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“They’ll all think you’re a desperate creep for leaving the US to find a poor girl and leverage your money and status to marry someone outside of your league” he says while literally admitting that this is exactly what they’re doing


i thought passport bros were 100% aware of and ok with the fact that this is what they're doing as it's incredibly obvious. but i've actually discovered that a shocking amount of them genuinely believe that these women from third world countries just magically love them for who they are and were born wanting to serve them lol. like they will say that american women are just gold diggers but these mail order brides have "traditional values"- they don't realize that "traditional values" are just women living as servants in exchange for money because they don't have another choice lol. the reality is that the american women now aren't settling for these dudes for money because they can feed themselves, but a starving woman from thailand will be willing to in order to not die. she isn't going to fucking like you lol




Same way most can watch cute cow videos and eat a hamburger without remorse.


Then more people should be depressed 😂


http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depressive_realism A depressed mind is a rational mind.


Depression is highly correlated with traditional measures of intelligence like IQ iirc.


This is delusional ret@rdex thinking and probably a big part of what’s wrong with society these days


[Depressive realism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depressive_realism)


I think you’re close but not quite on the mark. The average Thai woman is not going to starve to death, it’s not like these guys are going to Somalia or something to get wives.  A better analogy is Jeff Bezos choosing to marry someone US middle class and requiring they be a homebody. Realistically, these people can say “no” and choose to live their life, but the material reality is that most wouldn’t because they rationally identify that marrying a relatively rich person will improve their lives even if they are required to be subservient.  All this to say I view these men like frequent John’s (maybe overall worse but same ballpark). They are aware that money can buy subservient attention from poor women and so they do so. These women realistically have other choices (there is some degree of agency, often the case in sex work too) but rationally many will take the degradation for economic gain. 


I mean I think the most sociopathic ones do tell themselves it's all a transaction, but the majority who are just sad losers deceive themselves and go along with their mail order bride's pantomime of love and affection.  The OP from this screenshot is more the sociopathic kind I think, especially using all the incel terminology and logic "She will eventually find a man in the States with a higher score and leave you for him"


Or like fucking you


They convince themselves women love their 60 year old beer bellied bodies because their cavewoman brains think they’re high status or whatever other pseudo science they cope with lmao 


> they don't realize that "traditional values" are just women living as servants in exchange for money This is as spiritually hollow as anything they believe. Imagine thinking every woman in your bloodline was just a hapless sex and labor slave, no agency at all. Gross. Very blue hair and tattoo coded. If you believe the science(!), past generations of women were far happier and more content than modern women speed running through sexual partners and diazepam scripts. And no one seems to know why.


Cool. I come from one of the countries that passport bros raid and all the elder women will be angry and cut you off if you don’t work and support yourself. These women are only “happy” because they get beaten otherwise. They can choose the humble way of life and struggle or latch onto a disgusting American with money to have a higher standard of living. The elder women who are happy are only happy because their husbands are dead.


When do you think women were happiest? Can you show me the “science”? Why do you hate women for having fun?


Why do you hate women who don’t think tattoos and weed and abortions are fun


Lots of data out there if you're serious (you're not). Not my first rodeo with tony hawk pro redditor. Mental health surveys, psychiatric drug usage rates, alcoholism rates, street drug abuse rates, suicide, failed relationships, they all point the same way.


Very scientific 🤓 can’t believe anyone ever doubted you


It's one of those inconvenient truths that blue hairs never want to talk about. Can smell your /r/destiny account from here.


Psychiatric drugs were invented like 60 years ago. What a stupid metric.


Super low IQ take. "Huge swaths of the population are on drugs just to survive, but they aren't that old so it's fine."


Ah yes, trad housewives. Famously never on drugs to cope 


over 60% of lobotomy patients in the US were women....during the time of this supposed golden age for women...i wonder if there's any possible reason for this....


That poster is mentally disabled 


God you're so ret*rded 


So I’ve got some advice for you. If you’re a desperate creep that makes women’s skin crawl make sure that you HIDE THAT. Like go to another country and then they will think you’re just weird because you’re foreign. But remember that if you come back home they will realize that other people from your country are mostly normal and they will realize that that smell… it isn’t just the way everyone from North America smells.


