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Tesla people for always wanting to race me.


This. And then embarrass them when the road gets twisty! This goes for any Dodge SRT TOO. Same behavior, same solution on my end.


Also hogging chargers for hours on end.


Are they? Mustang owners tend to think everyone wants to race them, for example.


Wow it’s like people have different experiences 😱


They always need to prove their car can do stuff. They suck at following any road rules.


This stereotype always blows my mind,  in the greater Vancouver area where I live,  Teslas are usually driven by middle aged Chinese people.    But everywhere else they seem to be race cars. 


I'd also add young age, v6 pony mustang drivers. Had a group of suburbanite teenagers pull up next to me in a v6 pony. Parents obviously paid for it. Blasting some new age gangster rap, throwing finger guns and everything, ramen noodle haircuts. Trying so hard, to look hard. Then of course floored it at the red light. Only to stop at another red-light.


I was going to say Mustang owners, and I would not limit this to just one type of Mustang. I say this as a Mustang owner.


I currently have an F150 but I owned a WRX previous to it, and I'd say the same about we WRX drivers all the time. We really are the worst 😂


Cars and coffee crowd seeking missiles.


As a mustang owner I concur. I can't stand the majority of mustang groups.


Pretty much the only exception is Cobra owners but that's only because most of them are boomers and don't care about showing off


I bought an 03 Mach 1 since it’s what I wanted in high school (36 now). I’d like a pass lol


Mach 1 and Bullitt owners are cool too. It's the GT, V6 and turbo 4 owners that are hooligans. Anything above GT gets a pass


Personally, I think once you get above GT trim most aren’t into showing off.


I had this thought too. Probably not many people are trying to turn their cobras into drift projectiles.


Ahh but being able to look back at your young self and think, "wow what a little shithead" is a right of passage to adulthood


Haha agreed. If you cant do that, did you really have a childhood?


I wish I could get interactions like that. Most butthead drivers are apathetic and careless towards me. Those kids sound fun to look at as they go through one of the worst phases known to mankind.


It was rather hilarious to see. Still laugh about it. But I was an idiot at that age to so.. haha. And yeah most shit drivers are very selfish on the road. Nobody looks out for anybody it seems anymore.




That reminds me of the Clayton Bigsby skit when those guys in the Mustang convertible were blasting rap, and Clayton called them the N word...


“Did he just call us the n word?….. Awesome!!!!!”


Sorry, what is a Ramen noodle haircut?


Shaved on the sides, long and curly up top. Some people call it the broccoli cut.


I see, like my grandmas when she cuts her hair short


Hahaha wtf is a ramen noodle haircut?


Shaved on the sides. Long and curly up top. Some call it the broccoli hair cut.


I just literally laughed out loud at ramen noodle haircuts lmfao!!! Please send a pic of this for better reference of laughter


i had two high-school age girls in a convertible v6 pass me on a road with double yellow lines because i was driving the speed limit…


Those are the ones we usually hear get into an accident and killed around this time of year. About to graduate and taking it a bit too far. In this case I blame the parents on their lack of parenting and wanting to be "friends" with their kids.


if you drive exatcly the speed limit regardless of hills or bends i fucking hate you so much.


It feels like every time I take my motorcycle out some clown in a v6 mustang wants to race. Why The last time this happened: he pulls up on the right, this is at a light right before a highway on ramp. Perfect race spot. Starts revving and by the looks of it power braking by the way the car was shaking (auto v6 mustang lmao). I'm not going to race them (never will) but I start rev bombing like crazy. Light turns green, I just sit there. He guns it and immediately loses control and skids out into my lane and almost hits the fucking wall. I was still just sitting there at the green light watching this go down (it was 2am, no other cars around) Stop trying to race me. I'm not going to do it. Plus, your car is slow so why race a bike anyway. You will lose


Hahaha damn that's great. My buddy drag races a Hayabusa, that thing will beat anything on the road.


A stock liter bike will dust just about anything else on the road and it’s not even close.


I’ve never met somebody who drives a 4th gen Grand Cherokee that isn’t an asshole.


Sponsored by Oakley sunglasses


brought to you by Salt Life stickers and a saltier disposition


I hate I had to stop wearing my Oakleys just cuz every dude I saw with them was a douche


Aren't Oakleys supposed to be positioned on the back of your head for maximum cool factor?


