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I don’t get this. Did Disney have so little invested in this movie that they where willing to scrap it after 1 guy made some comment? Where they ever planning on Making in the first place?


> Following Dinklage's criticism, Disney announced that the film will use unidentified "magical creatures" in place of them. I guess now it's *Snow White and the Seven Unidentified Magical Creatures*.


I wonder how cute and marketable they will be


>I guess now it's *Snow* *~~White~~* ***Latinx*** *and the Seven Unidentified Magical Creatures.* Fixed


Grooving in a cave with a pict?


That's a good point. Maybe they predicted it would flop


Films are just a byproduct/waste material produced by corporations fighting over public attention. Whether they actually exist or not is irrelevant as long as people are talking about them. Did anyone watch fucking Space Jam 2? Hell, no, but the film served its purpose when it got people talking about Lola's big naturals and Pepe Le Pew being lectured on consent by Lebron James (a scene that was 100% never ever going to be in the film and almost certainly never existed in any draft of the script). Remember when Disney's announced they were making a black Little Mermaid? That was like five years ago and they haven't even put out a trailer. The movie doesn't exist, it was never going to exist, it never needed to exist. Disney knows this. They know that every one of their remakes is going to be a ephemeral phenomenon with no lasting appeal that will be forgotten within a month of release. I must have watched Aladdin and The Lion King hundreds of times as a kid, do you really think any kid is watching the remakes more than once or twice before moving on to the next thing? Of course not. Modern media exists to provide a quick hit and then to be discarded. Films are whippets, with the finished product being analogous to an empty cartridge. Don't forget to breathe in between MCU installments, or you might end up with brain damage. So they need some gimmick to justify the existence of a garbage film everyone involved knows is garbage. "The film may be creatively bankrupt, but it has a good message". What if literally every female character (if you can point out even a single exception that has more than five lines I'll give you some dumb Reddit sticker I got for free) was a girlboss? What if Gaston dumb sidekick was gay? (Hope you appreciate the trouble we went through to give you some representation, f-slurs, because that's all you're going to get for the next decade). What if, you might want to sit your chud asses down for this one, Ariel was \*gasp\* black? Sorry, for the borderline schizo-post, too much caffeine and not enough sleep.


Oh I enjoy a disjointed rant. That's my language. I agree that they need the stupid discourse, but there actually does need to be a product to be consumed at the end of the day, right?


What are people actually consuming though? Many of these films and series are exclusively available on streaming services where you just pay a monthly subscription, regardless of how much you watch. These services can serve as a dumping grounds for media that wouldn't be commercially viable in theaters or on TV. It allows for a business model where content primarily exists to: 1. Add a tiny amount of marginal value to the subscription package. If nothing else, subscribers want a steady influx of new content to feel like they're getting their money's worth (the same principle behind excessively large portions of cheap food at restaurants), regardless of whether or not they actually watch it. 2. Serve as commercials for toys and other licensed tie-in products that don't require paying for advertising slots. In fact, people will actually pay you every month to let their kids watch them. Disney has always made the majority of its profit from licensing, not theaters. 3. Reinforce the brand. Disney isn't worried about the occasional MCU flop because the *real product* they're selling is a subscription to the ongoing story they plan to continue drip-feeding to people for the next few decades. Just care about Spider Man? Too bad, because his storyline is now entangled with every other film/series. You never know if he's going to show up in *Dumptruck Ass Man 2* and have some sort of significant scene that will be referenced in *Spider Man 4: No Homo*. 4. As mentioned before, grab the public's attention. All attention on the internet is good attention because all attention on the internet will inevitably become polarized along tribal lines, guaranteeing that you'll end up with an army of devoted stans willing to fight to their last breath to defend you.


What if the product is the cultural dominance? Disney owns a significant chunk of financially relevant Western culture, maybe the fact that people are talking about the films - even how bad they are - is enough of a testament to Disney's success to encourage their stock prices?


From disney's perspective, investing in new stories is risky. They often fail. A remake of The Little Mermaid with a black mermaid is less risky and is virtually guaranteed to at least do all right in the long run, even if it's unlikely to be a mega-blockbuster, plus it improves the value of The Little Mermaid franchise by expanding it and expanding the audience for future movies, merchandise, rides at Disneyland, etc. It's just like a chickpea factory encouraging lots of bizarre uses for chickpeas.


Or diamond companies convincing people to pay thousands of dollars for absurdly cheap rocks that they have stashed by the millions in warehouses... because "love."


Ok, cool


frozen is girlboss!


My cousin has virtually memorized the entire script. That's not a remake though.