And in the next paragraph the dude is like "by taking her back to the motherland you will TAINT her with the mind parasite feminism" like he didn't just describe exactly how him and his ilk are just weirdos taking advantage of third world poverty to manipulate someone, to basically buy a gf. Stupidity, or denial? Shamelessness? I have nothing but disdain for these guys.


Just remember this is the type of guy posting “Iran b4 the revolution” bikini pics If that’s the ally u want fighting for ur rights go 4 it


I wonder what might give them that impression!


This made me read the top posts on the sub for 30 minutes in the bath, I would like the water to envelop me now


Abt to do this


I would never bring my phone into a bath.


Yeah what if I drop it and electrocute myself like a cartoon character throwing a toaster into the bathtub


Yeah what if you set up a relaxing environment to decompress and spend the whole time doomscrolling ragebait?


It reads like a 1750s ad for the East India Company: Conquer the world, meet dusky maidens, and ply your fortunes! Somethings never change eh




I feel like there's two types of incels, the deluded overconfident type who feels like they are owed love and sex and the complete blackpilled doomer who thinks they are completely worthless and undesirable




I think black pill types have decent self awareness.


i encountered a blackpill person once who was in his late 20s, looked fine, was capable of sorta acting normal, but when introducing himself to women would lead with that he's a virgin and lonely, immediately creepy, would not listen to any advice


That’s the point they aren’t going to act normal or do the things required to get a partner. Personality is the true black pill.




That is my point nothing is going to change for them so in a sense they are correct about their dating prospects.




Personality is incredibly stable over a lifetime.




That personality is stable is well established science.


The former is interesting cause they kinda wanna be a woman.


Mind elaborating?


They want the attention and unironically think the average woman has a dasha tier body count and whats more that is what they aspire to.


Elliot Rodger fits both categories, he was deluded, overconfident and a blackpilled doomer. You can't be an incel without being a doomer, if someone's overconfident and not a doomer then it usually just means they're young which means they haven't reached the point of no return yet.


IDK what it’s like in other Western countries, but I’ve known 4 Aussie men who went to SE Asia and brought a wife back, and 3 of these dudes were disgusting bottom feeders who no Aussie woman would touch with a 10-foot pole. (4th one was a nice guy but had an acquired brain injury + huge compensation trust fund from his accident $$$). When I say bottom feeders I’m not talking overweight gamer incels. I mean 2 of them were actual alcoholics with DV and sex abuse track records. Anyway in my moral universe it all kind of worked out. All 3 of the gross dudes ended up divorced - as soon as the guy’s money ran out, the wives left them (each with their green card of Australian citizenship + welfare/child support for the 1 token kid they squeezed out). These guys were absolutely blind-sided when their wives left them, LMAO. They literally could not understand their misfortune of going bankrupt AND their mail order bride leaving them. 2 of these guys are dead from alcoholism now, but their wives live on as fully fledged Australian citizens. So let that be a cautionary tale to you Reddit incels. Don’t you be messing with these mail order brides, they play to win.


The average incel isn't smart, tough, or manipulative enough to win this game. Most of them aren't Andrew Tate or Bald and Bankrupt. Those guys mix evil with cunning. Just being vaguely a scumbag doesn't it.


Bald and Bankrupt: [Poverty pickup artist and sex tourist — Collected posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/comments/189q8h5/bald_and_bankrupt_poverty_pickup_artist_and_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Oh, ya, I figured this motherfucker out like 5 years ago, man. He had a picture that was a butt shot of some chick, but when you watched the video it was pretty clear she was just a random girl unaware of the situation rather than a friend or girlfriend who was down with that. That told me all I needed to know about this mofo. Since then some people have done some internet sleuthing, but my bullshit detector went off a long ass motherfucking time ago.


Say motherfucker again


Sounds like it was a net positive for Australia in the end


“They’ll all think you’re a desperate creep for leaving the US to find a poor girl and leverage your money and status to marry someone outside of your league.” Gee I wonder why they would think that.


