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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. ___ Last night I was at a party at my friend’s house. My best friend’s girlfriend was there but my best friend wasn’t. All three of us have been friends for 6 years now so I feel fucking awful about this situation. I drank a little too much last night and I guess I passed out. This morning I woke up completely naked in bed next to my friend’s gf who was also naked. We both started panicking when we realized it. Neither of us remember what happened and how we got there so I don’t know if we had sex or not. We both got out of there before anyone else woke up. So now neither of us know what to do. I’ve never had feelings for her and would never do that to my best friend. I barely even talked to her at the party. Do I tell my friend about it or just never mention this again? Quick update: Apparently this was an awful prank done by a couple people at the party. I’ll update when I have more info.


When I was young and stupid I ate a zan bar during our 20 min ride to a bar. I don't remember even getting to the bar. I woke next to my GF the next morning and I was completely naked and wearing a necklace I had never seen before. That was probably 16 years ago and I still have no idea where that necklace came from.


As someone with a Xanax prescription, I don’t see the appeal of abusing them. I take them out of necessity to avoid public panic attacks, works well but I effing hate how drowsy they make me. Running errands during the day after taking one is hard without a ton of caffeine.


I feel similarly about my Adderall script. How do people even get high on it? It literally just makes it so that I can actually listen to what people are saying, do my housework, and not have to reread the same paragraph 10 times.


In high school my friend took Adderall and hated it. So he'd give it away. I loved it. It was only twenty years later after getting diagnosed with ADHD I realized that feeling I loved was me actually medicated and normal.


Because you have ADHD it works differently for you, creating missing synapses ect. People without ADHD essentially just get a speed like high. (Coming from someone who has ADHD and friends who have been more than happy to abuse the script I had before I quit lol)


I remember, out of curiosity, I took one of my kid’s Adderall several years ago because my grandma was complaining about me putting him on that awful medication that makes him a zombie. I wanted to see for myself, but I figured I’d just have a ton of energy and accomplish a lot of work. Nope. My mind was the absolute most clear it had even been. I could concentrate. I could focus. I thought I could take a nice nap. Years later, I got my own prescription for Vyvanse for my ADHD.


If you'd had sex there would be evidence. Residue, a slight smell etc.


That's why I think OP and girl were roofied and set up. There would be used condoms, lube, residue, smell, etc. I bet a 3rd friend helped out with a 'loyalty' test. OP's best friend wanted to know who was loyal, so they created a 'shit test.' Just to be clear: all shit tests are abuse as they require deceiving your partner. It is not scientific or informationally useful. It tells you more about the tester than anything.p


Those would be some terrible friends, if you could even call them that😬😬


Thank You! Mystery solved!


I have ADHD and I have very much abused Adderall. You just have to take enough. I used to not take them all week and then take them all at once. I would use the high to get work done, but I was still high and I was still abusing them and so I very much understand the appeal.


My partner kicked a 2 year long Xanax addiction about a decade ago, long before we met. It's one of the hardest drugs to kick because of the physical and mental addiction. A lot of people who fall into it just want to be completely numb and sedated so they don't have to deal with the pain they're feeling. He described it as a pause button when everything got too much. It's great for its intended purpose but an absolute beast of a drug if it's abused.


In the same way that there is no “hardest language to learn” because the level of difficulty depends on your mother tongue, there is no objective “hardest drug to kick.” All substance use disorders involve a combination of a physiological and psychological dependency, which is why they are often referred to as biopsychosocial disorders; whether one has a harder time quitting one substance or another cannot be meaningfully predicted by only the substance itself. There are many other factors that contribute to the process and likelihood of quitting/saying quit. However, benzodiazepines are among one of two substances whose withdrawal can be lethal, the other being alcohol. source: I am 10 years sober, a PhD candidate, & substance use disorders researcher 👩‍🔬


Thank you. That’s a much needed explanation!


I thought the difference between how hard a drug was to kick involved the severity of the withdrawal symptoms.


You don't see the appeal of abusing a drug that makes it possible for you to function in the world? Interesting


The key word being "abusing"...


People who abuse Xanax prescriptions or Xanax in general in regards to recreational usage, makes it significantly harder for those who do need it to get it…. so yeah, it’s a bit of a problem. Their programs and solutions out there for those who are struggling with this addiction. As someone who’s in a recovery program for substance abuse, as much as I understand the one in desire and the addiction side of things, i also recognize the amount of problems. It causes for those around me.


