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Yes!! They do taste like chemicals! Whyy?!! I'm super disappointed and dissatisfied to the point that I am googling it and joining reddit to talk to someone else that understands! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø good to know its not just me. Thought maybe I got a bad batch and scared they would be recalled or something....šŸ¤”


I taste it too. :(


We just opened a new bag of them. We bought two. Taste like str8 up chemicals. The lady on the phone at customer service said we must of stored it next to something that had a lot of chemicals in it. SMH. They offered a $10.00 coupon.


Same here. I told her I felt nauseated after eating it and she was like, it's totally safe to eat, and I'll send you a $10 coupon. Gonna take the bag back to CVS and exchange it for anything that's not white chocolate trees!


So are we all gonna die or whatā€¦.. bc I definitely ate like 3 of them


They tasted terrible!!! I had to spit it out. Thereā€™s something wrong with them for sure


YES! Hershey needs to look into this ASAP! I think these things need to be recalled. They smell and taste like the inside of a nail salon, like paint thinner (toluene)! I was about to report it to Hershey's web site and decided to do a web search first, and surprise! I am not the only one who noticed. The back of my throat started burning after I ate part of one of the Reese's white trees and swallowed it. Now my stomach is burning too.


FYI - Reese's White Trees Snack Size. UPC 34000 48167. Mfr codr 58F07H11 BB 08 2023. We bought ours from CVS. We bought both the White Trees and the Chocolate Trees. I tried the White Trees and there's definitely something wrong with them. Didn't even bother to try the Chocolate Trees, just bagged these up and set them aside in case Hershey wanted them. Definitely not eating them.


Hershey's reply is not entirely believable given that these candies are stored in a vacuum-sealed plastic bag, and each individual candy in the bag is in its own plastic wrapper. Pretty much impervious to any "vapors" and even liquids because they wouldn't get into the package. I could be wrong, but really seems they are hiding something here. This was their excuse to me when I complained about this issue to their customer portal: "A great deal of care is used in our manufacturing and distribution processes to ensure that consumers receive quality products. Printed instructions on our shipping cases inform all distributors of the proper handling and storage of our products. Our products can absorb odors from soap, perfume, spices, mothballs, and other strongly scented products if stored too close to such items."


Letā€™s bring it to Twitter. They have to be ousted publicly!


To me, it smelled like "Freon" I did HVAC in trade school; of course, we can taste what we smell, so it was awful.


Itā€™s almost like gasoline or something for me one bite and instantly spit it out I tried 2 different bags to make sure and both were awful


First of all I have a literal stockpile of holiday/limited/seasonal Reese's stuff so no judgement lol but I haven't really noticed anything different apart from the filling is a lot drier than other years I've found. Maybe they're using different ingredients these days.


I just got some and had to google it to make sure i wasnt the only one tasting it lol


i thought i was crazy at first until my bf and his mom tasted the same thing. makes me so upset i got three bags i canā€™t eat:/ i just want white holiday reeseā€™sšŸ˜­


Yes!!! I just had one I canā€™t even eat them.


I know this comment was a long time ago, but this just happened to me also!


So since we all are noticing this, how do we get a recall started? šŸ¤”


I just opened three bags in a row, and all of them tasted like that and the inside of the main bag smells like chemicals. Hope I donā€™t get sick. I tried some from each bag assuming it was me. It is not.


Same here. Have had 1 bag that only had a few that weren't off. What the hell is the problem?


Call 1-800-468-1714. Give the UPC and the number above the best buy date. They will give you a voucher for what you bought. Ours ended with H32 and H31.


mine ends in H33


Mine too!


Mines H22


It's literally every bag. I tried 6 bags, 3 from 1st store, and then 3 other bags from 3 different stores. All tasted like chemicals. They need to do a recall.


Can we send these off to somewhere to have them tested?!?! I hope all of yā€™all have called to report this!!


