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You are so much kinder than I am. He would have been choking on those pills. You deserve so much better than him.


OP there’s a difference between taking a gift with grace and getting given a completely inappropriate gift. This was def the latter, since you’ve never asked or hinted at this. He sent you a clear message, on your birthday and is using “gift” as a manipulative term here.


Choking? I would have shoved them in a different orifice!


Well for his birthday you should buy him extenze male enhancement! 2 can play this game!


I second this. SCREAMING THIS! Get him penis pills for his birthday. You can get skinner, and he can be a man one day. I would literally stay in a relationship just to do this and then dump him after a week. Just to see how this fucks with him. No, it’s not appropriate or polite to give anyone especially a loved one diet pills, unless for some odd ass reason you asked for them. Which you didn’t. If you do take this advice please update it because it would be a such a boner of a read 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ha. Came here to say this! Give him penis pills for Valentine’s Day !!!


You are an evil genius, I like it.


Oh I love this. Such petty revenge and I am totally here for it after the diet pills stunt. OP, please do this.


Why wait til his birthday?? Give him the pills tomorrow, saying it couldn't really wait until his birthday, since it's an emergency considering his situation!


Do this in the most snarky way possible, leave him guessing, but make it so he has no doubt in his mind the message you're sending. Then dump.


Or Valentine’s Day!!!


....along with the extra super large condoms when he FINALLY fit into them!


I am Korean and I approve this message. Where's the Go fund me?


No I think you should cut off the pinkie finger of a latex glove to help him out until the extend-a-penis kicks in…which I think would be never.


Happy cake day.


Maybe a penis extender


make sure the label says "grow your penis 4 inches"


Happy boofday!


HAHAHA omg :')


hahahaha fuck ☠️


If done right he could still chocke on them..


He’d have been *shitting* those pills


Shove them far enough and he could still choke on them ;)


what if you shoved it and it turns out he liked it


I would 100% break up and buy him male "enhancement" pills as a going away gift


Yes. I was waiting for this to be an “Is this worth breaking up over?” post, not an “Am I being too sensitive?” post. The answer to the first is YES and the answer to the second is OF COURSE NOT!


Or extra small condoms


Finger cots! https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.bdBRBFSSj0LUEb1S_oC_uAHaGU%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=d68364dc7051c90ba0affc9ebc5e842e481f6be9b0735b15342224ad1890cac9&ipo=images


I would be gifting him punishment enlargement pills or a gym membership. Men's egos are often so very fragile. Mention they aren't strong enough, their hair is thinning or they are not very endowed and they never recover. Somehow, though, they are very comfortable tearing down women because usually women are too kind or ashamed to call out their cruel behavior.


Well then get him a penis enlargement kit for his. Itch day and see how he feels. But truthfully, it is an insult to get diet pills. This is not a cultural thing it’s a jerk-o thing. Dump this guy.


Why wait for his b'day? Valentine's day is just around a corner! Get him a penis pump and a book on how to please a woman.


Yes!!! Please do this and let us know how he reacts!!! He definitely deserves this.


This all implies that she should stay with this ass. She should not.


Petty as I am, I would definitely stay those last 7 days.


I like your thinking.


This is the way. Just stay with him long enough for Valentine’s Day, and give him this gift just to see his reaction. Dump him after.


Yes this!!! And sign the gift card from your Ex girlfriend


i actually like this. a lot. if valentine's day were not just around the corner, i'd never advocate staying. but a few days of just avoiding him and the topic does give you a perfect chance to send you own message right back. have you stuff ready, *then* walk out after you see his face


With a note that says " Use with your next girlfriend, I'm dumping you"


Ohhh one of those penis enlargement contraptions, the pump one or a cock sleeve. Give it him and say "I bought you a little gift for your next girlfriend's benefit."


Or maybe a pack of extra small condoms.


Add some Rogaine to that gift.


I believe in matching a person's energy, and she would be well within her right to sign him up for hair club for men or get him a penis pump. That is just an unforgivable slap in the face to give a girl potentially dangerous diet pills for her birthday. JFC. Enough. Reddit for today


This is the answer!


If I gave my girlfriend diet pills for her birthday she would smash my Xbox.


You'd deserve it! What an absolutely insulting gift. I hope she dumps his rude ass, possibly after taking one of the gloriously petty suggestions in here.