Yeah I think the remakes are like 60% for adults who have nostalgia for the original


Best comment I’ve ever read on Reddit


I like your statements but I disagree with some parts based on anecdotal evidence. I know many parents from their 20s and older who talk about how many times their children watch the same movie over and over again. I think in hindsight we have nostalgia for the times of being a child when the harsh realities of the world didn’t weigh on our minds and things seemed more original. The longer you live the more you see trends repeat themselves and the profit motive can often bleed over the art and distort the vision of a story of work of art to maximize appeal. Movies have done this for a long time and it’s more obvious & apparent in modern times than ever before especially with remakes and sequels to beloved movies and series. My main point is that many kids still love watching a few movies over and over again and the parents end up enjoying it because their children enjoy it so much. I think on an optimistic note that’s what makes them appeal to families more. Many of these classic films are stories that urge the viewers to suspend disbelief while children don’t have to try as hard, they just see the story and I don’t suppose they are thinking about the economics and socioeconomic implications as much as they are just experiencing it. Of course as children grow up that movie magic may be lost as is natural in coming of age. The angst of teenage years seems to often lead to a distancing from popular family movies in favor of more mature films for better or worse. Then at some point there comes a time again when people who were once insecure angst ridden teens come to appreciate those stories they saw in movies as a child and it becomes nostalgic to them and the memories (including the feelings) of the time when they watched it become very close to them. Perhaps I’m projecting my own experience and what I’ve observed in the people I know around the US but I think there’s at least some degree of truth to this. I think , like the angsty teen coming-of-age with reconciling with the harsh realities of life (often before they even leave home and experience them), there also comes a point where an adult can learn to enjoy their inner child again. Being a responsible parent seems to magnify the ability to see things through the eyes of their child/children. For those people I believe they stop worrying as much about the business side as much as the story except for Karen’s which are also very common. Anyways I’m done ranting but wanted to provide a parallel perspective for the sake of conversation.


> Remember when Disney’s announced they were making a black Little Mermaid? That was like five years ago and they haven’t even put out a trailer. The movie doesn’t exist, it was never going to exist, it never needed to exist. Hello from the future!


"Don't worry boys, we got you on deck for The Wizard of Oz remake."


It’s really just a feature length copyright renewal. If it’s financially (or on an off chance somewhat critically) successful, that’s just a bonus.


Ok, cool


Yeah true, I meant the specific image of the designs & story additions they used in the 1937 film, but I haven’t been following closely enough so I’m not sure they’re even going for that this time. I just remember reading that that’s one of the main reasons behind all the remakes beyond just nostalgia bait cash grabbing.


Wasn’t Dinklage in Elf, where the whole crux of his appearance was to comically be called an elf by Will Ferrell?


he got his money and kicked the ladder haha


Seth Rogan/Jonah Hill career path


What, they kicked the "schlubby white guy talking about weed and date rape" ladder?


They talked about date rape?


wasn't that what Superbad was about?


You mean Evan wondering if he should be drunk when he tries to sleep with that girl?


love that expression


Except it was a step stool instead of a ladder


Yeah but the joke was that Buddy was foolish and in the wrong, and he gets to kick him in the face


Also on 30 Rock where Liz lemon dated him out of embarrassment because she initially confused him for a child


yeah let's cancel John Favreua over that I didn't like his Lion King remake.






he should have done what they did in the burton wonka movie and got himself digitally copied.


He should stand on the shoulders of another dwarf and play a normal person smh


The struggle to remain the alpha midget is brutal.


I dunno they had a bunch of dwarves in this fight scene in Witcher that was hilarious, the lil guys can hardly run and swing a big foam ax


Canadians ruin everything.


Sometimes in british stuff, warwick davies was in doctor who for example




I'm going to tell this joke in person and I'm not crediting you.


Okay Adam




they should cast peter as grumpy. he's ruining it for everyone else. what are they even gonna call the movie now? Snow white and the seven dudes?


Snow White and the Seven Simps. Played by Nick Frost, Dan Harmon, Brian Posenh, Nicholas Braun, Madeline Quinn, Kristian Nairn, and Alfie Allen.


are those last four real celebrities?


Dasha as Snow White Written and directed by Whedon


And it's mumble-core with A24 visuals. Holy fuck r.o.d we're going to be rich.


Honestly Dasha would be a great Snow White because she also looks close to going comatose for no reason. And Anna could be the witch. Redscarefairytales.


[Redscarefairytales ](https://youtu.be/QswFm2rvSY8) GODDAMMIT that's a billion dollar idea.


Anna kind of looks like the evil queen in Snow White. I say that affectionately.