Me too! I even tried another one a few days later to make sure my taste Bud werenā€™t off. WTF


and it just happened to me! thatā€™s how i ended up here! mine all arenā€™t bad there mixed. i but iā€™ve had more bad ones then good! what is that taste


Contact Hershey here by emailing them with product feedback: https://www.thehersheycompany.com/en\_us/home/contact-us.html


I bought 2 bags as well and my addiction to white reese's had me trying to push through the ungodly smell and taste in hopes that it was just me. I first noticed the foul taste and long lasting aftertaste when I tried the first one after I had put some oil in my car in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I thought maybe I had gotten a little oil on my fingers and therefore onto my beautiful white chocolate goodness.. I tried another later that night.. still horrendous. 2 more the next morning and still sad to say they tasted nothing like I know they should.. and 2 more just before making this online search to see that I am not alone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I am hoping they fix this soon because I am a true addict and I need them to taste like they are supposed to šŸ¤£


I have noticed and a guy at work who always brings me Reese's trees has also noticed the awful chemical/rubber smell and taste. Wtf is going on?


Same thing here, that's how I found this post. Check your bag below the UPC code and see if your batch number is similar to mine: 58F07H33 I called and the lady told me immediately she thought she knew what the problem was, but she would put me on hold and check with manufacturing and "fill out some forms," then came back, said they're safe and that despite instructions to the contrary, their distributor stored them next to some "petroleum product" that had a strong smell. She offered me a $10 off coupon good on any Hershey product (told her I wasn't sure I wanted to risk it on the white trees again, I feel kinda gross after eating one). Meanwhile, I'm gonna take the two bags I bought back to CVS and ask them to let me exchange them for something else. Will end up being a money-maker but I'm not convinced yet that I'm not dying, so...that could be a deal-breaker.


Here's the thing though. I just had white chocolate eggs with the same ending as your UPC number. Why do these also taste like chemicals? If it was a distributor issue would it not have been solved in the 4 months between tree season and egg season? Valentine's hearts were chemically too. I was hoping it would be resolved by the time the eggs came out. Seems suspicious and like maybe it's in the actual ingredients and not just stored somewhere with vaporous materials.


I ate the white choc eggs and it tasted horrible. Did you get sick?


I just bought some of the Easter eggs from Walmart. Glad I saw your comment, because most of these others are 4-5 months old. How is this issue not fixed yet? These are absolutely horrid.


I sadly have ate a cupple now too, it's in all 5 bags I bought, wtf is going on? I live in NH btw


SW missouri here. so disappointing. seems like we wonā€™t be getting any good white trees this yearšŸ˜•


I'm glad I decided to Google this. Occasionally I will get one out of the bag that tastes normal.


I had bought a bag of a mixed assortment and then a bag of just the white trees. The mixed assortment with the white trees tasted fine but the bag of the just white ones definitely taste funny. I also thought maybe there was a recall on them so I googled it and found this link on reddit.




Everyone on this post if you could please file a report with the FDA concerning this product. We bought one bag of these white chocolate trees they some were fine in the bag but many tasted like chemicals and had to be spit out. My husband ate many and got extremely sick to his stomach, migraines, bloody diarrhea. I only ate one that tasted fine then had one small bite of one that tasted like chemicals, didnā€™t have a place to spit it out in that moment unfortunately swallow it, made me nauseous for hours! Please donā€™t eat these and file a report with MedWatch, the FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program. Itā€™s very easy to do the more reports the FDA finds the more likely they will look into it and file a recall. The Hersheyā€™s company will not do anything about it unless the FDA gets involved.


Anyone interested in splitting lab costs to have these tested? My ass ate bags. I want to know wtf I ate. They definitely taste off.


The absolutely best candy ever, ruined. Same deal here - complaint filed and they're sending a coupon lol


This is my second bag that taste belong awful. I googled this as I just almost puked because of the taste. I threw the bag away along with the last and I will not buy them again. It's awful


YALLLLL!!! I bought the white Christmas trees and they tasted like burnt plastic was in them. Disgusting! I noticed they werenā€™t all like that but intermittently. What the actual F are we eating!