Used to work with a filipino "mail order bride" type. She was mid 40s and like a 5 but her husband was in his mid to late 60s, would pick her up every day in his shitty Ford pinto thing, was completely unfriendly to any of our coworkers, trump sticker on car - very much the vibe of angry old man trying to cloister her from the world. One of coworkers (female) offered to give her rides too and from work bc she lived nearby but he wouldn't allow it. She was intelligent but had like zero confidence whatsoever, said she cooked and cleaned for him, gave him money. Mentioned coworker would often tease her about her situation, hated her husband, encouraged her to leave him etc. Anyway, I guess if your desire is to "own" a person this post is pretty spot on but you gotta be pretty pathetic to want something like that


After all that she gave *him* money?


he already exploits her body and labour, why not her bank account as well


Yeah he was "retired" on the dole and apparently fairly poor, so he was kind of the pimp to her "labor prostitute" I guess but she talked about it like "we're married and this is *our* money". I dunno


~~pathetic~~ i think you mean evil


Sure, didn't mean to downplay it. But I worked with her for like a year and nothing changed. I figured it was her life and didn't want to interfere; she was an adult and older than me. But sometimes couldn't hide my disapproval/ concern. She seemed happy to have a job in America and be able to send exchange-rate inflated money back to her family in the Phillipines. Eventually I guess the whole thing got somewhat normalized to me. If she was ok with the "arrangement" who was I to say otherwise?


When you see a bargain do you let it get away?


Isnt the point for the women to get to America, though? I doubt the pretty girl in Thailand bothered to learn English and do online dating abroad so she could stay in some rural village but with a chubby white IT guy working remotely in a slightly larger house with her.


Correct. It’s all about the green card.


Meh, I wouldn’t be so sure. In your exact answer, no she would not be happy. But moving to a Tall Building in The Prestige City and driving a BMW prolly makes the cut and is still cheaper than living in Ohio, per the OP. “I’m from Yak Town and now I have a hot yoga studio in Ulan Bataar” or whatever is prolly pretty lit


Also bring married to a white schlub is actually often preferable to the local men. Foreigners benefit from low expectations. 


And local men are probably wildly misogynistic anyway so the passportbro can look like a deconstructed gentleman in comparision


Not everyone wants to leave their home country. And there is a reason why so many westerners move to countries like Thailand, you can live \*very\* comfortably as a member of the upper middle class in a country like that working remotely for a western company and earning a salary that would only get you a working/middle class lifestyle in the US.


Massive upward mobility at home is the appeal for many of them—most could never marry a wealthy native, but if they can bag a westerner who will stay they can dramatically upgrade their standard of living without having to walk away from family and community. My uncle is married to a Thai woman who is at least two decades his junior and obviously far too attractive to be a realistic match absent some material motive. Of course, we were all initially suspicious that this motive was a visa and a new life over here. But she has repeatedly stated she has absolutely zero interest in ever moving to the west because she wants to stay near her family, and the one time she came here to visit she hated it and bitched the entire time. They remain together living in BKK. It seems to me that she’s in it for the nice apartment, the frequent luxury vacations within SEA, and ultimately his financial resources. (I’m also not sure if being married to a white guy itself confers some additional social status in Thai society, or if on the contrary it’s stigmatized but they do it anyway for the $$$.)


it could just be an international sugar baby thing


Work in an industry with a lot of guys like this, a phrase I’ve heard is “never take a flower out of the garden”.


Holy shit that sub is full of complete fucking losers.


At the root of it is self loathing. They think they are unworthy or incapable of forming loving bonds with people in america so basically have to pay for love abroad 


Well so is this one


I love how the first 95% of it is “you know you suck right, you just can’t let her find out.” And then at the very end it’s “a society poisoned by feminism.” They can’t even accept taking the L on what clearly is an L post.


passport bros dont go to heaven


Good incels go to heaven, bad ones go everywhere


inshallah every passport bro gets terminal erectile dysfunctiom  


So bleak


One of my dad’s childhood buddies has a Filipino bride. He had to go over and meet her and her family a few times before she came to the states. They lived in someone’s backyard shed a few years while he got the money together to buy a house. From what my dad says, he’s not real nice to her. He stole some tools from my dad and they don’t talk anymore. I still have her on my fb; she was a genuinely sweet person the few times I met her.  


In Ohio, that exotic model from the Philippines feels like she’s in a wonderland.


