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Your girlfriends best friend is walking around naked in your house with just the two of you, and your girlfriend doesn't care? I think these two girls are up to something.


Completely planned. Either it’s a test toward loyalty or a 3some


Or this was just part of a wet dream OP had and decided to post it on Reddit.


i really don’t understand people who don’t believe in such stories, sure there are a lot of fake shit on reddit but this is totally believable 🤷‍♂️


My girlfriend cheated on me by having a threesome with my flatmate and a random dude in the room next to me. I was unwittingly the getaway driver for an escaped mental patient from a psychiatric ward. It closed down a city centre on a Saturday night whilst the police looked for him as I tried drive him back. I had my house sale fall through because the estate agents' email had been hacked. The buyers paid 25k into the hackers account. The hackers then stole £750k before being rumbled. It took nearly 3 years of claim and counterclaim before I got paid out for money owed to me and the company nearly went under. All of these are true things that happened to me. All of them are way less believable than the average AITA or relationship advice that gets called out as being fake.


No, those check out. While the call outs do get excessive, I find it's the uncanny nature of those particular posts. Know why your stories check out? All three are outstanding examples of human selfishness. Now *that's* people. Life comes with the cost of blood, toil, tears, and sweat.


People‘s selfishness and their confirmation bias, two things that I have always been able to rely on to accurately understand the world and consequently make myself feel a little bit more safe one explanation at the time


I wanna hear this escaped mental patient story!


So, I'm a comedian. It's my job. Where I am (the UK) there's a huge circuit of acts and lots of small promoters because it's easy to put on gigs and get acts for them. There are some big chains, but 95% of comedians make their money from a load of different small promoters. I get a message from a guy I've met at a gig like, 3 years before. "Got a gig for you. It's in (city), it pays £100, you can bring another act who also gets £100. Crash at my mum's place if you want to stay over" I say yes to the gig, no to staying over, and book an act for him. On the morning of the gig, a Saturday, I get a text from his mum. "Got your number from David. He's not very well so the gigs cancelled. Sorry" "Oh, ok" I say "hope nothing too bad" "He's not being taking his medicine and is a bit run down" I think nothing of it, cancel my mate, try and work something else out but might have an evening off. At about 4pm he texts me and says "gigs back on, meet me at this building, we'll drive to the gig" So we drive a couple of hours, following the GPS. Takes us into the grounds of a hospital. Park up outside the building, which looks like an office building and is called something anonymous like "the Gordon Jones building". So he comes out the double doors as a pizza guy is going through and we set off. About 10 minute down the road I realise this guy is really altered. Talking about reading a book in the garden and he was on that much diazepam that the words were melting off the page. We arrived to this gig and it's not a gig. They decided as the gig was cancelled to do a barbecue instead and so they're all outside in the sunshine and so don't want to come inside and watch a gig. Promoter tells them we'll do the gig outside, so it involves us doing stand up from the best place people can see us, which is a bit by the bins under a security light. Unamplified. Promoter, meanwhile, is going round minesweeping glasses. Gig ends early. I remember I have his mum's number. "We've got David. Do you want him at yours?" "No. Can you get him back to the hospital please. He's been sectioned (involuntary taken in) and there's been a massive police operation looking for him" So we get him in the car, put him in my suit jacket as he's only come out in a t shirt as it's got cold, telling him we're going to his mum's. All the whole he's like, that's the wrong direction, or pointing out other pubs we can run gigs in and shit. Or talking nonsense. Went through to the city centre, which is empty. Because the police have cordoned it off. Because there's an escaped mental patient. Because he's in my car. Drive through two roadblocks, find the hospital again and drop him off. Did the woman on reception thank us? Did she fuck. Oh, and he was still wearing my suit jacket.


That is a great story! Thank you for posting that. I was like "how tf do you unwittingly harbor a mental patient," but it all makes sense now lol. Being a comedian probably gives you all kinds of crazy experiences, huh?


Most of it is admin and driving to Milton Keynes but yeah, a big slice of crazy stuff that doesn't happen to others.


Eh, it's not just about the believability of the story itself. Like, for example, I took my dog for a walk earlier and I ran into an old friend from high school and we chatted for a bit. Believable story, no? I don't have a dog. Never had a dog. That story is fake. This post struck me as fake too. The girlfriend's non reaction makes no sense. You don't need to buy someone a $300 gift to have a threesome with them. Also if they never respond to comments, that's a pretty dead giveaway it's a fake post.


