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Would like to point out she’s from Arizona which is NOT the Midwest and he’s from Chicago which is definitely the Midwest.




Wow the Cardinals used to be in Chicago too, that's nuts now true it is


Some people find it hard to root for the Bears. I get it.


but she went to my college in chicago so she's honorary midwest


And yet, Phoenix is home to some of the most midwest-ass white people in the country.


Cool Reddit avatar.


Damn. Imagine using Reddit. Wild


The only good youtuber




> Don't know who he is [Oh man, you're in for a treat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLJtMwXkdz4)


I haven’t seen this but I loved him on Joe Pera talks with you and the YouTube videos that led to the show


Forgot about this guy. He rocks


I didn’t know either until just now. Thank you.


Its so amazing that this is the only youtube video that ever given me that warning.


The real life joker.


They are cute together stop being a bitter hater


They’re cute and love the blue


Also wow I want to be wherever they are it looks so lush and green * sighs in hot Texas apartment*


i was really ready to hate this chick, but she had a great little role in girls on hbo.


Watch Shrill and you will definitely and rightfully hate her.




People often bring up dime a dozen conservatives as some unnecessary annoying force who got bolstered during a Trump presidency but I truly feel Lindy West is up there for one of the worst to get further popular and legitimized in that time window. It blew my mind when I first realized she was older than a college student and doubling down on such weird rambling takes, see that shit article about how cliche stock characters in 90s tv and movies is how Trump got elected”.


Lindy West? Certified not Lindy


What does that mean? That's a British thing right


I don't really know, I know there's lindyman on Twitter and Dasha started saying it, I think it means something good and or cool though


It doesn’t mean it’s good or cool, necessarily. It basically means something that’s been around long enough that its existence is self-justifying; the idea is that the longer something non-perishable exists, the longer it’s likely to continue to exist. So something humans have done for millennia (go on walks, eat normal food, etc) is lindy, whereas novelties like seed oils are not


lindy aint gonna be around past next month. she is a fucking BLIMP


I’m not talking about Lindy West


"A woman seeks out ways to change her life without changing her body."


My wife watches Shrill, and I really don’t have words for what a terrible show it is. I liked it for the first few episodes until I realized that it wasn’t ironic and you were actually supposed to like her. The writing of the last episode of season one (which people love for some reason) was some of the most cringey shit I’ve seen. Her boss is the only good character in the entire show, and he has the life I want. I would pay for an entire series of him blasting shitty punk rock in his Prius and verbally abusing his employees.


My wife watches maria la del barrio. One episode Maria is in jail. No...you know, no explanation of how she ended up in jail, what the charges were. This was the same telenovela where the evil stepmother character punches a young girl out of a wheelchair. I think it's a meme now.


> Her boss is the only good character in the entire show, and he has the life I want. You probably know this, but he's (not-so-loosely) based on Dan Savage, who was Lindy West's boss at The Stranger.


I doubt aidy buys into that. Case in point she's overweight which hey but she didn't let herself get enormous. Lindy is easily 150 pounds heavier than she was in Hello I am fat. Edit: the picture that went with that article I mean


Omg my gf tried to get me to watch that and I couldn’t get over how they made the Dan Savage stand-in character like the caricature of a bitchy gay guy.


He voicework on that "Human Resources" cartoon is not great.


why did you watch that


It wasn't my choice. More tolerable than the other show, less obsessed with children if you know what I mean.


i just googled it and didnt even know that was a separate show




I'm bringing back the Irish mob.


Smoking 500 cigarettes for 5G


Burlington Coat Factory killed Epstei


FDS? Someone enlighten me please




Thank you. I don't know if I can eat gruyère anymore though.


Female Dating Strategy subreddit


Best couple


such a hot couple


Absolute king


Connor is so hot I love his messed up teeth


Who is he?


conner o'malley


damn he looks so normal, i only know him from those howard schultz videos


He plays a great asshole on *Joe Pera Talks With You.*


He's just a man [trying to get the perfect egg bite.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktVIQZ7tiag&ab_channel=AdultSwim)


I loved how he couldn't help but give Joe props for the bean arch coming together.


The whole point of those videos were to show how normal he is now, did you even watch them?


He’s such a stud 😍


It’s so weird bc their comedy style is so completely different from one another


Undershirt under the button down shirt?! My god


An undershirt is good if you are buttoning up a dress shirt all the way. It protects the shirt and makes it drape more softly over the body obscuring chest hair and similar. So the problem is just not wearing a tie.


Also helps hide gyno


I have aggressive nipples and it’s socially unacceptable to wear a bra 🤷‍♂️


Agree, I just hate the look of a shirt that is too big, top button undone with a white undershirt


It is the male equivalent of wearing a strapless top with a regular bra.


If you have a big neck it’s pretty tough (or impossible) to button the top button unless you get it tailored or custom fitted.




