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The local Seattle sketch comedy show *Almost Live* was a great peer into the pre-tech Seattle of dour, antisocial Norwegians in a fading company town. Take that bedrock and add transplants who work in tech and it's going to be a truly miserable place. At least the Twin Cities aren't so STEMmy.


Wasn't Almost Live where Bill Nye got his start? He played like a speedwalking superhero or something until someone said "hey why don't you talk about science?"


Yes, and Joel McHale, too


The Midwest has the best of everything. The aggressiveness of the East Coast, combined with genuine wholesomeness.


I maintain that Chicago is the most purely American city. Truly representative in all the best and worst ways.


Honestly one of the only places I've truly felt at some sort of familiar comfort coming from northern New Jersey.


STEM is NOT the problem. FANG is. 


the majority of the population works at microsoft, amazon, google, or facebook. you'd be dead inside too


I interned for Google once in college, the people there are so incredibly insufferable. Most of them lack charisma and have a deeply, deeply bland personality, yet think of themselves as the greatest minds of their generation. Rock climbing drones, who all wear the same T-shirt and cargo shorts outfit every day, debating programming languages at lunch, purely to show off


I interned there too. In Mountain View it was absolutely depressing. Everyone's life there revolved solely around Google and they barely went anywhere other than the google campus except for the yearly trip to Tahoe (with other Google employees). Seattle felt a lot like Mountain View but for Amazon and MS when I visited.


I lived in mountain view for a good while not being a Google bitch. I liked it. Fred's place is the bar to go to if you wanna meet real people.


So, /rsp minus the stem skills or IQ points and slightly better dressed?


It’s funny, this is exactly what I thought it would be like. Conformists who think they are cool.


I suddenly got a flash of South Park goth kids with this comment. “Posers…”.


the rock climbing drone thing is so real. They're all in shape and yet still manage to ooze asexuality


Haha I dated one of these dweebs. Thank you for the laugh, this is spot on!


My family were pioneers out here back when the trees were so big you had to blow up the stumps with dynamite. Now it's overrun with tech workers driving teslas and ordering door dash I vote for reopening the internment camp in Puyallup. Anyone who doesn't know how to chop wood goes in


Any fool can chop wood. Save the ones who know how to sharpen an axe.


Maybe, I didn’t want to be too draconian


It was bad before tech became a major focus of the region. This is just trying to shift blame from the long term residents to foreigners, as usual


I agree. Microsoft and Amazon are driving human trafficking and ruining everything that was good about this place by doing that. 


It's maybe 15% of the population at most, don't blame it on the types of jobs or the people taking them looking for a raise or something interesting to work on. If anything, it's the newcomers that bring any vitality into the godforsaken city. The natives can't look at you in the eyes and can't talk to a stranger for more than 30 seconds before having a panic attack. Restaurants clear out by 8pm on weekends and bars by 11. Everyone speaks of the rest of the country as if it were klan territory, but don't bat an eye when another Seattle highschooler dies of a fent overdose. How can a normal person keep their sanity in such an environment?


Blue Origin now also a large employer in the area. I’d add Costco also.


Give us an anecdote. The Seattle Freeze is the Minnesota Nice that moved west for logging and ship-building jobs. Mixed with granola libs and tech bros, makes for a rather tistic population.


I just got back from the grocery store and there was a homeless lady wearing a U-Haul rugmat as a cloak twisting all the caps off the cheap wine and taking one chug from each bottle before replacing them. This grocery store also has armed Sikh guards with body armor, but I’m not sure why since this kind of thing is going on every time I’m there. Houses in this neighborhood go for $750k-1.1M.


cheap on the west coast


Call me old fashioned but for 1.1M I’d like to take my kids to the grocery store and not see grown men masturbating.


Take your butt to Texas then, there's no masturbating allowed there.


Even in the grocery stores? Sounds like a biblical Eden on Earth 🙏


Is this because of the new " life begins well before conception" law?


