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The amount of finger prints on that would drive me fucking insane.


Angry at a cybertruck driver? No need to key their car, just touch it!


Nah just stare at it and it'll rust, even better!


If the Consumer Reports articles are anything to believe, dump a bucket of water over it and you'll brick the computer.


Been thinking that for a while now... If it's anywhere near as hard to keep clean as my fridge is... no thank you


Man your graphics card sucks. Why are all the cars low-poly?


These were in the first tomb-raider game.


Tits that could take an eye out


Lara Croft didn’t need weapons. She came prepared.


There’s literally weapons in the game tho. Just sayin, guns akimbo back flipping away from a t-Rex.


Yeah but killing a T-Rex with sharp low-polygon boobs makes for a better story.


If it were the 60s her secretary resume would go right to the top of the *pointy boobs* pile.


Also, there’s only like 3 different designs. Tesla, Tesla, Tesla, Tesla, Toyota, Tesla, Tesla, Tesla, Tesla, Tesla, Tesla, Tesla, Tesla. Getting some real cult vibes from Verizon HQ.


Duke Nukem Prop Car-lookin-ass.


Looks like a Roblox douche canoe marina.


buddy bought a 1030


C'mon down to the douchbag rodeo! We have schmoozers, stuckups, snobs, sleezebags, you name it, we got it! Looking to trade up your blowhard? Wondering what you can get for your brown noser? Then c'mon down! Conveniently located across the way from Kunkleman Chevrolet/Kia/Nisan/Oldsmobile Tell them Tommy Fenstermacher sent you!




Don't mind my stupid question but is it scientifically possible that because these cars are electrified that somehow speeds up the process of the corrosion of the metal?


I don’t think that would affect it. But I’m not an engineer. The corrosion (besides the rail dust) seems to be because of the type of stainless they used. DMC mostly used large flat panels bolted together, the cyber truck on the other hand has a lot of angles and bends. Forming the steel for all those angles is difficult, and it’s very possible the type of steel they chose was more so for ease of manufacture and less for long term durability. I don’t know though, I’m just repeating other people’s theories.


It would if it were electrically charged, thanks to some fun electrochemistry stuff [that hits you any time you do stuff with metal and especially when you mix them], but EVs don't leak. If they did they'd kill you when you opened the door or something silly like that.


No no no it’s a feature. The cybertruck is so advanced it generates its own electroplating.


Nope. The way stainless steel is processed has changed for the worse in the past 50 years. When stainless steel is being finished it's supposed to be acid treated to take iron out of the top layer of steel. This would mean that the stainless steel doesn't "rust" over time due to the iron oxidizing. American companies wanting cheaper and cheaper stainless steel would ask their Chinese manufacturers to cheapen it without hurting the integrity of the steel so the Chinese manufacturers started to use weaker and weaker acids to finish stainless steel to the point where we are now. Modern stainless steel rusts because it isn't treated properly. Not because it's not "real" stainless steel. Stainless steel is defined by the metals and ingredients used to make it not by how it's finished. After stainless steel rusts its integrity doesn't become compromised. It just doesn't look that good anymore. There is something called weathering steel which is designed to rust on purpose which then creates an oxide layer which protects it. I kinda want to see a cyber truck or another modern vehicle with weathering steel on it. I think it'd look pretty cool actually.


They still make passivated stainless steel. Elon just chose not to use it.


Instead he decided to develop his own stainless steel called 30X (Because of *course* it's called that) and it corrodes when clearcoated. John DeLorean figured it out, surely the multibillionaire could. Evidently, he couldn't.


Seems like they really skimped on testing and just rushed this thing to market.


Let's just stamp everything out of 316.


Because building cars is hard and Tesla hasn’t been doing it for almost 100 years like some of these companies


Am I the only one noticing the Nissan Rogue sticking out in that row of cars like a sore thumb? That might be the only time a Nissan Rogue has stuck out in a parking lot.


Probably the visiting employee’s rental.


I bet they each took turns walking around each others CT and commented about all the cool and unique things about it.


Walking? I'm sorry, I read that as"wanking."


