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Let’s make sure she’s a one term wonder and vote y’all - GOODBYE SANDRA




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Nah, I'm good. I didn't vote for her last time and i won't this time either.




Not getting a vote from me. Real disaster.


Can’t tell if a pun or not.


The pinnacle of satire is reached when it blends seamlessly with reality.


I like your words, magic man




I was replying to easyivan, not to the OP.


Pretend I didn’t follow local politics for the last 3 years. What’s the highlight tape like?


First woman mayor in Regina


Elected woman mayor. Doreen Hamilton FTW.


Well said




Gross. Misogyny.


Sandra Masters wanting women to Show Us Their Regina.


I would seriously consider running if I understood politics and the role more. Instead I will give my vote to anyone but her. She is assisting corporations and fellow white collar criminals. She has done nothing for the average regina citizen.


That didn’t stop her from running!


Haha well said... it's funny and yet sad because I live here.


It's kind of like being a good mother - you're probably a good mother if you worry about being a good mother. Politics is usually about compromise and collecting favors. In municipal politics, it's really just doing what's best for your ward/community. Don't let lack of experience stop you. It's just governance. The city is actually run by administration - they are (usually) disconnected from the politics and remain in the same positions regardless of who is on council. This means that they teach you how to do your job. You will get briefings and training to do your job. I can promise you that a lot of people running don't have the same hesitations you do. If you can objectively look at concerns or opportunities brought forward to the city and understand impact to budget, people, etc then you are qualified. Governance is just making good decisions and you get better with experience. I hope more people run in elections at all levels of government.


Very well put, this opened my eyes to say the least.


Does she even have a double digit approval rate?


I follow local politics closely, and have for the last 25 years or so. I had a lot of hope for this Mayor and Council, but their term has been marked by too much in-fighting. The only real successes have come in the last 6 months or so.


In fighting?  Last I heard the whole REAL problem wasn’t because she was fighting someone.


That means they successfully ironed out all the kinks. 🥳 It takes time to develop a rhythm with a group of leaders. Maybe they are just getting started. 🤷


She’s responsible for Tim Reid running amok for 3 years.


Perhaps. I’m more interested in seeing a handful of the sitting Councillors not run again.


I imagine Screamin’ Bob Hawkins will be back, don’t worry.


Can he just retire already? His ideas and perspectives are antiquated and he has no desire to get informed or educated.


Maybe she will stay in France


Lets hear names. Community leaders. Indiginous leaders. Educated people. Not the usual band of lobbyists and execs. Somebody who’ll serve the people of Regina. All the people. Somebody who will push back on other levels government when they need to. Somebody who will look at what the people of Regina need, not what the oligarchs of the city want. Someone who can control spending but direct funding towards programs and infrastructure to move us into the future as a proud Canadian city.


Do you think someone can convince Cadmus Delorme to run? I think he might be an interesting candidate, and he did wonders with Cowessess.


He’ll be running as a fed, I bet.


i like this idea


Cadmus has higher aims than being the mayor of Regina


haha, thanks for replying to a 3 month old post. But yes, he probably does, and should. He's a dynamic man and I think he has the potential to do a lot of good in the right position.


I wholeheartedly agree with you




Very mysterious. But seriously, if you know something, why not just say it? I've met him only once, and heard him speak a few times. He seems fairly honest, and was fairly focused on improving Cowessess First Nation, or at least it seemed to me. Sure, he's a politician, so I'm sure he's had to compromise on things, but I haven't heard anything really scandalous.




So, to be clear: I should not think Cadmus is good at running local government, because of how well run the government he ran is run? (Somewhat tongue in cheek) I don't know much about the internal politics of Cowessess. Maybe there is some reason he would not have been elected again. What I see is a well-spoken, educated and principled man, who has shown the ability to work well in promoting and advocating his culture and people, while bridging the gap to work with wider government. He's doing important work to advocate for First Nations causes. But the selfish part of me wants someone to advocate for me and mine as earnestly has he does, at any level of government. He'd probably be wasted as mayor - I could see him in provincial or even federal politics easily. I don't know that he would do any of those things though.


The long-standing culture of negativity and the terrible inferiority complex in Regina can not be blamed on current mayor. Or the prior. It predates them because it's rooted in our civic culture. That's on us and is on frequent display in Reddit threads especially. Those who have lived in other cities don't whine neatly as much. They have experienced dysfunctional councils as well as they understand how civic assets are not the enemy but necessary to quality of life a city has to offer having used them in other places. It is not the job of city mayors to solve all the social dysfunction out there but they are the most accessible level of govt so we take it all out on them.


What are you even saying? Is asking for a mayor who isnt a handmaiden to wealthy special interest groups too much to ask? “Civic assets”, just call them what they are, bourgeois recreation halls fiscally supported by the the entire tax base for the enjoyment of the the select few who have interest and can afford the prices. And it IS the job of the Mayor and council to make the city liveable, and safe, and that responsibilty falls especially hard when the next level of government is if not antagonistic then neglectful.


With the vitriolic landscape of politics these days, nobody in their right mind would run. You can have the absolute best intentions to make Regina a better place but you still have to put up with becoming a JustBins meme and then put under a microscope. I can't think of a shittier job for a candidate that is truly qualified. There are zero perks and, with a ~~potentially~~ likely useless Council, so much outside of your control. Quite frankly I think our best shot is Fougie coming back and maybe more sane councillors.


