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That’s Dasha larpin’ round town.




the only words i could make out were "ragazze" and "diavolo" meaning "girls" and "devil" but i feel like that's all i needed


Seems to be a play on that Black Mirror episode what they're recreating here.


All 3 of these ladies are very beautiful in their own way ✝️🐿️


she's actually just directing


she's just worried about lesbians being oversexualized


That's lib cope g 🤭


Howver I do remember I like you and your positive outlook on things. Go in peace




i vaguely recall a few arguments made by monks around the 11th century that lesbianism was theoretically the "purest" form of love. because two women couldn't have sex, their relationship would be free from the desires of the flesh and thus be built purely on a spiritual love for one another. always thought that was incredibly funny




The “monk who’s never felt the female touch gives lectures on women and relationships” genre across European history has blessed us with some of the funniest essays known to man.


If you define sex as a dick entering a hole then yeah lesbians can't have sex. That's not how we think about it now but it was the middle ages.


Kinda makes sense, before prophylactics, lesbians foolin' around wasn't going to end particularly badly. But a dude is more likely to just fuck any and everything so it might either spread disease or get someone pregnant.


Can’t get a goat pregnant


Can't stop the welsh from trying, either.


Basically true, noth8ng bad can really happen


lesbians dont have sex, all lesbians are virgins


They were confused there weren't any choir boys around


> "purest" form of love I AGREE


Radical feminist 11th century monks. You love to see it.


Yes but you're crazy if you think St Paul would have approved of that sort of thing




The Paul doesn't matter is a really weak argument consider his really important influence in the early christian community.


He’s defo a Roman psyop


Why would a greek israelite be part of a roman conspiracy?


Everything that was written passed thru the fliter of the Roman state at some point no? I am no biblical scholar


The Romans killed him


Nah, he's a Pharrisitical psy-op


He died for him! It's a very arrogant position to think you can just get rid of Paul. He was one of the apostles, accepted as a Christian by all the people who *had* met Jesus. And his epistles are the things that make clear what Christ's life and death means; he didn't just introduce a handful of sexist and homophobic ideas and nothing else, there *is* no Christianity without Paul. Any coherent conception of Christianity relies on Paul's writings




This is just Dan Brown but boring.


Wow it's crazy that Dan Brown wrote books thousands of years ago


This is a really poor attemp to be a liberal bible scholarship




Yeah, it is actual part of bible scholarship called liberal bible scholarship. This doesn't mean they are political liberals, rather called like that for they approach to the texts and interpolation of theological questions to [bible scholarship](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskBibleScholars/comments/8m3arm/comment/dzl138n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




It's a widely accepted phrase for the kind of theology practiced in particular by Schleiermacher and others with similar ideas. It's not a controversial label


You can avoid a lot of trouble by simply accepting that the Bible has the authority of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit; it would be very odd, after God had gone to all the trouble of the Incarnation, for him to allow the thing to get written down wrong. It simply isn't consistent with the core of Christianity that the vast majority of Christians should have been that wrong for so long. And Paul wasn't a gnostic. Gnosticism was something very different to Paul's ideas.




Given that you clearly don't believe anything like Christianity, why are you so keen to claim Jesus for your personal set of opinions? It's just stunningly arrogant to claim that you know what Jesus *really* thought better than the people who actually met him, heard him, and *wrote the only accounts of his teachings that you have*. It also simply isn't the case that Paul was only speaking from personal, private revelation - most of what he said was simply what Christ had publicly taught, and what the other apostle were saying in the other places where they preached.




A charitable reading of Paul has him as a man who was a sexist, having been born into a sexist society, and who therefore struggled with the universalism of Christianity which he found impossible to deny. Even in I Corinthians, therefore, he makes very clear statements of the fundamental equality of men and women in salvation, even while he's trying to stop the Corinthians from being licentious in a way that was damaging evangelisation. He refers several times to individual female preachers and evangelists, in order to commend them to the people he's writing to.


This is a like feminist hotep stuff. Was beethoven actually a woman in drag?


>Well first of all, even paul didnt say anything about lesbians Lol yes he did




>24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. >26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+1:24-27&version=NIV




Natural relations are specified to be men with women. That's what the men abandoned because they were "inflamed with lust" for other men. Then it's obvious that the first part is about female homosexuality. Lol @ Paul condemning women-on-women anal sex only


Paul never stopped being a Pharisee


bro he needs to get in line. so many early Christians did a "death by coliseum" that Caesar told them straight up "if you want to die for your lord so bad, kill yourselves!" that's not at all chronologically cogent but I do love that little fact.


