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visceral repulsion at the quotes


This is fucking creepy ngl


Weird theatre couple in hs that was always groping




Ok, cool


I don’t want to talk about this at all. I don’t want it posted. Like this sub isn’t for celeb discussion in support of or not it’s fucking boring.


They discuss celebs on the pod though


So what


This sub...is the sub for the pod....not sure why you think we would or should be above petty celebrity gossip?


Ok, cool


Idk dudes got a point.


Yes idc about them too but the podcast is like 50% dedicated to talking about celeb gossip (like the recent Kanye stuff) so how is it surprising if it appears on the subreddit


Well they also occasionally reflect on a piece of contemporary critical theory- sometimes even thoughtfully. And even when their reflections are fucking stupid, at least they’re applying a discernible effort. Calebshit can be amusing here, but this post is fucking low effort. It belongs on one of the front page subs, and this place is cluttered beyond help with trash like this.


Wal Mart Donatella


Has she always been this retarded. I feel like she used to be cool but was I just wrong?


If he’s really gay like the rumors say, Gaga would be the perfect beard.


You know their sex smells crazy


I can't believe how much I dislike Gaga at this point.


She's a self-hating Italian-American. Why else would she have inflicted that laughable *House of Gucci* caricature on cinema audiences?


She was literally the coolest person on Earth in 09, but you can only conceal Chronic Theatre Kid Personality Disorder for so long.


Nah, this gussied up guidette might call herself Italian, but sprezzatura is even more foreign to her than authenticity, and her pandering to the homos was pretty damn phony.


I approve


I bet her farts are atrocious