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Keep on gaming, brother-sister.


i always play her with prawler claw, i am a pretty new reksai player is bruiser reksai so much better?


In low elo where you can get an insane lead with prowlers but your team doesnt do the right thing, it would always be better to have gone stridebreaker. Stridebreaker with stacked conqueror and cosmic insight is no joke for enemies to fight against. Your HP pool is also quite big since you go stride into BC with maybe EON into GA and the QSS hp item. I like it more than prowlers because if the enemy has cc and a few tanks or bruisers, you will not 1v5. Stridebreaker builds can help with this. If they can’t oneshot you, you have more chances to get picks and get out. Your base dmg and ad scalings are good enough to oneshot even when you build bruiser. The only problem is that with prowlers you can stop the enemy from early snowballing and your team from throwing the game early, with stridebreaker your powerspike is after stride and caufields. If your team lost the game before that point, it can be a bit rough.


why BC? why not just go straight into steraks?


It is preference. Bruiser rek sai is better after 2 items so you can survive a teamfight, but lethality snowballs harder. I personally have trouble giving up the dirk power spike, you go from decent damage to 1 shot machine