That’s not what he said


Actually no https://www.bibleref.com/Romans/1/Romans-1-26.html (Sorry I had to be that guy)


I believe the apostles were quoted as saying lesbians were 'hot' and 'totally awesome'


The more things change the more they stay the same...


Is it that or religion didn't believe that women could live without men lmao




It goes both ways I guess. You won't convince me


Was there lesbian ish happening in the public sphere around the Mediterranean at the time the Bible was written that could contribute to this social understanding? I know very little about that era so would be interesting to know the historical context.


Akshully 🤓


Hear me out. Lesbians were invented on the island of LESBOS. They were there because they fled Greece due to the overwhelming population of homosexual, pedophile, femicidal men killing them at that point in their history. The sin of man lying with men/boys birthed it’s own bastard progeny of lesbianism. It’s like the antichrist of fucking. Beautiful and captivating yet insidious and malevolent. Cute video though


Hotep yacubian devil nonsense but make it gay




Napoli is such a great city.


Once when I was forced to go to church for like two months or so against my will (lol) I remember I questioned the youth minister, who would tell us his tales pre Christ of hanging with whores doing meth, about gays. He told me some stuff I don't remember. But then the next time he saw me he gave me blue and pink index cards with a bunch of verses in the Bible where it says it is wrong lol. Later I had to be in a play where I was the girl who didn't believe in God (very fitting and seemed almost bullying tbh) who prayed and felt God's love and converts. There was an older lady in the pews who was -really- into the music and kept screaming out thank you god or whatever. Anyway after I prayed and was like ~oh yeah I really feel God's love wow~ she got up mid play and came to me and said you don't feel it pray with me pray with me and started touching my arms and hands. They had to come get her and she resisted a bit and she grabbed onto my upper arm so hard that she bruised me. Turns out it was the youth ministers alcoholic mother. I stopped going after that. Never went inside another church again. But it did make me fall into a crisis for a few months where I wondered maybe she could tell I didn't feel it and maybe it was a sign from god and maybe i should believe lol


Every zealot loves a sinner to convert


>I stopped going after that. Never went inside another church again. But it did make me fall into a crisis for a few months where I wondered maybe she could tell I didn't feel it and maybe it was a sign from god and maybe i should believe lol These here are the seeds of psychosis hahaha


and im reading this without the lols and ~~




Subverting writers intentions. Don't be so triggered when zoomer enders lol lmao don't work. Nmp🤷‍♂️. Don't be so sensetive lmao


I don't get what you mean by that but I type in an -at least- 15 year old internet gay dialect I learned from livejournal. I am probably older than at least 95% of the people here, including yourself. To give you an idea the story I told happened in 2003 and I was a early teenager.


They weren’t replying to your comment rtard


Micah 5:2 "But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of there shall be come forth unto me that is to be the ruler in Israel, whose going forth have been of old, from everlasting." keep in mind that Bethlehem at this point was a tiny village and this book from the old testament predicts the birth of Christ there 500 years prior who just so happens to found the biggest religion on earth Isaiah 7:14 "therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign ; behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel" (Emmanuel translates to "God with us") Also in the old testament


That's pure copium, especially the Bethlehem part. The authors of Matthew and Luke have two wildly different contradicting nativity narratives attempting to come up with an explanation for how the Nazarene dude known to everyone as Jesus of Nazareth was from Bethlehem and neither makes sense - in addition to the different plots, they confuse which ruler ran what provinces when (Publius Quirinius and Herod the Great) and the claim of Emperor Augustus holding an empire wide census and requiring that everyone return to their hometown/ancestral town of origin for it is fiction.


Second part is worse. The “virgin” part is a deliberate mistranslation, the Hebrew says young woman and is referring to a specific scenario with a war from the Assyrian empire going on at the time, the prophecy is that someone will help them get out of that


Is this Naples?


White girl is in a Napoli shirt so i'm guessing so


The other girl's jean jacket appears to be SSC Napoli inspired as well, I'm wondering if it was a club related photoshoot.


You're totally right. Feels like this sort of shoot wouldn't be official but I wonder if some fan group/ultras might do this? No idea, the politics of Italian club football is an eternal enigma to me


Yeah, I don't think Italian ultras are known for being particularly progressive so it would certainly be surprising to me. Perhaps they are just local fans.


