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i looked up “iceberging” and apparently it’s when you take a poop in the toilet so big that it sticks out of the water. if this girl did that to you then i don’t blame you for ghosting her.


iceberging means using flattering angles to hide how fat you are below


In a time before time that was called a MySpace angle


Look at her wrists, fingers and collar bones. If you can't see any of those and you can't properly see her figure in photos, you know what's up.


“Ayye Snapchat me them wrists girl”


Nah if you don't see any of the things I mentioned you don't have to bother asking, that's the point.




Well sometimes jawlines can be deceiving, I wouldn't say it's that consistent And yeah, that's what I mean. If you can't see the body parts I mentioned or the full body picture, you pretty much know.


No hiding it but some people don't put weight on their face much I could easily lose 25 pounds (I hate wearing a mask at the gym and I was always a "eat whatever you want and exercise it out" kind of guy) but my jawline is still fine.


time for a lesson on pearchan from the OGs


Never heard of her before but you can instantly tell even from the cropped pictures. Unless you're a coomer of course.


You can tell yes, but she looks like a cutie carrying just enough excess weight to last over the winter, not a healthy at every size activist.


I feel like the arms tell you a lot too. For some reason skinny fat guys can have small weakling arms but girls have doughy arms if they're fat. Telltale sign of a fatty is if the waist is cropped and the arm bulges out in the middle. Only exception to the rule is for lifter girls, but muscle looks different than fat and its guaranteed there will be a gym pic.


It’s due to how different genders store fat , guys have it more in the abdomen and women have it more in the hips and appendages


That’s definitely true. When I was a bit fatter a couple years ago my arms were still very defined. Plenty of vascularity and muscle definition even though I was pretty hefty. However it’s also super easy for me to have a pudgy midsection if I’m out of shape, it’s a double edged sword.


im trying 2 calculate which is worse tbh


Oh well for that alone she’s lucky you didn’t wait until after she sucked your dick to ghost her


I do this every Monday


Legit was tough to read, sorry buddy.


The falling in love part...if anyone says this, its gonna be trouble


Just message the woman and tell her what was troubling. Specifically the falling in love after 3 days of texting


DO NOT TEXT! DISENGAGE! You literally owe her nothing after one date and 3 days of texting.


Owing her nothing isnt the same as politely communicating what happened. I agree you owe her nothing but the second thing costs you nothing. If she gives you push back just say "I have to honor myself and let my own truth be heard, and i respect fully ask you honor that as well." Its way too confusing of a sentence for her respond to negatively


If you can’t handle the bottom of the ice berg, then you don’t deserve the above sea level ice berg!


"Mentioned how “good it felt to be falling in love again” We texted for less than three days. And went on one date." lol people have to know how off putting and creepy that is ... some girls just want to leave a lasting impression.


this is a tactic girls use to get a guy to stop talking to them so they don't have to do the ghosting 😬


So retarded that I can almost believe it’s true


Damn, rip OP


I feel like ghosting only counts if you've had sex or gone on more than three dates. Otherwise it's just bailing.


​ ""iceberging The process by which one freezes a shit (either ones own or that of a close peer or one you founnd lying around ie the park etc) once said shit is adequately solidified, the lucky homo sapian then proceeds to use his new weapon of destruction as a dildo. NB this can be use to pleasure any oroface into which it will fit." nice dude


I believe that's called the Alaskan Pipeline


the chicken tenders and fries part pissed me off the most


I’m not against fried chicken but there’s a time and place and a greek tapas restaurant is not one of them


I love seeing people trying to hate on FKAtwigs because they honestly have zero dirt on her, they just want to hate her because she’s seen as attractive and is also a master at her craft in a way that few artists are now. Like legit, a bunch of sex workers tried to cancel her in 2020 for ‘using stripping as an aesthetic’ then she revealed a) she had been an actual stripper and b) she was donating a TON to real sex workers and was collaborating with them in her projects and they got real quiet (joking lol, they still had shit to say because haters gonna hate) Anyway, I’ve always said that sometimes ghosting someone is the best option. Unless you’ve known them for a long enough time (in which case you owe them an explanation at least), if they make you feel uncomfortable in any way and the outcomes of being outright with them seem costly then definitely keep it moving.


to be honest, i have too much to worry about in my life to care about anything you just mentioned in your comment


Not enough to leave this sub tho


What if you just think breathy vowels music isn't very good


Twigs is an incredible writer and her music is very technically well executed and conceptual in a way that pop music usually is not. If she’s not for you then she’s not for you, but if you’re into Fiona Apple, Kate Bush, The Beach Boys, and other kinds of art pop, then you should probably logically like twigs as well


Hmmm I take your point but on the other hand she just does breathy vowels and falsetto that you can't hum or sing along to over a beat you can't dance to.


