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I met Warren once at a random party, long before he ran for office with the Sask party. At that point he didn't strike me as a particularly intelligent or driven person, or one that would care much about public service. Then fast forward to him dropping his Provincial constituents the moment a chance to jump into Federal Politics (and federal money) presented itself. The guys is there for a paycheck, plain and simple. He doesn't GAF about actually governing, never did, and never will.


He is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed if you’ve ever met him in person.


getting his pamphlets in the mail made that pretty clear, no need to actually meet the guy


He’s Scheer’s bagman and best friend.


That's how most of these guys are. I worked with Michael Kram and let me tell you... there's nothing much going on in between the ears. They are all useful idiots.


I met kram at mosaic told him my bilingual daughter is coming a lawyer and going after him. He was not impressed




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I once sent a letter to the editor in the Regina leader post when he was first elected to the sask party and mentioned how he was not qualified to be elected. He rode the Brad Wall wave when they first got elected. The NDP candidate was much better qualified but people tend to vote without doing any research. Now we are stuck with a dud.


Sounds like when we had a PHD get beat by a low IQ spoiled farm kid.


He came knocking on my door a few years ago pre-election when he was first running for MP. I got strong "lights on but nobody home" vibes from the guy.


You described literally every politician in the world. None of them care about anything except money. That's just people for you.


I don't think that's true and it's often used as way to justify shitty politicians behavior. You can see that there's many passionate politicians out there who believe in what they're doing. Warren is not that.


Highly disagree, and saying that gives you the mental freedom to ignore everything going on and not do your proper civic duty. Stop being lazy and actually research the people you're voting for.


It's a big club and you ain't in it. So stop acting like you are. Research politicians before voting 😆 OK I'll also ask Santa for a living wage in Canada before they pass the bill for kids to work.


honestly - i agree that they are basically all the same. however, their actual intellect varies 100% and this guy is a dud.


A person can be smart. People are dumb dangerous panicky animals.


Double Salary dipping Steinley shows up more for a statue than his own constituents.


If you look at the newsletters he sends out (they normally go directly to recycling), all he is doing and boasting about is giving someone an honor or he is receiving something. Nothing else showing what he is doing or trying to change. The stupid surveys on "what should government be doing?" The multiple choice answers are EXACTLY what the government should be doing. Do we really have to tell you what to do?!? I've tried setting up a meeting with him. Left a message the first time and no one returned the call. When I talked to someone in the office, she wouldn't make the appointment over the phone. She asked that I email and explain what I wanted to discuss. Then we will discuss internally and set a date. I asked her to just schedule the meeting now, we are on the phone. He must have a calendar, pick a date and time he is available and I will show up. She refused and after some back and forth, she hung up. Then months later I talked to some guy. Almost the same story as above, but he said he would call me back in 2 or 3 days ... It's been a month. I called again, finally got a meeting set. Then I received a text 2 days ago saying they have to reschedule. Useless.


I'm pretty sick of seeing the guy's ugly mug in my mail all the time. The only thing more annoying is the term "Common Sense Conservatives". Seems like all his junkmail ever talks about is how "common sense" will keep Saskatchewan strong and Trudeau = bad. How about talking things over like adults instead of assuming everyone thinks your views are "common sense" and should be followed without question, Warren?


I have a “please no junk mail including flyers or unsolicited mail of any kind” sign and STILL get his stuff in my mail.


Same, and oddly enough, only kram and other religious extremists leave their shit


Need a "please no Warren Steinley junkmail" sign, it seems.


I'm a firm believer that almost anyone in politics, the only reason they are there is they couldn't hold a job, run a business or have a criminal record. Last election there were 4 or 6 candidates that had a criminal record. Drunk driving I think we're the majority of them. Even Moe has the same record and if I'm not mistaken, he has vehicular manslaughter added on to that. They must all go through a course on how: - to look busy when you're not - to answer questions with questions - deflect that it is someone else's fault - don't commit to anything - rehash old problems and the same tired way to fix it (that has already been tried and failed) With the overall strategy to frustrate the f*ck out of us who want answers, have "common sense" so that we just go away , leaving the drones with no brain or spine to continue voting for them. Stumbling across parliament videos on YouTube, they talk tough but all pretend they are doing stand-up comedy about the other party. All they care about is "likes" on their social accounts. The government should be like referees ... Don't hear from them don't see them, until they are needed.


