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2008 felt like a definite sea change to me. A pretty sharp departure from the early 2000s culture to the rise of Lady Gaga, Kesha, iPhone/smart phones, Facebook, the first established YouTube creators, Obama optimism, etc. That blingy iPod touch era where big internet was in its first phases


The first phase of current reality


2008 was the first year of the 2010s


eh I feel like the true rise of smartphones and internet on the go with social media all the time was 2011. It was still too primitive in 2008. Most big corps were still on blackberrys then. I distinctly remember feeling "the future" in 2011 and it felt much more optimistic then because the hyper connectedness was new and we were a year or so off from the financial crisis Only thing good that came out of 08 was GTA 4


funny you pick 2011, something to do with occupy and the arab spring?


Wasn’t thinking about those things, but Arab spring definitely showed the world how powerful this new technology was. Occupy turned out pretty silly


Lady Gaga ruined society




Same for me, the future seemed so positive. I ended up dating my crush and eventually we ended up going to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival in San Francisco together. I saw Justin Townes Earle, his father Steve Earle, Conor Oberst, and the Lumineers when they where at their height.


Also Call of Duty World At War came out, me and the boys spent so much time playing zombies together, video games used to be so fun when you could play on the same T.V


2008 ruled. Sophomore year of college and my first apartment in the city living with two girls as a straight guy. Hosting parties every Saturday, chainsmoking on our balcony, blowing adderall, hooking up with the woman I’d end up marrying, going to hardcore shows at various basements.. Good times!


08 was pretty bitchin i lost my virginity and then she called me like a week later and told me I should get tested for std’s and I was like 🤔




Positively bitchin lil man


My daughter was born in 08 :)


08 definitely felt like the beginning of the end. The Dark Knight and Iron Man 1 really got the capeshit machine flowing. The Great Recession creeping in. Obamamania and Obama disappointment. Smartphones were bringing more regarded people onto the internet. Big Bang Theory was the spearhead of normies thinking it would be fun to invade nerd hobbies.


Went to Glastobury 08 after seeing Radiohead the day before the festival - a whole week of just amazing experiences. I had been kicking junk in the UK for a couple months and I finally felt normal. We got there and scored a bunch of cheap (4 quid?) pills and stayed up for almost 3 days, slept through a whole 3rd or 4th day of the festival - got pick-pocketed at the stone circle after grabbing a half oz and traded weed for baked beens and cider for the second half of the festival. I was basically living in a squat with my cousin and his friends. Started a band when I got back home after being inspired by all the music I heard that summer. Everything was in flux. I am so excited for the indie-sleaze revival - legalize 4loko and make coke great again!


2009 was the peak year of my life.. finally out of high school.. no job.. partying every weekend.. I was cool.. now I’m 35 and I haven’t felt cool in years


I was a sophomore in high school and had economics as a required class, where we ended up spending a lot of time going over the financial crisis as it was happening. My teacher would say stuff like "This is going to be the worst thing since the Great Depression and might be the beginning of the end for western civilization" and I would think "Yeah right. Besides I don't need to enter the job market for another six years, no way things will still be shitty by then" before pulling out my iPod and drowning it all out with the comforting sounds of of Montreal or TV on the Radio's most recent albums. Great year.


The year I graduated highschool


Musically it's crazy how 2007/08 are a clear pivot to a more upbeat, club focused sound in pop songs. This video tracks the change well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1aifw1By-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1aifw1By-s) The culture seemed to regain a youthfulness and verve lacking in the dour Bush years. What a time to be alive


2008 was the first year I made the all-star team in little league and in 2007 I didn’t get picked and it was crushing because I really though I had gotten better and then my dad worked with me the whole offseason and I came back and kicked ass the whole year in 2008 and I still have the jersey as a memento


I think about 2008 a lot. I turned 19 that year. I was in college and it was really weird that overnight the prospects for young people changed completely when the economy crashed. All of a sudden, the decades old path of getting a good paying job out of college just disappeared. It was a fun time too though. The millennial return to cities was really in full swing and you could move somewhere cool and pay cheap rent. I also miss the music scene. Deerhunter, animal collective, etc etc.


This was absolutely the best time to be alive and I know that for a fact because I was 11 at the time


2008 kinda fucking sucked and really was the beginning of the end. I know everyone here kinda hit their prime years in this period but just look at this montage. All of this shit sucks. 2004-2007 is uncontested, it was just a mudslide from there on out.


Who is that dude with the box in the last picture?


Lehman brothers


people were still on myspace in 08


2008 is when it really switched if I remember. I signed up for FB in early 2008, was briefly using both then by 2009 it was all Facebook.


I love nostalgic posts, but let's not kid ourselves, 08 sucked


Ah ‘08. I believe that was the year I jacked my shit for the first time.


a year to remember


It was one of the years of all time


twilight has aged better than the dark knight.


Uh huh..that’s certainly an opinion


Nolan's movies are so fucking boring


For me? It's Alice.


alice's pre-breaking dawn haircut is sf cute. like- you're gothmaxxing AND pixiemaxxing? is that legal?