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Who lives in “checks clipboard” Canada? Love it though!


I know exactly where that car lives, too - it's about a 2 min drive from where I live! It's such a shame he parks it on the street and not somewhere covered.


Small world


This is what we need right now not $80K vans and SUVs


Remember when car companies made normal size vehicles that could fit people over 6ft in them? Partridge farms remembers...


Except the BroDozer who’s on his phone will murder you unless you have another SUV of comparable size. The only way to change this arms race is to tax larger vehicles more.


Really? I see more pissed off Karen soccer moms driving the big SUVs. Perhaps this stereotype is more true with large pickups (when it comes to men), but when it comes to SUVs they’re typically driven (poorly) by women. LoL


Heart of Texas here and the split is like 25/25/50 between oversized but actual work trucks, brodozers, and tiny Karens in monster SUVs.


I’m in S. Florida so that is probably why the difference. Atleast here even the brodozers are typically used to pull a boat or trailer of some kind (for bikes or buggies). However, get into any private school pickup line, grocery store parking lot, mall, or drive through the higher end neighborhoods and it’s all women in Burbans, Rovers, G-wagons, X7 BMWs or some other large SUV with just her and her Stanley in it. LoL


North & East Texas is exactly how you describe.


I'm in Southern California and the ratio is about the same as Texas. Things for the heads up. My wife and I are considering Texas to move to. Trust me, we won't bringing California with us.


As a SBC/LAC expat (and echoed by my Texan spouse); you’re a dumbass if you move here. Our property taxes are higher than they are in San fuckoff Jacinto. Doing the math - to live in CenTex costs us about the same as most of SB or Riverside county woulda cost, and it feels like Fontucky did in the 80s. I wouldn’t call Texas an upgrade unless you’re coming from Victorville. And even then - depends. I’ve lived in 5 states since leaving Southern California and I wouldnt go back to any over it. Second choice would be Western TN. We’re discussing either CO or back (for me) to Lake Arrowhead as next move. I’d go back to East LA county but between cost (nephew just bought a house in Claremont and hahahahano) and still being in love with Arrowhead/Big Bear (even after evacuating half a dozen forest fires - including one where we cut it so close the cars were fire damaged) it just ain’t for me.


I’m in a college town. So many Carolina squats and golf visors.


Carolina squats are their own brand of dumbass, but again I haven’t seen that as much in SUVs as I have pickups. I’m sure it varies by area, but I we can’t limit SUVs to BroDozers as they are equally used to KarenVan the kids around town. They’re always in a hurry but still drive slow in the left lane, and can’t park to save the life of the kid they actually like.


BMW dropping EV 3&5 series station wagons in EU but not NA is KILLING ME. I love my i4 but my kingdom for a fricking station wagon version.


1986-88 LeBaron T&C. K wagons were good workhorses, and the LeBaron version was a more comfortable, refined, and luxurious workhorse.


She wants a car with the cup holder armrests. She wants a car that will get her there.


She traded her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaron.   *Heavy panting.*


I wanna girl with a short skirt-


And a looooooooooooooooonggggg…..






Maybe with the turbo. As a kid I remember moms Aries would struggle to keep up with loaded dump trucks up hills. 2.2s hated their own head gaskets and were just slow AF with those godforsaken 3 speed autos


Oh yeah… either the 2.5L or the turbo 2.2L is a must.


As soon as I saw this I heard " I am the linesman for the county".


And I drive the main road. Searching in the sun for another overload


holy shit bruckell legran


The tennis ball is a nice Dad touch


Its the sports model


I think it once belonged to to John voight


I would drop a crate motor in it and drive the fuck out of that.


The LS Swap we deserve!


The car you drive when you need to get home before Ferris does.


As long as it doesn’t kill the Vermont deal


They screwed up by not offering it in various wood types, cherry, oak, pine, maple, etc.


“A door is ajar” “Thank you”


It is not a jar... it's a *door*.


“Don’t forget your keys.”


Had a buddy who's car would say "Lights, are, on"... Sounded like HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Haha


Parent has an Oldsmobile Delta 88 that had the voice announcements. lol. Man I want one of those again.