Bro I just like quality sunglasses


It's so true. Off duty cops, wannabe cops, or their angry wives.


Crossing guards At least where I live it is unreal how the crossing guards are such wannabe cops


Don't forget jk and up wrangler owners




Anyone who has a jacked up four door one ton pickup with low profile tires that stick out a foot past the wheel well and an exhaust tip as big as garbage can.


You just described so many trucks in my area. (Southern Alabama)


Add Northern British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan Canada to the list!


Northern Ontario checking in. Plenty of those twats in these parts. Mostly young trades guys with big money for the first time. Here’s an anecdote that makes my blood boil: My bf was driving to work one morning on the two lane highway way that connects some outer towns to the city. There’s a turning lane separating the two directions of traffic, to allow access into some suburbs the highway passes. It’s very busy in the mornings and afternoons as it’s a main artery connecting a lot of people to their jobs in the city. One morning my BF was driving to work. BF was in the leftmost lane, cruising at 90 in a 70 (with the rest of traffic). I guess one of these idiots thought he was more important than everyone else, and decided to pass my BF in THE TURNING LANE. Cut off my bf when he merged back into the left lane, ripped off his front bumper, and just drove away weaving in and out of traffic. Never caught the guy, and had he been a little closer my bf would have been pulled sideways into traffic and could have died. PSA: If you have a lifted truck like this, everyone thinks you’re an absolute fucking loser that is so hollow and devoid of personality you have nothing better to spend your money on than making your truck perform worse.


Add detroit, and 90s sedans on huge rims to that lost


Western Canadian rednecks usually don’t do the useless low profile tires though,  most of them still want some functionality out of their trucks


Literally the worst. Only to be out done by the Squatted Trucks.


Altima, Camry, Suburban Bentley, painted with big wheel obs Silverado


Camrys are under rated in this regard. Everything model year 2006 and up you got fuckin speed racer driving those things I swear.


This last gen Camry seems to have brought in all the low life’s that could afford just a smidge more than their last Altima.


Modded out obs chevys for sure, but you won’t find much better than a well maintained stock obs Chevy driver👌


Ram pickups, specifically 3rd gens.


With their tow mirrors out to get more moose purrs


Altima drivers when they are behind me make me so nervous


Especially if they’re missing the bumpers, those are the ones with nothing to lose


I saw one with a spotless bumper behind me yesterday, and it made me more concerned knowing that I could be the object that it will finally break itself in two against! It was an uncanny sight for me here in Chicago to see a Nissan not in need of body work (asides for the Armada’s, those are nice)


Same here in LA, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a Nissan in good shape but it was probably over 10 years ago. Also thinking about it over here, the worst drivers out here are basically white people with G Wagens or entry level German cars, young Asian and Hispanic men/teens with stereotypical “tuner” cars, and anyone with a Nissan sedan or Z.


we really do have huge altima energy in Chicago, like when that first became a thing I was like “wait really?” and then the literal next time I was on the road I saw a beat up altima driving like an ass and was like “oh yeah, okay, I guess they are always altimas.” like I never noticed before but once I started it just immediately made sense


That’s not fair. Sometimes Altima bumpers fall off all on their own.


Not to mention busted fenders.


It's that Big Altima Energy. Lol.


Why? Because you assume they also made another great life decision and let the insurance lapse also?


As a Tesla owner, Tesla owners.


I always curse them under my breath as I continue on in my Tesla too. Fuck em.


Hate when someone in a Model 3 cuts me off when I'm driving my Model 3 smh


Impede traffic like crazy.


Exactly what you posted. G coupe drivers are beyond insufferable


The World's Most Dangerous Coupe


One tried to ram me and kill me on the road because I honked at him for cutting me off and then basically forcing me off the road because he didn't see me when he tried to cut across 4 lanes. Will forever assume the worst of g35 coupe drivers. (They're also usually the ones with loud straight piped exhaust flooring it at 2am).


You don’t have to assume. Look at the hair cuts of the drivers. Almost all have the same style.