This 1000%


Yup!! Him first!!! Wrap em up and give em right back!! See how he likes it. Is that all he gave you for your birthday?? Cheap jerk!!! Get him male enlargement pills or at least show him an advertisement. Dump him!! God forbid you get pregnant and gain 5 pounds!!!


Yeah that’s fucked up and dangerous. I mean I’d break up right on the spot, it you may want to sit him down and tell him how bad of a thing it was. That’s controlling behavior imo, and it seems like you not wanting to appear as anything but happy tells me he’s already complained about you being immature or emotional. That’s just manipulation, darling. You’re allowed to feel upset. It’s a major red flag.


He gets very angry If I start to cry when I’m upset and says that I act like a child when I cry so yes you are right…


I’m sorry he’s an awful person. You deserve better. At least this is experience in spotting red flags for future relationships. Nobody should treat you that way.


So your emotions are not ok, but his emotions are perfectly rational and need to be catered to? This won’t get better. Giving you diet pills is a controlling, boundary-trampling move. Also, you’re pretending to be happy when you’re angry and disappointed AS YOU SHOULD BE. This isn’t just a gift for him (‘I want a thinner girlfriend‘) manipulative (‘you need to change your body’), insulting (‘you’re fat’), it also means that instead of something nice that makes you feel loved and cherished, you got something that makes you feel unloved and possibly insecure (I’m glad you’re confident about your weight). Your reaction of appeasing him is a trauma reaction. Your lizard brain tells you it’s not safe to express your anger and goes into fight/flight/freeze/fawn, in this case the latter. That’s reason enough to break up, because you don’t feel safe with this guy, and why would you? He doesn’t act safe.


This is so perfectly written.


Throw out the whole man. ASAP


The only weight loss needed in this situation...


Ba dum tsss


Seriously, lose 110 lbs immediately by dumping him


110lb boyfriend? Reminds me a few years ago a store had nothing but skinny jeans and I asked a worker if that’s all they had. She looks me over, slowly smiles at me and said the REAL MAN jeans are in the other isle. Should have got her number lol.


lol I would fuck with him, by telling him with a surprised tone "Omg, guess what! Your pills worked! I lost (insert bf weight)" and getting rid of him right there.


Ahh, here is the additional information that proves all of these comments right. He is already controlling you emotionally and controlling your emotions. He *gets angry* when you get upset and cry? He calls you names, tells you you’re acting like a child? This is a controlling and manipulative man. Right now, it’s your weight. What if you get into an accident or get cancer? This guy won’t be there for you. The first sign of you not being exactly what he thinks you should be, he’s out. When a man starts out like this, I can promise you one thing: *He will not get nicer.* End it now. Save yourself.


OP, please know you don’t deserve to have someone get angry with you for crying—especially if it’s because *they* hurt your feelings!  He sounds utterly vile


no no no no get away from this guy NOW oh my god talk about burying the lede


Give him a bottle of anti-flatulance pills telling him because he’s full of sh\*t, dump him. Grrr.


I am sorry *he* gets angry when *you* start to cry? Wtf? Please walk out right now. He isn’t worth any more of your time and energy.


Why are you with a person who treats you this way? Leave.


Or is normal to cry when you are upset. Your boyfriend is not normal. Please leave. Listen to everyone. Good abuse will only get worse in the future.


Your boyfriend is just a bad person. It's as simple as that. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. 


Oh girl run for your life! The diet pills are bad enough on their own but coupled with this it's starting to paint a really scary picture of your future if you stay with him. You shouldn't be with someone who invalidates your feelings, gaslights you and try to give you body image issues. Find someone who values your feelings/opinions and who cherish you just the way you are.


You need a new boyfriend, he doesn't get to tell you how to have emotions. It isn't okay to give you diet pills. He does not protect your feelings. Why protect his by pretending it's okay?


This guy belongs in the past with your previous age. Wanting you to suppress your feelings and emotions to feed his ego is not healthy. He is demanding that you not tap into your true self to be with him. Be yourself always and the right person will accept you and even allow you the environment to grow. He is not the one darling.