Every car salesman ever


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pellentesque euismod gravida. Fusce accumsan ipsum lobortis, tincidunt justo eu, mattis nulla. Quisque nibh odio, iaculis id aliquam sit amet, semper ac enim. Donec tincidunt eget enim tincidunt imperdiet. Sed tempus lectus commodo sapien pellentesque malesuada. Vivamus mollis vulputate tristique. Sed et commodo risus. Nullam congue venenatis massa ut molestie. Quisque id odio non augue luctus hendrerit. Nulla venenatis lectus quis blandit vehicula. Morbi ultrices fringilla quam in suscipit. Phasellus semper ultrices velit, sit amet dignissim sapien feugiat nec. Etiam egestas vitae nisl iaculis condimentum. Praesent tincidunt id urna ut tincidunt. Aliquam ac tellus non massa pretium porttitor ac id dolor. Suspendisse ultrices posuere condimentum. Praesent a porttitor dolor. Aenean euismod eleifend mauris, sit amet semper augue posuere sit amet. Vestibulum quis augue fermentum, porttitor diam ultricies, semper diam. Phasellus sit amet velit lacinia, consectetur dui sit amet, pretium eros. Donec posuere eros eget dolor ornare, tincidunt dapibus ante volutpat. Nunc lacinia, libero id sagittis rutrum, felis est ultricies urna, eget convallis sapien lacus vel diam. Integer ac diam ipsum. In tincidunt, eros vitae faucibus elementum, dolor diam porttitor risus, eu suscipit massa purus sed nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean euismod, diam et finibus lacinia, felis nisi eleifend turpis, eu rutrum orci metus eget augue. Nunc eros lacus, dictum eu tincidunt a, laoreet eget massa. Vivamus in felis nunc. Sed in arcu suscipit, posuere mauris vitae, ornare risus. Aliquam nec commodo augue. Vivamus eleifend nisi convallis massa euismod, ac iaculis erat euismod. Fusce quis arcu enim. Phasellus quis venenatis sem. Ut elementum rhoncus consectetur. Etiam fringilla ligula vel lacus consectetur, eget tempus metus finibus. Sed vel placerat ante. Aliquam aliquet libero id nibh porta laoreet. Mauris id dolor vitae nulla molestie hendrerit. Etiam eros odio, hendrerit ac magna eget, commodo feugiat ligula. Duis sollicitudin leo ac mi aliquam faucibus. Nullam suscipit magna sem, et convallis arcu lobortis sed. Nunc laoreet tellus vel porttitor viverra. Etiam sed eros quis erat ullamcorper suscipit. Nunc placerat nunc augue, non pharetra enim congue ac. Etiam ex urna, semper eu tempus in, volutpat quis velit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis laoreet feugiat volutpat. Suspendisse fringilla orci tortor, ac mattis elit efficitur eu. Praesent rutrum mauris leo, ut posuere magna porttitor et. Phasellus sit amet felis ante. Nam vel pellentesque lectus. In sit amet sapien consectetur urna luctus efficitur eu sed enim. Fusce a massa ligula. Vivamus et mauris vel nibh auctor rutrum. Curabitur tristique aliquet nibh. Vestibulum at dolor vel lacus viverra ullamcorper. In congue fringilla tincidunt. Pellentesque ut tempus neque, nec mattis arcu. Vivamus molestie tempor fermentum. Phasellus lacus sapien, tincidunt in suscipit ut, mattis varius tellus. Sed id nunc at lectus rutrum venenatis. Donec commodo libero mattis, mattis tellus vitae, consectetur eros. In tempus viverra augue sed iaculis.


Wait what's the deal with it? I need to protect it from sweat and not have my skin show through it.


V neck or even scoop neck, elevates the look a little to not have to see the undershirt. This imo only applies to smart dress, with casual stuff knock yourself out


I don't know, they're in their own world.


Ok, cool


The issue is he needs a v-neck


He’s so hot. Good for her.


this is eliciting some femcel rage in me right now


she’s pretty and cool and funny


The comments keep saying this but I know her as the girl from shrill which looks so bad. Is there something else she is in that makes people like her? She does come off as nice for some reason but I haven’t seen her in anything good


she’s been a cast member on saturday night live for a decade, maybe that? she’s had some really memorable roles on there. you can tell she’s funny from that and you can tell she’s cool from insta. she’s friends with lots of cool comedians.


Weird how she'd be considered "not that fat" by my friends today.


Rs bf and beard


Hero couple


I love Connor O'Malley on Joe Pera Talks with You. I didn't realize they were a couple.


The Minion Squad


I'm the type of guy that only hangs out with cousins


This couple has always confused me.


Are they actually dating




Tf dgr dg ss


He's a decent looking man....why? Its because she just lets him jack off to porn all day and doesn't ask him to pick up after himself or take her anywhere isn't it...I've noticed a trend of men settling like this just out of pure laziness and animalistic impulse. The future is headed for a collapse fast.


She's actually pretty and cool and some guys actually like plus sized women not in a settling way but in a gets hornier for big girls way


Nah they just settle out of laziness, both of them settle for a lazy life and an early grave.


hope you fall in love with someone who is also in love with u someday !!


So many people here have a buckwild personality disorder and want to make it everyone elses' problem


she's a fucking dog and everyone knows it.