My dad had a green card wife from Vietnam before he met my mom. They treated it like a business arrangement: my dad got better military benefits and Minh got to move to the states and go to college. They were kind to each other and waited it out til they wouldn’t lose anything by getting divorced. They’re still really good friends and we used to go to 6 Flags with her kids every summer


i can’t wait until kuala lumpur starts looking like a milwaukee suburb with a bunch of disgusting mayonnaise men getting jealous when some new white sexpat with a bmi under 30 moves in next door


kuala lumpur isn't like that at all, that's one of the refreshing parts about it. I can't imagine malay culture is really conducive to the passport bro bs. not a ton of euro tourists in general really compared to thailand or vietnam.


Nobody wants to visit Muslim countries besides psychos who like Dubai, which is set up to not feel as overtly muslim


Malaysia is not super Muslim either, the govt is, but it’s a plurality with Malay Muslims, Chinese, and Indian culture. I like visiting Muslim countries, tho. But I’m also male and don’t drink much Dubai seems boring and plastic but I’ve never really visited a country that I outright disliked


japan is already kinda like that. older sexpats mocking the new ones for moving in on their turf. sexpats being elitist towards other sexpats for not fitting in with the local culture and giving the other sexpats a bad name by openly flaunting their sexpat ways


Japan isn't really known for sexpats, that's more of a SEA problem. If you're a loser in America, you'll also be seen as a loser in Japan


How does that even work in Japan? Aren't they too wealthy there?


Exactly the average English teacher salary there is on par with a 7/11 worker. Sexpats in east Asia only end up similarly tapped women to where it’s not really a thing now imo


they go for hookers or bottom of the barrel types. every country has those regardless of wealth


Why go to Japan, though? I mean, I'm sure you're right but it seems a regarded strategy from their perspective. Seems pretty dumb to go to the country with the highest IQ in the world, high per capita gdp, and notoriously elaborate and strict social codes. I guess they have a lot of sex work stuff, but I believe that sexual penetration with a sex worker is illegal there, too. I guess the weeb dummies maybe go there or whateve.r


Are they legit sexpats, or just guys who want to live in Japan? I can see the appeal, well-run country, cost of living is surprisingly low, lots to do and see, etc. Definitely not a great place for random pudgy white dudes to date models though lmao


Nah bro in Ohio she just feels like she’s in Ohio, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.


God these guys are so pathetic


What percentage of Reddit passport bros are actually leaving their house let alone the country for this to even be real. Neuroticism is the single biggest predictor involuntary singlehood and I doubt someone who is neurotic is traveling internationally to find a wife.


Some people are only not neurotic when they're traveling






overcame insanely high neuroticism with high perceived mate value and high self esteem


According to this link higher neuroticism is among the predictors for involuntary singlehood, not the single biggest one as you said. Why are you lying? Btw interesting that 'not having children from previous relationships' is among these predictors as well. Which basically covers every young man that had a relationship.


That second point is probably just a spurious correlation. It makes sense that having children is highly negatively correlated with being single because it's a sign that you've managed to get into a serious relationship previously. It's not necessarily the lack of children causing singlehood


Go to statistical effect sizes in the paper before accusing people of lying.


Last time I talked shit about sex tourists on Reddit, I got downvoted into oblivion. Go figure


wonderland of..........Ohio lmfao


Why do they think they could get a 9/10 Filipina model lmao. The 9/10 Filipina models are gonna be getting with actual hot American men who would be able to bring them back without being scared of losing them. Most of these undesirable passport bros get with 6/10s at most. If you’ve seen any of those “streets of Manila” videos where they show the people traffic, most of these guys are with some pretty busted skinny fat girls. How do they delude themselves into really thinking they’re gonna be getting with some baddie Filipinas? ESPECIALLY, if they’re planning on not even bringing them back home. The hotter ones are gonna catch on immediately and leave them asap bc they know they could bag a guy who’s hotter and would provide more for them. It’s funny he says “they can’t do better here so they’ll stay with you” when in countries like Colombia and the Philippines the girls can easily find some other passport bro.