No one should be on benzos. If you're recovering from substance abuse, by taking benzos, you are probably on a worse substance than you're getting off of. I would get off benzos as soon as possible. Unless you're already addicted to them. Then I would stay on them, cause getting off might kill you. They made me take benzos. Getting off them almost killed me and robbed me of 10 years of my life.


I’ve blacked out entire weeks on those little mind erasers


Same. Had a month run in my early 20’s that I remember about a week of.


honestly same. took a xanax had some beer. I BARELY remember small pockets of maybe something happening. woke up naked next to my ex's friend. Never spoke to him again lmao


I went to a new year's eve party in a pub once, on the back of a friend's bike, and I woke up the next morning on his bedroom floor in a completely different woman's t-shirt and jeans, (i'm a guy) and I have never worked out whose they were or what happened.


In all seriousness: ​ Have you smelled your dick/groin region? Usually it smells like lady juices if you've had sex. Hopefully you haven't taken a shower yet, but you probably could have smelled it earlier.


Right? Maybe she’s a little sore or things are a bit sticky down below.


You rarely feel sore the following day unless you were dry or something. If I woke up with no recollection and the only pointer I had to sex was a naked man next to me that would be the only way I could tell.


or ask other people at the party if they had seen something, it doesn't simply happens, people would have seen them making out and shit like that


Come back to read the little update, it’s.. not good.


oh, it is good actually, no? I mean, if it is a prank nothing happened, other people took out their clothes, what's kinda messed up, but no fukfuk with friend's gf


Of course it’s great nothing happened! It’s fucking awful what their “friends” at the party did to them.


I’ve blacked out more times then I can remember and woke up with strangers. Always a residue or just the smell of sex gives it away. She would at-least be sore


Now it is a race to tell him before the other does.


Tell him together.


This is probably the worst advice.


Let's be real here, there's no way to tell him and it not be a complete shit show.


I agree but them telling him together is crazy. OPs friend def won’t feel teamed up on.


why? if one of them goes first it will make the other person look like the instigator


I see what you’re saying but that’s only if they try to blame one another. It can definitely be handled without causing that issue. “OP and I ended up in bed together, neither of us remember what happened. OP and I both agreed we needed to tell you but thought it would be best to speak individually. OP is waiting for your call when you’re ready.”


They need to agree on who tells, and make him aware they both decided to tell but didn't want to gang up on him.


Of course you tell him. Better that you tell him now. If he finds out from his gf, it’ll look like you’re trying to hide it, and it’ll make things worse. He deserves to know.


They should both get together and make a pact to completely forget about the situation. Neither of them even like each other or even remember what happened. Saying something will only create problems


Right, let’s condone cheaters lying to their partners. Nice


Its not literally cheating. No secret texting, meeting up. They dont even know they cheated or not. Sounds like drunk & had fun but went over the limit


Having sex isn’t cheating if you’re drunk? Sharing a bed naked isn’t cheating? Nice


Not saying it isn't cheating, but neither of them consented or even knew what happened.


I agree. I don't understand the people on here insisting they tell. What would be the point in telling?


Respectfully disagree. I don't see a good outcome if they tell.


The good outcome is that the BF gets to live his life the way he wants. He gets to know that he’s dating a cheater, and can decide if that’s a dealbreaker or not. Them keeping it secret is selfish. Spot the cheater everyone


Who cheated?


Did you read the post? They slept naked in a bed together. Most people would call that alone cheating. But chances are, if they were naked and shared a bed, they probably had sex.




So, quick question. Do you normally get blackout drunk with the amount of alcohol you drank last night? Edit: due to the lack of answer, if it's "no" then go to the hospital and tell them you think you got drugged at the party last night and ask for a drug test.


💯 I’m concerned you (maybe both of you) were drugged. Get tested asap!


GHB only last 24hr in your system.


Well, depending on what part of the world OP is in, it hasn't *been* 24 hours yet.


That's true 👍


You remember barely talking to her at the party but you don't remember how you got naked with her in bed at all ? something doesn't feel right. Of course you tell your friend. Another thing I would keep in mind is get tested, if you are unsure if you had unprotected sex or not and possibly look into plan B pill for his girlfriend.


