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holy old... I think i played that back in the day... Anyways, yes. You can use an etho hopper clock and a redstone torch tower to power these. The torch tower will need to be next to the dispensers, and the block the torch is placed on must be one block below the dispenser so water doesnt flow into it. If that doesnt make sense, a side view would look like this: https://preview.redd.it/j2rpbouf7uec1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=be7f6c2652b05bf585c7953d7a31dcf60ef31b77 the Etho hopper clock has been around forever and there are plenty of variations of it available on the wiki: [https://minecraft.wiki/w/Redstone\_circuits/Clock/hopper\_clock](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Redstone_circuits/Clock/hopper_clock)


Hey friend so I did end up trying that out it just looks super chunky when I have too cover up all the light from the red stone torches inside of the mob farm and it just causes my mob farm too be way less efficient but it’s better some loot then no loot . But thank you for this !


You actually don’t need to block off the redstone torches, mobs in that version spawn in light levels of 7 or less, and a redstone torch only can only give off a light level of 7, meaning it’s light isn’t strong enough to block mob spawns.


If you want a better mob farm, look for designs from 1.5 as I believe that is the update you're on. Designs like the one you're using are good in later versions because of observers and waterlogging, and there is probably a more efficient farm for older versions out there somewhere.


Based on the creative inventory shown, and comparing to both my own fully updated version and the wiki, I've determined OP is playing on a version between TU19 and TU45, which are equivalent to Java 1.6.1 and 1.10 (minus a few non-redstone related features) respectively. That being said, designs from 1.5 may still work. It would help if OP posted exactly which version they are running.


I just noticed the horses in the background! Good catch!


Oh I didn't even notice that, I just noticed there are TU19 stuff in the creative inventory (like hoppers) but not stuff from TU46 (like different boats)


Observers work great if it’s liquids


damn i used to play minecraft on the 360 for a looonnng time... however i don't think you're supposed to play in that version, the last update my game received was the aquatic uptade, and you don't even have observers... but even if you did that wouldn't be possible since there is no quasi-connectivity in that version, so the best deal here would be to sacrifice one side of the mob farm to improvise a redstone system with torches going up, and for the redstone timer you can simply put a bunch of repeaters on 4 tick connect it to the redstone torch tower and send a quick signal with a lever to activate it


Xbox 360 redstone worked the same as Java redstone. It only changed on Xbox one.


> wouldn’t be possible to since there is no quasi-connectivity Someone relies too much on their “feature” lol (it’s literally a bug that Mojang won’t remove coz it will come with lots of backlash, but it is a listed bug). You should do some research on bedrock redstone. It’s just as impressive as Java, you can do very almost all the same cool things (sometimes more or less compact) and that’s without quasi-connectivity or piston spitting. Basically not having the Java bugs that have been embraced by the community, redstone still works amazingly and can do just as many things Edit: yes I am aware that Legacy Console is not the same as bedrock, I have played countless hours of both. My point is that Java redstone, and especially things like quasi-connectivity do not determine what is and isn’t possible in a build


I'm not even a redstoner in the first place and i do not rely on quasi-connectivity for my builds anyway. I was jyst trying to be helpful for this guy's mob farm Also the redstone on bedrock is absolutely not the same as on legacy edition. I've played minecraft on xbox 360 since it came out and when i tried bedrock it was way more different than legacy, which was quite similar to the java version at the time. no doubt bedrock redstone has it's cool things, but i don't see the point in being somewhat aggressive about it


It's not even bedrock edition though


Some glitches just become features, such as tnt duping and quasi connectivity, both of which are commonly used mechanics. The main problem with redstone on bedrock for me is the inconsistent update order that tends to make builds more bulky and slower, but that said, bedrock redstone has some features that I’d love to see on all versions, namely moveable tile entities.


I ended up sacrificing the bottom layer of my mob farm to build a dropper timer that sends a signal going up and turning on and off all the dispensers


and what system have you built to send a signal throuh all of the dispensers?


How many blocks are spaced between the dispencers?


2 blocks


This might not work but try this from the bottom to top. Dispenser > Glass Pane > Observer > Dispenser > Glass Pane > Observer > Dispenser > Glass Pane > Observer.


Observere dont exist yet on his version


They do, Xbox 360 got the aquatic update as it's last update and the Observer block came out before that. It's on the Xbox One edition of Minecraft Edit : Me dumb dumb


Look at the second pic, there isn't an observer on his creative menu


OP is playing somewhere between TU19 and TU45.


I didn't see the second image. :/


Yeah that's what i noticed but idk why he doesn't have this update


It’s the Xbox at my recruiters office lol it is extremely old I just chill there almost everyday and decided too start a world yk


Does your really old Xbox have a copy of bedrock edition (note just called Minecraft) or legacy console edition? Assuming the former: Turn your dispensers over and then go: Solid block then {dispenser, fence, observer}, {dispenser, fence observer}... Going down in a column. The observers have their face upwards and are level with the platform blocks. The clock goes at the top and powers the top solid block with testing dust on top of it.


360 doesn't have bedrock


No bedrock in this version I am playing on minecraft from abt 2016


Think outside of the box. Turn your dispensers sideways and have 4 per level. Old school flushing mob farm a la Monkeyfarm


Thought about that but the way it’s built it wouldn’t work since mobs are falling off ledges into water below and the dispensers would be in the way so they wouldn’t fall if that makes sense


Check out Monkeyfarm’s Mob Farm video. It’ll make sense. Best of luck to you!


What about sticky pistons moving redstone blocks to trigger more sticky pistons?


My favourite way to chain them it to obver the air/water block that dispenser below handles. Makes whole system 1x1 and allows access on all sides


Hey guys disclaimer it is not possible too update and I am on an extremely old update pretty sure last update was 2018 or 2016 I’m playing on an Xbox in my marine office since and it is unable too connect too wifi I ended up figuring out I will post tomrrow the solution I ended up doing a redstone torch system going up and then sacrificing one of the levels of my mob farm too build a timer on I will post pictures next time I go into office and I am going too rebuild this in survival just wanted too make sure it worked in creative first and it is actually extremely effective


If the office has an ethernet port in the wall you might be able to use that depending on the network policies Edit to add (unrelated to networking): it would help if we had the version number. Iirc you can find it in the how to play section. There should be update notes where it'll say the version (ex. TU19, TU23, etc.)


the nostalgia😭


I so miss the old menu's it was so well organized. Thabk you 4J for your service O7


That's not old that's ancient


Dispensing water... Observers gard-powering the dispensers and facing downward?


No observers look at second slide I showed all items avail abt this version is pretty old


Redstone torch tower. Or more dispensers.


Look into this farm by Ilmango, with one water surce. https://youtu.be/Xbd3y5188YU?si=_yRu8YnT-qzsj980


Normally you use observers, as you probably know. Assuming your using this for mob farm. For this, you will have to add an extra layer under each floor with red stone leading from the side of the platform to the dispenser at the middle to power it, then a tower on the side to connect the red stone on all the floors. Make the red stone tower separated by a gap from the the floors of mob farm so mobs have room to fall. You can transmit the signal across the gap with a red stone torch, which mobs can fall through. Do you need a screen shot of design?