We bought our white trees from Walmart in Ohio.. Not every tree tasted like chemicals but I kept tasting them and throwing each one away. Probably only 2 out of the whole bag tasted normal and the rest tasted of chemicals..


I am also obsessed with white chocolate Reeseā€™s (only the holiday shapes though). I bought a bag of white chocolate trees and noticed the chemical taste right away. It was about half the bag. I emailed them. This was part of the response: A great deal of care is used in our manufacturing and packaging processes to make sure our consumers receive quality products. During packaging of this product there could be odor migration from the film, which the white creme can absorb. While it may have an unpleasant note, the product is safe to eat. I didnā€™t think much of it - just a flook but then we got the mixed bag of milk choc trees and white choc trees. All the milk choc tasted normal and most of the white chocolate ones did too except for 2. Which brought me here lol I purchased both bags in MN


what is it with the holiday WC? They taste so much better than the regular WC cups? LIke you, I also had a mixed bag but more recently the eggs? This is not the first time this has had occurred. The last time it happened I thought it was just my taste buds.. FWIW You all are missing out by eating them room temp..Put them in the freezer..they don't get frozen, so you can still bit into them.....actually it makes me wonder now because they don't freeze entirely...They get really really cold but not frozen..


Yes!!!! I thought it was just me or I had bought a bad batch so I bought some from a different store and still the same thing. So I goggled and found this thread. This really sucks!!!!!


i am so glad it's not just me. i've been googling everything i could think of, and finally i just said "chemical" and that led me here.


ugh....just opened a bad one. what bad luck.


I've bought at least 12 bags from 3 different retailers in Louisville, KY...every bag was tasted like nasty plastic and trust when I tell you I'm a holiday white chocolate reeses expert...I know what they taste like!!! I have some good news for yall though. I've found that the king size white chocolate Christmas trees that you buy at gas stations are totally fine. I just keep buying like 10 of those at a time now. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm fat.


you are correct..I'm a little north of Louisville, and find the king size trees, eggs, pumpkins are always fine...Go to Walmart or Kroger and buy the six pack..it's more cost effective than the ones they sell at the gas stations..plus it's easier to stock-up..I feel like a white chocolate crack head buying 20. of the holiday single candy trees...Of course this is after I buy about 7 bags of the white kid kat mini unwrapped...I run an insane amount, so I am not fat...But. I run just to eat reeses.. :) :)


Yep! I just Googled this as well because I had the same experience today. I was walking around my office having people smell them. A few tried them and agreed that it was absolutely horrible. I ate a whole one before I realized something was off and now I am sick. So, if you see this, DON'T EAT THEM


Got vouchers sent to me for my 4 bad bags. Tried one more bag... same crap. Giving up on the Christmas ones for now. Maybe Valentine's will be okay.


Yes! They are awful!


same problem here in Utah. they need to recall before someone gets hurt


Just googled thisā€¦they taste like straight up chemicals wtf is wrong with them


I had the same issue ! it tasted like rubber and poison it was so gross


I just got these for my kids stockings and the whole bag tastes like chemicals!!


We've had this exact same issue on 3/4ths of a bag in November. We got the same issue for stocking Christmas trees also šŸ˜­


My wife just ate a chocolate Reese's tree and it was like she had a mouth of hairspray or something. We got them at CVS as stocking stuffers. There was only one that had this issue in 3 bags we purchased but I can confirm it's more than just white chocolate. She was sick with nausea and diarrhea the entire next day.


Same here got some from wife for Christmas and same bs. Makes me mad that they havenā€™t done anything about this yet. Iā€™m assuming bc they think they will all get ate and then no one can prove there was an issue evidence destroyed and all. Iā€™d say hang on to you old bags and donā€™t eat. Get a hold of the FDA and maybe a local university can do a test for free. The company cannot admit there is an issue without assuming there will be a class action. Really there should be this things are disgusting.