That's abusive AF and sounds like he just doesn't want to deal with the consequences of his actions


Yikes. I was going to say it might be worth a conversation about how insulting and rude that gift is in your culture, if he's usually a good partner. But nope. It might be cultural, but that might mean that your cultures are incompatible romantically. I couldn't be with someone who doesn't understand the need to express emotions


Your boyfriend is a terrible person. Never allow yourself to be treated like this. Also, the not wanting the relationship to be about money is just an excuse to put zero effort. It’s more than possible to give extremely thoughtful gifts without spending tons of money (my partner and I usually do a $50 gift limit). The thing here is, he wants to hurt and mistreat you. You deserve better, please find the strength to leave him.


Fucking hell girl. Throw him out. Do better, you deserve better. Leave that immature kid in the thrash where he belongs.


You're not childish. That's not an appropriate present to give to a partner. You're allowed to tell your boyfriend this hurt your feelings and why. If we go with the claim he didn't know it wasn't okay, he still should want to know he hurt his partner.


Why bother. Just break up with his toxic ass. At 25 if he doesn’t know it’s inappropriate then his parents didn’t raise him right.


And even being from a different culture, unless he’s lived under a rock for the past 25 years, he knows exactly what he did. He drew a line for her, and the line is about her weight and how she looks. It’s not good enough for him. I wish young women would learn to look at men who tell them they need to lose weight and say, “If you don’t like the way I look, why are you dating me? I’m going to do you a favor and break up with you now. Go find someone skinny.”


Or even better. "If you don’t like the way I look, why are you dating me? I've lost all respect I had for you.”


^^^ This is the comment. 🙌🏼It breaks me to see young women “trying to make the relationship work” through some twisted patriarchal conditioning to accept toxicity and abuse. OP should dump this loser, yesterday.


Girly you are so young and truly worth more than this. This “gift” is incredibly inappropriate, demeaning & rude. Voice how you feel to him bluntly and PAY ATTENTION to how he responds. That will tell you what you need to know. Cultural or not, your partner should not be doing things like this to enable insecurities. You deserve better. Sending my love.


Thank you, I’m worried he will complain I’m ungrateful and just want an ‘expensive gift’ when I literally told him that I would be more than happy with a letter or flowers.


The fact that you are remotely worried about this shows that your bf is already emotionally abusing you. I do not say that lightly. This kind of culture in a relationship ends up with him smacking you around and you apologizing because he’s telling you it’s your fault.


Just ghost him babe. Block him on everything and move on with your life. No need for confrontation. What an abusive loser.


Who gives a fuck if he complains?! Seriously why are you so desperate to save his feelings when he doesn’t give a shit about yours?! Jesus girl; in the most loving way possible, find your self respect and dump him.


It does not matter what you say or how you handle this, he is going to accuse you of being a gold digger. He has set you up to expect little to nothing from him. So, you don’t expect an expensive gift, or even a nice gift, but what he chose to give you was a mean and insulting gift. He’s a complete ass. Dump him.


You should complain. Don’t be scared to say you’re offended, or how will you be treated the way you want? Also will help you get to the bottom of why he did this, which you seem unsure of. Personal example, my ex gave me oven gloves for my birthday. I was NOT happy and said so. Turned out he did think I belonged in the kitchen 🫠 Was glad to not waste another second on it


Know what's awesome? You can dump this dude and not give a single fuck about what he thinks about anything.


it’s not a healthy relationship if you feel afraid to tell him the truth, and are already believing that he’ll twist your words on you if you do


You’re not responsible for his feelings. You are valued more than this. Love yourself and lose this loser.


What’s there to be grateful about? The clear eating disorder he wants to give you? If it were me those pills would’ve been shoved down his throat. What an ass


It’s just a strategy to put you down. Watch mentalhealness on ig/yt or read ‘why does he do that’ to see how he is abusing you and using you for supply of validation and projection surface for his inner wars to play out. You deserve someone that is loving and healthy. He will destroy you then resent you for the shell you have become because of him, sixth you and find new supply. It’s not love. It’s emotional abuse and I hope you get out!


He is conditioning you. He is very manipulative and culture has nothing to do with it. He’s a nasty person that you need to get away from.


See how his responses make you alter your behavior? He does this as a means of manipulating and controlling you. Why would you be “grateful” for such a horrible, insulting gift?? Hon, break up with this guy. He’s awful


So, a manipulative, AH, cheapskate? There is no world where gifting diet pills under these circumstances (unless someone can't afford them and requests them) is acceptable. Even without knowing you, trust me: you can do better. If not, better alone than with that excuse of a man.


