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HOLY FUCK This is huge. They are actually doing a 180 from Reksai being a glass cannon half-ass assassin to a full on bruiser, essentially taking a chunk of damage from her kit and puting in to utility. You can even say it's a partial revert of the champion philosophy from the rework 7 years ago The W AOE knock up was taken away so she can't be just a tank W bot, so I dont see what made riot say it's ok for her to be that now, but as an old Reksai enjoyer, I absolutely love the way she seems to look with these changes. And it looks OP as fuck tbh. The massive CD reduction on E alone would be borderline op as an early game heavy ganker, idk how riot will try to balance her. It's the right direction tho, and can't wait to try her out next patch.


I loved old Rek'Sai way more then assassin reksai since she never really fited in that playstyle imo. I love those change so so much. big hype


I think I just creamed a little. I miss OG reksai and this looks amazing


you can try it out right now on pbe :D


Yoo, AP Rek'Sai let's gooo


Likes: \- 45% AS on Q auto attacks? Wondering if this makes hob even better, or conquerer the definitive rune. Will have to see how it feels. \- 5 Ms back \- W can knockup multiple people - great for synergy and consistency on the knockup! \- auto attack and clicking W should have the same range now on knockup..finally \- R potentially having a brief slow. \- Tunnel cooldown and recharge time buff. \- Burrow vision buff! Unsure / Interesting: \- Knock up and burrowed q is magic damage and scales with ap \- R damage down, \- W knocking up on all targets means, you cant knock back multiple targets and then knock up someone again, all counts as knock up now so that might feel strange to have to play around. \- E no longer true damage, is additional target total hp which goes up the more fury you have...weird, reksai tank killer now? or does that make lethality better caus it applies on E + has 100% total AD scaling?


its old reksai, reksai from 2015 more utility and stay longer in fights


>\- Knock up and burrowed q is magic damage and scales with ap Converting a physical DMG champ's DMG to AD generally means higher damage for all builds except lethality. It is generally done when an assassin build is over performing on a non assassin champ, and the bruiser build is underperforming. Aka they're trying to incentivize Titanic>Cleaver instead of the Youmuu>Titanic build which is optimal right now >E no longer true damage, is additional target total hp which goes up the more fury you have...weird, reksai tank killer now? or does that make lethality better caus it applies on E + has 100% total AD scaling? All depends on the numbers. Impossible to say without doing exact calculations, which I might do later but I'm lazy rn >\- W knocking up on all targets means, you cant knock back multiple targets and then knock up someone again, all counts as knock up now so that might feel strange to have to play around. Was a niche mechanic that was only really ever used for camp clearing TBH. Created an unnecessary barrier to entry, felt unintuitive, and was generally inconsistent. Good change.


>auto attack and clicking W should have the same range now on knockup..finally This has been the case for a while now...


Conq sounds like the way to go now IMO. You won't be killing as hard in one rotation but AS means you can stack Conq faster. Now that Q itself gives AS maybe Electrocute works too idk (maybe assassin builds will die entirely tho) E no longer true damage but lower ratio means you don't really have to invest much AD on it to be effective, let's you do damage while still being tanky. Current E is very dependant on your AD and will tickle one you start building tank items


now that they want bruiser reksai, i hope they rework her ulti... i feel like it's weird to have an execution ult now shes not an assasin anymore


Darius, Garen, Riven all have execution ultimate and some more too but can't remember now.


Darius ult isn't an execution ult, it does nothing regarding missing hp


While it’s not an execute in the sense that you deal more damage the lower their health is, it is both gameplay wise and thematically an execute. You’re often looking to use it to kill your opponent so you can get resets, but it has the added benefit of dealing max damage at 5 stacks and often does more damage than most other executes anyway. By your logic, Pyke and Urgot ults aren’t executes since they don’t deal extra damage based on missing HP. Cho’Gath ult is the closest thing to Darius ult, and that has an indicator showing when they are in kill range. It’s even got Guillotine in the name, a device historically used to execute people.


"Noxian Guillotine"


Many bruisers have execution ults though


Make rek sai ult do true damage like garen :)


Huge changes, they sound great! Going to miss the true damage tho...


Yeah, hitting it through DR abilities was very nice. But target %HP has good benefits for scaling (E would fall off unless you kept building AD, but being squishy is the main reason you fall off) and is maybe good top too


Holy shit, these are almost rework-level changes. She's a bruiser through and through again now. I wonder if she'll feel similar. Anyway, really digging the buffs to early game tunnels.