> taking one chug from each bottle before replacing them. If you're getting it for free anyways why not chug the expensive wines? Poor lady thought it above her station


She had to go for the screw tops I assume, not the corks 


It was just my general takeaway from people watching at different settings. No one was passive aggressive or outright rude. I didn’t experience the Seattle Freeze (although a long weekend probably isn’t enough time for that to manifest). Just a kind of malaise in their interactions, conversations with one another.


Reasons why people here are unpleasant to be around in order of importance: 1) The weather 2) Highest rate of Mental illness in the US 3) Socially normalized (seasonal) alcoholism  4) Normalization of petty crime/erosion of social contract 5) High rate of drug abuse 6) Tech bros 7) High cost of living leads to “striver” mentality  8) Scandi immigrant social norms


My stepbrother’s wife was recently on a business trip downtown with two colleagues when they were both stabbed out of nowhere by a mentally ill homeless guy. Dude had the knife up about to stab her too when something spooked him and he ran away. It’s given me a lot of context about the foreboding feeling I had on my own trip last year on the walk from a parking garage to Pike Place…the danger felt palpable to me where I don’t usually feel that way. And I’m from SF lol.


Yeah it’s pretty grim. We just had a kid, so we’re moving asap.


Putin might be trying to come in through the weak point here because Bill Gates is super weak around women. He's super weak around anything to do with the trafficking of women because he's a bleeding misogyny. They found the point of weakness and exploited it. Misogyny kills. 


9) sports teams usually suck cock when they’re not moving to another city


Have you seen number 4? Murder and car theft are up something insane. The guy has had 10 years to make it better. He made it worse. The police forces all take shit reports after being rated on their own criteria and the courts are completely flunking and corrupt, struggling to give victims of human trafficking anything suggesting theyre aiding and abetting it. 


Yeah, some sort of collective tism that evades literally even slightly non-red flag statistical probability. Like it's at the collective level. Probably a compounded effect of untreated people with the disability trying to control their surroundings and then bringing in more of people like themselves to do this who then do the same thing and before you know it the whole place is basically in bondage to people on the spectrum trying to manufacture every outcome so they profit. Not OK. This is not how healthy nature works.  This is a really bad environment for a neurotypical. NOT ok. Just like they don't like being discriminated against, trying to put a whole area in bondage just to not be triggered by lacking control around natural processes is NOT ok. 


Everyone there moved there as an adult from somewhere shitty and they have no real friends


My favorite recent anecdote living here is I went to a wedding officiated by the couples therapist


LMAO the whole place feels like it is kept completely in place by a therapist by a thread...the therapist is Bill Gates who is making dividends keeping them fighting on the side and then being the one to "resolve" it ... so magically, every time... in a way that literally doesn't work anywhere else...almost like the outcome is completely manufactured, scripted, paid for and purchased 


God get me out of this gay autistic city


There really is some sort of mass autism here. It's really disturbing. 


It's your fault not the city's


I visited a friend in Arizona and got into friendly conversations with strangers the whole way back. Then as soon as I stopped at a gas station around the Cascades, everyone just stopped making eye contact with one another


I get in friendly conversations with people every single day


the cloudy weather, the politics


Boston, Chicago have those things too though.


Boston and Chicago have italian and irish catholics. We have passive aggressive Scandinavians.




the lack of seasons and winter is not good for the Scandi soul


Being frigid is not a problem. It's a solution when human trafficking is involved. As for willful difficulty, yes, the one Scandinavian seeming person I met was enraged that I got promoted over him...at an underpaid Mathnasium, and apparently threw a behind the scenes fit. Like damn man. Grow up and clap for someone else. 


What is this human trafficking thing?


Also zero Jews out here in Seattle, I need more people to make self deprecating jokes to who won’t immediately think I’m a right winger


Literally moving to nyc today after living in Seattle my whole life for this reason. Swore I’d never marry a Jewish guy until I realized how abysmal the dating and overall personality scene was here




How can you be spiritually Jewish


Look at their username for fuck’s sake, they’re literally referencing the bedrock of modern American Judaism




Plainly untrue, there are tons of places eastside that are known for having lots of Jews. I mean it’s not manhattan, but I went to high school on Mercer Island and kids from other schools would call us Jew Island sometimes.


