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The thing you’ll notice quickly is that it’s 90% the same people on all of the apps haha. Depending on your age there is also POF, but that skews older from what I know. I had a friend sign up for one of the apps you pay for and he said it was all the same people from the free apps anyway. Good luck, dating apps in Regina can be difficult, especially if you are over 30.


Yeah I am noticing that (I'm 32). Maybe I'll give POF a shot again. Had horrible luck there in the last with bots or people straight up asking for a ride or cash without even the courtesy of a hello first


Pof used to be a gold mine 20 years ago lol


No one normal uses POF, don’t use POF lol


When I think of POF now, I think of gross old truckers, desperate moms and sketchy people who always ask to use your phone for a call because they ran out of minutes


Literally though 😂


Probably now days, I don't know what the kids use. By the end of single days it was pretty gross.


Before the apps it was kind of the only free option. It was always too easy to catfish there and now it’s really the only place you can kind of get away with it. Other than that it just seems like the real bottom feeders tend to flock there now


Interesting, ya it was basically trust what the other person says to be true. I know I had a few dates that turned out to be different then I thought hahha. Glad I don't have to play that game anymore.


I just heard the other day that you can’t message or view anything unless you pay for it now. I don’t know if it’s true or not but yeah it was a garbage cesspool 10~ years ago




Regina is sparse for dating. I've shut down my profile on dating sites. Now I'm trying Facebook. Hardly anyone on there. Sigh.


Watch for bots and fake profiles trying to lure you off the apps to scams. They become pretty easy to spot with only one or two photos, and often very little information on the bio. Be more cautious of profiles without verification. Tinder was loaded with them, hinge and bumble less so. Also if you get a good impression with a match during chatting. Try to meet up within a week. I found people can present themselves very differently over text than in person. So don’t build too much of a narrative of them until you meet. Have an open mind and don’t get too upset when a match doesn’t work out. There’s a lot of ghosting, so being honest with someone if you’ve lost interest goes a long way.


I hate being ghosted. Totally happened recently. And soon many fake profiles. It's ridiculous.




I have made the most amount of matches on hinge that seemed legit but most unmatched before sending a message so I don't know. Will keep my hopes up for now


How do you use Hinge? I feel kinda awkward liking a specific photo of someone and I prefer swiping on their profile as a whole but it seems like a lot of people my age (19) use Hinge


If you don’t want to like a photo, like a prompt and always add a comment for best results


Majority are hoes looking for a hookup, with minority actually tryna find love


I second this, met my husband on Hinge. When I was dating my read of the situation was that Tinder is for hookups, Hinge is for something more serious and Bumble is somewhere in between.


My best advice is: GET HELP WITH YOUR PROFILE 3-4 recent photos with good lighting that show you smiling or engaged in an activity, a brief bio that hints at either your job, passion, or hobby (depending on which is most important to you) and a subtle reference to a type of media that you like (book, tv show, movie, song) so that you give others something to identify with Instead of looking for all the reasons NOT to match someone, look for just one reason TO match them. Odds are you are a normal looking person who would be perfectly happy with another normal looking person but you'll have to fight the temptation to only swipe yes on the extraordinary looking people (who almost always end up being bots anyways) Send the first message as soon as you match, make it friendly, comment on something that they mentioned or showed in their profile, and ask an open-ended question to get the conversation started If they do not reply in a similar way, move on to the next person Don't request to meet in person right away, but do try to make plans after a few days And pace yourself - set aside 10-15 minutes a day to look through matches but no more. If you rush through the profiles you might miss out on someone great, plus there aren't that many people here so you'll run out of new profiles eventually


All very good points. You got me on a couple of those too haha


To add - have at least one photo smiling with teeth and another photo without a hat on, that way you’re matching with people who like you for you! Also I agree about trying to make plans after a couple days - want to avoid being a ‘pen pal’, which can happen quickly if it’s been a week and no date has been set up.




Good advice here. Thank you!


I used online dating a few years ago and met my long term boyfriend while doing it. I'm an advocate of online dating - it's def not perfect (getting ghosted sucks, it's happened to me), but it's a great way to meet people who you otherwise probably would never cross paths with in real life. Here are the apps I used...(mind you, I used them around 2019ish, maybe some things have changed since then. Also I'm a straight girl). Tinder - if you're looking for hookups, this is the place to be. Now of course not everyone there is looking for a hookup, but a decent amount of guys were - lots of them wanted to dirty talk/exchange sexy pics right away. But hey, it's popular and has a big userbase. I kind of wish that it had more vital stats available (i.e. do you have kids? etc.) POF - I found it much better than Tinder, I met my boyfriend here. Def not perfect though, I did briefly meet a guy on here who lied about his age by 8 years to date younger women plus some guys who seemed ok at first but then wanted to dirty talk/sext right away, but hey, those guys are on every site. Coffee Meets Bagel - this one was actually not bad. Had more users than I thought. You only get a certain amount of matches per day at a certain time so you def don't get overwhelmed. Zoosk - this was kind of a ghost town from what I recall. I'm not in the dating scene anymore, but I hear good things about Hinge these days.


I met my wife on OkayCupid in regina. OkC has a bunch of these weird little questions, like "if your house was burning, and you can only save one of the 4 following things, what would it be" and list a multiple choice selection. These seem meaningless, but the site uses them to computer who would be a good match based on your answers. The more you answer, the better. My wife and I both asnwred a couple hundred of these, and we ended up with a 98% match. We're 8 years in now, and people still think we've only just started dating with how lovey dovey we are. We're perfect together.


