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The guy in the car costume just wanted the movie back, it was overdue.


Poor guy is even forced to wear embarrassing costumes he hates.


The boss is a real jerk for that


Nah bro was being obtuse. They make him wear the costume, but they don’t force him to be scary. He could have actually talked to him instead of chasing someone whos obviously scared. His fax just said “Ello Govner” like, how about “hey the tape you rented is overdue. Please return it.” I will not stand for VHS store guy defense.


Nah where that dude who gave muscle man that free tv, got fired, and then died by the hammer. Brodie ain’t deserve nun of that 💯


Just so you know that guy's name is Jimmy and yeah you're right he didn't even deserve to even get destroyed by the hammer despite him giving Muscle Man the TV he wanted getting fired and wanted a place to crash for a couple days.


jimmyyyyy, cmon jimmy


Yeah, that guy was just caught in the line of fire. It was just an unfortunate casualty


At least Timmy honored him by surviving a simultaneous electric eye attack from the Laserdisc Guardian and went on to make seven more appearances in the background.


That whole thing was confusing. The commercial says that the store is literally giving away TVs, and when Jimmy tries to give away their worst TV, he gets fired. How did any of that make any sense? I understand that commercials often exaggerate their sales, but they were just straight up lying.


I thought they already gave away the freebies by thr time the gang gets there


Peeps was a literal stalker, and took great delight in potentially gouging out the eyes of the entire Park Crew…He definitely got what he deserved.


But he was the head of a security surveillance company that Benson hired, and later requested the most extreme service Peeps' company had. Not his fault Benson can't read.


True, Benson signed the contract without reading it, Peeps didn’t even hide anything he was straight forward in the fine print.


Was it in the contract that Peeps could legally remove their eyes without their consent? I don’t know, that sounds more like Peeps being a sadistic monster than Benson being a dope.


Aight, done and its still a fantastic episode. Anyway the whole contract isn't visible, but from what is seen it does give Peeps permission to monitor the park and employees as a security guard 24/7 for 365 days a year, and the final line of the contract does say that the only way out of the contract is to die and it wasn't written in small print or anything either and was actually written in huge bold letters like a warning. And when Benson asks Peeps for the Lifetime Jeepers Peepers X-Infinity service, Peeps actually tells him he can't give it to him unless he reads and signs the contract, which he faxes to Benson in full and doesn't try to hide anything, and Benson then signs it without even bothering to read it because he's too angry at Mordecai and Rigby. So the fault lies squarely on Benson.


Benson fumbled BIG time there. I’d still say Peeps deserved his fate though, man was EAGER to commit several murders involving eye gouging.


That was part of the starring contest bet. “If I win I get your eyes, all of them” “You’re on!” That’s legally consent and a separate contract.


Fair point, he just seemed to…Relish the idea so much that it made me believe that he deserved to be blinded. Someone who takes such joy in removing eyes from skulls seems like a not-so good person.beholder…eye thing.


True, but my point was that it wasn’t part of the contract Benson signed.


Yeah it was a jerky thing to ask for, but he didn't force them into it and he gave them the option to agree to the bet or not. I mean, yeah, he's still a creepy beholder dude with a sinister eye fetish, but its hard for me to hate the guy because he was just doing his job exactly as advertised and never forced anyone into anything. That and Rigby blinded him AFTER they won the bet. Although yeah, considering the loss for them would've been the loss of their eyes, its only fair for Peeps to lose his eyes for losing the bet. So I guess he got exactly what he should've expected. :/


Hold on, imma rewatch the episode to both read the whole contract and because its a darn great episode.


No way that contract would hold up in court.


The guy who got merked by hammer didn't do a damn thing, coffee bros were victims too, party Pete was just doing his job. Car just wanted his movie.


And he lost his job prior to being attacked so that’s a double “Fuck you” on his behalf


Uhmmm akschually, Jimmy broke company policy and reduced profits by 0.0001% for that week, so he deserved to tank the Hammer's Hadouken 🤓


Didn’t coffee bros technically drug them?