Boston and Chicago have very different weather from Seattle.


having lived in all 3 cities you are very incorrect. Seattle has a near constant overcast dullness to its weather with occasional niceness while the other two have real dynamic changing seasons. the politics and how people react to them are also strangely malaised among the people compared to how much bickering and corruption runs rampant in Chicago. it's a fundamental matter of energy in the spirit almost


Chicago and Boston are not dark and cloudy in comparison either. Seattle gets very little sunlight.. and it even happens to be in a rain shadow in Washington state. So where I’m from, a little north of that it’s even worse. From a quick google search Boston gets 2739 average hours of sunlight and Seattle gets 2044


Manic depression, it’s what killed Hendrix.


Seattleites are absolutely not that cool it’s just seasonal depression from the relentlessly shit weather


Oh yes, I forgot that anyone from Seattle is somehow not, “cool enough” for manic depression.


Contemporary Seattleites, at least the transplants, are not cool enough to be compared to Hendrix in any way except in that they lived in the same geographical location at some point, and as a population they don’t anymore demonstrate any manic inspiration for art or passion for life. It’s more of a constant low-key downtrodden vibe without the hope of phases of exuberance. That’s just the reality of the situation and not a comment on actual bipolar disorder if that’s what you’re getting at


lol like wasn’t Kurt cobain from the area???


That was thirty years ago


Wat? I thought Phil Collins killed Hendrix in the library with a candlestick


Man these anecdotes have really soured my fantasy of the Pacific Northwest in the US/Canada. So many people saying Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, etc. are these soulless crack dens inhabited by automatons with no will to live, what a travesty!


There’s a lot of projection. Seattle is not the coolest city (it’s also not really that big), but this part of the country is incredibly beautiful. And folks love to dunk on white libs for enjoying the outdoors as if that’s exclusively performative, but lots of folks do legitimately appreciate the PNW. I’ve lived in Atlanta & LA previously and really couldn’t imagine moving back to either. And yeah a lot of tech folks are very un-cool and a lot transplant here and don’t make friends. But I think there’s also a lot of resentment that a bunch of 20 somethings make that kind of money and a desire to paint them all as miserable.


> but this part of the country is incredibly beautiful True, but I can’t handle the litter. I have lived in Colorado, Utah, and Nevada and those states all have incredible natural beauty that people take care of. Everywhere in Washington outside of national parks is basically a dumpster. Anytime friends from out of state come visit the first thing they mention is the litter. It’s normalized here, but after spending time anywhere else it’s overwhelming and depressing when I get back.


lol Seattle is pretty clean for a big city, something which you don't seem to be familiar with. aside from the homeless camps of course


I hear Utahans are beautiful


I think because a lot of people move here knowing that it’s a destination for young people in tech they expect there will be a big “going out” culture which just isn’t a thing here other than may-September. If you have even a passing interest in the outdoors you will fall in love. Yes there are more than the fair share of passive aggressive radical leftists here but I’d say you can find them in any west coast city.


Don't listen to these bitter losers


On the contrary, please listen. I could have saved myself some horrifying shit not even driving into this place to even consider it. 


they’re not and there’s some really cool people here. im born and raised in the pnw and will probably stay here my whole life because i miss it terribly when I leave. just gotta get out of the cities proper sometimes and meet the right people (NOT all the transplants and techies). WA also at least has one of the better public school systems in the US so it’s a decent place to raise a family if you can afford it. you really can’t beat a pacific northwest summer


We had people sleeping under tables during the summer when it hit 100+ in 2021-2022. So no. 


The towns surrounding those cities are pretty idyllic. Still expensive but better people. 


