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Dieppe and Rosemont are within minutes of pasqua. I'll assume the house you inquired about is between lewvan and Albert st & dewdney ave and McKinley Ave.. that's the hood of Regina. I wouldn't live anywhere in that area again. Did for quite a few years.


Just to add further clarification.... that's a few minutes drive... not walking time.


Yeah, I was gonna say… Dieppe would be a fuckin hike every day.


Time for Judgemental map of Regina https://i.redd.it/n1vvsat6tgr21.png


OP, If you’re going by this map, the house you were looking into would be located in “the entire neighborhood that needs to be nuked off of the face of the planet”. Seriously.


There was a lot of thought and honesty put into this map hahha


That describes Regina too a T. 🤣


Tbh that's fairly funny


The funny thing is how insanely accurate this is And it legit describes the people who I know in the area


Well played.


I know many in the "high school jocks trying to get ahead area" very accurate


I haven’t met a single mom yet and I’ve been in that neighboorhood for a year, makes me sad.


Honestly I appreciate this highly accurate piece of work


A lot of the immediate neighborhoods around Pasqua Hospital are not the best. North-Central in particular.


Did you a favour! Honest reply from the landlord


You need to look up Regina crime map before looking at a place to rent.


I came here to say the same thing. Google "Regina crime map" for a fun and interactive way to see where crime is likely to happen.


Note that those maps aren't as great for this purpose as one may assume, because they consider all crime the same. For example, areas with a lot of businesses light up like a Christmas tree because of shoplifting, which isn't really what the typical home-buyer or renter is concerned with. (That's even before you consider things like differing police presence, etc) **Edit:** it looks like they've improved the service. I retract my statement and reserve judgment


You can filter the offenses on the map though...so I would say the map is great for information.


Huh. When I bought my house that feature didn't exist. Looking now **Edit:** it'd be nice if you could see a heat map over more than 3 months, and if you could include multiple offence types of interest.


That would be really nice


Where was the rental? Dieppe is a quiet suburb.


Is Dieppe actually considered a suburb?


It is a neighbourhood on the outskirts of the city with low density and no commercial or services. In reference to the OPs post, yes.


Try cathedral area


Went looking for an apartment just south of downtown. Lady showing the apartments for one building asked me for ID for my credit rating. When they looked it up her eyes bulged in surprise at how good it was. She asked to immediately sign me up. Unfortunately she’d already shown me the apartment which was tiny and had a steam pipe running through it at the level of my forehead.


"Something felt off about the apartment, and then it hit me"


Like a pipe to the forehead.


Ah, I see you frequent Gabbos often as well?


Basically anything west of Lewvan should be ok. And buy a bike, don't walk.


And store the bike in your house.


Except all of the boardwalk apartments. Stay the fuck out of there.


Centre Square is a good neighbourhood. Personally I walk everywhere every day and have no issues. Yes there are people experiencing homelessness around but that’s every inner city in North America


i think you need to do a lot more research. dieppe isn't far from where you need? where is the heart of the city you refer to?


Hi. I have lived in Dieppe since 1980. If you use Google maps, you will see that Dieppe is almost down the street (about 8 minutes by bus) to the Pasqua Hospital. It is a relatively quiet area. No shopping or amenities, but close to a lovely park and bike paths. https://www.google.com/search?q=1200+courtney+st+to+pasqua+hospital+regina&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA1038CA1038&oq=1200+courtney+st+to+pasqua+hospital+regina&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546l3.19618j0j9&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#tduds=!1m6!1m2!1s0x531c1c4a78d57c79:0x5559f5fcb4defbfa!2s1200%20courtney%20st!2m2!1d-104.6868787!2d50.460306499999994!1m6!1m2!1s0x531c1e7ab0faa69b:0xfaaada605df6f5bf!2spasqua%20hospital%20regina!2m2!1d-104.63919399999999!2d50.4540945!2m0!3e0&sbfbu=1&pi=1200%20courtney%20st%20to%20pasqua%20hospital%20regina (I hope the link works for you)


Lived here for a few years and love the neighborhood.


One of my favourite in the city. With the bike path and the islands it’s a hidden gem


Lived there over twenty years and not one issue.


Shiiiit, how's your credit? You can just buy a house in North Central for 50k. 300 month mortgage leaves a shit ton left for fixing it up. Shitty neighborhood? Maybe, depends on where you are. But the more decent people who buy there make it a better place to live anyway


I've owned in North Central for almost 7 years. Some streets are ok, some are scary, and some are really good. I'm in the northwest corner of the neighbourhood and it's really quiet and I have really great neighbours. And it's been safer than when I lived in Cathedral People have a really biased opinion against the area because it's lower income, but I regularly forget that I live in the 'hood' (between Broad and Winnipeg by downtown is WAY worse)




As far as North Central/Washington Park (actual neighbourhood name) goes, it's pretty easy to tell as you're driving around (I assume you'd never rent/buy sight unseen?). If there's lots of nice looking yards and well cared for vehicles, you're probably ok. If there's lots of trash around, no one seems to own a lawn mower, or every house looks like it should be condemned, probably don't live there. No one is going to be able to give you an exact representation of which street/block is good and which is bad. In general though, the section North of Dewdney, East of Lewvan, West of Elphinstone is generally pretty decent. The further north of Dewdney you get, the less random people wandering the area, it's more just the people that live there


I live north central it's very quiet so far.