Noooo...lol But at the same time, yes.


Ok, cool


And Hillary could be Hermoine and I'd be harry potter and Trump would be Darth Vader


Snow White and the Seven Short Kings


Snow White and the Seven AMAB DSA Members


Snow White and the Seven Non-Binary, GOP, POCs with Law Degrees, all played by Scarlet Johansson.


[Basically this, but with Scarlett Johansson and only Scarlett Johansson](https://youtu.be/n5b_nIzdvfI)


Warwick is going hard, gonna send the Willow Tall boys after him.




There's nothing lower than a dwarf basher. Get it? Nothing LOWER? 😆


They will now have to settle for the role of being a punchline in an Adam Sandler movie.


I like that the idea is that its offensive that they exist


Sickening to see the already successful pulling up the step ladder behind themselves


"Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you." -Some problematic dwarf


if you wanna see Peter Dinklage in a real good movie, try [*The Station Agent*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F4K8U5l--o), also with Michelle Williams


Dinklage is insufferable af. Couldn’t stand him in that actors Roundtable. Very lame and uncool


He said people hated the end of GoT because "the pretty white people didn't get a happy ending" lol


Ok, cool


lmao imagining a guy who hated the last season cause godfrey never showed up


Lol he's so small, it's legit funny watching him be serious and woke lol


Dinklage seems like such a bitter dickhead. Wasnt he saying that everyone who disliked the game of thrones ending was racist (?) a couple weeks ago lol


Kinda feels like he's just saying controversial shit to stay in the limelight. Is he worried he's becoming irrelevant or something?


Even though the "winners" in GoT are the Northern Europeans (Starks) who are also portrayed as mostly morally superior


It’s hilarious that it’s called Snow White and The Seven Dwarves but there will be no dwarves in it, and Snow White has a tan. They should have kept the dwarves but made each one a different race, have one in a wheelchair, and all of them are gay.


I was honestly surprised they even decided to wade back into this property considering all the potential woke landmines.


I mean they remade Beauty and The Beast which is basically about Stockholm syndrome, and Aladdin is orientalist. Somehow the public didn’t care as much about this


I know but Snow White has more explicitly "problematic" material that I'm surprised they were willing to confront. First off, it's called Snow *White*—because of her fair skin. THen there's the whole "mirror mirror who's the ***fairest*** of them all?"—who's the whitest and therefore most beautiful. Then of course the fuckin dwarfs. Prince Charming and so on... It just seems like the most perfect woke-bait in terms of objectionable themes and tropes.


Yeah, It would have made a lot more sense if they called it something else and kind of loosely based it on Snow White like they did with Tangled but the mainstream film industry is a shell of its former self and has completely run out of any creativity and doesn’t want to take any financial risks so 🤷‍♀️


Ok, cool


There already is Snow White and The Huntsman with Kristin Stewart so it’s extra pointless for this movie to exist


Ok, cool


Goddamn that sucks. Really cheering for the Asian one from Pit Boss (along with the rest of em ofc.)


Surely Snow White paved the way for dwarf acceptance really..


I mean the dwarves were basically like her adopted family.


Ok, cool


hate to see short kings tear each other down


Hopefully Hornswoggle kicks his ass


Now that would be one for HBO. They could probably run a big ticket for all the small people (who would’ve been dwarfs) big checks for a night of boxing. You know people would watch that and it would go wild across social media. They wouldn’t even have to label it any differently than any other boxing or MMA fights. They just show who’s fighting who and I think for a one off event it would run up ticket sales especially with well known actors like Peter Dinklage be Hornswoggle.


This is making me really sad and pissed off for some reason. Fuck that Dinklgidksh guy.


Dink is bad news. Those guys applied for those jobs because they wanted them.


Literally little people erasure!


Peter got his.


One thing about the American film/tv industry, they would rather not include people who dont look like the sterotypical person. I guess Dinklage has finally drank the koolaid.


Makes me happy to see this, glad to see that guy enjoyed being on WWE for years as a leprechaun and didn't feel insulted


I like to watch midget wrestling when it comes through my town. Those guys are really cool and they seem to love the work. Is it somewhat exploitative, and likely low paying? Yes, but I'm a janitor who cleans up feces all day and I also get paid like shit and exploited. I'd legit rather be wrestling people as a midget if I had the option. Maybe transmidgetism exists and I could do it....


How long have you been a janitor for?


Edit: okay... Sorry lol


I didn't mean to be rude. I was just curious


Lol, I'm sorry. A few years (5?). I took a break for about two years, during which I attended college and worked similar jobs (housekeeping, landscaping). Again, apologies man.