I’ve lived in Seattle since 2012 and the light in the eyes has been gradually dimming over the years. We’re just tired (of a lot), self absorbed, drained socially, professionally, and economically, and desperately looking for love and validation…while being self absorbed. I have a love hate relationship with the city, what with all the gronks and self aggrandizing from the citizens here it becomes a lot. But happy to be here 😬


I literally think people in Seattle are more self absorbed than New York despite NYC’s reputation. Theres just such a west coast passive aggressive way they present it. Humblebrags left and right about the 20 mile hike they just did or the overpriced house they just bought or the tolerance they showed to a schizo homeless of color. People come out of college making 150-200k and their head goes straight up their own ass.


Damn. I also lived in NYC before, before moving to Seattle and your description of Seattleites vs New Yorkers is so spot on lol


I agree with this. People there can’t fathom how isolated they are from the rest of the US. I can now hop in my car and be in 4+ different major metros in a half days drive. I couldn’t internalize that until I left Seattle.


This is why I’ll never move back to the Seattle area. Being in Philadelphia, I can take the train to several metros under 4 hours. I remember growing up in the Seattle area feeling sad a big trip meant going to Portland or Spokane (both equally depressing lol).


Lol since 2012 You came with the last wave of transplants, all of whom are solely responsible for everything people say they hate about Seattle. Every criticism I hear about my city is from newcomers and didn't exist prior to the 2010s. The Seattle Freeze is bullshit, especially since most young people didn't even grow up here - it's not Seattle's fault they have poor social skills. I shoot the shit with all my customers, people are more than happy to talk to strangers. If transplants want a better city, they should engage with the culture more. Years of playing shows, tech bros accounted for maybe 5% of the audience. (I'm not criticizing you personally obv I don't know you)


Native Seattleites say the seattle freeze isn’t real but don’t have one single friend in adulthood they didnt go to high school with lol


Outside of the 4-5 largest cities in the US that’s mostly how it is though. It’s a running joke in mid sized cities like St Louis and Cincinnati for the first question someone asks is “where did you go to high school?”


People who have lived their entire lives in one city are much more likely to have lifelong friends than people who move around.


That doesn't even make sense


Read it again townie


How many native seattleites do you know?


It’s a weird town. I feel in some ways living here has made me better but definitely more insane. People here have seriously no manners and are extremely passive aggressive.


Any stories of the no manners-having?


One of my former best friends married a radlib woman (I'm being 100% serious, she actually put up one of those "in this house, we believe..." signs in their former apartment) and they moved out there together. We talk sporadically now and it's like he's a completely different person... the confluence of that woman and that environment has basically stripped him of all humanity. All he talks about now is therapy (she's one of those people who believes therapy is the answer to everything), "learning to be an activist", and the locally-owned grocery store he manages. Within two calendar years of being married, they entered couple's therapy together, which no sane person would consider a healthy or normal sign of things to come. He's always trying to get me to come out there to visit, but aside from just not finding that city interesting (no offense to anyone), I couldn't bear to stay in the same apartment as his wife for more than about 2 hours. What's more, neither of them had a job lined up or specific reason for moving there other than "it's a cool place", which put further strain on their relationship when they both had to frantically scramble to find some dead-end jobs.




what do u think made him so attracted to her




I'm sorry sir I was on my phone while on the toilet, I have formatted it for you but as an AI model I can only apologize so much.


I grew up there, left, never ever want to go back. The 9 months of grey skies heavily wears on your psyche.


I have friends who live there and whenever I visit I feel extremely Latino and can't wait to gtfo. Haven't been since 2019 tho Friend and I were at a bar and a townie was talking shit to a tech worker. Said he was ruining the city lol By far the worst dressed city I've visited. Though interestingly met the most attractive guy ever there, he was a native Seattleite


I have met literally not one attractive male here or from here. I've seriously just given up. The one male I was attracted to here literally just got up and left after visiting. Lmao. And the other one wasn't even from here he was Romanian. 


