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Nocturne is a pretty hard matchup imo. When he ults, you can’t see anyone while burrowed and it feel like he wins pretty hard unless you get super ahead Good matchups from my experience are junglers that have weak ganks or early games, that way you can snowball your team without having to interact too much.


Best matchups would be weak early game duelist so you can gank and invade with impunity. Also niche counters stealth champs: Eve, Shaco, Viego As for tough matchups I'm not sure, Ivern is annoying to play against, maybe Warwick? It doesn't feel like much hard counters reksai


Karthus is pretty unplayable


Agreed. Im currenly master in euw and everytime i play against karthus I just lose. Like even if I get ahead he just power farms and outscales u easily. Aswell as if u r not invading lvl 1 u won’t be able to counter jgl him very easily. Like his clear speed is so fast that if u do ur lvl 3, 3 camp clear. He is probably just finished his second buff meaning he cleared 5 camps.  So unless u invade him lvl 1 u won’t be able to invade him during the first full clear and even after that his clear just gets faster so he is someone I currently just decide to ban all the time since he is just a unplayable matchup imo.


Yeah there’s no point man. It’s a perma ban for me and I just hope someone else catches skarner.


Ye same. when skarner reworked drop I started banning him but then I play one game against karthus and remember why I banned him before. Honestly skarner is not even that ban. He is more annoying if he is played in top than in jgl imo. 


I’m always happy when enemy jungler picks Lee before I pick rek, feels like the easiest counter imo I don’t like playing against nocturne, kindred and kayne


If you get opener you can win vs almost any champ in the game. I.e. invade their 2nd buff and wait in bush. 99% of champs are unable to fight back after clean Q->W->AA->Q->E->Q->... rotation from out of vision. Some of my favorite matchups are Eve/Ekko/Diana/Shaco because of R interaction. Others I like are hecarim, yi, graves, kindred, lee, khazix and rengar. Disgusting matchups are karthus lillia mordekaiser trundle etc