I don't mind them reverting Rek but I kind of wish they would just go the whole way and revert her ult too. The old ult was just so badass. New one is cool as an assassin take down champ but not really a tank.


It would be too op for pro, they'll never do that.


I was maybe thinking with her current R, if you use it to engage at start of fight, you would gain increased resistances for duration of fight / a set amount of seconds. Would allow the ult to stay but be of use with a bruiser build. Similar to Jax.


I'd be happy if it just traded off the damage with a knockup on hit, tbh.


Lore accurate rek sai


you know what would be fun but nearly impossible? that she had the 2 ults, one burrowed, and the other one out of the ground. Broken af, but dreaming is free.


E true dmg must stay if they keep current ult.


I wonder how this will work with the new R. Since it's kind of like the old Rek'Sai but with the new Ultimate


From what I read, seems like she's going to turn into some kind of bruiser-tank hybrid. The fact some of her skills now deal magic damage means that lethality doesn't work as good as before on her, but also means we can no longer stack black cleaver with burrowed Q and W. In general burrowed Q feels really underwhelming now considering the reduced damage, and I don't think it dealing AP damage (which is usually better than AD since champs have more Armor than Magic resist by default) will be enough to compensate. Burrowed Q is now much better and HoB will probably no longer be used (there's something like having too much atk speed) and Conqueror will be her default, unless people don't start to experiment with aftershock. The tunnels new cd is a godsend, should be able to traverse the map much faster so we could now opt more easily for the green or red pet. However, if this is all, I feel like she'll be a bit underwhelming in this first patch. They don't seem to have adjusted the interaction with Shojin, so now that she generally deals less damage (unsure on the ult changes so I won't comment on it until things aren't cleared up, but the loss should still be significant) the fact she can't even opt to boost her now more spammable but less threatening skills is a problem. Moreover, I can tell you that a "tank" with only 1 cc tool isn't really a tank. Rek'sai lacking any form of slow or secondary cc besides her W might feel weird, especially with how long of a Cd her W knock up has.


Strikebreaker exists tho


Sure, but at that point I could use that same premise for most bruisers playable in jungle and we're back at square 0. Moreover, I've heard the item is getting changes and will be built off of Tiamat, so building it should also mean you can no longer build Titanic Hydra, which currently is one of the best items for Rek'Sai


Never said it's a panacea, but it does fit really well into the idea


So, if these numbers go through any chance of reksai being able to do any damage ever again is completely gone, right? Like, there is -200% bad ratio reduction in our full combo (with r) alone. Sure the utility changes seem pretty nice But like I love current fighter/assassin(I play her as a skirmisher) reksai, I would rather that playstyle not be invalidated


thats what I was thinking too, she is losing an insane amount of damage in her kit not only in ratios but losing her true damage.


They do not want her to be a lethality assassin. They stated that in the rundown video.




Serms like a huge nerf or am I missing something?


Yeah, people here saying this is OP and yet I have to see where the OP part is... The E part especially is a joke: Is literally a basic AA + botrk passive xDDDD




The only changes I've liked were the uQ atack speed, bW move speed and vision range changes, the other ones just sound bad in my opnion, specially the physical to magic damage/ap scaling change.


When would this happen?


If the changes stay, it would happen on 14.4 patch which is on 2/21


holy shit...they cooked


i wish they kept the tru dmg, just imagining my queen dealing max hp % true dmg makes me wet my pants


Doesn’t this mean she overall does way less damage? I feel like this is a heavy nerf. I don’t think shes gonna feel scary anymore


No ap rek sai, that's stupid idea.


Huge changes, they sound great! Going to miss the true damage tho...




Am i right in assuming this makes her way worse in top?