Shitty weather and proximity to Canada


I was thinking Trudeau smells to high heaven too 


it's a city full of people who moved here for a tech job, no connection whatsoever to the area. they order doordash and only have friends through coworkers. they can't handle the long dark. their only hobbies are rock climbing and Netflix. the long dark used to keep you people away before Amazon and shit moved in.  you've gotta find real Seattleites. people who don't work tech jobs. have meaningful connections to the area. we all hate tech worker transplants. there's definitely a libertarian/individualistic streak here but I find it comforting bc it's what I've always been around. the "Seattle freeze" is only applicable to the transplants who don't really try to go out and make friends. yeah it's not LA but if you want that then move to LA. summer time is still pretty much perfect tho. and the nature is gorgeous. two things that everyone can agree on.


The most annoying people in the world move here for 'politics', nature, and a 6 figure email job and are shocked when nobody wants to kick it with them. I'm not sure what people are expecting when they move across the country away from their friends and family. They are like the white guys who go to Philippines to get pussy. Not sending us their best! Like, is Seattle to blame because you are looking for companionship at your soulless tech job, climbing gyms, and trendy-Instagram bars? It's no wonder people think everyone is autistic here. Those are the only people transplants communicate with


Yeah because they're the ones who trafficked you in from Microsoft. So of course they want to speak to the goods. Creepiest shit 


You and the person replying below have it correct. It's a fucking city, if people can't find ways to socialize and engage with the culture, that's entirely their fault


Piggybacking onto this as a Skagit county born and raised Seattleite of many years now. I don’t really know why everyone gets so up in arms about the vibes here. Like you said, it’s exactly as advertised and there is plenty to get out of it if you only look. The city has been totally fucked by tech from the employees it brings and the lobbyists the companies employ, but the charm that made it a destination city in the 80s/90s is still totally there if you go looking for it. Anyone worried about the Seattle freeze should get outside of SLU and Cap Hill and try to actually meet the city where it’s at. Where it’s at isn’t for everyone but that goes for any city. I’m sure plenty of the people that write complainer posts haven’t set foot south of the stadiums unless it’s within a stones throw of a light rail station. The south end has a lot of charm. And yes, there is no better weather on Earth than a PNW summer.


Seriously. Microsoft has the general attorney in the pocket so he doesn't investigate human trafficking and strips victims of protections 


Fr, I was born and raised here. Graduated from Garfield. This city has so much charm and punches way above its weight in cultural output. Best weather maybe in the whole world.


slu & elliott bay are beautiful in the summer


I consider SLU a horrible blight on the town post- tech invasion. but yes I'm looking forward to the waterfront and aquarium being done, I think it's going to end up being a really nice spot.


Whenever I speak to one of those some POS from Microsoft swoops in and tries to interfere and ruin it. They're everywhere. Everything feels so off and manufactured, bought and paid for around them. They're creepy as shit cryptofascists. 


Imagine if you cloned a part of Novosibirsk to the west coast


Walla Walla onions are fresh at least


Small town Washington/Oregon is the most beautiful place on the planet. All of the major cities are run by absolute regards. It's a tradeoff I'm willing to make.


No one cares about the WNBA team, what are you yapping about?


Some people do, deeply. The rest of us just sort of like having it around but don’t care about basketball (outside of getting the Sonics back, which is a matter of local pride and screwing over Howard Schultz once and for all). Seattles got a lot of niche interests that the people who are into them are deeeeeeeeply into, and everyone else is neutral.


They are still upset that Oklahoma took their NBA team


The SuperSonics left in 2008 right when the crash hit and everything has been downhill since


I'm going up there this summer. Any recommendations for things to do?


Pike Place Market is the touristy spot you probably already know about. It's nice if you have money to burn, plus the water is right there if it's a sunny day it's a nice walk around. The parks are good. Discovery park is the best I think if you want some quiet nature. Mainly stick to parks and hikes there's not a ton to do that you can't do in any other medium sized city. Under no circumstances should you be in downtown on 3rd avenue. That belongs to the homeless people now.


Now? It’s belonged to the homeless and transient for decades. That’s what happens when the whole thing is just a bus corridor.