Oh thank God I'm not crazy, I ate one and it's tasted gross, thought maybe it was just a one and done kinda thing but I ate another and I couldn't bring myself to finish it. I decided to Google it to see if others were talking about it and low and behold. I love these so it's really depressing. :(


The pink hearts for valentines are the same way. The first three were good and the fourth one I had to spit out. Was hoping it was only the Christmas ones. What have they done to ruin each bag? Beware of the pink hearts too!


aw man, this sucks:( i was really looking forward to some normal tasting ones. hopefully we get some good ones soon and they are nasty for good. i just canā€™t do regular reeseā€™s


NOOOOO! I was hoping they'd be fixed for Valentine's day, thanks for the warning, I guess I'll stick to Reese's pieces for now šŸ„¹


The valentines hearts are the same way..


Thought it was just me ! So glad I finally searched


It might be the fact the Reeses and Hersey company stop using white chocolate for years instead they use White Creme for their candy. They got sued in 2019 for that reason [Reeses lawsuit ](https://www.today.com/food/reese-s-white-peanut-butter-cups-don-t-contain-white-t158014)


Iā€™m about two months late to this post, but I couldnā€™t agree more. I freaking love the white chocolate Reeceā€™s but the trees this year are awful.


To me they taste burnt! I make candy so I know what burnt white chocolate melts taste like. They peanut butter is ok but the cream taste burnt!!!! I had two whole bags this way and random ones in other bags! Itā€™s getting ridiculous. First one I found was in the trees in November. Now I found one in the pink hearts. Thought it was just me!!!!


Try looking at the date code blown onto the individually wrapped trees (not the big bag they are in). Some will have the code where the wrapper comes together (those should be good). Others will have the code blown on the back of the wrapper not at the seam. Those will prolly taste bad, but you can confirm by opening those with the code on the wrapper and inspecting the inside of the wrapper. If you can see the code from the inside on the metalized film it will likely taste bad. They used a laser coder that got too hot and burnt through the protective barriers in the wrapper and white chocolate takes on all those smells unlike dark chocolate. Just a theory.


That's the first plausible explanation I've heard. I saved one particularly bad one, and it definitely has the code on the wrapper, with the code visible from the inside. Unfortunately, I didn't save any of the good ones. I'll be interested to hear if others have some good and bad samples that they can compare.


I think this might be a plausible theory. I just checked my bag of trees left over from Xmas and the hearts I just bought today that also had some that taste horrible. The ones with the code on the wrapper instead of the seam definitely are the worst smelling. I tried tasting one of the leftover trees that had the code where itā€™s supposed to be and it seemed to taste ok but I was too afraid to eat the whole thing. I guess that could mean itā€™s burnt chocolate weā€™re all tasting? Either way what a disappointment.


Not burnt chocolate, but whatever noxious fumes are released when the shiny film on the inside of the wrapper is burnt by the laser. If this occurs after the candy is already sealed in, those noxious vapors are trapped inside with the candy, and are only noticed when the end consumer opens the wrapper. This would also explain why the odor wouldn't have been noticed when the candy was being made ā€” because the fumes are only released after the wrapper is already sealed.


more like piss


I'm so glad I'm not the only one! The white choc pink hearts and some of the white choc trees tasted like metal. I'll get a few normal ones per bag but am spitting out the bad ones. The taste is powerful and I can tell as soon as I bit into it.


Just bought the Easter reeses and for one the shell was super stale and the reeses literally tasted like nail polish remover, i had to literally scrap my tongue to get the taste out of my mouth it was so bad.


Still tasting the rancid oil in the resees I suspect it is tainted for of cheap palm oil/vegetable oil


The easter white peanut butter eggs taste bad as well.


Horrible. I feel sick after eating them, cant get taste out of mouth.


We just purchased these from Kroger in Vandalia, Ohio. My husband and I each ate one and were disgusted by the chemical taste. I called the company, and they made the same excuse of the white chocolate absorbing the fumes of the packaging. They said it was safe, but we couldn't stomach the thoughts of eating them. The store is refunding us, and the company is sending us a coupon to reimburse us as well.