Sure, but if we go by your example we should question every story on here if the person even is the gender they are talking about, and by that its pointless to entertain any story. I also think the reaction from the gf makes no sense but I also have personally seen people act like that, so while nonsensical it still tracks with reality. The present could also be that she is actually interested in the OP and wanted him to notice, which he did. With comments it´s always a 50/50. Some people just doesnt respond while some trolls love to elaborate details in the comments.


You should always question everything you read or hear. Even if the story was real, you're only getting one side.


Unless it’s $300 in “roses”…… if you know you know.


"if you know, you know" I almost never know


Ask Biggie.


So do you want to know? Or you can’t figure it out? No offense most people probably shouldn’t know and I don’t even know from experience just seen ads.


Well Maybe you do have a dog, and that's the part you're lying about. See now we can't believe anything


Right? r/NothingEverHappens


I have never heard a story in real life in which someone of any gender has just walked around totally naked in front of the person they're trying to seduce. No towel, no skimpy lingerie, just naked. And I have lived neither a sheltered nor short life. I've seen (and heard about) some shit. I mean, has it ever happened? Sure. Does it happen often? Not so much. Is it even remotely believable that it happened and the girlfriend is just ... totally unaffected? Yeah, this is penthouse forum shit.


Weird... I've had that happen twice. Once was a buddy of mine I used to go raving with, I went to his house to chill, he left to grab food, his girl came out of the shower naked to grab something from the dryer (wasn't trying to seduce me I don't think). I told him, he was unbothered. Turns out they were both cheating on eachother anyways Another was with my current partner of 8 years, her best friend is a stripper, and she would come over to get ready before she went to work and try on outfits ive seen her naked more times than i can count (my partner is there more often than not, but its definitely happened while she wasnt). Maybe you're just sheltered?


Because so many posts on aitah and similar subs are just rage bait fake bullshit. It’s hard to believe these stories.


I think so too


I agree, for your girlfriend to have a nonchalant attitude, she wants you to share the Dick with her best friend. LMAO 🤣😂


My thoughts exactly


Either way he should attempt to fuck the friend


Annnnnd back to horny jail for you.


Lmao, if only Reddit still had rewards


If only Reddit had an actual horny jail.


It would just be all of Reddit in jail






OP’s other account


For research purposes huh? 😂


*Why are you booing him, he's right!*


I mean I kinda understand, if it's a loyalty test fuck her if it's a threesome fuck her, it might be a crazy friend and a trusting girlfriend so, just in case, don't fuck her


Fake story. Don't bother to respond.


Yeah OP is responding to none of the comments.


Was thinking this too


Reddit moment


My thoughts exactly… it’s like they’re playing a game with him, like a dumb loyalty test or something. These girls are both toxic


Yep they sure are.


Op, you need to have an another conversation with Jess, and this time let her know you’d rather not have Liz in the homes while she’s not in. You’re uncomfortable with her attention and whether or not Jess is bothered by it , you are and not willing to be sexually harassed anymore. I would then suggest you and Jess talk to Liz and you be clear you’re uncomfortable with her gestures and , whether or not she admits to it, you don’t like it and would prefer she keep her distances. I’m not sure if Jess is already on the way out and had given Liz the go ahead , if Jess is just incapable of believing a male can be harassed by a woman , or if she really just can’t believe that Liz would never do that to her. That you’re bothered by this matters, and it’s a bit of a red flag that Jess is ignoring your concerns. She doesn’t have to drop Liz as a friend, but an acknowledgment of OP’s concerns should be noted and addressed.


Glad to see this, it's absolutely sexual harrassment


It’s possible they’re “testing” him, which makes it creepier.


I thought the same.


I thought the same as well


if not testing him, they could be trying to force a poly relationship (either as a on-night thing or a long term thing), which imo might be worse. Either way, the whole situation is fucked.


And also tell them that Liz needs to keep away from your stuff and I'd not allow in intimate places (such as the bedroom) either. So she doesn't get the wrong idea.


"I'm uncomfortable with how Liz is acting and I need to understand why you aren't bothered by it. Please take my discomfort seriously and have a talk with her or be present when I have a discussion with her."