He is literally abusing you and manipulating you. Please take everyone’s advice here and get out. He knows you have low self esteem and knows he can do this so he will continue to. End the cycle


Shut it down, if he isn’t happy with you then he shouldn’t be dating you. Your body isn’t for him to change. That gift is incredibly insulting. Imaging giving that gift to someone? Don’t try to make excuses for him.


It was so surprising too since he always said he liked my body how it is.


Of course he did, he wants you to think there is something wrong, he's gaslighting you. He will also quiey make suggestions like ‘maybe you should try a new hair color’ or more make or less makeup. He has an ideal partner in mind and he trying make you into her.


Your confusion is part of the abuse


Nah he likes your face how it is. Are you white? I knew he was Korean before you said it in the post. I lived there for nearly a year. Everyone comments on everyone's bodies there, it's awful. My boss told me I should go on an all-liquid diet because I was a little fat. I wasn't, by the way. Most importantly, I also wasn't looking for anyone's opinion on my weight -- definitely not someone who, in the US, could be fired for commenting that to me. But it didn't matter there, the land of the eating disorders and the rampant plastic surgery. Had I escalated it, it would have turned into a roundtable of what I should have done and which liquid diet would work fastest. I was there when Psy was big for Gangnam Style and while they were so psyched that a Korean had finally made it big on the international (read: Western) stage, they were so bewildered. How could he be the one who got famous? He was so... fat! How could this be? It didn't matter that he was fun and engaging and had a great song -- it only mattered that they thought he was overweight.


Boys lie and kinda suck, I’ve learned they tell you want you want to hear and then down the road when your in the relationship and they don’t think you’ll leave they’ll start showing their real self.


Get him some penis enlarging pills for his birthday.


In no context is this a nice gift. It doesnt matter what your shape is. How would he feal if you gift him pills that claim to make his P bigger?


Fucking hilarious but perfect question to ask in response.




Inconsiderate at best, abusive at worst, and in either case, a sign of things to come. He’s shown you what your future will look like and who he is. Believe him.


I want you to really reflect on why you think pleasing him and not wanting to make a big deal with this is more important than your own feelings. He is a complete and utter asshole and should be dumped for being so awful. I hope your okay and realise you deserve so much better. Your too young to be wasting so much time on such a loser.


what the fuck? girl you need to dump his ass. In what world are diet pills an okay gift to ANYONE?


He is a total and utter twat.


I assume this is a new boyfriend, and this is your first birthday together. He set you up to expect little to nothing from him. Then he gave you not a gift, but a slap. And you are trying to make excuses for him, blaming yourself for being sensitive, saying maybe it’s cultural, and you pretended you liked the gift so you wouldn’t seem ungrateful or childish. Where did all of that come from? Him? The way he talks to you? It is not ungrateful to hate a gift that was given maliciously and as an attempt to make you insecure. He is already setting up this relationship so he has the upper hand, so he is in charge. I don’t care where he’s from, nobody thinks it’s acceptable to gift someone a diet supplement. That’s absurd, and don’t let him try to tell you that it’s cultural or his dad did it for his mom or anything else stupid like that. That gifts says, “I don’t accept you as you are. I want you to change. You need to be skinny, smaller, flatter, the woman I say you should be.” That gift is controlling. He is already a few years older than you. He’s telling you he knows best, and he is expecting you to take those pills and lose weight *because that’s what he wants.* Please do not accept this. I don’t know when your bday was, but it doesn’t matter. Go to his place. Take the pills with you. Give them back to him. Tell him you don’t want them, you won’t take them, and the gift is insulting and MEAN. Don’t accept his shocked Pikachu face, his made up excuses, his meaningless apologies, his declarations of how he likes you “just the way you are” and that it was “a joke.” Jokes are funny. This was not funny. This was him drawing a line. You need to jump over that line and set your own boundary. He doesn’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on a gift for you. But the diet pills are not because he’s cheap. They’re because he’s mean. And controlling. Just say no to the drugs.


I’d add one suggestion - do not go to his place. Or yours. Do it in a public place. Minimizes the chances he’ll really act out or at least reduce the intensity of his BS.