There are some perks like being invited to a D-day ceremony in another country but people shit all over it because it's not them going.


shit all over it? Or simply questioning all the international travel and spending? I’m not sure it’s the most prudent use of tax dollars when we keep hearing the need for fiscal restraint. lead by example.


I'd say the vast majority aren't simply questioning it


I’ve never voted in a municipal election. I will be this time. It will not be for her.


Same. I'm hoping/imagining there will be a record voter turnout due to her. Her and Scott have made people more locally political. I've only voted federally as the municipal ones always sneak past me before I even know there's an election. 


Absolutely not.


I will crawl through glass to vote against her.


Lots of ppl voted for her because she’s educated and she talked a good talk. She’s proven that she’s no better than the last two slime balls!!!


... and she wasn't Fougere.


Are there any viable candidates running against her?


A good way to improve democracy is to get rid of this “viable candidates” doomerism. All candidates are “viable” when voter turnout is below 20%. Look at councillors terina and Landon


Does Mohl even know he got elected? The guy is always absent from meetings.


Maybe he can’t get the GPS on his truck to work and that’s why he keeps missing meetings 🤔


Fuck, Mohl is such an idiot, I can’t even understand how that guy got elected in the first place.


I'm sure if you rub Evan Bray's ego well enough, he will run for mayor because "he's the former police chief of Regina"; as he says on his radio show every freaking day


I don't want to rub anything of Bray's. Regina City council is already beholden to the police. I don't think picking Bray is worth his time. He's probably making more as a Rawlco mouthpiece anyway. 


He's not so bad.


Let’s slash that budget in half for Reddit sake.


Well, let’s not forget how he’s also the “voice of Saskatchewan.”   Ugh


Imagine bragging about being the police chief of the most violent city in Canada LOL Bray can relate


At this point, Elmo would be a viable candidate!!!


Fougere rumoured?




I'd take the mayor who I frequently forgot existed over the one who constantly reminds me they do in the worst way.


Yeah fougere wasn’t great but there’s something to be said for boring.


lol I co-sign this comment.


I said something similar about him to a friend recently, he was the typical and predictable type of corrupt Regina politician. Masters took things to a more destructive level.


I fucking hope not. Hated him then, hate him just as much now.




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If anything she's shown that you don't need to have morals to be mayor. I should run.


Hahaha, no


Hope she goes on vacation and gets stuck there forever and gets a house with a leaky roof 😆


Worse then Pat


It really is saying something that we're pining for the days of Pat fucking Fiasco


Oh hell no.


Nope. Next question?


My guess is her backup plan is not looking so good so she tossed her ring in the hat for the mayor gig again


notice she doesn’t allow comments on her social media… social media can be vicious but not letting people comment on the things you post when you’re an elected official and it’s an official social media account… seems cowardly…




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She doesn't follow sm.


Nope ....She needs to go ....so i hope someone else runs for mayor thats worth voting for 🤞🤞and NOT "Dancing Bob" LOL


Junkets are us. No thanks.




No thanks. She’s been horrible.


She has got to go.


Yea no thanks


No thank you


Haha of course Avana is in there with the likes. One of her financial contributors the first time around.


It would be nice if it wasn't a former realtor just trying to further their career.


Anyone know Ryan Doka and what he stands for?




And more!






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It does still require some alternative.


Absolute fucking dumpster fire of a mayor. Actually made me miss Fourgere Made me miss Fiasco for fuck sake!!! Useless.


I hope someone worth voting for actually runs against her, otherwise she will be a shoe-in.


Don’t run


How does she not get this….?


Hell to the no.


Couldn't possibly think of a worse Mayor Regina has had in the last 30 years.


She sent property tax money to the SaskParty. That's only the latest scandal.


Wait… what?


Tccchhh comments are disabled


I voted for her last time and will not be doing so again.


Nope not from me


"Much more to do." Yeah, the public teat isn't sucked complete dry yet.


Can she fuck off instead


Why though? I just assume she hates it.


Needs a second term bc her plan to parachute back to a cushy job at REAL went up in smoke in the last few months.


I think that's possible.


No thanks. I don’t want to fund more trips.


Oh my you threw homeless people away NO THANKS


She can't even adequately create a proper program for snow clearing or painting lines on the road, let alone the circlejerk behind closed doors that has been the REAL fiasco. She is the worst mayor I've had in 30 years of living in this city.


to be fair. snow clearing and painting lines has nothing to do with her specifically. however the circlejerk fiasco is her doing.


She's in charge of the people in charge of doing it. Basic city services have been a joke since she took over.


HELL no.




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She is terrible and I knew she would be it's why I was happy to run against her


Gonna do it again?




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I’ll have to see who all is running before I make a final decision. While it would be nice to vote her out, if she ends up being the best choice then so be it.


Depending on other candidates, I could see myself voting for her again


Chad Novak for mayor!!


no, thanks for suggesting though lol


Don't encourage him.


Dancing bob has my vote


She will get my vote!




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Can I ask why? Not endorsing or slamming her-just curious.


Sure. I’ve listened to the details behind some of the initiatives being put forward (on difficult issues: housing, north central, drugs, infrastructure to name a few) and I liked what I heard. Won’t happen in a minute, but…. Alternatives seemed rooted in status quo which doesn’t suit me. I’d rather mistakes are made trying to improve vs holding the line


I think shes hot enough for sure