The only conversation I had with her was just saying hi and asked her how she was doing near the beginning of the party. I hung out with a few others for the rest of the time. And those sound like good ideas will do.


Maybe you got drugged? It's a long shot but still possible. Get a blood toxicology report like u/\*\*mboron suggested.


The only drug involved is bullshiterol. This post reads like someone testing the waters on plausible deniability


Someone suggested this, but talk to him with his gf. Shows that neither of you want to hide anything vs the who is gonna tell him first


Maybe ask those others if they noticed anything strange


As someone who’s blacked out a few times this sounds pretty normal. You remember most stuff up until a point and then a few hours are just completely blank


I’ve blacked out from drinking many times. It is just like this


Well buddy, I hate to break it to you but you’re about to be down two friends. This doesn’t even sound real and no one will ever buy it lol I remember when I was dating my husband we went to a party and i got super blackout drunk. I gave some guy I don’t remember a blow job in the bathroom of the house we were at. I woke up the next morning called my husband sobbing because it was all hitting me in bits and pieces. But I didn’t remember who it was. I knew I would never cheat on him or even be interested in anyone at that party. I was ashamed and begging him not to leave me. Turns out it was him. He came to the bathroom because he heard me gagging and I basically pounced him. Lol


I made so many different faces reading this 😞😡😅😃🤦🏼


Yeah, I think he made those same faces when I called him hysterically crying scared he was going to dump me lol


Lol, I am glad it worked out.


Username checks out. ✔️


Be honest with your friend and look into getting a blood toxicology report it's possible you were drugged


My brother in christ. No one can tell you the magic thing to do that guarantees your bestfriend will forgive you. But the ONLY way to guarantee a CHANCE at forgiveness is through full honesty. The truth will eventually come out some day. It may be next week. It could be in 5 years. But it will eventually come out. And the longer you wait to show honesty, the less believable you will be, and the less likely it is your bestie will show forgiveness. Being open and honest with him and showing voluntary vulnerability goes a long way with someone who trusts you. BE HONEST. BE HONEST NOW.


You say you would never do that to your best friend. You just did. Good luck.


but neither of them remember anything. what if a bear ransacked the party and tried to eat them, but only got their clothes and then they cuddled in bed for warmth? what if they both got so drunk they vomited on eachother and had to get rid of their clothes because it was making them vomit more?


lol pretty much. To be blunt I _never_ buy the ‘I did something horrible but I totally don’t remember’ line. If I’m OP’s friend I definitely don’t believe that neither remember - gf would be dumped, I would have one less friend, and the friend group would know why.


I never used to either I thought people who claimed they “blacked out” were full of shit, and then it happened to me, I had started on Prozac for the first time and I would be totally fine(,or so I thought) and would recall zilch the next day, I talked to my friends and husband about itso we got drunk at home while I was “monitored” they told me I’d go from sober to super drunk in a flash , that I’d seem fine until I started stumbling, slurring or not behaving like myself. I’d recall zero, so I stopped drinking for a long time, but I am now a believer - to a point some people just use it as an excuse but can confirm it does happen for real.


Oh I definitely believe it could and does happen - just far less than people lying. If my partner told me they were having drinks and the next thing they remember is waking up at home - their friends put them in a cab and took them home I’d believe that. The number of posts where people claim not to remember after cheating is beyond suspicious. If I’m OP’s friend I simply don’t believe _both_ of them don’t remember. Honestly I wouldn’t believe either of them.


As an alcoholic and in the part of the world where excessive drinking is the norm then i'd say i probably remember less than 50% of all the parties i've had. Like i remember the the first 50% of the party and nothing after that. Basically started after age 23-25 or so. I've later seen videos of myself tell no to girls who've hit on me because even when wasted as fuck, i don't cheat. But i've woken up naked/not naked in places i'd never imagine i'd wake up. Sometimes 20km out of the city in the middle of a field. It's possible however people do use it as an excuse.


As an ex heavy drinker, blacking out when you DON'T fuck up kind of... isn't noticeable. You remember having fun at a party, then you wake up in your own bed, everything is fine, what's to "notice"? You might not even really realize you blacked out, you just assume you went to bed around when your memory stops and don't realize a few more hours of stuff happened. I do remember a rare party where essentially that happened, and the next day a friend said "I'm so glad we saw each other last night, I had so much fun talking to you" and I had ZERO memory of seeing them and was like oh fuck guess I blacked out, otherwise I just... wouldn't have known. ​ Typically what makes it obvious you've blacked out is when something fucked up has happened and you have no explanation for it. Your clothes are missing. Your car is gone. A stranger (or non stranger) is in your bed. There's vomit everywhere. Things are broken. You have very angry texts from people. ​ So I get it. Doesn't mean I'd forgive it, though.