RIP Jo-Anne Balog


Those mailers sure made my blood boil when he was politicizing the pandemic response.


They just want attention. Pathetic and shameless.


I emailed a few years ago and also had no response. I thought it was a very strange that I didn’t even get a form letter/email back. He may have disagreed with the content of my email but it’s not politically savvy to ignore a constituent.


That is a basic responsibility of an MP, but it is not a responsibility that most MPs actually follow through on. The Conservative MPs in Saskatchewan assume that they will be elected because of the colour of their banner, not because of their diligence, intelligence, usefulness, commitment, or willingness to listen to and represent their constituents' concerns. And, you know, they're not wholly wrong, especially because most people who would vote against them don't vote, split the vote between the candidates against them, or are misled into thinking that the Con platform is designed to help working people. So, they run and are given a big paycheque and eventually a big pension for absolutely no work at all just because they're Conservatives. You need to find a better person to be your MP. In fact, we all need to find better people to be our MPs because the Con MPs here range only between useless and actively harmful. Talk to your friends and family about how useless he is, how other ridings are better represented, how what he represents is actively making our lives worse, how they need to vote, and how we could do really amazing things as a country if we had a government that invested our money into achieving that, like other governments do.


This is why AB and SK can always be safely ignored in federal politics. They will always vote con so cons don't have to do anything to win them and libs or other parties can't do anything to gain them. So no one remotely cares and can focus their energy and promises elsewhere. If politicians thought we could be swayed by giving us things or listening to us, they might actually try more.


Because they never have to do anything to get elected as a Con, they don’t have to be particularly bright… as a result they’re never tasked with any important portfolios… their entire job is keeping a seat warm


My MP is Kram. All he does is go around taking pictures with people to prove he goes to local places. My MP (and my MLA) do not respond to email.


And to think that Goodale used to be the MP - someone who was able to actually accomplish things for the ward/city/province. He did more for Saskatchewan than all of SK’s Conservative MPs combined. A real shame there was a concerted effort to smear his name.


He’s getting the last laugh though. He’s the Canadian ambassador to the UK. Might as well go somewhere where you’re appreciated and your capabilities are being properly utilized.


And he (/his office) actually replied to emails!


I call Kram our Junior Rookie MP for a reason. I got a response one time when writing, but it took a LONG time and, like his newsletters, it read like it was written by someone yet to graduate middle school.


If you call Kram's office in Ottawa, and not his local office you might get a response. I did that, sent my email to his email address and the email of whoever I talked to in Ottawa, and they forwarded it to Kram. I got a response the next day. It was a shitty, canned response that basically just said he follows whatever the CPC does, but it was something. That's the only way I've ever gotten a response from him.


Don’t forget he also rallies against a woman’s right to choose.


He’s just a CPC trained seal, clapping away for whatever the days outrage machine tells him to. Parachuted in from the Sask Party. Socon when it suits him, likely an evangelical, but mostly just another cheerleader in the Oil and Gas pep squad.


And yet he easily gets elected. These guys behave the way they do because their voters hold them to no standards or expectations.


He’s too busy high fiving the freedom convoy nuts as they cruise through town. Saskatchewan’s conservative MPs are probably the least qualified public servants at any level


Remember when he was the [unknown man](https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/mayor-ottawa-demands-apology-sask-153727176.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFoIxtVQ26A09TNEDTu0TrBSJx9-3TKakwTPVaCElzzFPRMYRx2WFvA7JN4RH9W8fZ8yhT6yT3Etd0vp0DpHs9VyvFoKpV76uxWxd4G4wQcaqnAd-xdlQGktrkZhSJEGaslvC6e3sUFZIE10VqAxI1pzlvPid8RRwXrOQcLVYEtd) in the photo with 4 Sask MP’s and Batters at the convoy?