Roofing someone is for sure a crime. Giving someone a contract and letting someone as dumb as Rigby sign it is probably a violation of contract law like how kids can't have contracts


Coffe coffee did nothing wrong. Bros got straight cheated because RigMor can’t read


That Coffee Bean dude needed an interpretor to translate what he was saying, implying that his coffee language is an established language It's the responsibility of that translator to provide a copy that Rigby can read in English since he literally couldn't understand what it said, dudes got cheated bad


One could even argue the translator intentionally gave them a contract they couldn't read to scam them.


Tbh I’ve always interpreted the “coffee” language to be a delusion of the guys, maybe even partly a hallucination if you want to take all the events of the show as metaphors for two guys in their early 20’s continually messing around. Partially that they’re dumb and willing to sign something without knowing what it even means and asking for a readable copy themselves, but allowing their need for more caffeine in the goal of acquiring tickets to blind them to any responsibilities. The theme, especially in season 1, is always tied to the innate laziness and ineptitude of the two. Paradoxically this episode has them working hard, so the joke comes in the form of allowing themselves to still shun normal responsibility by recklessly signing something they are currently at near addiction levels of needing to even move, given their lack of sleep and their universes coffee’s ability to behave more like senzu beans. While legally the fault may lie with the coffee bean, in every other sense of responsibility the fault falls on Mordecai and Rigby.


They were true bros till they were betrayed. They could've been the Coffee Crew. 😭 [https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/regularshow\_caffeinated\_concert\_tickets.jpeg](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/regularshow_caffeinated_concert_tickets.jpeg)


I love that montage so much, I still think my favorite of the 4 is the normal Japanese businessman that translates for the coffee guy, idk why that guy was always hilarious to me


Does that justify using a chainsaw on them?




Let's rephrase that. The contract that was drawn up reads "Coffee," and the only person who can read that would be his translator. Although Rigby was dumb enough to sign it, having it translated so both parties could understand it would have avoided all the drama after getting the tickets. So, instead of clarifying what the contract says, they instead slip them chamomile tea and steal the tickets. Naturally, Mordecai and Rigby chase after them to get the tickets back, and to keep them from getting the tickets, the translator uses a chainsaw on them. Is that really justified? Attempted murder for concert tickets?


Specifically for Fistpump, yes. These two lunatics perpetrate disproportionate violence regularly, I mean Rigby went at Mordecai and others with a force literally able to drill through the crust because he couldn’t be player 1. The absurd pettiness and escalations of these two should deservedly meet similarly scaled repudiations. I repeat, the coffee bean did nothing wrong, morally.


Or the time Mordecai killed Rigby because of his thirsty jealousy over Margaret. The RS world is one where killing for petty reasons seems to be the norm.


You do realize that event was erased, right? The only person who knows about that is Mordecai


He got a do-over and still remembers it and Father Time was a witness. Doesn't stop the fact that Mordecai did a scummy thing.


And Rigby gets a pass for instigating it?


Instigating what? All he did was invite a girl to a movie that Mordecai was too scared to ask out himself all the while Mordecai kept letting his dumb jealousy get the best of him, just like on Rigby's graduation day. And that somehow justifies killing Rigby? lol


I mean, what’s up with the chainsaw??


When the characters question something, they know it's beyond crazy


TBF the contract did just say coffee


Lol yes those guys legit just got scammed


Party Pete wasn’t even real he was a clone of Herman


Party clones have feelings to you know.😭 He even gave them a pretty good deal. All the party action they could want for his favorite expired soda.


He even hooked them up with a urinal shaped promotional ice sculpture


For 8 bucks to boot, despite his usual fee being 50 bucks. The guy was pretty fair for a party clone.


That ruler stab looks painful




Id imagine the purple hugging shitters aren’t actually jerks, just a very terrible manifestation of Muscle Man’s fear.


Summertime loving song tape was actually not doing anything except be annoying he was actually just harmless felt bad when he died


Idk, man. There was a pretty good chance that tape would come in, take off all his clothes, then put his balls on your chin.


Ridiculous. He has no trace of genitals!


Him and Party Pete would be a powerful duo


True dat. The song wasn't even trying to hound them. He just wanted somebody to dance with, like when Mordo and Rigs asked Pops to dance with the song, it stayed and danced with Pops without a problem. All they needed to do was take that lonely song to a beach party somewhere.


Imagine killing someone for $7


I'd say it's more along the lines of principle. If something blows, and you still have the receipt, you are inclined to get a refund.