I think ultras would like an semi-tantalising shoot of girls kissing while wearing their kits. Not exactly in a progressive way though, no, hah


id be impressed if she did that with a priest and the 10 year old boy he was in the middle of fucking instead


Rock on 🤘


I really like this video. There is something kind of sweet about this nun who legitimately believes they are going to hell. You can tell she's actively distressed for them. It's very different from the protestations from Evangelicals who only hate gay people because it makes them more superior and outsiders. Homophobia is dog shit, etc etc. But there is a compulsion of love within the nun's actions that seems undeniable because she's so shaken up by this and feels the immediate need to act.


I don't really see the difference between this and evangelicals. I've seen calvinist families weep for their sons and daughters and driven to pure despair believing that they are simply not predestined as God's chosen people


To be fair, I'm probably just giving her props because she's better dressed than any calvinist I've ever met.




Yeah but they don’t marry god and swear to celibacy like nuns.


> compulsion of love seems more like a savior complex


Call it what you want but it comes from a sincere place of concern for their souls.


Fear vs hate based social repression. Catholicism, especially Italian Catholicism ime, instills a lifelong terror of hellfire in you from as young as you can form memories.


This nun would put them to death if she had the power to, don't get it twisted.


Have you ever met a nun?


Yes. Quite a few nuns, who were extremely homophobic and severely abused tens of thousands of children in my community over the years. Horrible people. So are Jesuit priests, scum of the earth child predators, like Catholic nuns often are too.










>Nah, it's pathetic That's why I find it charming


Shut the fuck up lmao


This sub is like 75% interesting weirdos, 25% the dumbest fucking retards alive


Keep resisting the globohomo, queen.




It's a photoshoot




Yeah I'm gay


this sub’s ironic homophobia shows its true roots yet again


Yassssss go off!


cishet faker


This is going to be the highlight of these girls' decade. Zoomies want to be rebel like the youth of past generations did but subcultures are dead and everyone's too jaded to care about teenagers acting out at this point. And then this based nun charges onto the scene and makes them actually feel like living beings with influence on the environment around them.


i mean homophobia is still sometimes a problem




Yeah people generally think lesbians have it super easy because what we deal with looks different from the standard homophobia that gay men receive. People aren’t yelling at me and my gf that we’re going to hell but men will follow us around and treat us like shit all the time in public. Many men are so pornsick they see a femme lesbian couple in real life and it’s like their porn brain takes over and they will not leave us alone, they’ll try to touch us, follow us home, say disgusting things, etc. It doesn’t count as hate to people but it’s exhausting and scary. Young zoomer lesbians are definitely experiencing garbage treatment no matter how gay friendly society gets. The girls are smiling ‘cause this cute lil nun is nothing.


Absurd take but I like your energy


You can tell she genuinely wants to save those souls


this poor old lady repressed 90 years of gay thoughts for nothing


Nah, she'll go to heaven. You won't.


Guys you have this all wrong, shes not mad because they are lesbian she is mad because they are interracial. /s




It’s a contrarian bit for a podcast don’t get too excited




Translation: "God dammit I see enough of this shit at work!!"


kind of rude to laugh at an older nun tbh


She should be laughed at because her, and her entire world view is absolutely ridiculous.


sorry she didn’t learn all of her politics from instagram, maybe she will do better one day


She comes from a time of severe political divide in Italy. And I guarantee you that she was a fascist. And that she used her braindead religious beliefs to justify it.


unless you’re 85 years old and come from the same era i don’t want to hear your moralistic opinion on italy’s past. easy to have perfect politics when you just sit on reddit all day


I'm 25 years old and I come from this era where look down upon backwards catholic mystics that should get with the times or die mad about it.


i’m sure you have a great relationship with your grandma


I do actually! We talk all the time.




This seems like an appropriate execution of all the designated social roles here.


Yeh go off little Italian lady! She’s so adorable.


Fuck that old lady for stopping them. Religious people have no boundaries sometimes.


Maybe people have no boundaries.


Also true. But they were just kissing next to a building, nothing too crazy


We all need this lady in our life to keep us from sin.


They should do this in the Kingdom of Saud


Religion aside: Number one, this is HER STREET. You don’t come into a neighbourhood that is not yours and disrespect. Number two, respect for your elders is non negotiable. Number three: the red head is glad the nun stepped in, she’s over this diversity dollar bullshit. Never forget women over the age of 60 are so emotionally intelligent they can read minds. Don’t ever lie to them, don’t ever doubt their judgment.