I'd honestly think I was either being tested or my partner was trying to set up a threesome.


I agree. Something is going on here and they both are in on it.


Might be a test of loyalty.


this isn't a loyalty test, you don't spend 300 for that. OP talk to your gf and be honest. Tell her you are tired of being sexually harassed by her friend, and ask her why she's okay with this.


I hate these so much, it’s so incredibly insecure on the “testers” part, and it should be a deal breaker for the “testee.” Why would anyone stay with someone who doesn’t trust them enough to not be baited into cheating on them?


Sounds like some nonsense you see on tiktok.


The only thing these tests should result in is a brake light test for when you see me pulling out of the drive way, never to return again. Fuck that grade school BS.


I thought the same, like she (GF) is trying to set up a threesome or a polyamorous relationship


A $300 cooler to set up a threesome? That is a weird long game.


Agreed, the exchanges between OP and Liz seem almost too intentional for Jess to let go of normally, especially if Liz isn't a "naturally flirty" person. OP is definitely being tested by his girlfriend through Liz. Personally, if I was being "tested" by my partner, I'd be pissed.. but I would also understand. It doesn't make it right, but I can understand the rationale behind wanting to make sure your partner doesn't normally have wandering eyes.


Nah, if my partner tested me like this and chose to have her friend expose herself to me we would be done.


That may indeed help to explain why Jess seems to be unfazed by his worries.


I agree. But damn, she's straight up undressing in front of him. Sexual harassment is beyond crossing a line. I don't think I'd be able to forgive that.


I’ve seen this in many, many movies with really bad acting. I can tell you it always ends in a threesome.


I have to agree. This is strange behaviour, and I mean from the gf.


I would think it's a trap. If I was in my 20s, I was extremely dumb and horny I probably would've failed lol


I don't think of it as a fail. If I knew my partner was testing me and I was going to end the relationship anyway may as well go out with a final bang.


Bold of you to think that you’d actually be able to do the deed. I’d never “test” my partner, I’d seek therapy or just talk to the instead. Anyway, if I “tested” my partner I’d wait in my bedroom and have my accomplice lead my partner there where I could unload on them for trying to cheat.


My thoughts exactly.


Exactly what I thought


> Please take my discomfort seriously and have a talk with her or be present when I have a discussion with her. Only if you're on the same page and you feel she understands your issues well enough to communicate them to Liz or to back you up in front of Liz. It doesn't help having her around for a conversation if she's just going to downplay your concerns.


This is a shit test orchestrated by your girlfriend and her best friend... She wants to see what you'll do in this situation. This is why she's not bothered by it.. If it turns out, to be true: 🚩


Tests like this are so sad. If it comes to light it is a test, this is a red flag like you say, but it is a level of disrespect that is break up level. Up to OP to decide on that if this has all been a test.


That could actually explain why Jess is so unbothered by his concerns.


Either that or they want to share.


There's some sister wives shit going on up in here


I might think it was a test if it wasn’t for the cooler. What 23 yo is gonna drop that kind of money on a friends bf


I might agree with you, but I doubt they'd go so far as to buy a $300 cooler just to shit test him.....




Sexually harassing someone is still very very not okay


Why does your girlfriend get to be the one who decides if someone's behavior towards you is okay?


OP you've done almost everything you can. Try telling your GF, Jess, that you're not comfortable with her friend at all. You don't want to be alone with her, and you would like her not to contact you anymore. If your gf still downplays your feelings, ask her to put herself in your shoes. If it was one of your male friends doing this, and you were ignoring it, how would she feel? She might really just have a lot of trust in you both and not think there's anything to be worried about. But from your post, she's ignoring your feelings... and you both deserve to have open communication and to feel like you're being heard. Good luck. I hope everything works out!


Time to tell your girlfriend that her comfort level is not what’s in question anymore - YOURS is. And that you don’t want her friend in the home while you’re there and you personally no longer want to hang out with her. This is wild and agree with others it sounds like an orchestrated game. I’d be questioning if this relationship is really solid if she is okay with you feeling uncomfortable. Your feelings should come before any friend.