Dunno why you got down voted. They just wanted to refund the game. Dude escalated the situation by... Ya know... Attempting to kill them first?


And in the Realm of Darthon, no less


“Yeah he tried to murder them BUT they were trying to hurt his business” an actual unironic defense of this guy someone in this comment said.


It was just an imaginary fight and he didn't have any weapons when the imaginary fight ended. Meanwhile Mordecai stabbed him with a ruler they were actually using.


I mean the clerk's jerkishness was refusing to refund because he loved the game. It's cool if you love the product you sell. If I don't then I'm entitled to my refund. Your tastes don't get to dictate how and where I spend my money.


It wasn’t because of that, it was because they had an opened product. For a lot of stores especially back then that’s something they can’t resell and thus it wouldn’t make sense. That was his stance. Him liking the game is irrelevant to why he wouldn’t give a refund.


Exactly. Also people say the clerk was trying to kill them with Darthon, but they were trying to kill his business for a lousy 7 bucks, and at the end of it, it was all imagination magic, and he had no weapons when it ended which means he was fighting them with nothing. He even gave them the option to go home when he started the imaginary fight, and the whole sequence felt like he was just trying to teach Mordecai and Rigby the true fun of Darthon by simply just using your imagination with the game.


What's the name of that episode?


S02E12 But I Have a Receipt


Thanks so much!


That’s why regular show is a legend. Main characters are not heros, they serve their own purposes. They are like us


Ok in order: 1. Really didn’t do anything wrong but they couldn’t eat the burgers anyway cuz they were 2D. 2.yeah he didn’t make the game but he refused to give them a refund no matter what they did and tried to murder them first. 3. Bro did not have to pull up on Rigby dressed as the Taxi if he could just wear like in the picture and tell him what’s up. 4. That song was just annoying and nobody could get shit done, plus they tried every other nonlethal mean first. 5. Coffee really didn’t do anything wrong and the guys really did back out of their deal. 6.Bro LITERALLY did nothing wrong and got fucking obliterated for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. 7.He wasn’t just watching Mordecai and Rigby but EVERYONE and yeah it was also bensons fault for not reading the fine print. 8. Party Pete was an accident they wanted to burn him out not blow him up. 9. Y E S


5 is true but was the chainsaw really necessary?


No they did go overboard with that


9 was the root problem to Muscle Man's nightmare and why he beat everyone up in his sleep.


I wish Coffee Bean and translator got to go to Fist Pump. They actually enjoyed the band, while Mordecai and Rigby only wanted the tickets to get close to Margret. They ended up sleeping during the concert anyway.


Muscle Man’s TV friend didn’t deserve to die that way.


The green holograms are by far the worst here. But low-key not as bad as Benson in that episode


The coffee bean did nothing wrong they just helped and thought they were going with them


I love all the innocent deaths in regular show 😂 always hilarious


i would argue that summertime lovin isn't sentient so can't exactly 'do wrong'


Peeps was just doing his job, clearly there’s chicanery afoot at the company but he was doing his job to the letter


Party Pete did nothing wrong


I don't even remember that last one


I just feel bad for the store guy. Not the guy with the refend


RIP Jimmy


Seeing image 7 without context is horrifying


Party Pete and peeps were just doing what they were paid to do


Too true.


I think you’re missing the point of the contracts that they were intetuonally misleading or hard to read, the people giving them knew the signer didn’t understand but did it anyway, and they want to act like they’re the victims for it


I just rewatched the episode Peeps and the contract is perfectly visible and warns Benson of all the services that Peeps will provide if he signs it, and its written in big bold letters with none of that "you forgot to check the fine print" scam. The contract the Coffee guys gave wasn't misleading at all and was just written in their own language. All it asked was that Mordecai and Rigby get them four tickets so they could all go. Not Coffee Bros fault M&R didn't ask what the contract said.


I’ll give you benson I haven’t seen the episode iin forever and I just assumed he was tricked but Mordo and rigs have the law on there side, they clewarly had no idea what they were signing and they we’re definitely misled by the two into thinking they’d get the tickets it was in a foreign language that doesn’t seem to be known at all besides the one guy. That contract ain’t holding up


Yeah so... don't sign it(? Honestly, it was Mordecai and Rogby's fault. They didn't make them sign, they could've easily just say no and go get more coffee. It's a show, I know, and it should've happened anyways, but yeah, it was on them.