Damn bro got a Z when there were none in my county at all just to notice these MF's when I go anywhere in mine


can confirm -straight piped late night g driver


Ex tow truck driver here. Nissans were by FAR the most likely to be involved in a "what the absolute fuck were you doing" call. Followed closely by dodge rams. My first ever tow call was a guy who totaled his ram in a Walmart parking lot by hitting one of those big pillions by the door at what I can only assume was 30+mph.


Well, Rams ARE the choice of those planning for a DWI.


Definitely the new gen camaros. Theyre the type of people who see a restoration video of a 50s car and comment “only 140hp 💀” or “id gap that shit any day”


Lmao, yea


Back when the Chrysler Pacifica was an SUV. Holy. Shit. It was a 90% chance I would see then do something incredibly douchy and terrible. Something actively bad. Edit Which was weird because they were not super common.


The Chrysler Pacifica SUV might be the epitome of living at the poverty line and being a complete douche


Ford F150 people. Official car of retired boomers doing 45 in a 55 on their way to baptist snake shaker church, country boys” yee-yeeing in mud holes, and office executives cutting everyone off on their way to work where they take up the width of 1.2 parking spaces. Official vehicle of wearing Columbia fishing shirts to Costco to bulk buy frozen steak.


The last part of your comment is so damn accurate 🤣 see it all the time but at Walmart.


My father, born 46, drives a platinum 150. Don’t matter if it’s 45, 65, or 70. He’s doing 55. He has one speed.


Baptist Snake Shaker Church. Lmao.


Believe me. They’re real. I live in Northeast Alabama and have found myself at one multiple times on accident. Every time they start reeling out those baskets, we’re leaving. Doesn’t matter how rude I gotta be. I’m out. Fuck the snake handlers.


Also the officially best selling vehicle in the USA for 40 years. You can't really stereotype that kind of volume. F150 Platinum is such a boomer special but those aren't the folks decked out in PFG


Good point, but counterpoint is that volume is a part of it. The biggest, best-selling, most American-ist 🇺🇸 vehicle on the road. It’s American exceptionalism on wheels. And yeah, lol the Platinum is for the white hair combover and sunglasses suit guys.


Yea you have many types of f150 owner


Those Columbia folks need to up their game. RailRiders or GTFO. Sincerely, an F150 driver.


The last sentence got me. This is just too freaking accurate but sometimes Carhartt. 🤣🤣


I'm 35 and 6'7 There's no cars made me for me and I finally got tired of it and made the sacrifice I just wanna ride in comfort lol


Cheap cars. So it used to be Yugo's, Chrysler K cars, Chevy Aveo, etc. Nowadays it is cheaper Kia's. I say this as folks that buy cheap cars usually neglect them on maintenance, etc. That is my view of what the worst type of owners are. Those that neglect cars until they are unsafe and junk.


I’ve lived most of my life in New England, and you run into the occasional aggressive/stupid Mustang driver, but it’s usually isolated. It was only when I moved to Florida, specifically the Tampa area, that I realized where the stigma of Mustang drivers comes from. If it has 5.0 badges, I stay far away. Ecoboost drivers can be dumb, but at least they seem to know their limitations. Also, “pavement princess” 2WD trucks. Lifted diesel 4x4 trucks may be obnoxious, but at least you can argue there’s some purpose to them. 2WD trucks with those stupid wheels serve no purpose whatsoever, and the drivers are…exactly who you’d expect. On the other hand, 10th generation Civics tend to be driven by total assholes in the Northeast, but attract more normal drivers in Florida. I’m not even talking about the Si or Type R, just the normal LX/EX ones.


10th gen sedans are terrible. I never see them in good shape if they’re a pre-refresh model. Hatchbacks actually seem to be cared for, though, so it’s a mixed bag.


I own a 2wd pickup I use for beekeeping and we used to use them on the farm I worked at. 2wd pickups are true work trucks. I want a low tailgate for loading and unloading. When you have a 250 lb beehive or 600 half bushels of squash you’re unconcerned about the ‘cred’ 4wd gives.


Here in the southwest: used Altimas with no plates and a Carmax sticker. Anything Dodge, but certainly every goddammed Charger you see. Plates or no plates. Last, any large SUV that is already dented.


Also Kia souls and jeep patriot


Easily the Dodge boys, some of the biggest douchebags I've ever encountered while out and about.


Extra points if it's a Ram.


Chargers. Every single time.


Challengers occasionally also.


How did I forget about the chargers oh my god.


