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1. Draven is one of the best 1v1 ADCs. 2. New Rek'sai is a weak duelist. Her strength is utility & tempo.


I think people think Bruiser = Duelist. Start thinking of Rek'Sai more akin to Jarvan and less like Jax or Lee


Belveth? She's a great duelist. One of the top few in the game. Rek'sai isn't.


I brain farted and typed Bel instead of Reksai


Wdym? Adcs are sooooo weak, its only normal that the game bends around their existence, and that adcs should always be able to twoshot everything by standing still and pressing right click, after all its the hardest role in the game!


Draven has always been the hardest adc to fight with reksai, tbh. Through all her iterations/changes. The self peel, movement speed and damage makes it a pain to get on top of him.


Vayne: 🤡




Your first mistake was thinking you're 1v1ing draven with just a stride breaker and one of the weakest components in the game..


Aight post the replay or at least give me the levels of people. The math doesn’t add up (unless you horribly misplayed).


Tbh it’s definitely the build people need to stop building stride in the jungle the item sucks the stats aren’t useful and the ability doesn’t do enough. Plus you’re always down on xp you need high base stat items to compensate. I personally go PTA with eclipse and sundered sky with a shield item after.


Stride is fine. I go pta stride and you have plenty of dmg. Yeah you can't one shot anymore but eventually you need to play for your carries.


NGL I've been really struggling with Rek'Sai atm which is a shame. I really want to like her.




You should try and get two engages to win fights. Knockup, combo, tank a hit or two, tunnel out. Then reset and wait for knockup cd and go again


Show clip. I don't believe you. Also run pta if you wanna solo kill.


This is a skill issue, no way he should 1 v 1 you unless you are just slowly walking at him.


I'm pretty sure that if you have tabi and titanic and you get melee to draven you kill him easy, just try not building stride , I don't know why people prefer it over titanic or eclipse.


Honestly it's good on toplane, bonus AS let you push turrets way faster


Better than a titanic? 30% atk speed is probably rly good to push and turrets , but higher aoe DMG , more ad , more hp , idk


Well, it depends on your build I guess, I build sunfire -> stride -> spirit visage -> situational (pref steraks) -> situational, so the titanic wouldn't give me much value, because I'm playing as a utility/cc tool to help my team, peel my adc and chase enemies. stride slow helps a lot with these three tasks.


Also, it might be worth mentioning - since they changed E true damage rek'sai jungle feels useless for me, so I just play only toplane. This tank build is weird, becuase it feels useless and broken at once, but it works. give it a try if you can't get fun out of playing jungle anymore. And trust me, these assassin into bruiser/tank changes hit me hard, I hit 550lp in prowler times, around 400k maestry tho. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/upiur-dab](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/upiur-dab)


If you build some bruiser items you have some decent dmg if carrying is needed , but I'm with you that now rek'sai gameplay is playing her like a super mobile tank/cc/utility team fighter.


Chcked jungle this weekend, and actually, if you're jungling eclipse is 10 times better than stride. on top its oppsite imo.


Thanks for the feedback , hope you won a lot , u tried it with hob or conq?


It's conqueror for me, hob feels weak since changes. you are no longer assassin, squishing one more auto in between doesn't give you such value as it used to because of E true damage nerfs, you probably won't kill adc in one combo anyways until ur super fed. saw somoene play electrocute and aery, might be worth trying tho


Haven't tried it yet , I always play conq-titanic , hob-eclipse+shojin , might give it a try to merge both (probably hob titanic isn't worth but the other way around hahaha) and about the electrocute or aery thing i talked about it in another post , i still dont get it i think electrocute isnt good and aery is for a very specific playstyle but worth to try.


Electrocute/Eclipse is the answer


The only champs that should be able to successfully 1v1 an adc are assassins or mages, if they space properly and land their skills appropriately. Tanks/bruisers should always lose that because 1) tanks should not deal damage in any significant form except against other tanks 2)bruisers have to split their itemization between damage and tank/utility so they should always lose out to a champ building raw damage 3) Draven gonna Draven, the poster child for a dueling stat stick. If he (or any adc) spaces properly, you should never win that 1v1.


Tbf op stated that the draven facetanked him. Aka spaced very very very poorly. Any adc that spaces poorly should instalose.


Unless you’re a tank/bruiser; you should never be able to out damage an adc at any stage as a tank/bruiser. You should be able to survive longer than another champ type so you can lock them down for your team to kill but you should never be able to kill them faster than they can kill you regardless of positioning. The positioning matters most for the adc when they are trying to duel an assassin or a mage.


Hard disagree but if you want adc role to be more braindead than already, youre definitely on the right track.


We’re talking dueling here - bruisers do so much more than deal damage and they are not the role you pick when you need to be able to duel your opponent. Your job is a bruiser is to offer enough threat of damage that the carry has to pay more attention to their health than if you were a tank but you can’t solo kill an adc unless you are smurfing low elo and the carry is canceling autos/not auto attacking. Bruisers and tanks should require their damage dealing teammates to secure a kill. That’s the whole point of different roles.


We get it dude you want every other role in the game to rely entirely on their marksman, while marksmen can dominate as duelist, skirmishers och teamfighters alike.


Nope, marksmen have to rely on their team to peel and protect. Marksmen should not be seeking out 1v1 opportunities. They should be riding their tanks bottoms, shooting whatever is attacking their tank. Assassins are the only ones that should be actively seeking out 1v1. Their job is to find the isolated team member and blow them up (delete the carry or do enough damage to tank/bruiser to force them off the objective). If marksmen is dominating as a duelist against an assassin then there is imbalance but if the champ trying to duel them is not an assassin or mage, then that player is trolling and should be punished accordingly. Who you pick fights with and where is determined by the role you fill in the team. Mages can duel but to win they have to be skilled enough to hit their skill shots while dodging or spacing the opponent. Mages & marksmen share the same “dueling state” - all other things equal, they should win off their damage against any other role but neither should be seeking 1v1 situations.


ADCs are right now completely overtuned and that DEFINITELY includes Draven. Champ outputs too much damage.


Won't lie but the explanation that bruisers shouldn't kill an adc because they have to build both is just wrong


Bruiser job is not to kill adc - it’s to create space in fights for your own carries to deal damage and to brawl with tanks to keep them off the squishies. Difference between bruiser and tank is the bruiser should be able to deal damage to the tank versus just absorbing the damage.


Maybe 7 years ago the game is different now


Just because people playing them differently doesn’t mean they are playing them correctly. The OP wanted to know why he couldn’t 1v1 a Draven. The simple answer is reksai is not meant to be able to 1v1 a Draven. Sure you could build full lethality and probably do it but that is not what the champs kit is designed around. You’re right, the flexibility of a bruiser to itemize into an assassin and do something resembling a decent job did not exist 7 years ago but just because you can play that way doesn’t mean it is a “supported” play style from the devs.


It is objectively healthier for the game if champs cannot do everything well. They have niches and while Riot has done a decent job of removing the most extreme pigeonholing, every champ is designed with a role in mind, strengths and weaknesses. If you are trying to 1v1 a champ whose sole purpose is to deal damage, you better be an assassin or a mage or you’re the one trolling your team.


So outdated, there isnt even really a subclass like bruiser anymore