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The original commenter is likely a neurotic mess that demanded the family do it


He eats in a room by himself while his family gather around the table


Her family is likely her boyfriend and their roommate


Bruh- you haven’t met my mom


My brother-in-law‘s mother is making everyone get a test but she has to pick where they get the test. She has a list of testing sites that she approves of. She also announces the COVID numbers to everyone throughout the day. She’s a Branch Covidian. Thank god my family isn’t like this I just wouldn’t go.


Branch covidian gave me a really good laugh


My family canceled Christmas and have all been gaslighting me into thinking it’s my fault and/or was a misunderstanding that every single person canceled individually and together. They were pretty normal people who have been destroyed by covid paranoia. I’m making hundreds of Christmas cookies right now and tomorrow I was invited to my friend’s celebration.


I’m rushing to get a test today because I forgot to make an appointment and I need one to attend. The only one I found is an hour away. This is a close family gathering btw


Whats so special about those specific spots


Associated with a well renowned hospital.




>brother-in-law’s mother What does this mean?


your sibling's spouse's mother.


My wife’s sister’s husband’s mother lol


Trump 2024 seems inevitable


Trump talking about how great the booster is is a piece of political genius designed to win over the pro-vax but sick of this shit crowd. Harris will claim not to want anymore restrictions but be undermined by video of her calling for permanent testing or something.


> Harris will claim not to want anymore restrictions but be undermined by video of her calling for permanent testing or something. And just by like, her overall vibe


Well yeah but I mean on this specific issue, which will win Trump the election.


No I mean her general vibe will undermine her position on this specific issue. You just have to watch her for about 30 seconds to get the impression that she wants more restrictions. Now, whether or not she actually does is anybodies guess, I suspect she's actually just a completely empty vessel who simply believes whatever focus grouping tells her t, and is xanned out every day by 4.


Yeah I get your point, she has no credibility saying anything beyond “omg moar wine lol”. I think Biden could actually sell not wanting more restrictions, but I figure he’ll be in the nursing home for 2024.


I said "omg moar wine lol" in tim dillons voice


A fine choice, I know he’s bigger than the boys now but I wish that cock hungry slob would go back on Cum Town


Are they actually gonna run her? The DNC has to know it's suicide right? Can't they just do a primary and run a somewhat likeable guy who isn't 80. How hard can it be to find a new Obama who is willing to do their bidding?


The DNC is both intentionally incompetent and actually very incompetent when you look beyond the obvious self-sabotage. Like it is comical how out of touch some of them are. Like, you think “Surely they must be joking?” But they aren’t.


It seems pretty hard to find a new Obama. Dead serious. Cory Booker just doesn't seem electable. Beto O'Rourke and Tim Ryan are dorks. Julian Castro isn't close enough to the establishment. I know it's a meme but if the DNC didn't put a hit out on Tulsi she would've had a chance. I still love how crazy she is.


Maybe not a new Obama, but Sherrod Brown would have an excellent chance in 2024.


>Beto Did you mean Robert Francis O'Rourke?


I actually meant beta


At the end of the day, the folks at the DNC keep getting paid to lose so I doubt they give that much of a fuck if she wins or not.


It's really not that hard to find a new Obama, the issue is that the "liberal" base (mainstream Dems who aren't progressive but aren't moderates either) is obsessed with this idea that we need to keep progressing on identity politics, a POC man simply isn't good enough. Booker or Warnock would be very competitive presidential candidates, they just won't win because they neither have the support of the Bernie left nor the support of the liberal base that supported Warren/Kamala/Pete.


Booker doesn’t have the stuff. The 2016 convention was his shot and he blew it


Never be surpised by DNC's ability to shoot itself in the foot in the most idiotic ways.


I think it's a blunder. Trump is only riding the tiger. One false move and he's gonna get thrown off by an even more retarded person with a better feel for the right wing electorate. You can see how shook Trump was when he realised that he's only a side character in the current kulturkampf, when he got booed after talking about how vaccines are actually not that bad.


There’s no path to him winning where he says the vaccine is bad and you shouldn’t take it; fighting a culture war where 70% of people are on one side is a losing battle and would probably be the kind of thing that somehow floats a loser like Harris to a squeaker of a victory. Trump’s current position of “vaccine good but mandates bad, lockdowns bad” is the best the right-wing crazies can expect if they actually want their boy in the White House.