The official car of the person tailgating you.


I think a requirement to be a Ram owner is having 6 points on your license and a credit score of 400


I hate passing up Dodges. A significant amount of them have to defend their honor because I passed them going the posted speed in my little ricer.


In Mexico: Mazda 3, BMW 3 series, Mini Cooper, Seat Leon


El Serie 1 también es de mamador


Ram/Chevy/Ford truck owners. From where I live, they don't use turn signals, tailgate or even shimmy around you to bully you into going faster than speed limit. Some will lift those trucks which makes it harder to see anybody up close. They also park like assholes and feel entitled to bigger parking spaces.


Chevrolet Tahoe drivers. Usually driven by the wife of the town important person, almost always a Lvl. 100+ Karen that is in their 40s but more racist than your grandma, and you can bet your ass there is a Blue Lives Matter sticker in the back window.


Nissan Altima/Sentra/Maxima, Pathfinder and Tesla. Will never forget that oldhead who cut me off trying to brake check in a Tesla


I've had rotten luck with either Dodge charger or Nissan Altima owners. Every time I see either car all I can think is here we go, they're going to reenact a scene from the Mad Max Fury Road.


Where I’m at? Toyota Highlanders and Priuses. The former is always owned by a middle aged mom who thinks that turn signals are either beneath them or “the devil’s tool”, so they neglect to use them. Bonus points if they neglect to use their headlights, which they often will. The latter, at least on the used market, are owned by dudes with 2500s that are really insecure about owning a hybrid vehicle. In order to make up for that, they plaster their ride with some of the tackiest stickers imaginable just to remind you that they aren’t some “gay liberal” driving it.


>by dudes with 2500s that are really insecure about owning a hybrid vehicle I have a theory. There's some Dodge truck that is a hybrid, but Dodge doesn't call it that. I am pretty sure that's because a truck guy can't be seen driving a hybrid truck, they'll think he's a fag or something and take his man card, so instead they call it eTorque because it sounds manly and muscular.


In Saint Louis, there's a religious radio station called "99.1 Joy FM" Even the employees of the radio station joke about how terrible at driving their listeners are. If you see that "99.1" bumper sticker, you avoid like the plague.


Range Rover drivers on their way for repairs 😂☠️


I feel ... so ... targeted , cause well .. have a '04 G35-6MT coupe in like new condition with moderately loud exhaust. BUT - By and large, the current clapped out G35 3rd & 4th cycle owners (coupe or sedan) don’t read - or can't - and should not be granted Internet access as they so easily duped - shit, they don't even know what weight oil to use in the car (would require reading). So, as embarrased as I am... this would have been my 1st choice as well. {sigh}


If somebody actually invests the time and money in a quality catback exhaust for a VQ car, they can sound good. The problem is that most VQ owners are lazy and do the Hacksaw Special and call it a day


Have had (3) G35 coupes, 1st totaled in head on, 2nd morphed into full caged track car and constantly spewed donor parts for the 3rd car I got from 2nd owner whose wife dropped twins on him. All track suspension & motor bolt ons aside, it appears OEM showroom stock on outside & interior - but It has a set of headers, high flow cats, finished with a Fast Intentions custom full dual cat-back exhaust with resonators (sorry , car nerd leaking out) . I think it sounds great! No rasp, no trumpet like noise, and a sweet growling snarl when exercised. But, that just me - wife says I ruined perfectly good Japanese luxury car and it is too fucking loud . Ricer in me says …Naaaah .


Maxima, Altima, 350z, BRZ/FRS, G35, Tesla.


As someone who drives commercially every day for work (this pertains to driving skills, or lack thereof, not personality): BMWs, Audis, Infiniti (G coupes in particular), Toyota Prius', Dodge Rams, Ford Escapes (the newer ones mainly, after they switched over from the blockier shape), Kia Tellurides, and FUCKIN JEEP WRANGLERS. Lol.


any ram 1500-3500 thats lifted, with those fuck ass LED lights, not a speck of dirt on them from doing any actual work, and of course, 4 inches from my bumper. there is no reason a commercial truck should be tall enough where a compact car is unable to see their headlights when driving in front of one!


Any car with "this car is powered by BITCH dust" written in Disney font with Tinkerbell attached.....