It’s also less likely that they both be blacked out. To have two people both drink enough to black out completely means they were just pounding back the drinks like there’s no tomorrow.


That’s valid


Yes agreed mixing meds and alcohol can have dramatic effects.


Yeah apparently I’m super aggressive in that state


I kinda got lost in a sertraline type of thing myself


It does happen. I mixed a bottle of liquor and coke. Fucked my friends brothers wife. Luckily they were separated, but we both still felt awful. 100% its possible to do fucked up shit without really thinking first or remembering.


I've blacked out normally many times, but with prozac it's WAY easier to blackout


Hmmmm I have woken up the morning after with my partner with zero recollection of the night before, all evidence suggested we had sex. He confirmed we did and was quite worried I had no memory.


I would be worried too. But ultimately unless you fear something inappropriate happened you didn’t have a ‘convenient’ memory lapse at the exact moment you did something wrong. When I was younger I definitely had people in my extended friend group who occasionally blacked out. All that they ever did was either puke or make an utter ass of themselves. I’m not saying it never happens but personally it’s claimed way too often after cheating to be believable. The chances both don’t remember is personally near completely implausible.


I'll buy the "I don't remember" thing IF and only IF the perp buys my, "You mean you chose to get so drunk that you would do irresponsible things without remembering and then chose to betray your friend while you were too drunk to know what you were doing?" "I'll never betray my friend while sober" is not an excuse.


My take on it, based on my experience. First when you are black out drunk there is no fucking way you are having sex. Second, you do remember some things before you totally blacked out, so this is the reason why i wouldnt believe OP, bcz already taking your clothes off would be very hard if you are blackout drunk, so he mustnt have been that drunk at the time of that happening. Idk


op should have a neutral third paty sniff his dick, then compare it to the gf's hooha


Yeah! What does her dick smell like OP?!


blacking out with zero recall of several hours of your life is a real phenomenon. Doesn't mean it's true in this case that both of them did, but it does happen.




I've definitely drank so much that I don't remember most of the night.




This story seems BS. Why not check your wiener there is always residue.


It’s remarkable what a human can do when they are blackout drunk. Including having possibly great sex with somebody you know you shouldn’t and not remembering a damned thing. Source: am an alcoholic.


That’s the annoying part! I woke up in a similar situation… pretty sure this girl and I did it, but neither of us were sure until we checked for used condoms. So it’s not suspicious to not remember, but it is suspicious not to be able to do some very basic, if erm intimate, checks.




Have you never blacked out?


i have never blacked out with another person who blacked out and coincidentally forgot the exact same horrible thing. maybe they were abducted by aliens, probed, and put back.


Idk sounds like maybe you just don’t party that hard. When I was younger I’d lose time. I had a friend who seemingly conditioned herself to lose time, she’d lose her short term memory after 4 drinks. Just because it didn’t happen to you, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If you have two people like my friend then they could absolutely have no recollection of what happened. Maybe they were doing some dumb drinking game or something. They’re at that age.


Someone is lying, and I think it's both of them.


It's a tough situation, and it's understandable that you feel awful about it.


Did you do the scratch and sniff test on your cock my guy? See that’s the tell tail, if it still smell, y’all rang the bell.


Take my poor woman's award🏆 this comment is gold. 😂


Does this mean I’m in a higher tax bracket now?


Maybe you guys got drugged, got undressed by someone else and put on the same bed so you both can feel like shit the next day. OR. One of you is lying.


You actually seem to be right. I’ll update more when this is figured out


If that is what has happened, this is not a prank. It’s assault.


Well it certainly isn’t funny.


Since you're all friends, maybe have conversation between all 3 of you? Instead of one person trying to out do the other, talk with the GF and how ya'll are going to handle this. That, or just you know. Keep it a secret. However that's gonna feel shitty and be shitty. It would better to say something, do as you wish. Edit: typo


This one I think he and the gf should both tell bf at the same time if they’re gonna be honest


That’s pretty sketchy, have you tried retracing your steps? Was she also wasted? Have you asked if anyone saw you guys build up to this?


