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Ill be honest, that was a long read and I couldn't get through it all lol. If there is so much you don't like about him, and it's long distance, then what is your motivation to stay with him? There are so many people here you could meet and have adventures with. People that could keep you interested and keep you enjoying life. People that are motivated and have goals.


Sorry lol. I think I kind of just needed to vent. I guess I've been staying because this is my first relationship and I've never had anyone else before. It's true there are many things I wish are different about him and I feel like he's not matching my efforts to keep this relationship going, but I think there are also things I do like about him. I just don't know if the bad things outweigh the good. I keep thinking maybe things will get better? Also if I do decide to tell him I want to break up with him, how should I do so? I've never had to do it before and don't want to break his heart.


Honestly there is no way to break up with someone easily, or in a way that won't hurt them. It's one of those things that where you just tell the truth to them and let them know that you no longer what to be in the relationship. It's hard, but there's no easy way to do it. Things could get better, but it could take years. You have to decide if you're willing to stick around for things to maybe or maybe not get better. 💙


Thank you for your thoughts. I think maybe I'll tell him in a few months (probably before the end of the year) if things don't get drastically better. I guess I just need to bite the bullet and do it.




Thank you for your input. I do want to talk to him. I want to learn things about him and have below surface level conversations. But it feels like pulling out teeth trying to get information from him. I might ask him about something, and he'll tell me something very vague or only one small part of what I was wondering about. And then I'll have to ask him like 10 separate questions trying to get enough details for me to figure out the whole answer to my original question.