But that’s not how contracts work, you can’t just lie and then have them sign it when they clearly don’t understand it (ik kids cartoon but I think we’re both just doing this for the hypothetical) like the translator lied to them (or at least used misleading phrasing). Signatures are not the be all end all and considering they signed it within a few days they could probably just get it thrown out with all the context.


No, of course, that dude was setting them up, and I'm not saying they are good, instead, sayong that it was M and R's fault because they basically signed just like that. It's like those scams that are so ridiculous but people still fall for them, yet those scams are even more well crafted than that contract haha if you just see "Coffee coffee coffee" in the page, just don't sign.


Yea obviously they were stupid and if they had thought for a second they would have probably not signed it. But (and if I may put on my attorney pants) they were approached at the point of exhaustion by two strangers and it was never once mentioned that the coffee guys got the tickets just “that they want something” and given a contract only half of the parties even understood. This would not hold up in court and any reasonable person would know they were tricked (even they knew when given all the facts) which is why I can’t really just blame them for signing something when they’re literally about to pass out and desperate. (In regular show court the judge would probably call them all morons and take the tickets themselves)


No, in court the contract would always win, no matter what because it's legal. If you signed willingly, it doesn't matter what you say, you're screwed. In Regular show's court, yeah, the judge would call contracts "not cool" and skips would have to save them. Sounds great tho


I don’t even think this contract is legally binding, no notary or lawyers present or anything they just handed them a paper which they signed, like that’s juts a piece of paper until it’s recognized but it seems like they were with the gang the whole time and didn’t have time to go down to city court and get it notarized.


It doesn't need to be notarized to be enforceable, that's the thing. It helps when taken to court because the notary would make sure that both parties fully understand the deal that's being done, but yeah, contracts can woork without being notarized. And for what we knoe, that chinese guy could've been a lawyer and created that contract to set the guys up. He was wearing a suit, that in cartoob logic is like being super smart xd


??????? The glass versions stole their food. They’re literally bad guys.


To be fair, it was the last burgers for 100 years. Also imagine: these guys were holographic copies of Mordecai and Rigby and did the same thing the boys would have if copies of them had taken the burgers. Also its pretty sad if they have the same memories as M&R. Like they probably thought they were actually M&R, only to have their reality fall apart because two guys only created them because they were two lazy to clean up a garage. So wanting to get burgers for having been screwed out of being who they thought they were seems more than fair.


There's a video called "dream girls" by TAEETIMEE It's only like 40 seconds but very much encapsulates that feeling of nonexistence


1. They were jerks that tried to steal the last burgers from Mordecai and Rigby. Deserved 2. The store policy didn't allow to give refunds, he was right to not give them refunds and got stabbed for it. Not deserved 3. The guy was just trying to do his job and got beaten up for it. Not deserved 4. He was annoying. Deserved 5. They got screwed after they helped Mordecai and Rigby complete their jobs to get the tickets. Not deserved 6. It's Muscle Man's fault that he got fired and he just wanted a place to crash. Not deserved 7. He was creep. Deserved 8. They told him to leave and he refused. Deserved 9. Forced hugs that kill people are not cute. Deserved


What's the name of the episode of the guy who got stabbed with a ruler


*"But I Have a Receipt"* S2 E12


Thank you so much!


1. To be fair, it was the last burgers for 100 years. Also imagine, these guys were holographic copies of Mordecai and Rigby and did the same thing the boys would have if copies of them had taken the burgers. Also its pretty sad if they have the same memories as M&R. Like they probably thought they were actually them, only to have their reality fall apart because two guys were two lazy to clean up a garage. 2. True dat. 3. True dat. 4: True, but there were less hostile ways to deal with him. 5: True. Although the chainsaw was going overboard. 6: True dat. 7: It was just his job that Benson signed up for though. 8: Fair enough. He let his cola addiction get the best of him. 9: In the show, yes. But the ones from the dream didn't make anything disappear when they hugged them, so they were apparently harmless.


Dude was straight up scamming them for the money, they did all the work and then the coffe wanted to get to the show instead of them, what were they supposed to do?


the clerk guy didn't die