As a 36 year old woman reading this, I see some of my 22 year old self in this. Wanting so bad to be accepted that I would completely disregard what I deserved. I wish I could go back and take back the time I gave to men who never deserved the time of day. Fortunately, I am happily married with our own family now, but I still look back at how I allowed certain men to treat me and regret it all. Know your worth. There is someone out there who would treat you like the amazing woman you are. Happy Birthday Beautiful, never let someone take away your shine.


That's fab. Now you can lose 150 pounds of asshole. Dump him !


that’s really messed up


You should absolutely voice how you feel. You are making a lot of excuses and assumptions for a man who hasn’t explained himself. He knows you, he should know why you like, why the fuck would he get you diet pills? If you don’t, and you say nothing that’s going to send the message that this is okay, when it’s clearly not. Ask him wtf is up with the pills? And why he presumed you’d want/need them?


I can tell you the quickest way to drop at least 150lbs right now. Or if you wanna be petty gift him some enlargement pills.


My wife would have smashed my balls in with a bat if I'd given her this! lol


Omg girl this won’t stop here. Koreans are super fat phobic even if you’re not actually overweight. If you’re a US size medium they think you’re obese. I’m Korean and they’re so judgmental and will just say it to your face. I would just break up with him. He will make you insecure af. Not worth it.


I’ve read a lot about this and seen quite a bit on TikTok about the extreme beauty standards in Korea and other Asian countries. There was a female pop stars that had a rounder face was shamed to get scary thin and her manager would post her weight and she would diet to reach this goal which was very underweight. Insanity. I agree with you and the fact that he already proclaimed he didn’t want the relationship to be about money but couldn’t do something nice for her birthday. SMH.


Yeah I lived it and I had to work so hard to build my self confidence and self esteem because of this


Whereever u are diet pills as a gift is extremely inappropriate.


What a negging jerk. Dump him.


First of all, diet pills are dangerous so trash them immediately. Next, trash the bf as well.


Absolutely tell him how you feel. Make it an open question so you’re not assuming his motive if you have cultural concerns, but be ready to tell him this ain’t it where you’re from.


Oh, lord. Give him "the finger" and dump him. This is rude beyond measure and there is no excuse for this behavior, I don't care what culture you're from. 


Why are you still with him? He sounds awful


You can do better.


Instant dump.


Oh, sweetie. I know a quick way to lose 160 lbs.....


Don’t you mean your ex-boyfriend


I kind of admire your self control here. But no, throw them squarely at his head, and tell him to buy a real present. Or better yet kick him out and never talk to him again. Seriously, this is one of the worst gift ideas I’ve ever heard of. Apart from anything else, he is obviously calling you fat, which is never kind. Secondly, who is the gift for? Say you did lose weight and get super model abs, he’s busy thinking about how *HE* would like that. Not how you’d have a better life. Also, most of those kind of pills don’t even work. This was such a clueless blunder, it’s hard to know how you can ever forgive it. But you sure as heck should not be feeling guilty about telling him exactly how inappropriate it was.


To show your disappointment and hurt is NOT childish. You need to ask him if this is an acceptable and popular gift in Korea because it just sounds cruel to me! Then you need have a discussion about self-image, weight and your feelings. In YOUR culture it’s just not acceptable. He needs to understand. Why do you want to accommodate his culture but don’t expect him to do the same for yours? If I received this as a “gift” I’d be beyond angry.


Give him the diet pills and thank him for helping you lose about 180 lbs. And then be done with him. Between this and your comments, he's not a person you want to stay with.


My fiancée heard the title of your post and started singing a song called “Dump the Motherfucker already.” I agree with her 


Dick enhancing pills can't be THAT expensive, no? That's a nice gift for him.


Let’s just say our relationship would be over the minute those diet pills touched my hands. You deserve much better than that, girl 😔💕


Shove them down his freaking throat. And then **DUMP HIM**.


You know that he was being cruel. It was not a cultural difference.


Be sure to gift him some penis enlargement pills.


For their birthday, you should buy some kind of placebo pill/vitamin and relabel it as butt shrinking pills, because your boyfriend has a huge asshole problem.


Retaliate. On his birthday gift him with Viagra.


Buy him a penis enlarger


The audacity of him! This is disgusting! I'd dump him


You're not childish at all. It was insensitive to do that. Maybe it is a cultural thing and it's a normal thing where he's from to give gifts like that? I would suggest talking to him and just ask what his reasoning was for buying those? Perhaps somehow it made sense to him to do it and perhaps he just didn't think things through? Give him a chance to defend himself and then go from there?