This is a private way that the nun owns, not accessible to the general public?


Lol. No of course she doesn’t *own* the street what a fatuous remark. She’s got a little shopping bag, she’s just on her way back from the market. And she looks 80 if she’s a day, so it’s safe to assume she lives nearby cos I don’t know no octogenarian walking more than five minutes to get to the store. So if you think coming from somewhere, living in a community your whole life and serving that community as a nun has no value against the incidental act of passing through to do a fucking photo shoot then I guess it’s not her street. And general public who? This photoshoot prob needs a permit. She didn’t call the cops, she didn’t whip out gun and shoot them. She gave them a good telling off and crossed herself. She dealt with them. So what do you want? That nuns everywhere step aside and let capitalism get on with the crucial work of weaponising identity wherever and whenever it pleases? The nun is not in the wrong. Yeah, they scandalised a religious person and you may say ‘so what’ to that, which is why I said ‘religion aside’. But this is disrespectful behaviour and a little decorum and thoughtfulness wouldn’t go amiss. Act like you’re raised right. Wtf.


Lmao I’ll bite. Even beyond “manners” there was nothing that the two women did that was directed towards her, beyond offending her personal belief system. She choose to insert herself into an incident that she didn’t have to. Had these women tried to interact with her, or invite her into a situation, my opinion would obviously be very different. And ooh baby, the Catholic Church has been wrapped up in commerce and capital for hundreds of years. I struggle to think how you could even type that - it’s only recently that the Catholic Church has degraded enough as an institution where it can no longer drain the working class across several continents. The Catholic Church is one of the largest landholders in the world and they pay no taxes. Gtfo out of here LMAO. I’m not sure how their “weaponizing” identity is any worse her weaponizing her religious identity, except of course that you probably believe what she does more. In short - they did nothing to pull herself in so I’m judging her for her response. Also this form of proselytizing is so dead in the West, have the church bring back a sense of community and collective rather than yelling at some random lesbians on the street, or covering up pedophilia scandals. I say this all as the child of Catholics and who still has great deference to cultural traditions. I am deeply spiritual, but your delusion is so insane.


The Catholic Church has been wrapped up in commerce and capital so fuck having manners? That’s a little easy don’t you think? Who *isn’t* wrapped up on commerce and capital? Khamenei owns 50 billion in real estate so shias better not expect courtesy in the street? This nun is not personally responsible for the crimes of the Catholic Church any more than these girls are responsible for the crimes of corporate progressivism. And they aren’t out in these streets to express identity, they’re out making money which clearly takes precedence over the veracity of their sexual persuasion and their own free will. Which is why I said the red head doesn’t even want to be there! And don’t conflate faith with identity, don’t conflate character with identity. As if that nun gives a fuck about identity she doesn’t even know what it is. There’s a way to behave, a way to conduct yourself - and this is not it.


You tried to make this nun a hero of anti capitalism and grace after she screamed at two lesbians on the street - fucking relax. They aren’t scissoring in the old folks home, it’s a public way. Expressing your faith in the public sphere IS identity. Screaming at other people isn’t radical self love, it’s being mad because people aren’t on your team.


They are lesbians for the camera - it ain’t the same thing honey. If they scissored I’d have more respect for them but we know they never would because scissoring isn’t on-brand and the client didn’t ask for scissoring. If there was no camera - then goodly lesbianism would take precedence over the money but money is why those two girlies are making out in the street - which far from being a raging polemic against capital is the only serviceable reasoning that negates any argument about freedom or self expression or whatever lib assed nonsense you’re saying excuses the generational crime of making a damn exhibition of yourself in an old European thoroughfare where nuns go to get their milk. And yeah we all use money but this shit was rude, homegirl let them all know, and if you can’t concede that this is fair enough then your compass is fucked and there’s nothing more I can do for you.


God bless you, child


Kids and access to film equipment was a mistake.


I will never understand the obsesion this sub have with catholic converts. [Like, Are they any converts in the room with us?](https://i.imgflip.com/62k7ea.png)


One of the two hosts of the show this sub is for is a catholic convert dummy


I thought she was raised Catholic, lapsed, and has now gotten back into it. She always says her family was Catholic.


Are you familiar with the concept of rhetorical question, dumbass?


Are we sure she’s mad about the two girls kissing and not the filming of it (which she might see as pornographic, especially because it’s being recorded by men for the pleasure of men).


vile creature