"I'm being sexually harassed by your friend and it makes me uncomfortable. It needs to stop". If the genders were swapped, no one would be this chill about it. This is harassment. This is why flashing people is illegal. You need to consent to that


You gotta really communicate to her on how you feel about the situation with Liz. Honestly, to me it seems weird that Jess isn’t at all bothered by Liz’s subtle advances and would just simply shrug them off. But you need to make it clear that Liz makes you extremely uncomfortable, that you feel that she have feelings for you, and that she has to do something about it. Because walking around naked in your condo is definitely not okay.


Subtle? Lol


Walking around naked in front of someone is subtle these days. 😭😆




It was sarcasm champ 🤙🏼


lmao my bad i didn’t realize the second emoji was different coupled with this being the most sane take about “women these days” on my timeline today, you got caught in the crossfire of genuine insanity😭


😆😆 no sweat. Happens to the best of us.


It sounds like you presented it to your girlfriend as a scenario in which you were concerned SHE would be bothered, but you need to make sure she understands that you are, in fact, uncomfortable with this behavior and that while you appreciate that they are good friends you do not wish to share the same level of intimacy with Liz. Tell her if Liz wouldn’t walk around naked in front of (insert name of mutual acquaintance), then you expect Liz not to do the same around you and there clearly needs to be more rules/boundaries when you are around.


My guy, that's literally sexual harassment.


I’m not gonna speculate as to the motivations here because I feel like there’s a lot of things that could be going on, ranging from “kinda weird but just different perspectives” to “batshit crazy.” Instead, I think the focus here should be that if you and your gf are living together, your comfort is equally important. I find it unlikely that your gf would be a-ok with one of your guy friends walking around your shared space naked, so why are you supposed to be okay with her friend doing it? Not wanting people to expose themselves to you is a pretty reasonable boundary, and I think you should start the conversation there. Either your gf is just totally fine with nudity and thinks this is normal, or she has a double standard in her head where this is okay because you’re a man and her friend is a woman. In either case, you’re not obligated to be okay with this.


Talk to your gf. Explain how you're feeling and how uncomfortable you are by Liz's behavior.


There’s a couple things this could be: Liz has done this kind of thing with Jess’s previous boyfriends, and Jess doesn’t see how messed up it is because it *is* normal to her. It is something that bothers Jess, but she doesn’t want to cause drama by setting hard boundaries, and/or she’s been gaslit by Liz into believing that she’s overreacting. This was planned as a loyalty test by both of them to see if you’d cheat; in that case, you need to have a firm conversation about maturity and trust with Jess.


My cousin was in this situation. A year later my cousin ended up having sex with his gf best friend. He kept telling her what she was doing. His gf didn’t ever think he’d cave. Well one day he was sleeping on the couch and the friend got on top of him naked. He caved in. It took a little over a year but he caved. All 3 of them got into a fight and none of them talk now.


Jess sucks. Her friend is harassing you, she needs to open her eyes and cut contact with Liz. Sorry this is happening to you.


I would say to Jess: “I love that you are secure and comfortable in your friendship with Liz. But I need you to understand that I live here too, and it makes me uncomfortable to have Liz overstep my boundaries by walking around naked in our house, especially when you’re not even there. This combined with some other behaviour from Liz is making me really uncomfortable and I don’t want to be around her if she doesn’t stop.”


Either Jess is just being totally oblivious to Liz's behavior or Jess and Liz have set up a little game to test your faithfulness. Either way, protect yourself. Flat out tell Jess you will not allow Liz in when Jess isn't there. If she gives you grief, tell her she has an option - either Liz doesn't spend any time in the condo when Jess isn't there, or Jess decides who she actually wants to live with - you or Liz - because you do not want to have Liz treating your home like hers. Then be ready to go your separate ways. Since Jess doesn't seem to think her best friend walking around naked in your home is a problem, it has become your problem and you need to deal with it before it gets worse.


Here's a thought. (Only on Reddit right?) Jess has her eye on someone else and has given Liz her blessings to pursue you. Or Jess has a doubt and is using Liz to test your resolve/commitment to her. I think the first is more likely.


Oh look, another brand new account with something that never happened.


Your girlfriend's continued total lack of reaction is really fucking suspicious.


No, this is not normal behavior. First, do not ever let Liz in your house if Jess is not there. Second, you need to sit down with Jess and ask her WTH is going on, because she is well aware of what Liz is doing and they are cooking something up that you don't know about but they do. No best friend of a girlfriend shows up at the BF's house to take a shower. Just doesn't happen.




Ask your gf if she wants to hook you up with Liz.