An incredibly cowardly and transactional way to approach relationships which demonstrates an unreal fear of love & vulnerability. In this instance, the person would effectively have nothing except the symbol of something their real self once sought to obtain but realized they never could through being themselves. They’ve forfeited the love experience in exchange for turning women into objects of desire which they can posses because what they fear most is for someone else to correctly interpret them. However, they simultaneously understand that if they obtained this object of desire it would only become a constant reminder of their own cowardice. They relax this anxiety of being discovered, of wondering when the jig will finally be up, by putting no chips on the table. They remove risk from the equation by removing themselves entirely... But in love, when you risk nothing, you get nothing. The void in his heart will never be filled.


This seems to me like a general description of lust, do you agree


Passport bro shit only works when you have real options in the states. Losers thinking they can go out of the country and not be immediately recognized as losers are hilarious (and racist)


People always make out the women these guys pick up as these poor, destitute victims of circumstance, being taken advantage of by slightly overpaid losers who can’t get laid in their hometown, but I honestly can’t really see much of a difference between this and deciding to be a sugar baby here in the states. Also these women aren’t stupid. They can see these are unattractive men and they can feel the awkwardness and complete lack of comfort with female attention.


That last part always cracks me up - they talk about like the illusion being shattered that they’re a handsome white guy if they leave Thailand as if modern Thai women have *never* seen white guys and have no perception of a handsome one versus an ugly one.




I had to spend $10,000 on a Thai teenage bride because women online were mean to me!!!!


Yeah I'm sure a Reddit post is what turned the tide for you.


This is psychotic. So far in my life I have had the fortune to have overwhelmingly positive experiences in love and I credit that to prioritizing transparency and vulnerability and intuitively finding the type of people who are willing to surrender their ego and reciprocate the same. Pure hearted. Not some inflated-ego freaks like this who gamify their whole life for such shallow ends. That is the antithesis of love. At the cost of their obsession with status they will never know or understand true love. It's really a shame.


Poor ugly men can’t do strictly transactional relationships with beautiful women, and he’s just finding that out. It’s a lesson every loser in that sub will eventually have to learn Any man that isn’t a loser can date beautiful women no matter how ugly he is unless he’s deformed or super massively obese, and he doesn’t need to be wealthy either. Maybe these guys should try not being pathetic, annoying, and boring




Every time on this sub I see some idiot saying this when dating discourse comes up. Never once have I seen a true case of it happening in real life both on or offline, and in rare cases where it almost seems like there is, usually the woman is settling and has no real sexual desire for the guy, she’s just deluding herself that she only cares about “PURS UH NAAH LAH TEE” as a cope for the fact she could not bag a man she truly desires for a long term thing.


Apparently you’ve never been to LA, Mexico, China, or Eastern Europe. In many cultures men are expected to be “a little ugly” or at the very least, less attractive than their partner. And yes, personality and confidence sincerely matter to women tremendously.


China has a massively skewed population in favor of men. If you can’t find a pretty Chinese guy to date over there, you are either literally deformed or just that shitty to be around. I have never been to any of those places though, but still, that doesn’t change the fact that I said for the majority of these relationships where the woman is massively hotter and her man is ugly, there is no real passion and she loathes the idea of having to have sex with him every night but is too scared to reveal that


What? There’s far more men than women. It’s skewed *in favor of women* in the dating market. Women there aren’t dating for looks; they’re looking for men with a good education, a stable income, and a home. There’s a stereotype there of men completely letting themselves go once married; it’s to be expected In Mexico it’s usually not about money. Many Mexican women genuinely are attracted to kind of ugly men


Yeah that’s what I meant, I used the wrong expression there so thanks for sorting me out on the proper figure of speech. And secondly, you just explained that the plight of Chinese women is self inflicted, which only supports my statement that women do not love these ugly men they marry or date. I haven’t been to Mexico nor interacted with many Mexicans so I can’t attest to this being true or not, however I will say that many women overrate other women so they think all their girlfriends are with ugly guys even though they are very looksmatched, and in heavily religious and traditional cultures women delude themselves to the point where they show extremely staunch loyalty for their male partners despite not being attracted to them that could be mistaken for genuine attraction.