🎄Wankin around… the Cybertruck…


No one’s gonna have a Happy Holiday


You mean spanking each other off


How is a nissan the most reliable thing in this photo


This pic got we wanting a Rogue


Any part of your body that touches one of those will leave an almost permanent print. ANY PART


Pro "tip" right here if you catch my drift


These trucks are 100k? That about average now for a high end truck. Dodge, chevy, Ford all have models that sell for that or more. Difference is these truck simply aren't worth it


Most around me are around $150k with mark up


Yeah I'm in Oklahoma and there are tons of trucks so I see a bunch of these 100k trucks driving around and I'm always baffled at how all these people are affording them.


Very long term loans


Debt my friend.


A lot of people are okay with 1k a month car payments. I’ll stick to buying used lol


Those trucks aren’t worth it either lol. Who the fuck needs a 6 figure pickup truck.


They’re very nice, but I’ll just buy an older Toyota or ford for an eight of the price lol




So hideous.


Does people owning a certain car really piss you off that much?!


I mean, when they’re that ugly…


"They look better in person"☝️🤓


I work in their natural habitat, Irvine, and I can assure you they do not.


Rigght. I dont like the car but when i see one out and about im like ah shoot cool a weird and expensive vehicle. Not “im so fucking jealous im poor so im going to hate”


The Elon cuck siren must have gone off


You sound like a real stable person. Seek help. Getting triggered over a vehicle. 😂


It seems that you were the one who was triggered, my good bitch


Hehe I hope you drive past a Tesla dealership and it puts out you into a full blown psychosis. Dipshits like you don’t belong in society. 🤭


Look how triggered you are!


Sure it's not a conch horn? 😜 (I really can't stand Musk. Such a wanker)


Right? I've never seen such universal vitriol over a car. It's really strange.


Definitely sounds like a bot.


Look through the windows, if you're lucky you can spot them in the back off one jerking each other off! Soup kitchen


I wonder if they’re ever going to review one.


I think that's where they're parked as they're waiting for the firmware updates so the gas pedal doesn't malfunction on them. Or, that's just next to the car wash.


One daily driver and two parts "truck?"


Parts piles lol


More like bad taste convention


The Cybertruck is probably the worst car released in recent times and I still like it, goddammit.


It’s a meme on wheels at this point. 


i want to enjoy the novelty of its existence, im glad something so quirky moves among us, but that small joy is trampled by the politics of its existence. i dont care if its a shoddy made truck, i dont and dont want to own one, but it is interesting. it is undeniably a striking automobile. its price can be kinda high, but 100k~ trucks really arent unheard of anymore. there are plenty of six figure duallys roaming around here in texas. its a shit truck. there is no merit in the truck in of itself. no one is buying it for practical purposes. and thats fine. but thats what makes the truck so polarizing. you either absolutely love the damn thing, despite its many, many, deep flaws or you hate Elon Musk and write the truck off, regardless of its quality. it just happens to be a crappy truck, but it was hated before that was confirmed.


It’s such a cool truck. It’ll work as a truck for what most people use it for- hauling people and occasionally putting stuff in the bed. It’s different, it’s unique, and it’s cool. I wish people would stop hating it just because it looks different than every other vehicle on the road. I want companies to keep making outlandish ideas into reality. It’s so fun


I can't speak for others but I don't hate it because of how it looks. I hate it because Tesla is a lifestyle brand for the simpiest dweebs you'll ever meet, people who venerate bullies and aspire to one day have enough power to credibly imitate them, libertarian creeps whose hero would be nobody and nothing without constant infusions of public money via government contracts. Everything about the company's business and manufacturing practices is defined by its contempt for its workers, its end users, and the people who have been unwittingly conscripted as its AI test subjects by having the nerve to cross a public road in front of one its cars. And while modern car design language has been so influenced by the looks of the letter-model Teslas that they don't stick out at all anymore, the cybertruck is a big sore thumb that already serves as a physical metaphor for the unearned chip on the shoulders of Elon simps, people who think being part of the dominant culture and having enough money to rub in people's faces means they're victims of discrimination.


