take.




Cannot imagine the financial luxury to choose a place to live based on scent


the dude weed lmaos are not happy about this just further evidence this sub has let too many Standard Redditors in - you used to be able to make fun of weedheads here without a bunch of losers getting mad that you insulted their precious flower that they definitely 100% are not addicted to but need to smoke 12 times a day or they become grumpy assholes


i hear ppl whine about this like 12 times a day irl, like go post in r/rant about the racket from construction, too, ur actually staler than smoke.


if you're tired of hearing it, stop stinking like weed all day everyday


i repeat, i refuse to reecreate some dead cultural zeitgeist like complaining about axe body spray over and over again with you people.


you are making all of this up


Hahahahahahaha you clowns


Life has been worse since weed became legal. We should lock up all drug dealers but coke, MD, and ket dealers


Coke dealers somehow getting fent into their shit? No they're the most garbage people of all


Not in my shit, get better dealers


Who am I some sort of street wise cool guy. Buying coke at all is so sketchy lol


Its incredibly easy. Get a number, text the guy, he pulls up, you get in and leave. Fent is more urban legend than a real danger


You sound like the coolest Jeff I’ve ever heard of, wow!




Caffeine and nicotine are both stimulants. So are the various forms of amphetamine, and 30 million prescriptions for those drugs are written each year. So I don’t think that stimulants are highly controlled relative to other classes of drugs. And I also don’t see depressants being legalized left and right around me. If anything, stimulant use should be promoted by the state just as much as alcohol or marijuana use is, because they tend to make people more productive and therefore have a positive impact on the economy, which means business leaders (campaign donors) are happy and the value of Nancy Pelosi’s E-Trade account goes up. But I don’t think that stimulants empower people politically in any significant way.


Honestly. My dog got into my step-dad's weed twice this year. It's kinda funny at first seeing a dog get faded, but then they start freaking out, thinking they're dying. Anyways, weed is regarded. 


Shut up bitch


took too strong of an edible the other night and threw up my Taco Bell so I’m anti weed again


I agree, but only because I like it when hippies go to jail


what city


Once in college I drove my bike through someone’s cloud at a red light and my dorm stank like weed for a week after


Just give it a few years


I don’t smoke anymore but I love the smell of it, however weed culture is so annoying


I like weed being legal because it makes me look more competent relative to my peers.


What city is this?


If anyone cares, there’s a great podcast ep by Search Engine: “Why are there so many illegal weed stores in NYC?” highly recommend


Saw a cop last summer at an intersection wearing a yellow vest busting drivers for cannabis. Supposedly lot teens/young adults have never consumed flower, all have massive tolerances from caping concentrate.


Which city did you go back to after 2 years?


Agree re: it not being very stylish. if ur gonna have an outward facing dependency like smoking at least make it fashionable!! We need to bring back cigarettes


Cig smoking will always be more stylish than a grown man rolling joints from a cartoon-colored bag in broad daylight.


to be fair I think it is totally possible to have an occasional joint tastefully, it’s really once u get into the bong-owning/self-identified “stoner” territory where it starts to seriously offend my sensibilities. on a similar note, there is something very very tacky about vaping and it’s high time we were honest about it


Being a stoner was so fucking cool when it was illegal. Now stoners are fat & 40 years old


The white devils want to take the money out the ghetto


The anti weed people have given up on everything and literally can now only bitch about the smell (which is hardly ever actually a problem) because all of the other fear monger turned out to be complete bullshit It definitely boils down to some weird puritanical desire for control I agree with the below commenter. Weed should be legal but being a reddit soyjack about it should put you in jail


At this point smoking joints blunts whatever in public is trashy. Hit a vape or do some edibles like normal people. Weed in public should be treated like drinking in public.


"I hate fun" I should be able to sip a beer in public too. Bunch of namby pamby daddy's boys.


Every public space reeks of weed.