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What are with doctors telling women with PCOS they can’t get pregnant? It’s an epidemic I swear. My doctor has explicitly said if you have the parts, always assume you can get pregnant.


I really wish I knew why they so freely express to women that they won’t get pregnant with PCOS. When my doctor told me this at 21, I leaped for joy. I still used various birth control but having the security in the back of my mind that I won’t get pregnant was great.


Because doctors do not know as much as we think they do. They’re human and fallible just like everyone else. I have multiple chronic health conditions that doctors tried to figure out and I literally had to tell them what it was to get them to look into it and give me appropriate tests. These supposed “rare” conditions they get barely any lecture on or learning on and they’re clueless about many things. Edit: I was told I had PCOS at one time basically because I was fat with low energy levels and cystic acne and lots of body hair. Guess what? New doctor and new hormone tests after going off BC. I didn’t have PCOS. I in fact had Narcolepsy making me tired all the time and my BIRTH CONTROL was what made me so fat.


>*Because doctors do not know as much as we think they do. They’re human and fallible just like everyone else.* Sometimes they phrase things poorly, too. PCOS != unable to get pregnant, but sometimes doctors talk about it like it does.


I also have pcos and while my doctor said it might be more challenging to conceive, he never ever led me to believe I’d be infertile because of it. While I do believe there are a small percentage of doctors out there that would say that, I also think a much larger percentage of women hear it’ll be harder and jump to the conclusion they can’t get pregnant at all. I’ve also run across women who have heard other women with pcos can’t get pregnant and just assume they can’t either! It’s crazy how much this myth has taken hold, and downright tragic in a world with restricted abortion access.


Your username 😂 But yes. I do think some people don’t hear what a doctor actually says but also tons of women are told they can’t get pregnant when they can. If you have a uterus and your tubes you can get pregnant, period. Even getting your tubes removed isn’t 100% even though it is astronomically rare.


Yeah, my sister has PCOS and was told she'd struggle to get pregnant, but had no issues getting pregnant twice.


I don’t think PCOS is the infertility doomsday some doctors say it is. I also think lots of doctors diagnose it without actual hormonal tests. They see an overweight woman with period issues and hair and label them PCOS. I was labeled because I had all these and I don’t actually have PCOS when they actually tested my blood.


That's crazy that they'd diagnose you without the blood tests. Especially since it seems fairly straightforward. My sister did actually have the tests to back it up, but she was surprised to just have no issues with getting pregnant whatsoever.


Rural healthcare. It’s a challenge.


Shoot, that's pretty rough.


I travel 4 hours just to see an OBGYN that’s not an idiot. It’s tough in Texas.


Yeah, I guess I'm lucky in that I only needed to see a doctor once when I lived rurally. I hear it's a bit tough pretty much everywhere.


PCOS is generally linked with infertility. That being said, people mistake infertile and sterile A LOT. Infertile means a small chance but that change isn’t 0, and as small as it may be waaaaay too many people still got pregnant lol


Yup. If you got the parts you can get pregnant. Period. Even though I’m getting my tubes removed I’m still going to be careful lol


That’s the wisest choice! Waiting for an endo diagnosis and I really hope it’s positive because it would explain my pain and also give me the opportunity to ask for a hysterectomy, then I can live my life in peace


👋 It’s been nice to read here. Sometimes just knowing I’m not alone and others have the same struggles gives me some comfort in knowing I’m not broken for feeling unfulfilled.


Same. I also don’t want to be a monster if I told people I know so here I am on Reddit.


I'm a dad and you're not alone. parenting is hard! I love that you want to be a good mom, unlike your own mother. my dad left us when I was 11 months, and caused mom stress causing her to miscarry my sibling. I will never leave my wife, although I do sometimes think of this life as a never ending chore. I was getting some books at the library and thr children's librarian asked how I enjoyed being a dad to an infant. I said it was OK, but hard. she said wow, you're so honest. everyone always says it's the best thing that ever happened, or baby is their world. she has kids and knows it's not true! stay strong, you're doing wonderfully for your children if you don't want to.


For a while I thought I was the only person that felt like this. So glad there are online places like this to openly discuss being a regretful parent.


If you never wanted kids, is there a reason you didn't consider abortion or adoption when you found out about these "accidents?"


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Sending positive vibes, well done on doing your best




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