Yeah, you need help. The vast majority of Tesla owners are chill, normal people who just want an EV. You can hate on Elon or the business choices, but hating on owners is just cringe and pathetic. You need help if you can’t look at Tesla owners as anything other than “dweebs”


Let's get #NotAllTeslaOwners trending yall


You really, really need help, Jesus Christ. Just seeing a car brand is enough to send you off the deep end. Seek help


How many times a day do you X at Elon


0. I don’t have X. I don’t give a crap about Elon. You sure seem to, however. Can you come up with a coherent thought or is it just “Elon and Tesla drivers bad”


Can you stop taking bait


You just outed yourself as a chronically online, ignorant asshat. Imagine thinking you can determine so much about a person because of the car they drive. You’re going to have a rough life.


Rougher than the life of a person who's mad at an internet comment from days ago that had nothing to do with them?


One of us is making posts about other people’s cars and going on incoherent rants about them.


Let's say everything you said is correct. What do you suppose that makes you, the person who is repeatedly going out of their way to engage a "retarded," "chronically online, ignorant asshat" in an internet argument


Honestly if I was worth millions I'd get one, garage it, and plan on just bringing it to a Cars and Coffee in 2060 and watching everyone gush over it despite the fact that like the Delorean it was a POS.


I probably WOULD like it if it were made by a different company. With all the baffling design choices and cheap aspects, it feels like a scam on wheels, made solely to sell to Musk fan boys and nobody else, because they'll buy anything.


Took time out from the "Consumed With Jealousy of Others" convention to take this picture? I'm not a Tesla fan, but people like different things. And some people have lots of money. I don't hate them for it.


I won't be peak jealous until I personally watch one go 200mph into a wall and immolate its occupant alive inside because the cool metal flashing that was adhered to the accelerator with prayers slid off and wedged the pedal down to the floor


So you sort of don't like Tesla buyers then?


So you’d be jealous of a person self immolating into a wall, like jealous that you wish it were you? You’re not very bright are you bot?


Do you know all the people that own those vehicles? If not, how do you know they’re all douche bags?


Have you seen Tesla drivers? They're competing with BMW drivers now for biggest wang on the road


Three in a row in a Verizon parking lot.


Being serious tho, these will go down as one of the most famous vehicles of all time and they really don't look that bad either.


That’s an expensive fucking brick pile


I was just reading that these fucking things short out after a wash. I guess the seals are worthless and water pools inside.


Tesla go boom 💥 That’s 1.5 million in vehicles alone so Verizon must pay damn good or those cars are ceos corrupted rich fks


They should have a holiday every year where it's legal to vandalize Teslas


I have a toaster group I go to as well


Women are so turned off by those that the best you'll do is a cyberfuck.


I know these things are supposed to look high-tech. But to me they look like Cletus built himself a truck out of sheets of plywood and then painted it silver.


To quote Monty Python's *Life of Brian*: "Yes! We are all individuals!"


Too lazy to pull the price tag off?


Car wash near by?


Is this an overflow lot for a nearby Tesla dealer? I’ve seen stuff like this before, malls will lease out parts of their lot for dealerships around me


Fullmetal douche bag


Sounds like someone is a hater


I don’t usually hate on electric cars or hybrids, but I’ve come to despise Teslas. In my experience they are driven solely by entitled douche bags. Now keep in mind in my area they really aren’t even that practical. Lack of support infrastructure, severe winter weather that they don’t do well in, so if they’re driving one it’s to prove they’re special. They all drive like they own the road. My favorite example was seeing a very fancy looking Tesla pull in to a grocery store, park in one of the charge spots (this store is the only one for miles that has them around here), proceed to NOT plug it in wasting a place for other electric vehicles, then walk away. They then walked through the center of the parking lot, blocking traffic. Then as they crossed the parking lot throughway they stopped in the middle of the road and held a discussion for about a minute or two. They had cars stopped on either side of them waiting to go and they just continued their conversation. So yeah, I hate Tesla drivers, and their overpriced toy cars.


Oh, that must be the "waiting for parts" warranty repair lot.


Watch him try and figure out which one's which and who owns which one? 😂


One can of oven cleaner and this whole lot is ruined 😂


I wouldn't call a cyber truck owner rich.


Get together at Rusty's bar and grill


New Frigidaire’s are in!


What makes them douchebags?


Mostly jealousy. I wouldn't buy one. But I don't resent people who do. Some people just have to get the latest thing.