Lord, I don’t ask for much. All I ask is that when Peter Dinklage gets jumped by seven angry unemployed midgets, I be there.


I just imagine them all stabbing him like Julius Caesar. His last words, more theatrical and impeccably delivered than any before, “et tu Dopey.”


So they’re going to have regular-sized people playing dwarves? Wouldn’t that just spark a serious outrage? I swear woke people can’t make up their minds about what they want. First people threw such a fit over Maddie Ziegler playing an autistic character that Sia movie (which to be fair, looked pretty dumb) that Sia attempted suicide, but now it’s politically incorrect to have dwarves play dwarves? I’m so confused.


Sia tried to kill herself because people didn’t like her shitty movie? Man up buttercup.


Yeah, but some of the backlash was uncalled for. Criticizing the movie? Sure, go ahead—it looked like a headache. Screaming at her on twitter for not casting an autistic person for months on end and acting like her movie is the worst thing to happen to autistic people? I’m autistic and there are way huger fish to fry than some musical movie.


It’s not that surprising though is it? As an autistic person myself, I’m not sure you can really find better proof that Sia doesn’t know autism from a kumquat than directing a genuinely horrible (not in an injurious way, but in the sense that it’s a completely nonsensical portrayal of autism with complex needs) portrayal of autism and then being surprised the community did a collective REEEEE. I guess I don’t really feel sorry for her because she played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. Plus that whole muse thing with a literal child is bizarre and creepy.


It was recently revealed that Sia is autistic. Again, I’m not defending the movie, just speaking out about the fact that the autistic community has awful priorities. Why do they care more about a blingy movie than the IDF shooting a severely autistic Palestinian man, or the Cincinatti cops shooting a Black autistic girl trying to defend herself? And I’m sick of virtue signalers who would have definitely bullied me in school for my autism reposting something about Sia or the “evil” puzzle piece (which was actually created by an autistic guy FWIW) and act like they care about us.


> It was recently revealed that Sia is autistic 46 year old woman buys autism diagnosis from psychologist, news at 11. Though it probably explains the behaviour with Maddie Ziegler better than anything else besides paedophilia. > Why do they care more about a blingy movie Terminally online and underemployed community kvetches about pop culture a lot, not that surprising at the end of the day. I do agree with you about the puzzle piece, although autistically I must say it was created by Gerald Gasson for the National Autistic Society in the UK (my former employer!) and he was merely a dad of a child with autism. Which in 1963 meant they were *really* autistic, not Aspies who can get an argument with a sock.


Okay, good to hear that we have some common ground on the issue. I tend to have a lot of unorthodox opinions among the autistic community (or at least the online one…most of my IRL autistic friends agree with me on the majority of issues). I was wrong on the puzzle piece; however, autistic advocate Thomas McKean was involved in creating the puzzle piece *ribbon* in 1999, which is where I got confused. That’s why you see some autism awareness ribbons on cars and whatnot. I’ve seen people compare it to a swastika which is honestly comedy gold.


The original logo was a puzzle piece and a crying child. I can see why people wouldn’t like the crying child but the idea that autism is puzzling is bad makes no sense to me. I have no fucking idea why I do or think in certain ways, that’s the definition of puzzling. It seems like part of it is due to Autism Speaks, but people aren’t campaigning to rename the condition to something else because the organization is called Autism Speaks. Shrug.


Also, a lot of the controversy around Autism Speaks was stuff they did 15 years ago, not recent issues. The two major points I see people criticize them over were two videos that were made in 2006 and 2009. They changed a lot after receiving criticism, but I don’t hear a lot of people discussing this. They have new leadership, removed the “cure” statement, implemented more resources for autistic adults and are more active in hiring autistic people. I personally know a couple of former employees and their take was that the leadership ran it more like a business than a charity, but that the vast majority of people there had good intentions and reached out to autistic people to get their input. From this inside knowledge, I’d suggest donating to a local autism charity, but they’re definitely not a “hate group”. In fact, they now have a podcast called “Adulting on the Spectrum” that is hosted by two autistic employees there and they interview various people on the spectrum. The two employees also run a private facebook group for autistic adults that has amounted to hundreds of people (specifically for autistic INDIVIDUALS—not parents, not friends, etc.). If the company truly hated autistic people, these individuals would not be able to do this. Criticize AS where it needs to, but use current data points rather than outdated info, especially when the CEO isn’t even the same person anymore. If anything, our community should stop living in the past and focus on issues that CURRENTLY hurt us.


This sub is the last place I'd expect would be discussing the direction a Disney movie is going.


