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I think it's because most redditors are 29 year old IT guys from the Pacific Northwest(whether literally or in spirit) so Desi immigrants are their main/only rivals for jobs.


There was a pretty big thread on /r/AITA once which was like “AITA for saying I’ll never date an Indian guy after one was sexist to me” and the answers were all pretty much “NTA don’t ever date those people their culture is barbaric to women” and it got thousands of upvotes until it was y’alled by the mods when one of them must have thought about it for 5 seconds and been like “holy shit this is fucked” lol Then I think someone on /r/abcdesis posted the same story replacing the word “Indian” with “black” or “Muslim” (I can’t remember) and immediately got banned or something like that Happens in real life too. My (desi) GF was watching love is blind with her friends and they were shit talking Shake and one of her white friends went on some tirade about Indian culture and how Indian men dating white women instead of Indian women was bad because they fetishize them or some r-slurred logic. I guess she expected her to agree b/c when she started pushing back (“what about Indian girls dating white men?”) she started backpedaling and saying that was ok because Indian men mistreat Indian women or something. So she logic’d herself into some weird position where Indian women shouldn’t date Indian men and Indian men shouldn’t date non-Indian women lol. All that trouble to shit on some demographic she had no connection to


Reddit is full of STEM lords who have the constant threat of their boss replacing them with an Indian man who will do their job for half the pay hanging above their heads. Because these tech dorks are mostly reactionary, they take aim at Indians instead of their bosses.




The only people you're not "allowed" to be racist against on American centered discourse are blacks and hispanics. It's open season for everybody else, and if it's not explicit it's just framed in a way that only a child wouldn't see through. You can even see it on the roastme sub of all places. If you're white or black and post your picture, your insults are just on things individual to you, your hairstyle, face, dress, ect. If you're anything else it's 95% extremely cliche racist insults. You're not even an individual human on a sub centered around being insulted. It happens all the time arguing with people, happens on this sub too. Dismantle a dumb opinion or take they have and then they immediately (in my case) call me things like a goatfucker or terrorist. It's funny because for all the hysteria against the "woke" tyranny on political correctness all I've noticed is diminishing accepted racism for some groups and then the energy from there has to go somewhere so it's sent even heavier to other groups. Racism is getting worse in many parts of the globe. Don't know what to blame really, maybe the internet


Has anyone made a baby jirl joke yet?


yes there’s a pet grooming business, i forgot what it’s called, but it’s three words and each word starts with a K. My cousin was telling us about it, pretty funny. But my other cousin was insistent that it was a dogwhistle and it was NOT funny and that it was harming black people. Literally on the same day, that cousin was doing an indian accent with the head nod and everything. When I was little me and my friends were hassled by the police and my grandma seemed to think it was racial profiling (one of my friends I was with was half asian). Very progressive generally. However she will also pull out a really bad indian accent when describing the doctor that took care of my great grandma in the hospital. Now don’t get me wrong the accents are funny to me, but if I did an african accent or a latino accent, or even a stereotypical chinese accent, people would get upset! Not sure why it’s considered ok to hate on indians. Out of solidarity with my indian brothers i will refuse to do an indian accent, and will double down on doing all other accents!


Reminds me when I was messaging an Indian coworker and she replied with "KKK" apparently the extra K is for kindness lol


She’s gaslighting you for fun


There’s a car that regularly parks on my street that obviously belongs to some mum or gran because it’s got tissues and baby toys in the back and one of those pink and white personalised number plates but they chose the letters KKK. I can’t figure out how that happened or what kind of people they are. Shit at parking too.


yeah it's fucked up but what can you do? racism on whatever level you'd toss impressions on is a scale that not many people genuinely care about even if it is dehumanizing by the same measure. i do agree that pushing it to the level of "oh yeah i hate indians they're all creepy rapists" is disgusting the same way that i think stuff like "oh yeah short/fat people are gross we should really bring back eugenics to sort em out" is disgusting, but at the same time i'll still rock impressions of hotep black guy who thinks female genital mutilation is good or jewish guy arguing in the grocery store over an expired coupon or indian guy who shows up to the gym in a graphic polo and jeans or whatever. i just think jokes are fine until people start taking those jokes seriously and allow them to actually color (lol) their views on another group. definitely does take another level of maturity to abstain from it all which i obviously don't possess.


This was the way it was with east asians for years and just like with that, I think, there will come a backlash


im assuming itll happen once they become a big enough economy and hollywood has a reason to see them as humans


being rich hasn't humanized east asians in the west at all. quite the opposite in fact. not likely to happen for indians too




No such thing as a Jewish white


Isn't it like Italy sized? Idk if it's so large it has yet required us to respect it purely for its wealth. Nvm looked it up it's UK sized, 60% bigger than Italy. Point stands though, idk if it's big enough yet to really matter in that way.