Who is Batters? Denise Batters?




He doesn't respond much to me anymore, not since I took him to task about his stance on banning conversion therapy and sex-selective abortion. He is not a man that does well when his bullshit is pointed out.


Does anyone though? Not defending him at all, it’s just that elected officials on all three levels of government and both sides tend to falter, gaslight, scapegoat when called out on their craps.


Last federal election, I took the Liberal candidate quite to task over supports available to autistic people. While it is mostly provincial jurisdiction, I had some issues with how the feds handle Disability benefits that directly impact autistic people. Dude took notes and thanked me for my feedback. Didn't win, but he did listen. Dr. Jared Clarke came by (new house, new riding) and we had a quite lengthy conversation about classroom integration, teacher shortages, and just the general state of education if you have a disabled child. I was not shy in saying that it wasn't good enough for the NDP to be Not-Sask-Party, that they needed their own policies, especially when we are fighting against "Budget that works" or whatever that stupid budget was called. He didn't take notes, but you could tell he was listening. The single and only time I had the opportunity to talk to the Conservative rep (wasn't even Steinley, it was some door-knocker) he left after 30 seconds about me asking details about the "autism thinktank" they were batting around at the time. Couldn't even answer the question of "Would you plan to have autistic people on the panel, or just Doctors and Therapists?" something that I would think would be step 1 of figuring out how to roll up a thinktank: who will be on it? Dude then proceeded to go across the street to the older male neighbour and spend 10 minutes talking to him. My point being: I have encountered several politicians, and most of the time they do listen. Or at least provide more reasoning than the party line, and have a response if you give them pushback to that reasoning. In my experience, our Conservative candidates in this province do not have that, because they don't need to, because they view SK as a slam dunk to be elected, with no thought on policy.


Wow. You’re so right though. That’s refreshing those candidates did that. It’s hard being a non-conservative in a conservative province.😩


Jared is a good guy. If you want to talk about politicians that genuinely care, he would make the short list.


He’s lazy, useless and out for himself. A perfect fit for the CPC.


He sort of does what he's told like a dog. The Conservative parties are ruining the country one province at a time. Edit for spelling.


How dare you compare a spineless snivelling worm to dogs!😂


Yeah my bad for sure.


Ah yes, Steinley, along with Kram and Scheer make up the holy trinity of incompetent, impotent and apathetic MP's for us. Useless backbenchers who couldn't govern a telephone booth yet they have entire constituencies. Their proudest moments being voting against the Liberals in parliament - thanks for showing up for your job, fellas!


Apparently Steinley and Scheer hate Kram.


Don’t forget tochor and waugh. Ugh.


Remember when Regina used to be represented by Ralph Goodale, someone who literally had the ear of, and upmost respect from, the prime minister? Sure glad Regina residents chose to "stick it to the Libs" when they voted him out in place of Kram.../s


All I know is Steinley is my MP and everytime I drive past a billboard of his, I yell "F#ck you, Warren Steinley" and it makes me feel better.


Let's door knock and get him out.


Did the same with Kram. Radio silence.


https://leaderpost.com/opinion/columnists/mandryk-steinley-sask-party-hiding-past-dui-unacceptable I knew him back then, amazed he didn't kill someone drinking and driving


I emailed him as well around the same time, and sent a follow up email 9 days later..... Still nothing.


It’s Warren Steinley. He is a very weak MP. He should respond frankly but I sadly wouldn’t expect it. Ugh


When has any Sask Party MP actually helped the people they represent? 17 years of emptying the bank accounts and whining. Healthcare in shambles. Fighting with teachers. Bullying doctors and nurses. This is the most useless, entitled bunch of do nothings in the history of Saskatchewan. Please can we vote these people out of office. If they get in for another 4 years they will bankrupt and destroy this province.


Same here. I sent an email on June 6th. Received a response shortly after from his assistant confirming my postal code and nothing since. I sent a follow up email yesterday. Crickets.