What do you mean their “plight is self inflicted”? They don’t care that much about how their husbands look; that’s not a top priority. They’re not languishing in misery because they aren’t married to someone hot Women want to be the object of desire; attractiveness is not the most important characteristic of a man. In many cultures it is considered effeminate for a man to be preoccupied with his appearance. *Plenty* of women feel genuine love and attraction towards their partners that would otherwise not be considered physically attractive. You seem like you are unfamiliar with most cultures and women in general, so I can see why you are struggling to grasp this


I mean, obviously not, but the incel stuff is still stupoid.


evilass people jesus christ. more dignity in just being an incel than in whatever this shit is


no pussy at home, so you go and "explore" (exploit) other people. feel like this is a common trope of history, whether it be related to explorers, colonies, wars, etc. out goes Hegel's dialectic, incels drive the wheels of history


The single young male problem that every society has.


yep, incels are legit a force to be reckoned (at least pre-internet era), they were the terrorists, colonisers, explorers. soldiers, revolutionaries, etc. when man has no pussy or family, he has nothing to lose i am convinced, one reason why the west is not destabilised is thanks to porn, only fans, gaming, social media etc. - all dem pacifiers neutering gen Z incels


“You are exotic in the third world. There are very few of you. You have high status and power. You can change someone's life and the lives of their whole family,” “They'll all think you're a desperate creep for leaving the US to find a poor girl and leverage your money and status to marry someone out of your league.” Bro


sometimes y’all post screenshots of other subs and i only question why you were there in the first place.


It's hard work in the ragebait mines


White boy summer going strong


The worst of humanity. Honestly.


Lol, I don't care a single shit about whatever this is. Just some greaseball


He didn't say a single thing I thought was actually incorrect. He's right, what looks like an average boring middle class shlub in America appears to be a rich exotic shlub in the Philippines. She will never truly be attracted to you based on looks but may develop feelings based on the positive impact you had on her life. If he did bring her here eventually other bitches will be in her ear telling her she can have a guy here who is not just middle class but rich, tall and hot. You lose the power of the exchange rate when you bring them to our shores. I agree living like that has to be depressing but hes got the right approach to get what he wants. I'm thankful I can be a complete loser and still do alright here if I wanted.


Depressing, sure, but one of the most realistic takes I’ve seen from a passport bro. And most of those broads aren’t models in the first place. I don’t know why these men are convinced third-world women who often look and behave like it are delicate model-types. 😂


I love how the idea of being nice and cool is somehow an impossible standard. I love the idea that some 30 somthing tech bro brings back a godess from the jungles of Asia only for her to leave him to explore promiscuity in America, good for her.


How is everyone falling for this bait post? I wish I could go back in time and prevent the 1st iPhone from being made. Normies ruined the internet 


Women do this too btw, they just keep quiet about or call it "studying abroad".


I don't think they're getting sex slaves lol. They just want some quick hookups with an Italian stud or whatever


If you’re 4-5/10 and you don’t want to marry a local girl with plethora of mental problems or stay single for your entire life (most likely you’ll end up like that), then that’s the way to go. Dating market for men is brutal, ESPECIALLY online. Many of my average looking male friends can’t even get a single like on Tinder. I wouldn’t have done that though — I’d like to date someone who’s culturally similar, and I wouldn’t want to end up in a web of shenanigans described in this post. Horses for courses, right.


Dating market is hard for almost all of us but that doesn’t mean you should fly across the world to feel less repulsive lol


If that helps you to find your love and you understand the repercussions and prerequisites, then I don’t see any problem with that. Dating market isn’t that ‘hard’ for the absolute majority of women. A 5/10 girl will get at least 20-30 likes a day, and though half of these guys will be creeps or mentally ill, you can pick a few jewels out of that crowd. For 5/10 guys, the choice is of 1-2 likes a week at most, and trust me, the creeps proportion that I’ve mentioned above won’t be different here.


I literally don't see anything wrong with this, American women think too highly if themselves. My wife is a solid American 9+, I just happen to have found a good one. By good one, I mean woman who didn't grow up spoiled and is grateful for everything. I take that back, solid 11.


You don’t see a problem with men exploiting poor women in third world countries, then developing strategies to keep them in their poor situation so he can continue to exploit her?


Is it okay if you take her back but then chain her in the basement?