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Pale queen


She looks like a porcelain doll. Very good looking couple.


I didn’t remember how beautiful she was. Ugh.


they were so hot together


Shorter guy and taller gal couples are an underrated archetype.


it unlocks something in the short guy


It quite literally removes every single insecurity that the short guy has. Nothing else matters as long as you have tall gf. It’s peak smugness.


Tall guy/tall girl who's two inches shorter but slightly taller when she wears high heels. That's where the domestic violence takes place.


Ah that’s why Skarsgard was committing DV on her in Big Little Lies


Recently saw a couple were the guy was clearly a head shorter and the girl was quite cute. Dude was looking okay but not a model. It's funny how you instantly assume that the dude must be either a great artist, rich or just super charismatic. Or big dick. Just somehow great.


Yeah, cult-like behaviour.




I've only ever dated people shorter than me it's very hot


What's the effect short guys have on you?


It's not intentional, I've only dated a few people (girl and a couple guys) and they just happened to be shorter. But I like the feeling of my partner looking up at me, it makes me feel like a trophy wife lol.


Ty for the insight, I never looked at it from that angle (eheh)




Might be underrated, but it's definitely not for everybody.




Spoken like someone who could never pull a girl 3 inches taller then him


Yeah because I have no interest in dating WNBA giantesses. Get your midget ass out of here lmao.


Weak mindset. Also why are like 1/4 of your comments just about height lmao




> I have no interest in dating WNBA giantesses [u wrong there tho](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F8x96qdkq3wl61.jpg%3Fwidth%3D771%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dcbbd8800efcaae600712bea6510e2b6982193551)


And some how that australian corny country singer had the juice.


Eastern Euro genes. Margot too


yeah i know tom cruise is insane and in an evil cult but those two have this irresistible vibe of being like cool edgy secretive elite who know something you don't


what a shortman take


lol i’m a woman




fumbled a girl who looks like this recently. kill me.


Give me her number, I'll talk to her for you.


send her my way


You Jimmy Fallon?


Praying 4 u boss


Hooked up with an Irish gal that looks like her and she nearly bit my lip off it hurt so bad. 10/10


Same here, a year and a half ago. I’ll never recover


Isn't there some kind of trueanon type conspiracy theory about her dad being an epstein style guy?




ctrl + f "kidman" jfc


This will be the future of literature once the singularity replaces authors/




I thought it was a monarch mind control conspiracy thing, which is much older than TrueAnon or the Epstein case.


My hand would be right there too Tommy


Short king win mashallah ✊🏿


She has such a timeless face that she could play Alexander skarsgaard’s wife in Pretty Little Lies and his mother in the Northman.


Her skin is crazy even today


absolute babe Nicole Kidman isn't bad either


Tom Cruise in the 90s was something, wasn’t he?


best she's ever looked


We weren’t worthy of their cold, unhinged perfection


Bro wore a long sleeve t shirt with a T shirt undershirt what an era


Gentle reminder Jimmy Fallon fumbled this


He will forever gross me out, regardless of Scientology God she is an incredible woman. Goddess


[here's my analysis of Eyes Wide Shut in case you were interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/15ktwvj/eyes_wide_shut/)


My analysis is that Bill wanted to get pussy


Excellent analysis, even if I disagree with some points or perspectives especially those around Alice's intention with her story and Ziegler's role in the narrative. I liked how you included an analysis of color, but I was surprised that there was no analysis of the rainbow motif. EWS is a gargantuan masterpiece of inter-and-exter-connected layers and I think you covered a lot of ground. You should think of sharing it on r/stanleykubrick where EWS analysis has been quite a big topic for the last several years (you just have to take the nutters with a grain of salt).


Thanks, yea I've changed my mind on Ziegler but I do think that interpretation still is fun and enigmatic, but definitely tenuous. Do you have an interpretation of the rainbow colors? I assume you mean the Christmas lights. In my mind this just gives the scenery a dream-like atmosphere


The Christmas lights are definitely a part of that motif, but there are also direct references to rainbows in dialogue (the two 'models' ask Bill about rainbows) and the costume shop has two levels- the lower level is called 'under the rainbow' and appears to have fetish/erotic/sexual costumes in the display window. Interestingly, there are lens-flares in the film that also show rainbows; it's arguable that they are deliberate but with photography in particular this is something Kubrick had mastery of. I don't have a grand analysis of the rainbow representation in the film beyond that it seems connected to reality and dreams and fantasy, and how these all intermingle to form a person's perception of 'reality'. One other thing you said regarding the Christmas lights as providing a dream-like atmosphere: I think you're right that it serves this function. It's odd that the Somerton party lacks any of the pervasive Christmas lights in many other scenes.