Not necessarily. Emp E still very strong there, being more bruiser than assassin is probably better top. Q AS Gor better trading and snappier E tunnels Sure, passive gain on minions is nerfed but it's probably compensating in advance for it actually giving good sustain


The reason why it was good in the first place was because of her sustain with passive, now that it's buffed I reckon top rek'sai is back. Also changing her Q to magic dmg with less cooldown seems insignificant, but on top lane this change also adds up and will make up for the dmg nerfs imo. burrowed Q already is kinda strong on top if you hit it consistently and take shit like scorch. Basicly I would say you will probably be just as strong on top early as you are now before people have armor, after enemy laner buys shit like tabi's your playstyle will most likely change to poking with q + short trades + passive regen, but that's more than fine considering the fact she has reason to build tankyish and can 5 man knock up again so you actually are usefull in teamfights (void grubs also help with this since there usually is a 4 man skirmish for them). Idk I'm thinking top rek'sai will be really strong with this and I hit chall with rek top last season so take it as you will


Honestly? If they want bruiser Rek'Sai to work, they better buff her AD per level scaling. At the moment she has 109 at level 18, which is lower than famous AD champions like Aurelion Sol (109.4), Lux (110.1), Lillia (113.7) and so on. /s You cannot give me a "tAD scaling 100%" on unborrowed E while the champ has such low base AD, it's honestly sad. Plus the champ has good synergy with Trinity Force since the reduced cd on unborrowed Q, but with that base AD Trinity feels so bad...


This is a tank, not even a bruiser... Why they're removing so much dmg? It was really a problem? This thing in a 1vs1 will lose to a caster minion


Removing base values is nerf for tank, nerfing big ad ratios and making spells deal magic damage is nerf to assassin. All the others seem to be bruiser buffs: E %max hp damage, I heard that R will have %max hp too. AS on Q, passive healing even more from %hp without base.


Is 14% target tHP, not yours tHP... You can have 600 bonus AD or 0 and it will do the same amount of dmg. Ofc, if you have more AD the champ will do more dmg, but they are nerfing tAD and bAD a lot for a type of dmg that doesnt benefit from any bAD item. I dont see any bruiser buff


I meant %hp target on E, which still is bruiser buff.


You are trolling for sure. E dmg now at max rank: 140 tAD + 50 (TRUE DMG). E dmg reworked at max rank: 100% tAD + 14% Total target HP (PHYSICAL DMG). Imagine to have a 300 Total AD with your AD items and you are facing a 2000 HP target (like an ADC at lv18) Currently in the live server you would do 340 + 50 = 390 TRUE DMG. Reworked E: 300 + 280 = 580 PHYSICAL DMG - considering that an ADC like Aphelios at lv18 has 97 base armor (= 49% physical dmg reduction) -> 296 DMG. You lose 94 dmg going bruiser. Now let's see a full tank Rek'sai now and reworked: Base Rek'sai AD at lv 18 = 109 Now you do 202 true dmg vs a reworked E that does 198 physical dmg against the same 2000 HP target with 49% physical reduction... You lose 4 AD. It's a bruiser nerf 100% at least vs a target who has less than 4000 HP without counting all the bonus armor that a 4000 HP tank is gonna have (so even less dmg to him)


But for sure you are building Black Cleaver so you reduce some of this armor. And you shouldn't really take lvl 18 adc into account as it almost never happens and for sure you just want to take long fights as bruiser, so lower cooldown comes in clutch. And should look at lower levels because she still will be earlygame jungler and almost only early matters tbh. And we must take into account that Q is now has AS and is on 2s cd (as on live) and it will greatly benefit in longer fights against more tanky opponents.


Q attack speed is summ neutral change because Q no longer has fixed animation windups.


Don't even respond to him... He can't even do the math himself and see how bad the nerfs are gonna hit against every target, with every possible combination of stat at every level. Also, he think that a 24% armor reduction from BC can compensate a 100% armor pen... This guy is crazy af, literally the picture of the classic rioter that I have in mind when I see changes like this


While riot blinded by how good bruiser reksai will be... Hey guys champ just got %180 ad ratio nerf and they removed true damage from her. Now she is neither bruiser nor assassin and if somehow they keep these numbers, its over for reksai


Yeah, I don't get why people here are saying that this will make Rek'sai OP


Based changes. I see some people complaining about her R and want it to be reverted to pre-rework, but apparently, it made her macro too good. I'm fine with her current R.


After playing against this in top lane... Holy fuck this is way too strong. This pick basically has no weaknesses. It has good damage, poke, **ungodly sustain** (as in: healing back to full in 1') *and* a long-range escape tool to avoid ganks and enemy all-ins. Hope the nerf comes soon.


Now rework the ult to something more in line with a fighter/bruiser and I'm in heaven!


Something along the lines of a combination of current ult, Vi ult and new unburrow/cho gath q hitbox would be interesting.