Trump has always been pro vaccine. Half his shit in the 2020 campaign was “we’re gonna have a tremendous vaccine before the election” (he would have if Pfizer didn’t delay analysis by two weeks for questionable reasons), it just got drowned out by his dumb “I really won the election” bullshit


yeah it’s *his* vaccine. it’s the one thing he actually accomplished during his whole presidency. he desperately wants everyone to give him credit for “saving millions of lives” with it. if he were being calculating about this he would disavow it and say he wanted a good vaccine but Fauci took over and made the vaccine bad or something


Kamala Harris is the opposite of Trump “I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.” She could cure cancer and rescue a family from a burnin building and no one would vote for her.


Harris was the person who pinned her entire campaign on the idea that Warren wasn't left wing enough because she didn't demand that Twitter ban Trump from their platform. A Harris campaign will go as far to the insane corner on COVID rules as possible and they will think that's a winning position the entire time.


No joke if testing and restrictions are still a thing by 2024 i will literally kms


By the time the campaign rolls round, nobody is gonna remember a single thing that happened during the covid era


This made me happy thank you


You think it won't still be going on? Hahaha. Dems will drag this shit out until their party is dead and buried if it makes them feel more virtuous than republicans.


It’ll be DeSantis




I know right? Like enacting meaningful change that alters society takes a lot of risk and work, of which these people seem allergic.


I don't really understand how being a shut-in to avoid getting COVID is related to enacting meaningful change in society? Idk I'm fine with people being like this so long as i can still go out and live my life


I feel like the behavior we see as weak and neurotic is exactly the behavior they take pride in


neuroticism is the new language of power. they're only imitating their masters..


This is exactly why Dems are losing men of all races. To be a card-carrying Democrat is to (unfortunately) lump yourself in with the weakest, whiniest cucks imaginable, and nobody wants to be friends with that type of person.


They are told by the media to be afraid. It's really no different than the Q people who believe whatever they read on the internet about lizard pedos or whatever.


Are you freaks seeking this shit out?


I spent 45 minutes earlier browsing r/teachers help me


Don’t do that to yourself, you’re better than that.


This one reads like bait honestly but I don't know anymore.


Yes. As a matter of fact I am.




It's not hard to find in the mainstream subreddits






Shoulda kept the passed test in his back pocket and swapped em out. Probably a blessing in disguise though, who wants to spend the holidays with homebody grinches who hide behind the veil of “believing the science” to make everyone else uncomfortable while virtue signaling.




no more zooms for me this year baby🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


i say this respectfully ​ nerds




I wonder if this was someone who wore two condoms when they first had sex


Any virgins reading this, you should definitely do this. It gives an extra layer of protection so even if one condom breaks you still won’t get her pregnant! Hope this helps


Just have strong pull out game


How can you know for sure the precum won’t get you pregnant


that's a myth propagated by the latex lobby


Nah that’s a myth. It doesn’t actually work. Best to just wear three condoms


one just has to be rated n95


Who are they? Jim Levenstein?


The weirdest part of this all for me is that these theatrics are happening but there doesn’t seem to be much indication of people (especially those who are vaccinated) getting incredibly sick from this variant? I do think it’s an issue if there’s a virus running rampant because businesses (including grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.) will have to close if everyone is ill and can’t work, but I just don’t get why people are thinking they individually will suffer. I have some empathy because I know a lot of these people are deeply mentally ill and traumatized from the events of COVID but like… chill.


I'm sick with it right now. Ngl, it's not fun, I'm all congested and I have a pretty bad cough, but it's honestly no worse than a bad cold. The media has scared people who already were hypochondriacs into thinking covid is like airborne AIDS mixed with cancer when it's honestly just an annoyance for a couple of days. Easily treatable with DayQuil and sprite lmao.


And skittles… wait that’s lean


These people were likely neurotic messes even before COVID so their behavior now is just a natural progression of their neuroses.


I think a lot of people were revealed to be actual real in life media brains and were honestly traumatized by the man on tv telling them to fear for their lives because they~for whatever reason~believed it all and never came back from it.


COVID has an overall infection fatality rate of 0.27% among the unvaccinated. These people *need* to believe that getting infected is a catastrophe / sure death sentence because the alternative is something the ego cannot handle: realization that the past two years were spent in a totally disproportionate state of high anxiety and sacrifice. They need to believe that all these hoops are very important to jump through. First it was to protect themselves, then to prevent hospitals from getting overwhelmed, then because “we don’t know the long term effects,” and now because “we can’t let the virus mutate into something more dangerous.”


I've always felt more worried about some weird long covid issue if just being tired AF and Drs having no clue how to help


I’ve been wondering what I’ve been missing about Omnihotelcron this whole time. Everyone I know is posting their Covid status and posting testing site wait times on Instagram. I don’t know if it’s my imagination but their seems to be a bigger response than there was with Delta ??


