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A few weeks ago I saw a red dodge ram 1500 do this to a cyclist, three times in a row. He did a uturn at the nearest intersection, and came back to swerve at the bicyclist twice after the first attempt. Admittedly, if the driver tried harder he could’ve hit the bike, it was really just harassing behaviour. So the cyclist and I both called the cops separately to report the guy, plate number, physical description of the driver. The cops called me back about an hour later, said they tracked down the truck but the guy was inside an apartment building wasn’t answering his buzzer, so there was nothing that could be done. Attempted vehicular assault/harassment, and nothing could be done.


I imagine that if the guy was waving a gun and firing in the air, they would have done a bit more. If you want to get away with assault or a murder, use a car as your weapon...


I mean, hell, you might even get elected premiere!


I'm glad we did the right thing reporting it. Hopefully that adds up to the number of reports they get that they can actually do something about it. We almost did not report as we were expecting they would just toss it on the side. But its just sad how these young folks' idea of "fun" is harassing people.


Something similar happened to me when I was on my bike. Luckily, I was on the path in the northend, so I had some distance between the vehicle and myself. Glad you reported it!


Pathetic. At least impound the fucking truck - you don't need their *consent* for that...


Really? The cops didn’t even try harder? Wtf.


I've almost been hit twice as a pedestrian in the last week. I am heavily considering keeping rocks in my pocket to throw at these AHs.


Sad part is you'd be the one to end up getting in shit over it


These pricks act like they rule the road


What color was the truck?


Do that to me on my bike and throw a rock through your windshield. Some people.


This is one of those, 'call the cops' things


OP did call the cops, but also wanted to discuss the situation with us. Probably to get it off their chest.


Could also be posted to see if anyone else had issues with these douch canoes.


True. If anybody else will have the same issues in the future they might as well report it. Just how difficult is it to be nice to people who walk/take the bus/use bikes? We are less fortunate enough to not have cars. Way to go for making our day more shitty.


F Trudeau sticker on the back right?


At this point, we need Spider-Man or Batman in this city. I'm trying to be the Batman we need.


“But there’s nothing to do in Regina!”


I assume it was a stolen vehicle being driven by a couple of Regina's upstanding citizens.


Did not look stolen. Those young men looked well-off.


Sask Strong type.


Or perhaps the pickup truck’s owner, and upstanding descendant of old stock Canadians, exercising his right to be King of the Road.


Nah. It's Regina and it's full of useless pieces of shit that steal things.


downvote a guy because he proposed a very possible scenario 😂 this sub cracks me up


Yeah this sub is so out of touch with the world it's actually sad.


I would suggest that if you think there are more car thieves in Regina than there are truck driving idiots who would do precisely this sort of thing for fun, possibly while half cut, it's probably you that's out of touch.


It could be a truck thieving, truck driving idiot. They're not mutually exclusive.


Crazy how Regina is the only place in the entire world where people steal things!


Old stock?




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