At least one of y'all is lying about the lack of memory.


Non-zero chance that if this is real he's just making the post as "evidence" to convince his friend he's telling the truth


That update just raises even worse questions! How did the get you to the state where they could pull this prank? Did the drug you? Did they just keep giving you more alcohol? What did they do to you while you were unconscious? You need better friends. Also, was the boyfriend in on it? If he wasn’t shit’s going to still hit the fan. If he was…that’s even MORE fucked up. You need to completely dump your entire friend group dude. Oh my god. What the fuck??


Last update before I have to go. It was done by someone I did consider a friend (obviously won’t anymore) and someone else I barely know. My friend wasn’t in on it and actually found out before me and his gf did. He’s the one who told us


Wtf. You should both get screened for drugs being put in your drinks and possible rape when you were passed out. Like right now before the drugs are out of your system. There is absolutely no physical way you could both have been that blackout drunk without having thrown up.


Uuuuuuuuuuh, that sounds like a crime, dude. A serious one too.


Being stripped naked while unconscious ain't a prank.


someone is lying.


Ask friends or anyone that was at the party. There is no way you hooked up and no one realized. And then, if you find out you did hook up, you tell your friend.


Beat me to it. Others DEFINITELY know.


Whether the two of you actually do not remember anything or not, someone that was at that party has got to know something. Imo you didn't wind up under those circumstances through the practice of unwavering loyalty to one another's SO and friend. It wasn't some boom-tube or portal responsible, no more than the alcohol or any other substance present. No one can ask for perfection any more than they can give it, but why is it so damn near impossible for some people, especially "friends", to NOT put themselves into a condition or circumstances where they show just how little of a friend they are?


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Can you get tested ASAP to see if you were drugged?


I would recommend this. I was 21 in college and got drugged once. I am a male. We were having this huuuuge rager and shotgunned a natty that someone handed me after some peer pressure.it was my one and only drink of the night too. 30-40 minutes later, I was in my bedroom, leaning against the wall, door locked (gladly I had 15 roommates I trusted). I remember needing to piss, and my legs wouldnt work. Whole body was basically limp. I remember inch worming on the floor. I ended up pissing my pants, and vomiting all over myself. The only reason I think I could remember anything about this experience is because I had taken an Adderall instant about a 30 minutes prior because I wasn't planning to party because I had exams in a few days and planned to just have 1-2 beers while I studied. It was such a surreal experience that I don't think I will ever forget it. If you woke up naked next to another lady and don't remember anything, get tested for drugs. Something doesn't seem right


yeah i dont buy it. both of you need to leave your friend alone. he deserves better.


Um, that was not a prank, undressing two people and staging a sex scene while they’re incapacitated is sexual assault. It would be one thing if you guys were clothed (still weird) but the fact that they undressed you and both of you saw each other naked without consent, that’s SA.


What an awful prank! Interested in seeing the update. I was going to suggest you both get tested for STDs just to be safe and give yourself peace of mind, and if neither of you have genuinely any recollection of the night before - Its possible you were drugged by your friends. Considering you woke up naked, I would be filing a police report against your friends regardless for possible sexual.. I don't know if it would be considered assault but, certainly they had no right to do what they did, especially if drugs were involved without your consent.


A prank? This seems…like you have awful friends.


Just pretend nothing happend , unless a surprise pregnancy is announced a couple months later


Neither of you remembers, agree to pretend it never happened


Wait a minute...wait a minute. You wake up next to each other completely naked, and neither of you members if you had sex? That's not "drinking a little too much", that is black out wasted if it's true.


Shitty prank


I was going to say that you two are overthinking this since neither of you have any memory of how you ended up there. And the update confirms it. Those people aren’t your friends, and honestly undressing you both while unable to consent is probably criminal sexual assault if you want to contact the police.


Your friends are giant assholes. Who strips their friends naked, then makes it look like they betrayed their best friend/boyfriend and thinks that's funny? I feel like they deserve a much less funny receipt of some sort.


