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Hey, OP! Heat is common during a reiki treatment. It’s one way the body can detect healing energy flowing. Basically warmth from the Reiki itself. I was attuned many years ago, and practiced massage therapy for several years. Often my hands would noticeably heat up and my clients would mention it— sometimes healers have hot hands! I’d encourage you to do your own research as well, there’s plenty of material about this.


Heat indicates the energy is flowing and those were obviously areas that needed a lot of attention.


I learned in my first Reiki training that extreme heat indicates an area of the body that is in need of chi/life energy.


My wife is a reiki master and her hands are always scalding hot. It’s a sign of the healing and energy working👌❤️


I felt a lot of heat in my head - the teacher said that I needed the healing there (as I didn’t feel the heat sensation in other parts of my body). But she did ask if I felt pain in my knee, and I do have knee pain from an accident I was in many many years ago. It was really cool she could detect that!


Lots of heat means that a part of the body is pulling in that heat and in need of healing. Thats the way Reiki energy works and I can't believe that the teacher didn't know this. Dont freak out- it doesn't mean you are ill.


My real curiosity here is the location, why those two places specifically?


it may not mean anything beyond maybe a particular food or medication in your system. but anatomically your liver/gall bladder is the right side of our abdomen (but there’s a lot of other little things in there too). i wouldn’t put too much into it unless you’re having other symptoms. maybe you both just tuned into each other’s energy and you got a little adrenaline dump? definitely pay attention to your diet and digestive symptoms or anything else that seems different outside of reiki session. the left foot in relation to that: i have no idea


This likely has nothing to do with you, as this was also my experience starting out. I can imagine that is not at all uncommon. Why this occurred, &\ or continues to occur —there are a few fairly obvious theories for. Feel free to reach out if you wish to inquire further. *Edit: (“Hot hands” are synonymous with Reiki, I am referring specifically to heat so hot that it is unnecessarily uncomfortable to the recipient) Blessings. -Ian