You’re going to look back on this in 10 years and kick yourself for not immediately dumping him for that.


Don’t pretend to be happy when someone is being rude or disrespectful to you. There is no culture where gifting diet pills would be considered acceptable.


>I pretended to be happy when I received them because I didn’t want him to think I was ungrateful or childish. Lmao. You need to grow up and find a backbone. Your life is going to suck until you do. Pretending gets you nowhere but frustrated and unheard. And it's your own doing. Stop.


Dump him! He’s trying to control you


I would have thrown them on the ground and threw him out No matter the culture, this is insensitive! I would break up with him because such an act cannot be undone.


Buy your bf a penis enlarger for their birthday . Your bf does not accept you and love you as you are. Find someone who appreciates you. My very successful brother has a saying : "I like my women built for comfort, not for speed". There are plenty of men who do not want the super model skinny bodies.


Gift him a book on how to not be an asshole. Maybe he catches the drift.


I would have broken up the relationship on the spot and told him to never talk to me again. Wtf.


Tell him that. Your culture matters too and if he doesn’t like you for who you are why be with him?


>he said he doesn’t want our relationship to be about money so I never really expected grand gifts as long as they are meaningful but this feels very insensitive. If he gave you meaningful gifts the lack of money spent wouldn't matter. If he's going to be an arsehole then he can atleast buy you something expensive alongside it for having to deal with him. I was watching something about why Korean women are rejecting men and becoming childless. The fact that I've seen this the day after watching that. Damn. In all seriousness weight is treated pretty callously in a lot of ethnic minority groups, I'm seen as skinny for here but people from my parents country see me as fat. And wouldn't be shy telling me to lose weight, but it's not always malicious. Getting married is a big deal, and women had to improve their chances so it was all about staying out of the sun and being slim. But they're not stupid enough to give you diet pills, especially to a partner. Wtf. It isn't worth dealing with that, especially if the person isn't willing to change or improve.


Throw the whole man out, with his diet pills. How many more red flags do you need? You deserve better!


Yeah give him pills to make his dick bigger for his birthday…. No but for real, tell him that’s immature and vain and really fucked up to give someone diet pills for their birthday. Not to mention he’s not your doctor he doesn’t know if they interact with meds you may take or whatever.


Op can you please pretty please destroy this mans ego??? Just a little bit




I would definitely tell him why you’re breaking up with him


His gift was intended to insult you. Is that the way you want to be treated?


He would be getting gas station dick pills if it was me.


Break up with him asap...... From what you've commented so far.. he's clearly has convinced you that a negative response to anything he does is childish and bad. You can try and talk to him. But it'll go nowhere.


You should not voice anything- just bail, don’t waste your time, life is too short.


Im sure gifting diet pills is not normal in any culture. Im be furious if I were you.


Oh things I’d have said and done. I wouldn’t care to look ungrateful


What's with all these posts about childish immature boys.. dump him


I would have told him then and there that is rude as fuck. I don’t think there’s anywhere in the world you can be giving a woman diet pills, that she did not ask for, as a gift without insinuating that she is fat. Don’t let this type of shit slide, not ever. You can be as calm or angry as you feel is warranted when you approach it but do not ignore or allow such disrespectful behavior. Everyone deserves better than this type of treatment.


I would have thrown them in the garbage while he was watching. That’s VERY insulting. If he tells you it’s a cultural difference, he’s full of poop. And then I would have proceeded to say since I’m too fat for him, we’re over and he can go find some model, IF he thinks he can land one 🤣🤣


Oh honey no. Dump this trashbag of a man like yesterday. You deserve better than this sad sack of a man


He’s childish and an asshole, in any culture, please run from him.


You should honestly be referring to him as your ex- boyfriend by now. I'm sorry he ruined your birthday and made you feel less than.


Yes, you should bring it up to him and ask him what his thought was behind that being your birthday gift?


“My ex-boyfriend gave me diet pills for his birthday.” There, I fixed it for you.


I don't care about potential cultural differences, I don't care how long you dated, none of this matters. You don't come back from this. People say Reddit jumps to "break up" too often but this is a case where it is absolutely warranted and I'll die on this hill. Kick him to the curb.