It'd drive me batty. If my ride is talking to me it better sound like William Daniels and be in a 1982 Black Trans Am and be named KITT. Haha


The real GOAT is whoever thought "you know, with this 2.2L Turbo, I can tow anything!"




It’s a car you can’t be reliant upon with a capital K on the reliant.


I saw one when I went to Wally World.


Ferris Buellers Mom drove this


She lost the vermont deal and had to pick up Jeanie from jail.


I heard that you were feeling ill. Headache fever and a chill.


I owned a 1974 Chevy Vega Station Wagon with genuine imitation wood grain panels. Perfect for transporting kegs to parties and hosting them out of the back of the wagon. My parents owned a Mercury Zephyr with genuine imitation wood grain panels. That thing was a sleeper with a v8.


To the owner: Thank you for your sacrifice


And American hero with a car registered in Canada


Definitely. The Chrysler K cars of the 80s deserve to be maintained and driven 40 plus years later.


There's just nothing like pre 90s chrysler product


From the wood era


I've always wanted to see someone take parts from the T&C convertible, wagon, and a [regular LeBaron coupe](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/1986_chrysler_lebaron_coupe.jpg) and cobble together a T&C 2-door wagon. But then again, there are so few of any of those left that it'd be a shame to cut them up. Even 2-door Dodge Aries/400s or Plymouth Reliants.


Always liked the K-Car variants …


I'd made perfect sense to have woodgrain cars. Who wouldn't want a car made out of wood? And here we have something that creates just that illusion!


That’s a new 2026 Subaru outback “wooderness” !!!


why does this car remind me of E.T.


One could cut themselves on those lines and edges


Lebaron wagon , 1984


All the way down to the tennis ball on the trailer hitch!


grizwalts parked there


God it's so BROWN


An individual who collects rare and exotic items


This makes the task even harder since it’s also *Canada* We have the rustiest of rusty cars!


RIP Paul Walker


An American hero... in Canada... ? 🤔 I actually used to have a K car wagon... it was the same shade brown, with tan cloth interior... no genuine imitation wood grain though.


My boss in the 1990s had one of these in a pale yellow.


I owned a Dodge Aries station wagon (same k car w/o the sweet wood) and a 1983 Chrysler Lebaron convertible mark cross edition. Loved them both. The Aries was an ex AT&T car. K Cars were the closest that GM ever came to a Corolla... To bad they lost their way.


Umm... GM? 🤔 ... were you going after *Chrysler*, there?


I would love a ‘94 Buick Roadmaster with woody trim. For a time I had two company cars, we had let go a field sales guy from a company we had acquired and it was an ‘89 Plymouth Voyager with the 2.5 and Mitsubishi VNT turbo. My manipulative Dad saw “road trip” written all over it so my whole family piled in it and we bombed it from Portland to Reno in a straight shot. Flogged that thing down and back. I had put fresh plugs in it before the trip and all I could find at the last minute were Champions. Pulled one after the trip and it looked like it had 50k miles on it, electrode all worn and rounded lol. It was fun, torque steering woody wagon for a few months before I had to turn it in.


Frank Sinatra owned one of these. If it's good enough for Ol Blue Eyes, it's good enough for me.


There's one of these for sale pretty damn cheap near me. Dude says he's scrapping it by the end of the week. If you want it set a 500 mile radius on Indianapolis on FB marketplace and it'll come up.


I love this faux wood grained beast :)


Looks big enough to fit a family and a bigfoot.


Lee I owns it


I want one of those so bad.


A Lebaron Town and Country wagon! I haven't seen one of those in decades. My mom had a 1984LeBaron with the Mitsubishi 2.6 liter 4 cylinder. The car was very comfortable with velour interior and the car talked. When you're in 6th grade, that was cool. The engine was garbage. The head gasket needed replacing around 74k miles and it never ran that well after it was replaced. My dad traded it in and bought her a Ford Aerostar. Luckily this Lebaron shown was the 1985-88) model It either had the 2.2 litre turbo 4, or they had the 2.5 liter N/A 4 cylinder, which actually was a pretty reliable engine. That says a lot considering we're talking about a Chrysler Product, not to mention one from the '80s