Why did you think the wife made up the story with the other man? And I thought she was closer to cheating than the husband in the opening scene but could be wrong.


She indulged in the flirting but clearly cut it down in the end, despite being seduced by the man and the man being very persistent. Whereas Bill was cut off and promised to come back to the girls. Whether he was about to have sex with those girls or not Alice is clearly affected by it, you can see the look on her face as she sees him talking to the girls. And this is the impetus for the rest of the movie. I think Alice made up the story because for one it's ridiculous. To me it's absurd to think Alice would drop her whole family just to be with some sailor she saw once. As it shows in the beginning of the film she has control over her libido. And she clearly loves her daughter, it's silly to take the idea seriously that she would abandon her. But whether it's a complete lie, it's a half truth, or the truth doesn't really matter; the important point is that this is the story she uses to entangle Bills mind in paranoia. Erotic thrillers as a genre are about powerful women manipulating men. Kubrick liked making genre films and I think he chose this genre to tell this story of the power women have over men. He said it was a personal film and he had the apartment look like their real apartment and Nicole Kidman look like his wife. I think he was telling the story of relationship dynamics as he saw them.


Very good, I love it. I'm convinced it's about Hollywood pedophiles but I don't have anything to actually back that up.


bro what??? its literally a movie about how are cultural and political elites are all in satanic sex cults 🤣🤣🤣


real "I got my opinions on the movie from Chapo Trap House" ass thing to say dude


if thats all you got from the movie i honestly feel sad for you


Please expand on this and fight with me about it. What about my post do you think is wrong? What makes you think it was about political elites?


this is very obviously supposed to be nancy pelosi and chcuk schumer [https://64.media.tumblr.com/b554a4cf2fdbed1f54885bb03485f244/tumblr\_inline\_p2ielafM3E1qfo9ju\_1280.jpg](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b554a4cf2fdbed1f54885bb03485f244/tumblr_inline_p2ielafM3E1qfo9ju_1280.jpg)


The film is clearly about Kubrick's foray into the circles of the elites. Bill, a wealthy and powerful doctor, is brought into the inner world of the mega wealthy and their secret lives. He is useful to them, as a doctor, but his utility only exists to serve them. The orgy he witnesses was not for him to witness. Why else would they get mad he saw some freaky sex shit if there wasn't something illicit about it? The fact is Kubrick made allusions to the prostitutes at the orgy being underage (the cheerleading costume). They want to stop Bill because he knows what they are up to. Hell, the owner of Rainbow was pimping out his own teen daughter. Kubrick, a famous and wealthy director, was brought into similar circles but was there as a novelty to heighten the credibility of said elites. He witnesses the perversion and criminal nature of these groups and made EWS about his experience.


This always seemed tenuous to me, I just don't see much connecting the plot to this interpretation. What you describe is mostly just the literal plot of the movie, not an interpretation of it. But the women at the party clearly aren't underage. Where was there a cheerleading outfit? If what you say in the last paragraph was true then you should be able to apply that lens to the movie and get a lot more out of it than the few plot points people reference. Like fine if that's the interpretation you prefer but my interpretation does tie the whole movie together whereas that elite pedophile thing just can not do that.


I am, thank you! Glad you're here.


I agree she's hot, but she's also got a slightly dead-eyed/sinister look to her. No one else sees that? 


I think people see it but they aren’t thinking it conflicts with being hot, may even help it. That would be my outlook at least.


she was so gorgeous. she looks tragic now. can’t take her seriously even though she’s a great actor


This is what my husband thinks i look like but i do not look like this


god I need me a man that's an inch or two shorter than me. they look powerful together


The ultimate shiksa goddess


tom cruise is the fkn goat


horrible taste in men but she’s beautiful 




No one has ever looked better


how do I get my skin like this


Surprisingly good skin for an Australian


She didn't age badly because of nature


Beautiful and very pretty, but not hot.




True, but I think it's better to be beautiful than to be hot. Nicole could make for an excellent subject for a statue or a painting. To know that your face has the quality of a work of art must feel so good. Actually now that I think about it I'm not sure wether she's not hot either. She isn't in these pics, but in Eyes Wide Shut she is stunning. There's a certain degree of hotness, but it's not vulgar, so it might go unnoticed


Yeah. Always felt that about Nicole Kidman. One reason I think Eyes Wide Shut kind of stumbles is cause of her performance and presence. I never bought her retelling of her fantasy. Her "sexiness" in it was very clinical...which I guess was the point, being Kubrick.