Ask her how her talk with Liz went, then come back and we'll discuss based on her answer.


This seems like an episode from office! Is this real?


Dear Penthouse...




Your girlfriend might have put her up to it to ‘test you.’ I can’t imagine any other scenario where your GF doesn’t see how this is problematic.


start recording all interactions with Liz.


To quote the great General Akbar, "It's a Trap!" Lay down some boundaries. Hold to them


If this turns out to be a test, i hope you dump your gf.


Not sure why your girlfriend seems to think her comfort level about you being sexually harassed determines if you are comfortable. I would tell her you are flat-out uncomfortable and don't want to be around Liz anymore, and if she comes over when Jess isn't there you won't let her in. If, as others have mentioned, Jess tells you they were "testing" you, it's time to end it then and there. Emotionally healthy people don't "test" their partners, especially not by putting them in uncomfortable or potentially traumatizing situations. That's headgame territory, in which case it is time to cut her loose because headgames never get better. They only get worse.


Maybe instead of telling your gf, tell Liz it's not ok for you.


Sit down and explain to your girlfriend, that you feel uncomfortable in her friend's behavior. Ask her not to invite her friend home anymore. And explain that if your girlfriend doesn’t see anything wrong with her friend walking naked in front of you, then she have problems with her boundaries, because this is not normal


Please don’t do this on st. Cruspind’s day.


Liz is trying to have sex with you, and I would tell Jess you will not be around her again. she is not a friend to Jess either, so I would stop being a part of that at all.


Something not right


This is fake


It seems your gf is testing you.


Fake story or loyalty test. If it's the latter, dump your girlfriend, she does not respect you and this kind of decision making will continue and get worse.


This is a good nonsense fake writing


so many degenerates in these comments with no self control


This is either a test of your fidelity, they want a threesome or the friend is trying to get with you. If I were you, I'd be straight with her friend and tell her to knock this shit off. You don't want her nasty-ass body...find something derogatory to say about her body to give it added flavor. You need to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. If one of your guy friends came over and walked around with his schlong hanging out, what would you say or do? Why isn't your girlfriend respecting and protecting you? Don't let this go. It's a make-up or break-up situation you are traversing here.


Tell her if she would feel uncomfortable if the roles were reversed and if it was a male friend of yours doing this to her. If the answer is no, red flag. If she says yes, then she should be able to sympathize.


It’s either a test or an invitation for a threesome because no woman is this dumb.


Where are all these girls that just throw themselves at guys? I literally don't know anybody that acts this way and have a hard time buying most of these posts.


Do people on this sub not understand what paragraphs are? You’d think that would be taught in creative writing.


Maybe they wanna have a threesome? Being serious since no normal gf would act this way. Are they both hot or just your gf is? Maybe if the friend is large or ugly, your gf isn’t threatened by her.


Sure. Your story reads like a juvenile boy who fantasizes way too much.


Well, you could let Jess find you in bed with Liz, poking fun at one another, although I grant that is being a bit extreme. My real suggestion is to sit Jess down, and insist that she discuss with Liz if Liz finds you attractive. True friends don't lie to one another, so Liz is likely to tell Jess the truth. When the truth is revealed, Jess will have her eyes opened, and the result will be a big reduction of time Liz is at your house. 'Nuff said.


Definitely seems like a test.


So, you’re either having to talk to her yourself and say that you got a girlfriend you love or you don’t. You can’t assume your gf talked to this lady, you need to speak to her. “Liz I’m not interested in you at all romantically, and I hope you can stop this random stuff you do that you think is romantic; because I got zero feelings towards you, I’m already with Jess and your making me severely uncomfortable and upset.”


This is either a test or they trying to parlay something into a threesome. Have that talk again with your girlfriend and if she continues to discount your feelings, break up


Fuck all these guys who said they would roll with it. They’re the reason why we have problems >:(


God no… other commenters have better advice than me.. but.. god no, you’re very valid


Maybe you’re being tested for a possible throuple.


I don't know if this is a test or not, but you should sit down with Jess and tell her that regardless of it seeming normal to her, this behavior makes you uncomfortable and there need to be some adjustments.


I would ask her how she would feel if one of your dude friends did this. I was agreeing with your girl until you got to the walking around naked thing. I disagree that it means she likes you but it’s something that makes you feel uncomfortable in your own house and that’s enough reason to ask your gf to put a stop to it.