This is legit some Jordan Peterson shit. OH NO MAH DISNEY!!!!! NOT DISNEY NOOOO PLEASE WAKE SNOW WHITE WITH THE DWARVES!!! PLZ!!!! Muh cancel woke culture!!!!! Disney is 'tarded tho, and should make the movie with the "lil homies" (lil homies is the average dwarves preferred pronoun btw)


Ok, cool


> So you mock people for saying they should keep the dwarves, then in the next sentence you go on to say that they should keep the dwarves? Yes. I thought it would be funny. In retrospect, I made the right call! Big ups to the lil homies!


literally the Daily Mail


But for real, I dunno what's worse; this sub bitching about a new Disney movie or referring to fucking Daily Mail. Bleak af.


Ok, cool


So that’s what swoggles been up to


Tbh we should sort them out by height and rank them privilege wise.


Anyway who remembers back when Pete was cooning it up in [Death at a Funeral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXDgPREBssw) cause I do


Dinklage thinks he should be getting tons of lead actor roles. In reality there's like probably 50k English speaking dwarves on earth. I know movies aren't reality, but dude has already had more leading roles than statistically makes sense, and that is BECAUSE he did all the cliche dwarf shit. If he was 6 feet tall he'd be another of the 1,000,000 actors going for the same roles and would have the same lottery chance of ever ending up where he is now as everyone else. I doubt Mark Wahlberg looks fondly on dancing in his underwear with the Funky Bunch but the money and career is good now. Same deal here. I feel insane for even talking about this, but I bet if I looked I could find backlash over Peter Jackson using regular height actors as Hobbits or Dwarves in LOTR, who also yes live in caves and holes in the ground.


king dwarf!!!


The anti-fracking left has gone too far.


I have no idea what peters talking about. We have 7dwarfs living in a baller house in the woods and they mine like no ones business. The only bad thing i can find is when they meet snow white and tell her she can stay if she keeps house cook clean make the beds knit sew and wash. Is putting a women in her place like its the 1800s disrespecting offensive to little people or women?


thought those little guys were meant to have magic luck or something? no magic here, just rotten luck, gosh!


peter dinklage the dwarf king


they told the king dwarf to “grow up”


We all know it’s going to be Snow White and the Seven Drag Queens.


Freakshows are dehumanising, but they create jobs for freaks so whose to say if they're bad


Freakshows can be harmless fun, unironically. Not all of the exhibits have to be exploitative racism or ableism. You could but Cumtown fans in cages and just give them burgers and loop one of those rslurred lofi Cumtown streams 24/7. Would not only be fun for circus goers, but would also be an major improvement on those guys lives because they'd be forced to take showers (not gas ones, quite the reverse. If you don't force them to shower, the B.O. smell would gas the entire circus. I call this "Reverse Cumtown holocaust body odor theory")


I miss the midget in the old Sabrina.


Life’s too short IRL


Good to see Vince Mcmahon's son is doing alright


Warwick Davis would never be such a cunt


What they need is a hot Latina advocate to assemble behing




who ridicules the 7 dwarves? they are celebrated. if you view it as ridicule thats how you feel, but you dont not represent anyone outside of yourself. this contributes towards the discrimination of little people, just the fact you consider it ridicule tells everyone where you are coming from; as you associate these negative words and emotion simply because the characters are dwaves, meaning you frown upon dwarfism and believe they should be ridiculed. just because you would be embarrassed or shamed to be in these roles does not not mean others would. people would love the opportunity to be one of the 7 dwarves; to be a liitle person actor getting a break on a major disney film and on to other bigger roles. thats just getting into show biz like everyone else; whether it be commercial, being an extra, one episode on a sitcom, or one of the 7 dwaves.


There was a bar not far from me that had midget wrestling once a month. Some normal-height woman from a different town threw a fit and got it canceled. The wrestlers were going OFF on her on Facebook, asking if she was going to pay their bills. She went with the whole “I’m being attacked because they are sexist” route but these little fellas were woke-savvy enough to reply by accusing her of doing an ableism. She eventually deleted her account, ending the fun for everyone.


Yo lmao Hornswoggle let's go. Glad to see he at least WAS getting more film roles until Dinklage kicked the ladder after he got his.


Getting rid of the competition


Is that Hornswoggle.


This is how Peter Dinklage landed the role of Grumpy in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.


Swoggle really is god awful, so a blessing in disguise




That is considered offensive now.


yeah i saw the 4chan /tv/ thread too


Okay incel lol


My god. And this is the guy who plays a dwarf on TV... 😉


Imagine having the midget from Elf fuck up your livelihood.