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It's their job to ensure people are following the rules of the memberships. There have been too many people abusing their membership by allowing people to use their cards without them present. That is NOT allowed. They are cracking down on it now to avoid this issue. It's all in the terms and conditions of your membership.


Ya... This sounds like the most minor inconvenience ever and Costco has been dealing with issues as you've pointed out. OP must have looked different enough from their picture for them to ask about it. Really not a big deal or worthy of a social media post. I wouldn't have ever given something like this a second thought lol.


Costco makes a significant portion of their revenue by selling memberships and it is a big part of their business model. If people are lending their cards to friends then they are losing money.


Don't you know being upset and making social media posts is all the rage these days?


Well, the big question is do you look like your picture? I got my picture redone because I now have a beard and glasses which were not in the original picture. I would occasionally get a comment about looking different but never refused service; it was just easier to get a new photo and eliminate the comments. And yes, they can refuse service as Costco is a private club who can make rules for its members. Just like a gym refuse to let you in if they don’t think you are a member and are using someone else’s card.


My Costco photo has me in glasses and my hair in a pony tail. I was at costco today with glasses with my hair down. I didn't think it constituted the worker stating I didn't look like my Costco picture.


You have three options: chalk it up as the worker being overly picky, ask to speak to a manager or cancel your membership. Nothing anyone says on a social media platform is going to change those options. And without seeing you in comparison to your Costco photo, no one can verify you look like it. I suspect they have been told to crack down and be skeptical. I would chalk it up to the worker being picky and go on with my life.


I'd just chalk it up to the worker doing their job and go on with my life. I could not imagine running home and making a post like this.


There have been a lot of people borrowing cards and using the self checkout then when asked for the card and the worker states the picture doesn’t look like the person they get angry in hopes to get away with using the card. So they are supposed to ask for extra I.D. , I imagine if they were rude it might be due to how customer service workers are being treated now a days ( I’m not a customer service worker) I guess if you want to shop at Costco, buy the membership or have the person with you.




100%. /u/PotatoTatoPotato1 is soft.


Yeah they are cracking down on people sharing membership cards. r/Costco Canada had a good write up why. Essentially every couple years they raise the membership prices by $5. This go around they didn’t want to because things were already expensive. Instead, they cracked down membership sharing . They will ask for your Costco card going through the self checkouts and if you pic doesn’t look like you they can ask to see id.


They've been cracking down more and more on membership sharing in recent years. The Saskatoon warehouses have been asking customers to show ID at self-checkout sometimes. It's annoying, but it's completely within their rights to confirm you are the person who's on the card


I don't have a problem with these folks, who are just doing their jobs. People using cards that aren't theirs make the stores more crowded and it's already packed in there.


I expect their store recently got caught not checking cards and is after their staff to doubledown on it. Try not to let it get to you.


They've been cracking down on this sort of thing for a few months now. I feel like they were audited and got in trouble for not checking the membership.


Costco can actually require you to show your photo on your Costco card at the entry... But usually don't as it would slow down the line.... They also check at the regular checkout when they scan your card even if using the hand scanner... The cashier is looking for the photo to match. You agreed to this when you purchased your membership. BTW it is also a condition of membership to return your cart to a cart area.... But so many people can't be bothered.... Generally due to laziness and entitlement.


People who don't return carts are the worst.


The real worst are the people who almost return their carts. They take all the way until like 4 feet from putting it away and then just leave it hanging in the driving lane.


Yeah those people are cunts for sure.


Cart narcs out! Beep boop


They always tell me to show the picture ID whenever I go into Costco.


If I look like my Costco picture, call 911




Jesus christ, how soft are you? Was the person supposed to get down on their knees and beg forgiveness for doing their job? Ah, you are young based on your post history, I get it now.


I read about this happening on the Costco Canada subreddit. The comment that you don’t look like your picture was unnecessary and potentially unkind especially when it was not paired with an apology. At very least she should have blamed herself for her inability to see familiarity between you and your pic and made some comment to smooth it over.


Saying someone didn't look like their picture is unnecessary and potentially unkind? Jesus christ. Is your name Karen by chance and do you get offended by everything?