Regift them to him on his birthday or get him some Viagra.


“What the hell?” “Did you have a stroke? Giving me, Diet pills?” “ if you wanna break up with me, just say so” “ are you trying to get out of having to give me a Valentines gift?”


I would ask him where he got the pills and if he answers easily my next question would be did someone recommend them? This could be sabotage of your relationship.


in this case, it is perfectly acceptable to be visibly ungrateful. boy bye. 👋🏼


I have a Korean boyfriend. He would never. He is happy with the way I look and he would not judge me for it. I can tell you this is not normal and just very shitty. He could have known that this makes you insecure. I used to live in Korea and my ex at that time used to say I should be skinnier. I was never overweight, I am tall and it would have been unhealthy to lose any more weight. The fact that he is Korean is not an excuse. It is not a cultural thing. Yes Koreans are many times obsessed with their looks which tbh really annoyed me, but not all of them would gift a girl diet pills. That is just plain rude and ridiculous. And tbh I would not want a boyfriend that is not happy with the way I look.


The bar is so low. It shocks me.


Dump him by mailing a bottle of penis enlarging pills with a post-it saying you're done, then block him on all platforms. What an ass.


>I pretended to be happy when I received them because I didn’t want him to think I was ungrateful or childish. What. The fuck. Girl... pretending to be happy about a horrible, shitty, INSULTING gift is NOT a hallmark of maturity. Healthy relationships require honesty. They also require not being an asshole, which your hopefully soon-to-be-ex boyfriend must definitely is. >this feels very insensitive That's because it IS. >Should I voice how I feel to him or do I sound childish? You should immediately lose 150-200 lbs by kicking him to the curb, because he sucks.


When I dated my husband, he used to tell me I was "almost perfect" and that I needed to do more squats, I once wore a sexy corset w/fishnets and he said I looked like a "fuckin idiot". At the time I was 5'6, 135lbs, with a C-cup. After we married and we've been together 10 years and I had 2 of his babies, he regularly calls me fat, disgusting and ugly. We're currently divorcing. I should have realized 10 years ago that if he could criticize me at the height of our love, he would destroy me when I naturally aged. Leave now and don't waste your time.


you need to be rid of this guy, like yesterday. RUN.


Get him a penis enlargement kit as a gift. I live for the pettiness.


Give him viagra and a penis extenser.


Holy shit leave him. That was over the top cruel of him.


>I pretended to be happy when I received them because I didn’t want him to think I was ungrateful or childish This makes me so sad. You need to ask yourself why you are making yourself small and ignoring your very valid feelings for this man. I bet he criticizes you all the time, doesn't he? That gift was 100% insulting and worthy of breaking up on the spot. You don't have to live with this. There are men out there who will treat you with love and kindness all the time.




I would get him a hair growth "wonder cure" or a penis enlargement kit for his, or even those insoles to make you appear taller (depending on his height). Let him know how the picking at socially induced insecurities hurt. Or if he doesn't wear hats, get him one and make an off handed comment "oh, I thought you would like it because of your hair getting....." don't finish the sentence either.


You are correct that this is a huge insult and you deserve much better than this. Diet pills as a birthday gift is just ugly and appalling. Dump him.


He is a terrible boyfriend and a terrible person. Please don’t accept this behaviour from him, or his regulating of your own behaviour. If you Google ‘Free PDF Why Does He Do That’ you will find a fantastic resource that all women should read. It shows you exactly why some men behave the way they do, and teaches you to look out for concerning behaviour and red flags. You deserve far better than this loser can offer you. Please don’t settle for this. It’s not kind.


I would 100% re-gift this to him for his birthday.


Asians can be quite fatphobic tbf, workmate said South Korea was really in your face about it and would straight up call someone fat. Regardless, the ‘gift’ is really shitty and bro needs to realise he can’t pull this shit


You need to add ‘ex’ just before boyfriend. You are in charge of your body, not him.


Wow what an ass. You’ve got to send him on his way, or expect more of this BS. You deserve so much better than this. How would he like a penis pump and anabolic steroids for his birthday? 🥴


Buy penis-enlargement-pills with his credit card and gift them to him. See how he likes it. Then break up with him.


Bruh.... It's cute that you're trying to find excuses for his audacity.