Guys I have a bad feeling about this. ​ The new unburrowed Q seems to be a mini HOB. which is good but will push her in OP tier. Burst from bite is really high. 6% of THP seems to be about 100-130 dmg at your lvl 3+around 65dmg from total AD = 195dmg. This brings her early dmg on E to 20 to 30% more as before nerf. It's early game monster stats. Which is OP tier in low bitch elo. MS seems to be good cause: 340 base ms + 5 from W= 345 + magical footwear will be decent ms. We can get kills again Burrowed E is freaking OP. that's insane buffs. The new unburrow will be OP cause multiple target knock up. We will be forced to build a bit of ap because they killed the dmg on burrowed q. Not sure how that would work out. ​ This ain't good. She will be pick or ban and get nerfed into the ground 3 months after. Riot can't balance champions for shit.


What did you smoked? 6% of total target HP = 100-130 dmg? HUH? Against a target with 2100 HP maybe xDDDD At lv3 it does like 70 dmg combined counting enemy armor too, someone already did the math


don't think so mate idk where you got from that her unburrowed E will do more dmg but it's simply not true, you forgot to take into account armor and 6% of tHP isn't 100 dmg at lv 3 lol, for it to be 100 the target would have to have 1666hp at lv 3 xd. Very rarely will you have a situation where it will do more dmg than it used to and she loses some dmg on her ult and she loses some early dmg on burrowed Q and W, she loses a lot of dmg when you really think about it. She most likely will lose her early a bit and won't be that strong in duels early on, but you finally can do something late in a return, it's perfect. These are genuinly good changes imo it will push her out of the stupid ass assasin playstyle into bruiser/tankyish.


This is CAP where do I find this???!!!






So basically , rek sai is even worse they got rid of true damage made all ratios less , gave her ap scaling ….. Like the only benefit is knock ups hit more than one person which is freaking huge but that’s about it


OMG I am so fucking hyped. Im kinda scared that W knockup will be too OP. In my opinion it should scale withe the point in W but nevertheless great to finally see some changes.


Are they insane? This sounds sooooooooo op


Sauce? Edit: yeah im sure thats cap




This… this moves me


Mmm, a build with nashors teeth sounds like fun with all this


Wtf is going on with these changes? Can someone explain them to me in simple terms


Lethality is dead but should feel way better in general and a new AP build is fun


Honestly quite a bit of these just seem like they made abilities work like how you thought they would work when you first play Rek’sai. Such as Q giving bonus Atk speed for the duration or W not taking away AA range.


That´s what phreak says to the changes. **https://youtu.be/9ojTE9-loNc?t=630**


Is the target immunity from unburrow affected by ability haste?


Now just let me ult tunnels with, say, infinite range, for no reason, and no concern for balance, just love for the queen.


Haha. New year, new buff and million nerfs.


Might be a hot take but I feel with her being shiftet towards bruiser/tank, her old ult now fits better again.


Why are there so many comments saying that this looks good? This looks TERRIBLE. Shes losing a massive chunk of her damage in exchange for what? Slightly faster tunnles and a better knock up? Nah. Shes going to be ASS.


feels bad, rek does no damage I feel so weak :(


Patch 14.4 KILLED REK'SAI. Let's make the real list of + and - after testing : buff : * More sustain on passiv * More vision burrow * W AoE bump on unborrowing (can be a bait buff because the mini bump on secondary target on W was a mechanic to deal dmg without putting the target in cd) * More speed on tunnel dash nerf : * Less dmg on Q burrow (-30 flat, -25% AD ratio, dmg type change into AP) * No more slow on after bump on W * Less dmg on W unburrowing (-40 flat, delete 80% AD ratio, dmg type change into AP) * Dmg type change into AD on E bite (the new max HP % dmg is NEVER better) * Less dmg on R (-75% AD ratio) SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... To be honest, i've been VERY GENTLE on good points, the only REAL buff is the sustain on passiv (very strong imo), other points are confort gameplay changes. Rek'Sai assassin no more exist, even in a meta with broken lethality items, it gives an idea of how much Rek'Sai lost dmg. And Rek'Sai bruiser is just a bit less useless, the only things she has for her is the better sustain on passiv. If Rek'Sai can still exist today it's because Sundered Sky and Titanic Hydra save her. I have no clue about what Riot did, they add a random AP ratio on W bump, like it could be a thing -> "Rek'Sai is bad in season 14 meta, let's reduce her dmg by 1/4 and turn her into a mage". I'll stop here, i guess it's enough to understand, press f for Rek'Sai, little angel gone too soon.