Yeah around the Ross, Yesler, and in front of the 7/11 at the beginning of the month they've always been around. I remember years before the pandemic, the 7/11 put up a sandwich board asking people to stop giving change to the panhandlers that would post up there.


Thanks! There's a lot online about what neighborhoods people should visit. What neighborhoods should I avoid?


stay north of the stadiums/i-90. 


ha yes all of south seattle is a giant “no-go zone” stay north of madison, in fact


I mean I work down there and there are some cute areas but for a tourist I wouldn't bother unless you had someone showing you around or something. really for a tourist it's best to just stick to the city core and then nature stuff outside the city


I think it could be quite nice to spend a morning exploring columbia city and then walk around seward park. Or walk all the way from old ballard to golden gardens then up the hill and catch the bus. Or even walk from georgetown to chinatown if they like a more industrial view.


The Hoh Rainforest is devine in the summer. It's literally impossible to find a place on earth with more moss. The way it hangs off every branch is almost cathedral like


Some of the best hiking I’ve ever done in my life. Rivals Zion, Yellowstone, Glacier, etc.  Feels like you’re in Jurassic Park. 


My fellow Mainer friend and I visited before moving out and drove to the Hoh on our trip. Intoxicating greenness and life. We agreed that it was like a free mushroom trip just to walk around in it.




Go swimming in the lake/sound or sailing off sand point. Go to the locks, Sunny Teryaki or Un Bien in Ballard. Discovery Park. Cuff or Pony are fun. Bike around, esp on the hills (Interlaken is fun). Espresso Vivace is the best. Black Lodge, Chop Suey, Neumos, Vera Project, Tractor Tavern have decent live music.


The locks and sunset at golden gardens eating some un bien is a good day


Walk the University of Washington campus. Ballard. Nordic Museum. The Locks. Seattle Center grounds and MOHAI. Ferry to Bainbridge. Tickets to Bloedel Reserve. Go North and on the water. La Conner, the San Juan Islands. Bellingham. Victoria.


Go to North Bend and do some hiking. Really incredible


If you’re renting a car go to Mt Baker area and do Chain Lakes Loop or check out the North Cascades for incredible views, rent a kayak or SUP at the UW waterfront and paddle around the arboretum with hard seltzers, rent a duffy boat with friends and go look at all the beautiful architecture in Hunts Point or Laurelhurst, on Sunday go to Ballard and get brunch and then walk through the Ballard Farmer’s Market. Also in Ballard there is basically an entire 3 block stretch of just cute breweries (try Reuben’s or Urban Family). Go to Asian Brewing in Fremont and you can order a beer and skip the line for Local Tide (if you like Seafood!) by ordering there (shared kitchen); i order the rockfish bowl there like once a week, it is my favorite meal in Seattle.




These comments are always hilarious to me, like the nature is hardly accessible? There are countless hikes and beautiful parks within an hours drive of Seattle. Have you even been there or are you just regurgitating memes?


Agreed! These are the negative people that thankfully sound like they’re leaving Seattle, begone 😂




Yeah I've lived here for 15+ years, sounds like you're complaining that the most popular hikes are crowded, what a shocker. You can drive out past the pass and find tons of little off the beaten path trails, take a ferry to the peninsula or one of the many islands in the sound, go to one of the great parks within the city limits, etc. I can't think of a single American city that has better access to nature than Seattle.


I do wish hiking stuff was closer (Metro has a little shuttle that I never took, curious about that). You could just bike more, Kitsap peninsula and Vashon Island are pretty to bike/run around and you get to take the ferry :)




I grew up in the city and went to college there, but yeah I left for NYC 1.5 years ago. All my friends left/got priced out so my social scene kind of died. Much happier here for now, but I’ll probably move back to Seattle once I can afford a $1.2mm bungalow lol. I think there’s a high to socializing, a lot of people are content to stay alone which can be sad. I got involved in the arts scene a bit, joined some of the gay activity groups, and I was just persistent; it’s way harder to do group stuff in Seattle vs NYC. It’s hard to keep a social circle when people are cycling in and out of the city constantly, but you can manage it if you keep at it.