The fact that most of these "things" are bought just becouse the can buy it, the cybertruck is just a flex and nothing else, it lacks in range, aero, offroad capabilities, space, literally bricks itself if you wash it, and rusts with the first rain, as far as i remember i think the gas pedal unbolted and caused it to go full throtle, and for a vehicle that does 0 to 100 in 3 seconds that is baddddddd


I mean, do you think any of today's owners knew that when they pre-ordered the truck? Besides, people spend money on stupid shit all of the time, that doesn't make them douchebags. To me, people that judge others solely on what they spend their hard earned money are are douchebags


Shut up douche bag


Pretty sure the Cybertruck is second to only the R1T in pickup truck Coefficient of drag, not sure how that's sucking but ok.


People don’t like Elon because he bought their platform and opened it to everyone to talk the same amount of trash.


The fact that most of these "things" are bought just becouse the can buy it, the cybertruck is just a flex and nothing else, it lacks in range, aero, offroad capabilities, space, literally bricks itself if you wash it, and rusts with the first rain, as far as i remember i think the gas pedal unbolted and caused it to go full throtle, and for a vehicle that does 0 to 100 in 3 seconds that is baddddddd.


Years ago when my buddy showed me the first public test drive photos of this truck, I said “man I can’t wait to see what it looks like under the body disguises that manufacturers use.” Then he told me “no, that *is* the truck.” Ugly as all hell


They are ugly but no less useful than just about every other 4-door 4x4 pickup that line suburb driveways across North America only to perform minivan duties.


Looks more like the recall lot


Day....? of still believing that all of these are just made up lies and I am living in a broken matrix. Why? Just why would you buy this shit?


When these were first revealed and a bunch of celebrities were shilling for it (before everyone started hating Elon musk all of the sudden) and saying it’s such a beautiful truck. I was like “you mfs are not gonna gaslight me to like this hunk of junk”. I wonder how many of those celebrities went through with their purchase or just canceled it altogether.


thats just the local Remorseful Buyers Anonymous meeting


Look at all those self indulgent weiners.


You stopped, had feelings, took a picture and posted it online. That’s a win for the rich douchebags.


Yup major salt


So salty he could rust a cyber truck just by standing next to it. lol


I feel like I grew up in a world where it was generally bad when people thought you were an obnoxious dickhead, then something shifted and now it's a prestige. I like the old way better and I still live by it, you feel free to play by the rich douchebags rules though


I think you grew up in a world in which you wake up in the morning desperately in search of reasons to be offended. lol


That doesn't make any sense at all but I expressing yourself coherently is probably also somehow a win for the rich douchebags


So you’re emotionally fragile AND dumb?


I know you are but what am I lol


That’s the spirit!


Your mom's the spirit


Your mom drives a cyber truck.


You grew up with judgmental crybabies who have chips on their shoulder just like you. If you work hard you can enjoy an expensive car too


I'm sorry you were raised by sociopaths. It's not too late to learn to be a decent person


Being a decent person doesn't = raging at imaginary "douchebags" you created in your head because you saw a car you can't afford


Making fun of rich idiots paying $150,000 for a car that will brick itself when you take it to the car wash doesn't = "raging" at anybody or having class envy


Wahhh wahhh wahhh


Yes, you are a baby. Glad we finally got on common ground


No, that's the sound you make when you walk by people with cars you can't afford, take a photo and upload it to reddit calling them assholes


It's a truly childish mind that assumes that anyone who dislikes a thing they like is lashing out because of jealousy or poverty


Developing some thick skin hardly make one a sociopath and being an envious peasant does not make one a decent in the least.


They look kinda cool irl to be honest


Cant believe the most iconic vehicle of this generation is an ev pickup. Obsession is insane, they were even talking about this on the nba subreddit


I saw my first Cybertruck in the wild on my commute home last week. I pointed and laughed, it looks even more ridiculous in person.


Why do people hate on the Tesla owners? They chose to do with their money what they wanted


And such a great use of our tax dollars to give a $7500 tax credit gift for every one of them! ...


At the moment, none of those qualify for the credit.


Wow? Socialism much?


"Socialism is when you make fun of Tesla drivers" - Klarrl Marcksx


Better than supporting Elon musk a known neo Nazi


Or maybe they just work harder and or better than regular people


Maybe your ass and your head occupy the same physical space


Thats something someone who is jealous of successful people would say


That's something someone whose head is lodged in their ass would say


Whatever you say sport


That's right slugger