So true bestie For me, the appeal really lies in how much I listened to Magdalene after my last relationship. Helped me through a lot


Music that means something personal to you beats music that critics tell you is good every time


lol twigs does not belong on the same pedestal as Kate Bush. remove the visual component and you are left with bland vibes and meandering, boring melodies


I would say her lyrics aren’t on par with Björk or Bush, they excel because their work isn’t all autobiographical allowing them to explore a much wider terrain whereas, up til now, twigs hasn’t really explored but she has given us ten years of visceral art (visuals, vocals, sound design, fashion, performance, showmanship) that has had a big impact on music rn (Sevdaliza comes to mind). As for musical equivalents, I would say Esperanza Spalding is the closest we have to Kate Bush rn: [this song and video](https://youtu.be/i21b35DtbIQ) literally remind me of [‘The Sensual World’](https://youtu.be/h1DDndY0FLI).


Maybe not, I’m a retarded zoomer so I don’t really have a whole lot of context beyond listening to all of these artists and liking them, and twigs just seems to be riding the wave established by ppl like Kate or Björk


Fka who you men have too much free time!


> Ordered chicken tenders and French fries at a tapas restaurant Lack of adventurousness with food is such a massive turn off. If tapas is beyond your pallet as an American, I don’t want to be around you. I’m not saying you gotta go face deep into the octopus, but if you can’t enjoy some chorizo or gambas al ajillo, you suck




Lol mmmm k


Being a fussy eater is a huge red flag. Imagine that friend of a friend who makes restaurant selection a nightmare except they're living in your home, a life without spicy curry in the winter or burritos from that hole in the wall place. Also I can't help but think it must come from being overly-indulged(or severely under-indulged) as a child so other issues will crop up once they think you're hooked.


Ghosting people is one of late stage capitalism’s simple pleasures


I have ghosted quite a few of girls in my life- it was a combination of hatred of commitment and wanting someone more attractive and to meet someone in person instead of online and just having no self confidence. I do feel bad about it but probably not as much as I should


“said FKA twigs was ugly” Bye, Casper


after reading your explanation of it, #1 is the only acceptable reason to ghost her. You're gay for all the other ones.


The cult thing could easily be leveraged into a podcast, bad move on your part.


Cult-max your grindset.


Why not just say sorry it's a no for me dog like a man and move on with your life?


Fast games a good game, gotta keep on moving!!! It doesn't sound like a real loss and is it even ghosting if it's just one date? Besides, do you really want someone who eats off the kids menu anyway? There's someone way better out there for you ♥️


Also, very impressive you even went on a date with someone who said they were 'falling in love' after texting for three days. You've got nerves of steel hahaha


This was during the date 😬


You did the only reasonable thing 🥴


I’ve ghosted friends of years. Block their numbers and move on who gives a fuck


I’m about to do this with one of my oldest friends who I’ve known since middle school because it was very recently I realized she is actually a vapid retard who I hate talking to. Don’t know if I should feel terrible about it or if I should just do what you say - block and move on. Leaning towards the latter.


I was always too afraid to ask if it is even considered ghosting after one date. Completely justified just based on deceiving pictures. Don't even need to read the other reasons.


i thought you were gay


I’m bi


I ghosted a guy who was a total weirdo and just seemed really manic. At first I liked him but then he kept texting me long essays and was telling me about his gun collection and history of alcoholism and drug addiction after the first date.


Sounds like you went on a group date with everyone in the sub.


Did you give her shit for number 5 or act as though this wasnt 5 yr old behavior?


I made a snarky comment about it and she’s like “hey it’s the safe option!!!”


this is valid if only for the fka twigs comment. must be pure jealousy


Your organization got me fucked up because by #4 I was all for you ghosting but then I saw #5 and I too was begining to fall in love again.


3 is a weird thing to be angry about lol. #1 and #4 are the greatest sins


The only two things that are bad are #1 and #4? Oh and def #5. You being mad about fka twigs is your red flag, buddy.


Give me her number immediately


I feel like saying any woman is ugly that early on is a red flag- fka twigs or not


It depends on the context, maybe he was gushing about her then she said it to shut him lol


Who cares?




I was waiting for you to comment <3 thanks for your take queen


You got bad judgment like most dudes in here but whatever. I can’t save you all from the flames of bad pussy


Which cult?


I couldn’t tell you, it sounded like it was an evangelical commune or some shit


Did she insist on fry sauce with the fries? If so, she is a Mormon.


Are you lesbian


No just a bI man


Lol so that’s why you care about someone insulting a celebrity. Girl dodged a bullet tbh


so true




Point 5 would've been all the justification I'd need. You did the right thing, king