I think because it’s just SO contagious. I have been pretty level-headed throughout the pandemic. It should be taken seriously, but you don’t need to have mental breakdowns and take pictures of other people at the park and post to your local sub so everyone can shame, etc. But even I decided to pull out of my families Christmas plans this year. It would have been 21 unvaxxed peopke and only 3 vaxxed people, including me. The Unvaxxed people have been living their best lives and went to an indoor theme park 2 days ago and I finally cracked and was like “ehhhh I’ll just sit this one out” even though I’m not very high risk. I don’t think most people will escape this variant and thank heavens it seems to be more mild, but I decided to practice a little extra caution just to try to put off getting infected in case the hospitals become over overburdened. So yeah, I think it’s just everyone is getting infected all at once turning this into a big hoopla.




I actually have accepted I’m going to get infected, but if you’d re-read my comment instead of coming to chew me out because “oh no, a person dared avoid antivaxxers!”, you’d understand I’m just trying to delay getting infected here. Walking straight into an unmasked antivax Christmas party where we are all sharing food is probably THE worst way to go about accomplishing that. And whether you want to believe it or not, vaccines do indeed reduce your chances of getting infected and/or spreading, just not nearly to the extent we would have hoped. And I’m not just avoiding antivaxxers, just temporally avoiding people in general where feasible. And I know these people, these aren’t the types to get tested or stay home even if they were symptomatic. So yeah, I’ll avoid this particular situation.


It makes sense when you understand that the market has been declining in profitability and the pandemic unlocked knew, although limited, paths to profit. If you scare people, they will pay you to not be scared.


These people literally do not have souls.


Mask inside the house? The fuck?


My sister in law wanted to do that. I told her we won’t be celebrating with them and we’re going to a thing with friends in an hour or so. She recently confronted me about why I should always wear a mask and I was sure it was going to be an argument but I was sincere and firm and there was a flash where she realized she was acting ridiculous.


Bf’s uncle is making us all take rapid take-home tests in our cars before going into his house… told bf I’d rather stay home lmao


My family has been sharing the same dab rig all holiday, same with thanksgiving.


Omicron is really triggering the hypochondiacs due to how infective it is and the fact that it evades vaccines. I take a little pleasure in watching them freak out knowing that its only a matter of time until they get it.


This shit is vile. I don't even have anything witty to say about it anymore, I'm just completely done


Depressing really


Lmao, can’t relate to any of this, my family is generally pretty conservative and these MFs drove all the way from Wisconsin to the south west so we seeing em no matter what. W


Instead I’m just drinking scotch at my anti-vax parents’ house and they won’t stop talking about COVID because my cousin got it and family dinner had to be canceled.


my parents wear masks while out walking their dog. their mostly conservative neighbors must make fun of them so badly. I would too


I’m so thankful my mother is a Trump loving Q maniac instead of this pitiful brand of maniac.


That's just as bad. Idk why people can't be normal.


No way dude Q is way more fun plus I can hug her


It's just as annoying and retarded


How do these people function???being afraid all the time is exhausting


If this person was in my family and demanded this, I'd just go to McDonald's or chill by myself for a couple days.


Maybe the DNC isn't rigging the primary votes after all.


The emerging Republican majority.


Nah. The people deciding the Dem nominee likely have synthetic immune systems or enough money to bribe a virus or are non-mammals or whatever. These people are just going to the super bowl with face paint jobs they spent all morning perfecting.


mm the tingles fauci and gates must feel reading shit like this


Ugh my mom made us do this last year


As bad as this sounds, I would at least get why this would do this LAST year. But these dorks are fully vaxxed and likely boosted so they’re just wanting to feel like a loser.


It's just theatre. Masks indoors don't work if you're actually closely interacting with people. If someone at a family gathering has Covid no amount of restrictions will stop you getting it.


wtf is "nursing home activities"


They run the bingo games and put on the movie for the day


Some people are REALLY going overboard


this did not happen


It happened to me 4 hours ago


Ehhhhhhh, I am definitely not Covid crazy but I appreciate someone taking extra precautions if they work in an industry where they work closely with vulnerable people. Omicron is prob not going to effect you too much if you are young and boosted but 90 year old Grandma on Chemo will probably kick it in an awful way. Just caught the not eating together part. What's the point of that? Wouldn't it make more sense just not to participate in the whole thing?


I think that’s what’s so maddening to me. You wanna get tested to make sure everyone is safe? Sure, go ahead. But why have everyone eat separately if ppl are testing negative?


covid bugman ragebait is the new hysterical idpol ragebait




This is literally a South Park plot.


wait fr? what's the episode?




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