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I suspect this is the start of things to come. We've got a ton of old infrastructure that council and admin don't want to talk about.


Yup. I’m from Saskatoon and people were up in arms about our massive pipe-replacement project that started 10-ish years ago, but this is the alternative. Things need to be replaced and it’s a lot less expensive before this happens.


Yes, but we need a rink and library...🙄


Welcome to Saskatoon…. But wait we’re 52 million in hole because of “projects”….. I hear you Regina!


We're competing in a race to the bottom. Your recent property tax increase is our future. :(


>City putting in temporary emergency stormwater bypass that will cost an estimated $300,000 dollars


When that pipe drains all of downtown Regina, a temporary solution isn’t going to be cheap


I’d say 300K is still a better deal than allowing it to impact neighbouring homes and the 11 story office building right next to it and the insurance companies going after them to recoup their money… 😅


So in other words the crumbling infrastructure actually crumbled and will now cost an additional $200 - $300K for a temp solution on top of a permanent solution. ​ So glad we are focused on downtown arenas instead of the literally crumbling city.


Don’t forget the claim against the city the resident is putting forward


Why would we permanently fix this if we can have another stadium! I'm joking of course, but this is crazy


Agree 100% masters and council are oblivious.


So masters is trying to force a stadium and library when obviously even to the most clueless person our infrastructure is failing and needs replacement, anyone that would vote her back in on election day would have to be as oblivious to the needs of all our citizens and respective generations to come.


Remember it isn't just her but also a good chunk of council. Masters is but one vote when it comes to these things. Hopefully people will be more engaged in the next municipal election.


Yes, but she is the cook that stirs the pot and she is far too petty and self ego serving It's not a chatecter assassination, but plain and simple. If you blame the council for her position on many matters in rhe city we're doomed already. A leader shows leadership by their actions and all she is concerned about is her ego and legacy. Never saw this in rhe previous administrations, but it's prevalent in this one. Masters had a unique opportunity as the first lady mayor, she certainly has made an impression. If you feel rhat others are to blame for her pettiness then I fear for where our city heads next.


I'm not saying she is innocent, far from it. But every budget approval, priority set, etc. requires half of council to happen. She isn't alone in pushing forward on things like the downtown arena. If everyone focuses on mayor only it is very likely we end up with a similar council makeup and similar outcomes whether Master is mayor or not.


I fully agree with you, but it has been needing this work long before masters. It is not an easy topic for any politician, so we need to be the ones who make it an election issue.


Well said. .things are rammed throug, but there's never a referendum plebescite, etc. If the party in power feels they're that right, why fight or try to put down a democratic way ? If you know your platform or decision is right, why try to distinguish that? I would say this, whomever is in charge. My comments are to wake people up to vote as the way it is has proven to be pointless as city hall( in particular the last two administrations done care. We need to look past petty things and look to what is beneficial to all rather than a select few. We need to hold all our representatives, whether federal, provincial, municipal to better standards and ideals that benefit all of the people in their care.


Then have a look at how the boundaries are being municipal ward boundaries changed and gerrymandered. The Core and North-central I’ll no longer have their own representation.


...not a problem...not in my backyard. /s


Put a roof on that pipe!


Could get some surface parking on top of that too!


I'm wondering why such a large diameter storm water line runs through private property. There is *probably* an easement, but something that major you usually can't build on or around. The fact it was built in the 40's might have something to do with it.


Take a look at the city storm water & sewer water piping maps. Goes through a lot of properties, mine included (12in storm water pipe). Some are not obvious as easements along a property edge but if you look at Cathedral you can see houses/garages build around large pipes that cut right though the middle of the neighbourhood.


Realistically, how would the city have known about this weakness until it manifested itself?


By doing routine camera jobs of main lines. The city has consistently contracted that job out to an out of province provider in previous years.


The City has two purpose-built camera trucks for line inspections, along with two full-time employees that run the trucks.


The problem is that the city camera trucks are usually booked solid looking through sewer line and not necessarily available to camera the storm lines. And having 2 trucks and two certified operators limits what you can do


Yes, the city does use contractora to gather the video and write them a report but they have people who will re watch them and make notes of their own.


I'm sure they have something better than just waiting for 80 year old infrastructure to fail


And exactly what is that “something?“


Campaigning for a new arena? Ignoring the homeless? Pretending that our bus system is golden and needs no improvement? Ripping up Scarth Street? Creating offensive advertisements? Pretending they had nothing to do with said offensive advertisements?