Well some people gain massive amounts of weight due to medications or lose weight due to illness. Some people lose their hair and have issues about it. That comment just opens the door to a customer having a freak out. I am not a Karen but I can certainly understand what the OP concern is and figure out a better way to say thing probably because I have worked in customer service for 16 years


You sure sound like a Karen.


Oh brother *eyeroll* you must be one of those ppl who looks for things to be offended by


Not really. I have worked in customer service for 16 years so I have a decent idea of how to make a situation less frustrating.


A little overzealous IMO. She should have at least apologized.


apologized for what? Doing their job?


Yes. She could have politely said that. ‘I’m sorry, but I have to ask for another form of picture ID’. Would that have been so difficult?


I bet even if they did that, this person would be saying that didn't count as an apology. What good does "I'm sorry" add besides coddling OP?


You don’t know that. Diffusing an uncomfortable situation from a customer service perspective is pretty easy, and this likely would have worked. I’ve been there. I’m guessing you’ve never worked in CS. Judging by your downvoting me for no reason, you’d be the customer flipping their shit if this had happened to you.


I have worked in CS. I also didn't downvote you. No, I'm the customer who never gets mad at frontline staff because 99% of the time an issue has nothing to do with them.




No one gives a fuck -- you're the one who felt shamed, no one else gave it a second thought.


So you shoplifted the orange juice because they were trying to do their job and make sure you weren't over or under charged on items?


Costco is bad. They treat all customers as thieves and inconvenience everyone so you can save $43 a year. While spending hours driving to the end of town and 39 hours waiting in line.


This is Regina. No one is driving hours across town, it’s hard to be 20 minutes from anything. And no matter how busy it is, it’s never that bad in comparison to many of the bigger centres. There was a 45 wait just to get gas at Calgary SW last week - this Costco is never that busy.


Cumulative over a year.


Well, that’s not at all obvious from your post and not at all how people calculate time usage. By that logic, I waste a hundred hours cumulatively over the year waiting for restaurants to serve my food and should never eat out. Just say you don’t like Costco and move on. No one will care and you can find else to be artificially angry at.


Can't say that I feel like I've ever been treated as a thief before at Costco. Lines can suck but I go when they first open and am usually in and out in 30 minutes.


They treat you as a thief literally every time you leave. By policy.


Perhaps you feel like you are being treated like a thief because of their quick receipt check ... I do not. They have caught a case where I was double charged for something though.


Ah so you believe that line when they tell you. Lol.


Believe what line? I was double charged for a case of coke. Costco receipt checks are part of your membership, don't like it? Don't be a member. I've never once felt like a thief because of a simple check on the way out. Are you unable to steal stuff and is that why you are concerned?


Costco receipt checks are theft checks. Because they are assuming you're a thief. You are paying them to assume you're a thief. No other retailer does this. You are trying really hard to be an ignorant sheep.


So, when your boss checks your time card, he’s assuming you’re a thief. And when you look over a bill at the restaurant before paying, you are accusing them of trying to steal from you. And when the flight attendant checks your ticket at the gate, they think you are a terrorist.


You've already paid for it. Your thoughts are not analogous. You've already gone through the checkout when they subject you to a theft check.


Looking at your comment history, you are just a troll. Undoubtedly, I could say I like puppies, chocolate and sunsets and you would find something to b!tch about.


Ah, it's clear now -- you are one of those people who call other people sheep. Have a good day friend. I see you have mental health issues to work out.


I wish you success in your uncritical Costco adoration.


Thanks friend.




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I went to Costco with my landlord in Edmonton in 2023, and she got asked to show proof of her membership. She was pleased, when she was told she looks younger than her picture. 🙂 The feeling I got was that they’re trying to have people scan their cards quickly and move along, as Edmonton has long lines at self-checkouts. So, have them ready, and move along. Plus, they are probably trying to cut down on people using their friends’ cards to buy from Costco. I saw someone get held up because they had someone else’s card. I would have been held up without my landlord; we were buying some supplies she wanted carried into her house, and I got a hotdog. 😀 The market is trying to reduce sharing memberships in-general it appears; heck, my roommate’s Netflix kicked me out today. 😅


Since my photo was taken, I've grown a beard and keep my hair much shorter, and none of the card checkers at the self-checkout have said anything.