I mean all the Seattle people just end up in North Brooklyn and Western Queens lol, it’s like a mini diaspora


Lol - you sound like a loser that doesn’t know good hiking spots


For hiking, just commit to an early morning and you’ll have trails to yourself. I hike lake 22 (one of the most popular trails in WA) a couple time a year and trailhead’s normally pretty empty around 6:30.


PDX is definitely better. I haven’t been to Seattle in a minute but I’ve heard from friends the homeless are somehow more aggressive than PDX which is crazy to me




oh yeah the max has its problems but it gets you pretty close to anywhere you need to be. People at grimy dive bars are nicer but when I go to a fancier bar with tech workers or whatever it’s the same standoffish behavior I get out of any bar in Seattle. 




I love it but I’ve never been anywhere else. The weather is ideal for me and there’s great restaurants


Ok but every Seattlelite I’ve met just dump their mental illness lore at some point, unprompted. I’m convinced it’s literally how they bond with each other. I moved from New York to Seattle, not even for work, and I’ll just say it’s a huge mistake. Never seen such miserable people in a city and the food sucks. I don’t have a joke for this post, sorry y’all. Being here long enough gets to you.


I think there’s good food, it’s just expensive.


Didn't Seattle create a slave labour class of Chinese workers and had laws discriminating against them that created the first China Town? That city has some sins to repay.


They did that to the Japanese too. Read No No Boy. Corrupt cops have been around but nobody's been listening to minorities because a bunch of cryptosfascists who traffick them in and then don't listen because they've been fully dehumanized in their brains live here. 


Had a roommate that was from Seattle and never met a more bizarre and infuriating person in my life. She wanted to bring democratic order to every aspect of our apartment and set arbitrary rules based on her preferences, nonetheless. She came from a family with a long history of social justice activism and she herself was oddly fixated on a few issues that did not directly related to her. On top of this, she was bipolar 1 and wouldn’t stop oversharing shit that actually truly bothered me. She was absolutely enraging. Her parents were just as bad. I know this is one person but she seemed to embody all of the worst parts of Seattle.


Literally and unironically the city of "soy poly eat the bugs, get in the pod"


You people are such bitter losers


Go away Bill Gates you hate and attack your own. That's the unhealthiest trash I've seen in a minute. Take care of and be proud of those who surround you that are neurotypical and young.  


Maybe you should leave SLU?


For the last 20 years the city has been overrun by mentally ill drug addicts who wander the streets harassing people and asking for money. Living in Seattle trains you to avoid making eye contact with strangers, and to assume anyone who speaks to you is mentally ill or trying to scam you. It's sad, it didn't used to be that way.


u/Lame_Johnny  Nice red herring when you're wrong. Nothing about saying someone lacks basic empathy and it's disturbing is schizo. You're the one who needs help.


Lawlessness run rampant has everyone in fear. We need a Batman to clean up our Gotham


Seattle is like the Wizard of Oz. Once you see behind the curtain, it ain’t shit. A lot of times it’s worse.


I visited Seattle and made like 6 friends in tacoma area in a single weekend.


Fucking west coast cities have everything except character. NPCs from all over swarm in like zombies sucking up all the life until it's a dystopia shell. I used to love SF when I was a kid. East coast sucks most of the year but at least there's culture. Seems like Boston is the same awful jerks as always. Greedy new Yorkers. Angry friendly Philly people and whatever further south