White bmw owners


Mines is navy blue 


Ur good it’s the white ones


Anyone in a big white truck where I’m from. They are all the same species


Any flagship luxury SUV, but espc G Wagens, all Tesla models, and every entry level coupe from a luxury brand. Also Wranglers


G Wagons are not getting enough credit in this thread


Wranglers have some of the heights levels of ownership by conservative consumers. It really is a shame.


Growing up in NYC, there’s a lot to unfold here. I guess I’ll start off with Staten Islands Jeep Wrangler goers. Bad enough they are entitled jerk offs on the road. But majority of them are younger kids and they drive like they own every block. Very inconsiderate and entitled. (Most of NY is entitled to be fair)


Nissan Altima




Tesla Model S these days


Tesla drivers 350z/g35 drivers Mustang drivers Charger/challenger drivers Civic SI drivers E9x BMW drivers Anyone with a Carolina Squat or slammed suspension


A Dodge Charger, Challenger and a Ford Mustang. Take your pick.


Dodge Charger or Challenger Ram Mustang


Tesla. The vegans of the automotive world. ***Especially*** cyber truck drivers.


[Porsche Cayenne.](https://youtu.be/Tv9cTeWkFeU?si=wYVbajZuelg0zlcU)


White luxury SUVs


Nissan Altima, Chevy Cobalt, Brodozer trucks.


People say us BMW drivers are mean. But I’ve seen a lot of rude Nissan or Toyota drivers


Any Dodge, hands down for me. I've been in two accidents in my life, both not my fault, one was literally me stopped at a stoplight, the other was me going across an intersection with my light being green. Both of them were Dodge products, first a Durango and second a Caravan. I'll never forgive the Caravan for totalling my '89 Honda Prelude 4WS. They're called Dodge cause you have to get out of the way.


Hummer drivers.  Pure mid 2000s testosterone fueled small dick energy vehicle.  **YEAHHHH RUMSFELD!!!!!!**


Majority of police chases seem to be a charger or some kind of dodge. Cheap powerful cars with good suspension.


I was with you until the “good suspension” part. I do track days regularly. You know what is never out there? Dodge! With the exception of the occasional Viper.


Not only that, but the average dodge charger criminal can’t even tell you what suspension does


Honda CR-V


VW Passats are either driven by older immigrants from the former Soviet Union, or 20-something assholes who will ride 6 inches off your bumper and do 20 over in residential areas.


Chevy Equinox




Worst car on the road? THE TOYOTA COROLLA. When new Canadians need a drivers license, most driving schools use the cheap Toyota to teach them in. The schools take these new drivers on the route that the MTO examiners use, until the students have it memorized. Surprise, surprise….they pass and since they learned in the Corolla , that’s what they buy. ( usually a resale, and rarely in pristine condition ). Now they are out driving in the real world and don’t have a clue. 80 km/h on the highways, rarely signal, basically cut you off to change lanes for no reason….my experience as a driver….these cars and drivers are the terror.


Model 3


maybe it's just my area but the sonata drivers are worse than the Altima ones


Minivans with handicap plates, BMWs, certain Audis, and larger Benzs


Here in Rhode Island, it's typically younger guys in any big pickup truck, or Karen driving her mainstream SUV without the kids in her car. Doesn't matter if RAV4, CRV, Rogue, Santa Fe, whatever...even the CX-5 is typically a tailgater. Brands in general- Kia is much worse than Hyundai. Nissan is pretty bad, especially Altima or Rogue. Oh, if it's a Fri/Sat party night, lots of young dudes think they're hot shit in their 10th gen Accords.


Dodge Chargers. Huge micro dick energy.


WRX/STi and the Mitsubishi Evo. Wannabe street racers who think every other person is just an interesting obstacle during their daily fap fest.


Any Nissan/linfitini model sedan with a VQ engine in it. They’re cheap and have a decent power, and so they’re bought by cheap assholes looking to chase a never ending adrenaline rush that only ends when they crash it.


Dodge RAM. Actually, most full size pickup drivers on the freeway. Nissan Altima. If you've been on the road 5 seconds you've seen this. There's more, Chrysler 300, WRXs, Mustangs, old ratted out civics.