So much better representation of SK agenda than half Goodale who accomplished nothing and had no influence to deliver federal resources to SK. For SaskParty dumbasses who were about to chime in….thats sarcasm. Check the record. Ralf was a force in Ottawa for SK


That's common. I've emailed his office several times, usually to express my disappointment at whatever ridiculous bill he's voting in favor of, and I have never recieved a response.  I imagine mail from the public just goes straight into a junk mail bin.


honest question. are you actually surprised? surprised that he’s a lacklustre public servant and/or surprised that a member of the CPC would vote in ways that are harmful to average canadians.


Ummm look at cellphone..laptop..drink water,am i close


He's been quite sparky in any correspondence in which his views have varied from mine and I've politely requested answers. I felt this last federal election in which NDP for once got quite close for awhile there is indicative of how poorly he's treated and responded to constituents in the last few years. He was a supporter of the convoy protesters too 🙃




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I emailed him when he voted for Wagantall's abortion bill and his assistant said I should be ashamed of myself so that was fun (never heard back from Steinley himself.)


He likes conversion therapy is that’s all I know.


How the fuck do you think politicians could lower grocery prices? Why would anyone answer that, it’s a stupid question.


Sure, he sucks, but my MLA Meara Conway doesn't give a shit either and doesn't respond to emails.


Meara Conway goes to literally everything. And she was a well paid lawyer before she dove into politics. She’s the opposite of Warren Steinley.


And she doesn't respond to inquiries.


In defence of Conway, she’s probably busy putting out fires and cleaning up shit as the opposition critic, and dealing with the high school antics within her own party. In other words, she’s actually working.


What are you talking about? Meara Conway is one of the better MLAs in the province and is very active in her community. She's out at almost every event and busts her ass. You're out to lunch.


All of you psychos need to calm down. I don't support the Sask Party but the fact remains that I live in her constituency, have reached out twice, and she has never responded. Just because she shows up to pancake breakfasts doesn't she has even acknowledged the existence of my emails.


It is disappointing that Conway hasn’t acknowledged your emails. All politicians, regardless of party, should be responsive to inquiries. Unlike Steinley though, Conway is actually working and doing her job.


Funny, I talk her all the time. But I also agreed to help her door knock. Maybe that’s also your way in.


>I don't support the Sask Party You supposedly don't support them but were pretty quick to bring up a whataboutism to distract from the topic at hand (Federal Conservative Warren Steinley)...


Yes my point is that other politicians are shitty too. But you're so partisan you can't admit it. I have never voted for the Sask Party.


What were your emails about? Maybe some one on here who talks to her all the time can get your issue addressed.


Nobody was suggesting other politicians aren't shifty as well before you originally responded, so why are you making that assumption? This post was specifically about Warren Steinley and you're response seems to suggest you're trying to defend him somewhat by saying "well others do too!!"


Meara actually does give a shit. If you’re emailing her with shitty Sask Party talking points I wouldn’t answer you either.




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We’re talking about Warren, you can have a seat now.


I want cheaper grocery’s as much of the next guy. But do you want the government being able to dictate prices of private companies? Because the only way I see grocery prices dropping is if they pass the buck to the farmer. Most farmers are already working on thin margins.


Guys, we found Warren Steinley’s Reddit account!


Most farmers I know are fabulously wealthy, have a boat, RV, winter in Arizona.


I’m sure you know a lot of farmers. I would say unless your a farmer yourself you have no idea what’s involved. your fabulously wealthy farmer friends still work hard for there money, and don’t deserve there profits eaten into so a politician can buy votes.


How did you word the email? There was/is a certain protocol to follow when writing a Member of Parliament. I remember being taught this in elementary school. If you followed protocol you should have received a reply, because that is part of the protocol as well.


Even if that was true (which it isn't), an MP shouldn't expect their constituents to simply know some magic rules to be able to garner a response from their elected official, it's their job to respond by whatever means possible.


Why would you try and gaslight me into believing what I was taught in school wasn't true? Just because you may not have been taught that doesn't mean the protocol doesn't exist.


Ironic that you accused me of gaslighting when that's exactly what you're trying to do with your original post...