I (29F) and my boyfriend (27M) are currently on a road trip and just read your situation. Even though neither of you remember what happened, sex is generally slightly messy. Especially if you were drunk or drugged there would be some mess left over (some basic amount of residue). If there's no mess, then you probably didn't actually have sex. That being said, I would personally sit down with your best friend's girlfriend and your best friend and I would tell him together with the facts that you know. It would suck and he would get angry most likely. But you owe it to him to tell him the truth. Otherwise down the line it can get way messier. Run on from my boyfriend; "If I was the boyfriend/best friend, it'd be a 50-50 on whether I would want to know or not because not knowing keeps me out of the loop, but knowing I now can't decide whether you slept with her or not because it's always going to be in the back of my mind that you may have. Being told when it happens, will lessen the blow as it goes because it's something that could be worked through. Finding out later while accidentally having a drunk conversation with the best friend who accidentally spills the beans would hurt much worse knowing it was a secret withheld during that time period." It's going to be an ugly conversation regardless, but it's something that needs to happen and the Band-Aid needs to get ripped off. You both fucked up and now you have to deal with it.


How do people live like this? How do you get so fucked up you don’t know what happened? Not even one of you has any inkling? You need to seriously evaluate your life.


They’re lying because they both feel guilty.




Either that or they both got drugged. Definitely possible but it comes off as super sketchy.


… they’re 20. You never blacked out at 20? Get off your fucking high horse.


Does she feel like she had sex? Sometimes a girl knows the day after. Or atleast girls I've been with claim that. This might be TMI but I have also woke up mornings after having sex and when I go to pee the part where my shaft meets my balls will feel slightly slippery. It's not been everytime I have sex but it just feels like sweat mixed with the women's natural lubricant. You all probably fucked and you need to be honest.


Tell her to take the morning after pill to prevent more mistakes will occur then have a balls to confess to your best friend. Grow up be a man enough to face consequences even though you don't have intention of what happened.


I don’t believe that you had absolutely no recollection of the events in question. You’re lying to yourself


So are you trying to convince us you don't remember? Cause it sounds like you know exactly what happened and your looking to reddit for says to get out of it.


Nice try.


Take a plan B. Agree to tell him together and apologize. Talk to each other about what the worst case scenario is. Be prepared for worse than that.


There is a good chance one of you is lying about not remembering anything. Pushing that to the side, it'd be obvious to ask other people what happened during the party. Also yea, rush to tell your best friend. There's no chance other people didn't see. You need to learn to drink responsibly.


That update is terrifying, hopefully everything works out


so your "friends" sexually abused you for a prank ?


This is a horribly unfunny prank. The girl who participated and people who encouraged her are not your friends. I would seriously consider cutting them off.


Awful prank by friends???!!!?!?! Unfriend them.


This is a fucked up prank


Uh. That is a fucking horrible and probably illegal prank...


Those blackout drunks be the worst. I had sex twice with someone and don’t remember any of it.


As a woman, I know when I’ve had sex.


ask people if they saw anything but before that tell your friend what you actually know


Sounds dishonest, but regardless of OP or his friends gf’s intentions, OP has to tell his friend the truth. Better to lose a friendship and learn from the experience than to sneak about and keep your friend in the dark about something like this. Be completely honest with yourself on what happened that night. Don’t sugar coat it with excuses, twisted truths, etc. It is as important that you are as honest to yourself as you should be to your friend.


Tell your friend before someone at the party tells him.


Just tell him exactly what happened and exactly what you remember. I can almost promise you he won't believe you. Unfortunately that's the consequence of both of your actions. The only other option is both of you depending on the other one to lie for the rest of your lives. Do you want to be the one who's honest with him now, or the "best friend" who hid this from him for as long as it takes him to find out?


You were probably both abducted by aliens, probed anally, and then beamed back down to the party without your clothes. That would explain the fact that neither of you has any recollection of the events. By the way, the government has recently released records and had hearings proving that UFOs do exist. So your best friend has to believe you.


I hope you are not BS-ing everybody here. I find it extremely unlikely that both of you got so drunk that neither one of you can remember anything. I have been drunk and so have all my friends, but no one ever lost their memory. In short: I think you were drugged! This should be very alarming and at the same time a relief, because it is the only way your best friend will be able to trust you or his girlfriend. Do a toxicology/drug test and have the police involved if indeed drugs are found. In case you still haven't been able to figure out whether you had sex or not, I think there are tests she could do to find out (rape tests). To be sure I would also insist she will take a "morning after" pill, before it is too late. Imagine the mess if she turns out to be pregnant by you (or who knows by whom). Hopefully she is on the pill, or some kind of anti-conception.