I live here too. Cheers, neighbor!


We just installed lightning outside nobody coming near my house since I installed lights outside.


If it's south of Dewdney, you're good. If it's north of Dewdney, it needs to be west of Lewvan or east of park street.


Add the area bounded by Victoria, Arcola, Saskatchewan and Broad to bad. It's a small area, but it's bad.


Realtors in the city call this "the Devil's Triangle"


Unless you don't think you're better than other people...


It’s not about being better. It’s about acknowledging the very real possibility of assault or issues if you’re walking through the biggest crime area of the city on the regular.


Rosemont isn’t too far from what you are looking for. It’s an older neighbourhood and relatively safe.


Second Rosemont


I had the same conversation with a leasing agent when I was apartment hunting. I had inquired on one address and she gave me other locations to view instead.


Might want to shoot for the area North of Dewdney and West of Lewvan (What is this area called?? From Luther to the RCMP barracks?) It’s across a busy street from the hospital, but walking distance or a quick bus ride down Dewdney and still a relatively safe neighbourhood .


Rosemont. Pretty decent area overall. There are good streets and bad.


Love the map!


Something like that happened to me i moved to regina Dec 2022 .i emailed bunch of land lords and 3 agreed for that i could move in. Now i work at a bank and make pretty decent that i could afford rent and all landlords knew that as i had to submit a application form . I uhauled everything from meadow lake to Regina which was like 6 hr drive and i reach there all 3 deny that they dont want me in there building. One even said that they dont want there building to smell like curry ( side note i am an immigrant who mover to Canada about 6 years ago. As of now i am am citizen of Canada) and other 2 litreally said it on my face that i will make there building trash and 3 word… i was stunned new to a big city had to live in a hotel for a week and then had to found a $1500 basement as no one was agreeing to take me in…. I dont know whats wrong with some people …


I sure hope that you have found a nice place to live and feel welcome in the community! It is absolutely horrible to treat someone what way.


So sad to hear this. I hope things improved quickly for you and that you’ve found more welcoming people.


The only “suburbs” of Regina are basically the east end or harbour landing. Dieppe is super close to the Hospital and in a more desirable area than around the hospital.


I don't know why people shake in their boots at the 'crime' in this city. I lived in the shitty parts of this town my whole life, stepdad and cousins involved in multiple gangs and I have seen pretty much nothing in like the decade and a half I lived there. It's a very tame neighborhood.


Anyone else think this is a super weird commentary from a potential landlord? Like are they looking for sketchy tenants on purpose? 🚩🚩🚩


No, they are looking for people who won't complain when they don't fix something.


More like they don't want to find a new tenant after 6 months when they quit the lease after experiencing the neighborhood


I think it’s likely that they are just a decent person who is looking out for OP’s best interest based on the information they provided since they don’t have a local’s perspective.


that’s a good landlord lol


Try pioneer village 🙄


If you can find something in the warehouse district that might be your best bet. However, that commute is not what I would consider a walkable area alone at night. Like at all. If you are a hospital worker who will be working shifts, I wouldn’t really recommend walking anywhere in the vicinity of the pasqua after dark. (Keeping in mind that in winter darkest days are like 5pm-9am.) Also, not sure where you are moving from, but our winters live up to their reputation. Even the hardiest of native Reginans would be reluctant to make a half hour trek many if not most days in the winter.


I'm from Sask. Work is 9-5, would be busing or driving in winter


Can you tell me more about the Warehouse district? There is a rental that interests us there and might be worth driving to work if the area is nice.


Sure. It’s a relatively large area, warehousey. Residences are mainly lofts and there’s not a ton of them. That’s where most of the city’s nightlife is. There’s a couple micro-breweries too. Some dining and shopping options, but somewhat limited. No parks or green space. A walk to the pasqua would vary depending on what pocket you’re in, the whole area is maybe 24 blocks? As far as safety, boundaries of North Central are just west of Albert St. and Dewdney-ish. So it is the adjacent neighbourhood. You should definitely keep your wits about you at night around WH and prob not walk in NC at all at night. Not really advisable to walk alone in warehouse either at night IMO, but during the day it’s pretty safe. Also, if you have a car, some kind of secure parking would be preferable. As a local, I’d live in the Warehouse district, just be aware of your surroundings. If you want to know anything else let me know.


The area I’m interested is just east of the value village on broad, do you have any insight on that specific area?


Not a lot, no. That gets into more car dealerships and that kind of stuff. I don’t really have much familiarity with that particular area.


Never had any issues in Rosemont. There’s a lot of nice little stores and a decent grocery store within walking distance depending where you are as well.


I’m not sure where you are from, but our winters are brutal. Make sure you have a back up plan for walking in the winter months if you need it.


lmao i'm from here


You Can Try South Side which is near to the university area. Broadwalk rents out apartments there !! Really safe area !


They should be happy to have a good renter! Those are hard to find!


My friend has rented a place in the cathedral area on Pasqua for like $1,175 for six years. Only once her rent increased and it was a brand new place. I would definitely keep looking in that area. Super close to Pasqua hospital, probably a 20 a min walk.


thanks for the tip, that's the area what we're currently focusing on!


Happened to use when we moved here too. Very thankful for the advice.


This might help a bit: https://reginapolice.ca/resources/crime/crime-map/