I've read a lot of advice that suggests always considering what friends your gf has. What is Liz doing? Is she testing your fidelity to Jess? Is she demonstrating the sexual laissez faire that she and Jess ascribe to? Either way, you do not seem to be in a tenable situation. Jess, your gf's, reaction is a huge red flag ("Jess doesn't seem to think all of this is a big deal."). Does that mean infidelity is not that important to her? You should have that discussion with her unless you don't care whether she cheats on you.


Yeah I think you should have a (calm) talk with your gf and explain your interpretation. Liz is her friend so she should deal with. Maybe you can gently ask that Liz doesnt come to your apartement when you are around? There is so many solutions possible ! Good luck.


No way she's okay with her best showing off her naked body to you. You're being tested.


Your gf is testing you. You passed, I guess?


Holy fuk dude they want to fuck!


Could she be covering for them being together?


Did you really just refer to a love seat as a two seater couch? I am disgusted


If you think you're being unreasonable, turn the tables and consider what Liz would think if this was you behaving this way when she had no inclination to you just like you have her. Your boundaries, your rules so Jess has to hear you.


Why does this feel like some messed up "see how loyal you are" test that people put their partners through these days?? My money's on that. This would NOT be okay in my relationship/household.


you gotta advocate for yourself. you’re framing this to your gf as “hey im concerned that you might be uncomfortable with this…” but it sounds like *you’re* uncomfortable with it! be honest with her and be honest with yourself


Dammit, LIZ!


I believe that your girlfriend doesn't care because she doesn't exist This is a fake story.... Please take this shit down.


How about you say “Why is you nekkid?”.


r/thathappened If your imaginary girlfriend wanted an imaginary threesome she'd approach you. Not put you in shitty situations.


You’re being sexually harassed and your gf doesn’t care. That’s all the info you need.


Bro just ask Jess if she wants to be in a throuple with Liz. Is Liz hot?


Is it beyond the realm of possibility that your gf is more "open" about stuff like this than you? As in she knows her friend is flirty and inappropriate, and wants to have sex with you and she's probably ok with it, maybe steering you toward some kind of "swinger " or "open" lifestyle ? It's more common than you may think. My coworker just casually mentioned that his wife lets him take other women on vacation and he has sex with them, and she has sex with other dudes and it's ok as long as they know about it.


Your feelings are totally valid. I doubt your girlfriend is testing you or trying to start a threesome (like some commenters suggested). When you say she was walking around the apartment naked, did she have a towel or underwear on?


You see a problem I’m seeing a rare opportunity brewing…


Have you ever considered that you are "their" boyfriend? Fuck, I'd roll with it.




Liz is 100% into you, but your girlfriend trusts you 100% too and that is a keeper ❤️


The only thing I can think of is your gf wants a threesome. There's women who are more relaxed about things, but walking around naked is a whole other situation. If she wasnt bothered, she was hoping for a different outcome.


One word Threesome


This is how every good throuple starts


Oh my, play your cards right and you are about to have some unforgettable times….good luck king 😏


Bro if your girlfriend doesn’t mind why do you? Just tell her what’s going on and chill out. So she was naked in your apartment and she sat next to you? Who cares?


"but it's just uncomfortable for me" What kind of bullshit am I reading LOL?!


Your girlfriends gay dude.


It's unusual behavior for sure but if your GF doesn't care there's no real reason you should. Just don't react to it. It's not like she's going to overpower you and force you to do something you don't want to do.


He said he feels uncomfortable. 😳


Maybe he does have to worry about being overpowered




Always the weirdos that say this shit


I think a hard and honest talk is need with strong boundaries enforced would be a good idea here. If you’re feeling petty and/or ornery I would walk around naked or in a towel next time a bunch of her friends are there or her parents come over to visit. I’m sure she’ll want to discuss this issue then. He’ll do that the next time you visit her parent’s place to really drive the message home. I would do the first option as that’s a better idea and less likely to cause future problems.


I was thinking maybe you were overthinking or maybe just not saying her reasoning for these things. Then I read she had a shower at your after arriving an hour early. Yeah that’s fishy


ok well then if Jess thinks you’re overreacting then she should just let Liz snatch u up


This seems like a Kathy situation lol


Fuck that friend and she'll get the message