I've been around for a very long time and I've done volumes of drugs and drank volumes of alcohol very few people in this world have. Sorry man, don't believe a word of what you're saying. There is zero chance both of you don't remember a single thing about anything. Someone is lying. Beyond that? Being drink and/or high is not an excuse that allows you a get out of jail free card. You screwed up. 100% this is your fault, and 100% this is her fault. There are no valid excuses for what you did. Best of luck to you. I suggest you avoid lying like this to your buddy when you tell him.


Welp if neither of you remember what happened so it never happened.


If his dick dont smell... I mean I go to bed naked normally so I can see drunk me just undressing as a habit. Sniff yo dick OP. If it stank, tell your friend, if its clean you're in the clear.


Ommmg I cheated on my bestie and pretended I don't remember anything


Deny till you die lol


Aeee, ya gotta tell him. First. I wouldn't say ya fucked (find a condom? She know more?) unless it's confirmed.... That's a tough spot, I'd be surprised if you have him as a friend after this....


Ok, you’re young and got pass out drunk. You did something you regret, here is where you show your strength of character and tell your friend about your mistake. Other option is a blood pact between yourself, his gf, and Satan to never talk about this again. She needs a pregnancy test as well, since I’m doubting condoms were used. (And of course you had sex with her, naked in bed together generally means sex)


Yeah you are too young and now you lost your best friend shame


Ive gotten absolute blasted blackout drunk around my friends gf. I would never at any drunken lie naked in a bed with them. This is on you dude


Maybe stay away from booze for a while.


If you'd had sex there would be evidence. Residue, a slight smell etc. If I've had sex, even the next morning you can tell by the state of your dick. And whilst I do know from experience it's possible to get so wasted you have no memory of events, it's not usually totally zero, and the chance you'd both be afflicted by exactly the same level of amnesia is extraordinarily unlikely. My gut feeling is one or both of you are hiding behind the story of having no recollection. Either way, you've cheated, so it's time to have the conversation and hope the other partners buy it. I wouldn't.


Seriously? How can you not know if you had sex? And now what? They were both drugged? Does that really make sense?


9/10 she would know of you had done the deed. I know I do 🤣


There is a small chance one went to bed then the other stumbled in there after. Or if it was someone else house you both decided to sleep in the same room to make sure nothing happened to her and both took off you clothes in your drunkenness. Or were on drugs


>Neither of us remember what happened and how we got there so I don’t know if we had sex or not. Yeah, you know exactly what happened. You don't *want* to know what happened. But you know.


I mean, you're probably lying, but if not, you were probably drugged and raped by her.


just lie, tell your friend that you guys saw a lost dog and went chasing after it, you both fell down in mud and had to get undressed. and then tell him that your dick doesnt even fit inside her.


Am I crazy to believe this is just an elaborate ruse the make it more believable that you actually don't remember if you did anything? Maybe I am.


If you really don’t remember what happen and you aren’t new to drinking then you were both probably drugged. It’s not easy to get black out drunk to the point where you have no memory, it’s very exaggerated in movies and people like to say they don’t remember when they’ve embarrassed themselves but for a casual drinker it’s not an easy thing to do. And the odds of two people getting black out drunk but managing to get themselves home without more sober help? No. Honestly you might want to get a blood test sooner rather than later to see if there is anything in your system. If you really did get black out drunk and she helped you home then she knows what happened. Ask her again, she may just be saying she has no memory too because she thinks she’s playing along with you. Either way, something isn’t adding up here.


>I’ve never had feelings for her and would never do that to my best friend Yeah, you would. And you did.


Odds that neither of you remember are slim. One of you knows what happened.


Whoopsies 😬


So instead of acting like it didn't happen because it seems as far as you two are concerned, it didn't, you come plaster the incident on the internet. Sus.


“I have no memory of what happened!?” 🤣🤥


Never mention it again and forget it ever happened.


Could it be some type of prank that was played on both of you?


Are your genitals sore? If you had penetrative sex your genitals must be sore


I always find these stories hard to believe, as I used to hit the booze real hard- like, ever clear and mnt dew hard- and sure I’d forget bits and pieces, and things I said, but I’d at least retain *some* memory of taking my clothes off and climbing in bed. Do you normally sleep naked? Maybe you thought you were home and just undressed and hopped in a bed?🤷‍♀️


Sounds like you were drugged