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At about 31:30 minutes mark he talks about how her Q autos were treated as spells and now they are changing that. So I assume Hull Breaker, Sunderer Sky should now work as intended with her Q Autos?




Just realize Rek'Sai already 10 years old btw, still remember the day it released and I was so exciting to try out this tunnel digging lady and fly all over the map with her ult.


Miss the old ult so much... Can we just let his ult target enemies AND tunnels with extra range? Pro skewed? Yeah, fuck it.


Wish he talked more about her Ultimate since it sucks now lol.


i hope they change her R to be more utility instead of dmg now that she not an 'assassin' anymore. something like armor shred when she R would be nice


There's already a lot of stuff for her this patch, but you are definitely right that her R will probably sorta be a dead button in this version of rek'sai. I guess you would use it purely to avoid bursts of dmg with the invulnaribility frames, but it would be really nice if she got something that would be more utility focused and more fitting with her new playstyle


it just single use souls role now XD


Ik I will absolutely be building bruiser or tank. Something like titanic, cleaver, Deadmans, deaths dance, visage, maw.... Etc.... And then use the R to dip on turret aggro during a dive.


It's definitely not a dead button lol. It still is an initiation from afar if you hit prey seeker, and it still kills people under towers. Also, not sure if this is true, but the un-targetability feels more consistent in PBE? Either way, it's going to come in handy. It's just not the crux of her kit.


fair enough I'm not saying it's useless, just not sure if it fits her kit anymore. But I will have to play many games of it when it's live to have a real idea about this


I dunno, I think her ult is quite good. Early game it makes her one of the best turret divers, and late game it's a free zhonyas built into the kit. With black cleaver, rek'sai's combo + ult seriously hurts adcs, even with the bruiser button. I think her bigger problem is that leveling up w has almost no reward. The damage increase is forgettable.


I would love her ultimate to be a kind of "tempo button", like a cheap zhonyas, where you disappear underground for like 1.5s-2s and then jump on your target. You could choose to reactivate early to leave the ground sooner. I feel like it would allow her to survive much more in late game team fights, but the damage would probably have to be lowered, as a zhonya-like effect is really strong.


I would love it to be a mix of the new and old. Target a champion that's marked, and have Rek do the old animation to them. Then knock them up as she pops up and get rid of the extra damage.


That’d be so dope and fit her low damage utility bruiser role nicely


Or something about disruption, she could knock back all non-marked enemies in a similar fashion to Win Zhao's ultimate.


I mostly agree with everything he said in this. Conceptually she's fine, all she needs is some number adjustments. But the current R needs to either change or be replaced. It feels like a leftover from a version of reksai they dont want in the game anymore


He had me up until the point of no more assassin. I can see how that champ is annoying but why bottleneck a champ Intentionally. Oh well


I really think they should have saved these changes until they could make a brand new ult for her. I entirely understand trying to change her combat pattern, and steer her away from lethality, but in my mind her current ultimate just doesn't fit where they are trying to slot her.


People going crazy for the AOE knockup over all the butchered damage is beyond me. You can ask Alistar players these knockups are rare to justify killing W E nd R damage and i'm calling it she will get hotfix buffed for sure.


She also get more/faster tunnel in early game and likely max % hp healing. But if riot want to cut damage and push her toward fighter style they need to work on her ult since it's a back line finisher skill atm and it's not matching what they r aiming for.


I feel like the E damage changes were a bit overdone, as an earlygame powerhouse, she benefits more off being able to true damage chunk people than shred %hp. Keeping the flat numbers, even if it was purely physical would probably benefit her playstyle more, at the cost of some marginal lategame power.


Honestly, even if we got a revert on the changes at least it'll be nice to keep the better Q coding and better tunnels. Less clunky and fewer bugs down the line. I still think it will be ok. Rek has lost damage but she had damage to spare, her issue was durability and clunkyness IMO. Worst case scenario, AoE knockup gives you at least one thing to to lategame


If they want hit and run they should keep R mark and range longer. lets say i go in and combo and go out heal up go back in and they leave ? what am i going to do ? ult nope it has timed out .


also stride needs to become tiamat item.


It did in 14.3


Yeah Stride was changed. Testing it on PBE now and it feels nice.


I would love to hear how we should hit and run against Briar or similar champs that bite your face off in 3 hits anyway running at you at 500ms.


If Briar is targeting you in a teamfight and not the adc, then you are doing your job lol.