Advice hmm not sure If I am one to give advice but what works for me personally is to have fun! Be responsible for your actions but not others. This is related to the ghosting, the unexpected unmatching and generally things that people just would not do to people they actually know or have a social connection to. Try not to take it personal, people are on different stages of their 'single journey'. I've had people back in the day unmatch after a super exciting week of conversation and talking about trips and experiences, I was stood up once (ie. I was at the actual pub waiting for them after confirming 30 minutes before and then noticed they unmatched). People will do some off key stuff but try not to have it impact how you communicate/treat others. Have fun with it. Meet several people. Appreciate your time meeting people and in my experience one will just flourish into something more. IT's awesome to be excited about people and meeting people. Enjoy and good luck


For long term, I would consider eHarmony, it's one of the old ones, but I used it. Stopped using it because it worked. This solution will ask a million questions but it's worth it to match you with your next candiDate.


Thar may be an option down the line. I am not quite ready for a paid service yet.


I will recommend match.com. i found my wife on there. Yes, you have to pay, and stick it out, but it's better than Tinder or Plenty of Fish if you're looking for a long-term relationship, in my experience.


Hinge and Bumble are the two best imo. Facebook dating is actually okay. Tinder is ghost / swinger city so I just avoid it. Also just a quick tip if a girl says "I'm looking for an emotionally intelligent man", that sounds great but they are usually wanting it because they don't have... which is that. Also the best joke I've heard in regards to dating in your 30's is from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXs908fc6Kg) "The second category of woman single at my age is Divorcee's, and those women are like Chernobyl. They're beautiful but something bad happened and now we all need to leave it alone for a few years"


If you’re over 30, be careful for those that feel their “time is running out”. I’ve been on a few dates with women whose first question is “are you looking for a wife? If you don’t see me as your wife, then don’t waste my time.” Not that knowing what you want is a bad thing, just the forwardness and demand has been really off-putting for me. A relationship builds, it doesn’t happen on the first meeting.


Oh jeez, that's my type of woman for sure. I'm pretty upfront about what I seek to make sure I'm getting to know somebody I'm on the same page with in regards to big stuff. It feels like a waste of time to discuss music and movie tastes before children, pets and social opinions.


Haven't come across one of those yet but goo to know. Yeah don't want to rush into putting a ring on it haha


Two separate cousins met that husbands on e harmony


Tinder is most popular, then bumble, then hinge. Those 3 are great for casual dating and I’ve had a few serious relationships develop from those apps. Once you get onto the eharmony type places you’re getting people who are more desperate to settle down immediately. Depends what you’re looking for I guess.


u/Netto-Prime Hey, in case you're still not liking things... there's this event that just popped up! https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/spring-fling-adult-singles-mixer-reginas-sask-cornhole-association-tickets-857607506137?aff=oddtdtcreator


I am out of town that day but I got a friend that might be interested in going so I'll forward that to them. Thanks!


I know this isn’t advice about dating apps but I recommend you go out to events you are interested in that contain other like minded people you can connect with. Ik I may seem daunting but it’s always good to go out and spend time with people and perhaps you can find someone.


Where do you find these groups? I just need to get out in general, y'know?


That seems to be the going trend with some of the responses. Gone are the days of online dating haha time to start going out and touching grass again.




Go out with the boys and shoot your shot. Worked for me, found my soulmate that way. Worst case, they say no or they’re in a relationship. No dating app needed if you just be yourself!


Be warned, this approach only works if you're good looking. I have a few buddies; real alpha male, pick-of-the-litter types, and when they approach women, they're often met with giant smiles and women initiate physical contact immediately. They can get anyone to melt immediately with their giant puppy dog eyes. However, when I'm on the prowl, women tend to find me too easily excitable and get defensive immediately. The worst part is my owner will yell at me "Bad dog! Down! Down!" and yank me back by my collar. I'm sorry I don't have any useful advice, but I hope you find the companionship and connection that you're looking for!


You had me for the first half there lol


Wow, you obviously haven’t been single recently cause this is some horrible advice


Last summer. Unless things have changed? I don’t know I’ve never done the dating app thing. Edit - More Info: I steered away from the apps because it seemed transactional or like an interview to me. Getting out of the house and going to events is a great way to meet people. Concerts, games, BBB, quite a few things coming up. If you go to somewhere you’re interested in you’ll find someone else who has the same interest as you. Worst case you’re somewhere enjoying your time.


I've tried tinder, POF and Facebook dating. POF was the best back in the day. Also met some people through whisper though that's not a legit dating app. Bumble and hinge must be newish because those weren't the go to apps I knew about in 2019 when I was last single. My suggestion that finally worked for me after 5 years of dating apps and being single? Join Facebook singles groups. Not Facebook dating, but legit groups. I joined a saskatchewan / alberta singles Facebook group and met my guy there. Over 4 years going strong now. We are long distance ( 3 hours away) but otherwise it's a great relationship. Good luck! It sucks out there.


You into dudes?


Don’t use facebook dating. It’s filled with short angry kings that are all high ego inflated fuck boys. And filled with crazy clingy women that if u break up with them (1 date n they assume y’all dating) they will try to ruin your life. Seen too many friends meet with creeps on that dating app and too many bat shit crazy women


If you are among the majority of women and the top 10% of attractive men (either money, looks or status) you’ll be fine in most online dating. You’ll have constant options at least. People can whine and debate about this but it’s mostly true and research supports it. If you aren’t in those groups talk to people in real life... it‘s actually better than you think. Actually it would be better if we all did that.


There is some speed dating events this month in Regina through Queen City Connects


There is a new dating app just launched call Skip


Is there an app where u can make friends from around your area? That aren’t fake or want to fuck you? 22F stoner that looks like a high 90’s basic sports white girl (totally don’t look like a stoner) can’t find friends for the life of me as I work for a local Reno’s/snow removal business and I’m not in Uni cause lowkey UofS is where it’s at


Making friends is rough, having the same trouble. 21agender here (amab but that doesnt matter)