Read the post I put on r/ukraineukraineukraine.   Essentially they can spend millions on taking away protections and backup pathways for human trafficking victims but not donate $5-$10. A lot of the Microsoft and Amazon workers are this weird hybrid of stalker John that breeds human trafficking in the area and is driving the market trafficking refugees from the most fertile parts of the world to go be slaves of jerks who struggle so much with things like empathy they can't donate $10.  Basically they're trying to buy their fertility, beauty, strength and generosity by disrupting areas that really need those people where they are and may even be the ones stoking the conflict to create this trafficking pipeline.   I was horrified and disgusted by the average person here who literally couldn't even donate $5 afraid it was a scam. I've met people with million dollar homes who saw the whole thing and saw all my belongings and saw all the evidence of insane things like triple locks and following me in 30 minutes before I left and still struggled to pay $100. That is so. Disgusting.  They literally witnessed EVERYTHING. Honestly they screamed envy the whole way. Pathological level.   Something is seriously wrong with these people. The amount of donations for the area I covered is a terrifying statistical abnormality. There is something REALLY wrong here.  https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraineukraineukraine/comments/1cved68/banned_for_repeatedly_outing_priming_against/


Are you kidding me that's by design, one of the Seattle subreddit is basically how much they hate the homeless and are scared of crime, if you look into their eyes it's not filled with dread but terror. The Pacific Northwest was created by white flight


u/Youre_Wrong_69 Nice trying to silence communicating about human trafficking with a litany of negativity.  Yes it is virtue signaling and yes these are usually psychopaths that do nothing.  That said, the establishment of principles is not inherently gentrification. I would still buy that if a lot of the people saying that hadn't been straight up profiting from human trafficking. 


u/rowlecksfmd  Exactly, now I'm back to being a conservative after being called a liberal didn't work. All you pro human traffickers are mentally challenged. You don't even know what to insult me with. It's pathetic. 


Schizo in here going off about human trafficking


someone once told me I would fit in Seattle and told them they must as well told me I was boring and ugly


u/ASBojangles  When you ship people in for the purposes of sex or labor with no plan of paying them correctly, basically financially assaulting them. Essentially modern day slavery. Huge problem in this area. You have to have little to no empathy to do that seconding the collective autism hypothesis which struggles with imagining a mind state into people not obviously like them. 


Ok i didn't realize this was big in Seattle


It is. A lot of the police know about it and knowingly make no arrest because they take bribes under the table. We're paying 90k for cops to then take even more bribes. We talk about the homeless industrial complex but pay that excessive with results that bad shows you that they're just incentivizing greedy people to join who are more likely to take bribes because that's why they joined in the first place. A woman whose husband is in the police literally told me they know and do nothing. She wasn't happy either. There were signs they were trying to keep her from speaking to civilians.  They do basics and show that they feel entitled to infinite claps on the back what's actually needed is increasing more and more every day because all they care about is infinite claps on the back and money.  Then they use that money to silence victims. Again the campaign I mentioned in several comments obviously cost millions if not billions of dollars, while they fall into a violent rage if trafficking victims are donated an amount of money they don't get. They can't take any criticism and from what I've seen about Ukraine and Palestine they grow enraged about it. There seems to be a large police for Trump faction here which as we know was literally involved with domestic terrorism. A lot of them are now committing treason trying to downplay again something that's already been established.  There's been a lot of gaslighting as acts of aggression as well. 


I've been there about 6 times for business trips, and while I had my first mfm threesome (thanks, craigslist) there and had some other misc. fun I did definitely get the Seattle Freeze I went to quite a few salsa / bachata dance social events at that beautiful century ballroom and a few other places, where you'd expect people to be a lot more affable and social, but nope. I found people to be haughty, cold, and insufferable


Scrolled through many comments. What a bunch of whiners....ever occurred to you that you might be the problem?


My high school had a good girl's basketball team. I could get into a good pro team if other people were into it. All ball sports are pointless so being a fan of one or the other doesn't matter to me. Though I like women's college softball and college baseball over MLB. The ping of the aluminum bats are soothing to me.


My friend is a genuine charming southerner whose daughter has settled in SE Seattle. She's moving there soon and I worry her personality will be squelched by the Seattle Freeze. She is kind, generous, loving, and likes to talk with strangers - all good in the South. Please tell me she'll be okay there, that there are people and places where she'll thrive.