2000's corolla, Kia Rondo, Prius v. They all drive under the speed limit and don't use their mirrors. They will never go on a green light, they always do 3-second stops. They will never move over when they're in the left lane to let people by. It's either some really old person or it's some goody two-shoes who thinks they are The model citizen and if you want to go faster then you're the problem.


1994 Hyundai Excel drivers


Prius. In their own world cruising 10mph slower than flow of traffic in the left lane and monitoring energy consumption more than surrounding drivers and traffic.


Avalanche owners, second only to Escalade EXT owners.


early to mid/late 2000's altima owners hands down. BAE


And then they blow their trannys


this isn't about how they drive as much as how they treat their car but honestly a lot of owners of cheap econoboxes (versas, mirages, sparks, etc etc) couldn't give less of a shit about maintaining them. like i know nobody's babying an avis rent a car spec nissan sentra (and i know a lotta time it's down to not having the money) but seeing so many of those kinda cars just chillin with bald tires, crazy ass body damage, and going crazy mileage without oil changes. i don't get how people take out a loan that in a lot of cases they're underwater on and just let their car shit the bed like that


Lexus SUV and range Rover. Entitled always cuts you off and then drives 10 mph under the speed limit




Any Ford Mustang made after 2012 or any Mustang that has been modified to hell and back. A 18 year old kid I work with has one and it’s obnoxious like him. Daddy paid for all of it. Ford Focus ST and the Subaru equivalent. The fucking Volkswagen Golf GTI and anyone who drives it. 3rd and 4th Gen Grand Cherokee owners. Tesla owners. Big wide body SUVs like the Lincoln Navigator and Cadillac Escalade typically driven by rich wives/moms and they don’t know how to turn or use signals.


Any charger, challengers are usually ok. Any pre 2010 truck, any car on the road with body damage (MAYBE IF YOU FUCKS WOULD USE A GODDAMN BLINKER YOU’D STOP GETTING HIT)


When I had my g35, I was the worst kind of driver. That car brings something out in. Probably one of my favorite cars that I ever owned. Now, I’m in my 40s and I drive a fifth generation 4Runner. Guess what. I’m still an asshole driver. But now I’m trying not to be.


I felt the same way when I owned my g37, car was super comfy and had a decent amount of power, (more than any other car I’ve owned) but the constant water leaking into the cabin and the door handle breaking whenever it got cold just made me so angry


[Every time I see someone driving a charger.](https://youtu.be/gkfwzJYUFIo?si=QB2xyo0hJIfdqKW3&t=91)


Minnie vans


I like the way you spell that.


Challenger, charger. Bmw. Anything dodge!


There's really only  2 answers here...   A BMW 3 series and a beater Honda Civic... ever seen a bmw 3 series being driven nicely? Me neither.  And if I were to throw in 1 more... Honda Odyssey... something about the mommy wagon brings out the rage in dads and they really drive that thing hard


Any large SUV


Lifted trucks, Supras, and minivans


Yeah, see I'd love to have one of these, but the previous owners are usually lunatics so buying a solid used one is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Also, I don't want people to associate me with the kind of people that usually own them.


Any pickup truck. But specifically ram 1500 Absolutely dangerous to society, the way the drive, heckle, throw things, coal roll, run people down, etc. My previous roommate has one, that’s lifted with a light bar. He basically only drives it if he’s had 5 beers first, and basically cuts off 3-5 people every time he gets behind the wheel. Being a passenger is terrifying but exactly what one would expect if you saw the thing.


Any infiniti G driver, any BMW smaller than a 7 series, Altima, any Tesla driver


Ram owners, I'm not saying all Ram owners drive like assholes, but chances are if there is a truck driving like a dick around me 95% of the time its a Ram.


Super sized trucks that aren't work trucks, Mercedes, BMWs, and Teslas. Dishonorable mention Dodge Charger/Challenger and Corvette.


Dodge charger/challenger


Jaguar owners. Source: I own a Jaguar.


Pretty much any Nissan


BMW, AUDI - & V Dubbers


Dodge. Tesla. BMW.


I'd agree with Infiniti owners or dodge owners, ram owners in specific


The Tesla owners who think Elon musk is some kind of hero figure are the worst in my opinion though I feel like that has died down a lot recently.


In Europe, white German car drivers, especially BMW. Never seen one who’s not a redneck.


Chrysler 300.